Termékek éjszakai látógép (166)



W: 400 ÷ 420. Farine de Type 55 obtenue à partir des meilleurs blés nord-américains, pour des pizzaiolos plus exigeants. Elle est idéale pour des pétrissage avec une méthode traditionnelle à longue fermentation (dépassant 24 heures) et une conservation jusqu’ à 6 jours en chambre froide. 25KG -10KG
professzionális gyepmarók

professzionális gyepmarók

Professional scarifiers are high-performance machines designed to aerate and rejuvenate large lawns by removing thatch and moss. These tools are essential for maintaining healthy and lush grass, as they improve air circulation and nutrient absorption in the soil. Professional scarifiers are ideal for commercial use, offering powerful engines and durable construction for long-lasting performance. With their adjustable cutting depths and working widths, these machines make lawn care efficient and effective. In addition to their primary function, professional scarifiers can be used for overseeding and preparing seedbeds for planting. The ergonomic design and easy-to-use controls ensure comfort and precision during operation, reducing the physical strain on the user. Whether you're a professional landscaper or a large property owner, professional scarifiers are a valuable addition to your lawn care toolkit, helping you achieve a healthy and vibrant lawn.


Ideal for mixed environments: carpet – floorLight, quiet and very easy to handlePatented universal brush for floors and carpetsRotafil digital motor 36VDC, 3 speedsLi-ion battery 36V – 6AhEco FORCE Rotafil brush motor High efficiencyAccessories on board
Selyemnyomtatási szolgáltatás ruházaton - Selyemnyomtató műhely ruházatra és szakmai egyenruhákra

Selyemnyomtatási szolgáltatás ruházaton - Selyemnyomtató műhely ruházatra és szakmai egyenruhákra

Una serigrafia di abbigliamento, professionale e di fiducia? Arem e' leader in Europa ed Italia per stampe serigrafiche conto terzi, ed e' la tua stamperia di fiducia : stampa serigrafica ed in quadricromia/policromia su abbigliamento. Il top della competenza da oltre 20 anni, con proposte di stampe su divise di abbigliamento per diversi settori: stampe per divise da lavoro, stampe per divise sportive, stampe per abbigliamento promozionale, stampe per moda e brand, stampe in grande formato. Quantita':consigliati 50pz Personalizzazione:serigrafia Listino:disponibile
ECOKITCHEN - Konyhai Szellőztető Rendszer

ECOKITCHEN - Konyhai Szellőztető Rendszer

The new filtration unit implemented by Expansion Electronic is designed specifically for the removal of smoke and grease particles from the air stream of commercial kitchen exhaust systems and for the elimination of odour. The filters inside the module guarantee a constant efficiency of filtration and, thanks to a high ability of separation and accumulation of oil, allow a remarkable energy saving and low drop pressure. ECOKITCHEN EXHAUST FILTRATION UNIT In order to offer a complete service to its customers in the “extraction and ventilation systems for professional kitchens” sector, EXPANSION ELECTRONIC, in addition to producing hoods for industrial catering, has also developed a range of filtration units for professional kitchens. Each internal component is designed and produced internally by the company, offering the possibility of optimizing the results and needs of the client, as well as the actual suction characteristics of the system seen in its entirety. ECOKITCHEN FEATURES 1. Completely washable and regenerable filters; 2. Noble materials; 3. Electrostatic technology for removing particulate grease and oily vapors; 4. Ionizing technology + ozone for the removal of odorigenic molecules; 5. Activated carbon for the elimination of ozone residue and bad odors; 6. Installation of low energy consumption Plug Fan motors; 7. Possibility of customization for use in both small and large kitchens. A COMPLETE SYSTEM Expansion Electronic exhaust filtration unit has the following functions: 1. Eliminate the odor without any release of molecules or chemical gases; 2. Has an overall particulate removal efficiency greater than 95% if equipped with a single electrostatic filtration battery, or greater than 99% if bistage; 3. Reduces the costs of filter replacement service to a minimum (washing only, no replacement); 4. It is available in customized and modular designs; 5. The FI and/or FX module is optional for microbial sterilization; 6. Allows easy maintenance and installation with simple double opening panels and access doors.


