Un kit de vigilancia con cámara, disco duro y grabador es un sistema de seguridad diseñado para monitorear, grabar y almacenar imágenes de video en tiempo real. Este tipo de kit es ideal para hogares, negocios o instalaciones que requieren supervisión constante.
-Grabador desde 4 canales
-Disco duro desde 1TB
-Cámaras de vigilancia
Videoregistratore per Veicoli Industriali e Commerciali. Modello ibrido per collegare fino a 6 telecamere analogiche e 2 telecamera IP (internet protocol).
Questo videoregistratore professionale è progettato per resistere alle sollecitazioni meccaniche e alle vibrazioni di ogni tipo di veicolo.
Con la scheda SIM 4G permette di vedere da remoto dal PC o dallo Smartphone in diretta le telecamere collegate.
E’ un valido supporto per la sicurezza sul lavoro e la verifica a distanza del lavoro svolto di bus, pullman, mezzi d’opera, mezzi agricoli, treni.
External switch
Versioni 4G, GPS, WiFi
1 HDD 2.5″ SATA (max 2Tb)
Risoluzione 4K
Porta usb
Sportellino di accesso a HDD e Sim apribile con chiusura a chiave
Network Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n
Consumo max 30W
Alimentazione DC 8/36V
Dimensioni 255.3 x 150 x 89.1mm
Video inspection system for pipe inspection, flue gas and ventilation lines - Video inspection in a case: With the new Wöhler VIS 350 camera system, you not only have everything you need to inspect waste water pipes, flue gas and ventilation lines as well as industrial systems – you can also precisely locate the damage and accurately document the results of the inspection.
Ein Videofilm vervollständig heutzutage ihre Aussenkummunikation. Einsetzbar in folgenden Bereichen: Webseite, Messen, Präsentationen, Warteraum-TV und Kino-Spots.
Nous vous offrons un service de production audiovisuelle original et sur mesure, qui correspondra à votre image et à votre audience.
Vidéo d'entreprise
Reportage et documentaire
Vidéo publicitaire
Clip musical et artistique
Animation graphique
For inspection of inaccessible cavities from 20 mm in diameter (for example: roof insulation, exhaust pipes, sinks, fireplaces).
Transmission of image and video data via wireless (WiFi) on laptop, tablet PC or Smartphone.
* Snapshot and Video Functions
* Direct forwarding of data - no further data transmission necessary
* Image display via wireless at all
* Compatible devices (such as netbooks, Smartphone, tablet)
* 1.2 m gooseneck
* Video Recording
* Variable Light intensity of the flashlight for Illumination of cavities