Refined Sunflower Oil

Refined Sunflower Cooking oil suppliers


Refined Sunflower Cooking oil suppliers Refined sunflower oil is perfectly clean oil, which preserves all the nutrients during the production process. This oil can be used in conditions of extremely high cooking temperatures. Margarine and cooking fats are made of refined sunflower oil by hydrogenation. Refined sunflower oil is also used in manufacturing of canned food, as well as in soap boiling and paint and varnish industry. We offer refined sunflower oil packed in bulk and in PET bottles. Custom design print labels and boxes for the bottles are available by request.

  • Étolajok és ételzsírok
  • Refined sunflower oil
  • Sunflower cooking oil
  • Sunflower oil suppliers

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6237 Kecel - Magyarország



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