Il Cowash Ricci è un balsamo lavante innovativo, arricchito con kiwi bio toscano, ideale per chi desidera capelli ricci disciplinati e ravvivati. Questo prodotto combina tensioattivi di origine vegetale per detergere delicatamente e condizionare i capelli in un unico gesto. L'estratto di amaranto, noto per le sue proprietà emollienti e protettive, contribuisce a disciplinare i capelli ricci, rendendoli morbidi e leggeri. Il kiwi bio toscano, ricco di zuccheri e alfa-idrossiacidi, offre proprietà antiossidanti e idratanti, lasciando i capelli puliti e setosi. La profumazione fruttata e dolce rende l'esperienza di lavaggio ancora più piacevole, mentre la consistenza morbida del prodotto facilita la distribuzione e il risciacquo, senza appesantire i capelli. Questo balsamo lavante è particolarmente indicato per lavaggi frequenti, ideale per chi vive in ambienti urbani o pratica sport regolarmente. È una valida alternativa agli shampoo tradizionali, perfetta per capelli stressati, danneggiati o colorati. Utilizzato in sinergia con gli altri prodotti della Linea Ricci di Biofficina Toscana, il Cowash Ricci aiuta a mantenere onde e ricci definiti e vitali. La sua formulazione ecobiologica certificata garantisce ingredienti di origine naturale, senza PEG, parabeni, petrolati, siliconi, SLES, coloranti o alcol, rispettando la salute dei capelli e dell'ambiente.


Sienna Misure:6.0 Dentatura:26 Sfoltitura:45% Acciaio, acciaio giapponese, acciaio cobalto. Le forbici Pinin nascono dalla forgiatura e dalla temperatura dell’acciaio con lo scopo di realizzare uno strumento che possa durare nel tempo.
Aromaterápia - Mosószerek

Aromaterápia - Mosószerek

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Aroma Therapy è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Regalarsi una delicata emozione floreale con un mix di miscele balsamiche donerà alla biancheria una sensazione di pulizia, freschezza, piacevolezza capace di risvegliare tutti i tuoi sensi delicatamente. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Aroma Therapy è priva di parabeni e nichel free.


Produciamo maniglie adatte per una vasta gamma di applicazioni, tra cui forni, frigoriferi, cappe e piccoli elettrodomestici. Utilizziamo materiali come plastica termoindurente e metallo e offriamo diverse finiture, dalla spazzolatura dell'acciaio all'effetto "soft touch" e dall'alluminio all'ottone. Possiamo anche realizzare prodotti finiti combinando componenti di materiali e finiture diverse attraverso incollaggio o assemblaggio meccanico.
Mikrohullámú sütők Tengeri Professzionális Sorozat 40

Mikrohullámú sütők Tengeri Professzionális Sorozat 40

BALLISTIC HELMET BK-ACH-MC - Kiváló ballisztikus védelem széles spektrum ellen

BALLISTIC HELMET BK-ACH-MC - Kiváló ballisztikus védelem széles spektrum ellen

Il casco balistico BK-ACH-MC è una versione intermedia del modello ACH. Risponde a tutte le esigenze del casco balistico moderno per le forze armate. Il casco è leggero grazie all'eliminazione della copertura della protezione uditiva, il che consente una migliore localizzazione dell'udito e la compatibilità con i sistemi di comunicazione. I caschi sono progettati per resistere a traumi molto leggeri, testati con schegge di proiettile e munizioni di pistola. - Eccellente protezione balistica contro un'ampia gamma di frammenti e proiettili. - Equilibrio tra resistenza alla penetrazione e bassa deflessione dinamica. - Buona aderenza alla resina. Resistenza balistica insensibile a: - temperature comprese tra -52° e +70°. - immersione in acqua di mare. FIBBIA: PRESSIONE MATERIALE: 100% ARAMIDE SPESSORE: 19 MM
Munkavédelmi arcvédelem - Védő arcvédő

Munkavédelmi arcvédelem - Védő arcvédő

MODELLO WIN VIS CLASSIFICAZIONE DPI II categoria STANDARD EN 166:2001 COLORE TRASPARENTE MATERIALE PETG polietilene, poliuretano e v elcro PRODUTTORE W.I.P. S.r.l. V ial e Parioli 12 Roma CERTIFICATO CE AC 20156 Certottica Scrl del 05/06/2020 CONFEZIONE 5 PCS MODALITA’ D’USO Lo schermo facciale deve essere indossato con la fascia girotesta in posizione orizzontale come da foto.
Lilla per fodrászoknak – levegővel elhelyezett papír mono törölköző tekercs fodrászoknak - Professzionális használatra

Lilla per fodrászoknak – levegővel elhelyezett papír mono törölköző tekercs fodrászoknak - Professzionális használatra

LILLA PER PARRUCCHIERI is the practical and hygienic solution for treating customers beauty in total safety. A personal towel, new with every use. The disposable towel complies with hygiene regulations and protects the health of customers. The practical roll format guarantees a towel that is always clean and tidy at every service. Product code:M381100 Cod.EAN roll:8011909002035 Cod.EAN box:8011909002059 Paper quality / composition:Air-laid Cellulose Paper Guardian:1 Processing:Double SS Fragrance:No Tears:45 tears / towels Pieces per pack:1 roll Packs per package:11 rolls Packages per pallet:24 cartons
Extra Szűz Olívaolaj 5 Literes Kannában – Olasz

Extra Szűz Olívaolaj 5 Literes Kannában – Olasz

Calvi Extra Virgin Olive Oil 5 L Tin – our filtered extra virgin olive oil in tin for professional and family use, excellent for all seasoning and cooking needs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Italian Oil – Cold extracted The 5 liter can is mainly intended for professional consumption and larger families! and contains the same product also packaged in the "Quadro" bottle. This product is also available in a 3 liter can. Product label In the 'Attachments' you will find the label with the nutritional data and other information about the product. Code:EVS ITA 5
Tapasztalat és professzionalizmus az ablaktervezésben Nápolyban, Casertában és a tartományban

Tapasztalat és professzionalizmus az ablaktervezésben Nápolyban, Casertában és a tartományban

The organization of Alaia Serramenti srl is designed to follow every step from A to Z: in our headquarters in San Cipriano d'Aversa we take care of everything, including the design of windows and doors in different materials. Our catalog includes armored doors, PVC window frames, iron shutters, armored Neapolitan shutters, armored grates and shutters. We specialize in the design of safety windows and doors, which guarantee maximum protection for your home, your shop and your office. These products are also made by specialized personnel, with latest generation machinery and high quality materials, to always ensure a perfect combination of efficiency, functionality and design.
Ragasztópisztolyok EG340/EG360/EG380 - professzionális ragasztópisztoly az EG sorozatból (400 W) magas extrudálási kapacitással

Ragasztópisztolyok EG340/EG360/EG380 - professzionális ragasztópisztoly az EG sorozatból (400 W) magas extrudálási kapacitással

The gluing of the professional range EG have powers from 220 to 400 W with high extrusion capacity (from 1400 to 2200 g/h) They have a high reliability, even in case of intensive use. They work with all sticks with a diameter of 12 mm, Length 200-300 mm. and are suitable for the bonding of wood, cardboard, leather, metals, fabric, glass, ceramic, plastic, etc. The progress of glue takes place through the mechanical trigger. Professional models of EG series are equipped with ON / OFF switch and a potentiometer for adjusting the temperature up to 220-230°C. Example model:EG 360 Power:300W Temperature:120- 230°C Usable glue:Hot Melt in stick diam. mm. 12 Capacity max. extrusion :1800 g/h
Centaur Professional Multitechnológia - CDVI Biztonságos és Forradalmi Hozzáférés-ellenőrző Rendszerek

Centaur Professional Multitechnológia - CDVI Biztonságos és Forradalmi Hozzáférés-ellenőrző Rendszerek

Sistema di controllo accessi Centaur Professional Multitecnologia, permette la gestione fino a 8196 badges e 512 Varchi, per sito, (massimi siti gestibili 64). Il software applicativo per controllo accessi viene fornito con chiave di abilitazione USB, questo sistema è in grado di gestire fino a 64 Concentratori mod. CT-V900-A, ad ogni concentratore si possono collegare direttamente fino a un massimo di 2 lettori con protocollo Wiegand e per ogni concentratore inoltre è possibile collegare fino a 3 moduli di espansione lettori mod. CA-A470-A, ad ogni modulo di espansione lettore si possono collegare fino a un massimo di 2 lettori creando cosi un sistema di 512 lettori per sito. La connessione da concentratore al modulo di espansione avviene mediante linea seriale RS-485 cosi come tra i modulo di espansione.
Hálóanyagok Professzionális Alkalmazásokhoz

Hálóanyagok Professzionális Alkalmazásokhoz

Queste reti, realizzate con filati ad alte prestazioni, sono particolarmente robuste e presentano delle particolari caratteristiche di resistenza meccanica. La loro struttura e la dimensione delle maglie varia in base alle esigenze di utilizzo finale. Il loro campo di applicazione è vario: vengono utilizzate come reti per imballaggi speciali, reti di protezione, reti per lo sport ed altre applicazioni speciali.
Vertikális Többfokozatú Szivattyúk EVXE - Felületi Többfokozatú Szivattyúk

Vertikális Többfokozatú Szivattyúk EVXE - Felületi Többfokozatú Szivattyúk

Elettropompe verticali multistadio professionali, in-line, con tutte le parti in contatto con il liquido in acciaio Inox AISI 304 (316L a richiesta), adatte a molte applicazioni prevalentemente in ambito industriale ed edilizio (alimentazione di caldaie, ricircolo di acqua calda e fredda per impianti di riscaldamento / raffreddamento / condizionamento, impianti di distribuzione idrica e di pressurizzazione, unità di lavaggio, impianti di depurazione delle acque etc.) Di semplice installazione in-line e facile smontaggio e manutenzione. Versioni: EVXE1, EVXE3, EVXE5, EVXE10, EVXE15, EVXE20, EVXE32, EVXE45, EVXE64, EVXE90 Portate: 0 – 2000 lt/min Prevalenze: 0 – 320 mt Potenze: 0,37 – 45 Kw Materiali di costruzione: certificati WRAS 2 poli, di tipo chiuso a ventilazione esterna, classe d’isolamento F, grado di protezione IP55 Portate:0 – 2000 lt/min Prevalenze:0 – 320 mt Potenze:0,37 – 45 Kw Materiali di costruzione:certificati WRAS
Lucio Brogue - Férfi 2022

Lucio Brogue - Férfi 2022

E la Francesina ricercata ed elegante per l’uomo libero di vestire altri colori oltre il nero. Grazie alla pelle naturale tinta completamente a mano e alla sua suola in cuoio, puoi abbinarla a un abito e a un paio di calze a coste. COD:CIE-M020
professzionális fűnyírók

professzionális fűnyírók

Professional mowers are designed for large-scale mowing tasks, offering unmatched efficiency in maintaining expansive landscapes. These machines are equipped with powerful engines and durable blades, ensuring a clean and even cut even in challenging terrains. Ideal for use in agriculture, landscaping, and commercial properties, professional mowers provide users with the power and precision needed to tackle tough mowing challenges. The robust construction and ergonomic designs of professional mowers ensure durability and comfort during prolonged use. These machines not only save time and effort but also contribute to the overall health of your landscape by promoting even growth and preventing weed infestation. Investing in a high-quality professional mower is a smart choice for anyone looking to maintain a pristine outdoor environment.
professzionális aprítók

professzionális aprítók

Professional shredders are high-capacity machines designed to process large volumes of garden waste into mulch or compost. These tools are essential for maintaining clean and tidy outdoor environments, as they efficiently handle branches, leaves, and other organic materials. Professional shredders are ideal for commercial use, offering robust construction and reliable engines for long-lasting performance. With their powerful cutting mechanisms, these machines make waste management efficient and environmentally friendly. In addition to their primary function, professional shredders contribute to sustainable gardening practices by recycling organic waste into valuable mulch or compost. The ergonomic design and easy-to-use controls ensure comfort and precision during operation, reducing the physical strain on the user. Whether you're a professional landscaper or a large property owner, professional shredders are a valuable addition to your toolkit, helping you maintain a clean and sustainable outdoor space.


W: 400 ÷ 420. Farina di tipo ‘0’ ottenuta dai migliori grani nordamericani, per i pizzaioli più esigenti. È ideale per impasti con metodo tradizionale a lunga lievitazione oltre 24 ore e conservazione fino a 6 giorni in cella frigorifera. 10 KG E 25 KG


Design, technology and construction 100% made in Italy.Use with battery and cordHigh efficiency motors for the longest running time.Maneuverable and light, just guide it and it goes by itself!Removable water tanks on the body frame.The world’s lowest base housing profile 230mm (9 inch)Superior working capacity 1500 sqm./h (16,000 sqft./h)Scrub and dry to the wall on the side and in front.Dries perfectly on turns, thanks to the easy glide suction nozzle.Quick brush roller and squeegee replacement without tools.The body frame turns to fold the machine for transport in a vehicle.Light weight and low noise level.


Design, technology and construction 100% made in Italy Can be used with battery or current inverter High efficiency brushless Rotafil vacuum motors 2 self-cooled Rotafil gearmotors Easy to handle and light, you just need to drive them, they go by themselves! Flexy joint free or lockable in any position The machine also works with the rudder in a horizontal position Removable solution tanks mounted on the rudder Recovery tank with Hepa filter integrated into the base 36V-20Ah lithium ion battery for 90 minutes of autonomy The base is the lowest on the market (219mm) Above average hourly yield (1500 m2/h) Washing and drying up to the wall Steering nozzle for perfect drying even on bends Immediate and tool-free replacement of brushes and squeegees It folds on itself for transport even in a car Very low weight and noise
professzionális termesztők

professzionális termesztők

Professional cultivators are designed for heavy-duty soil preparation, offering unmatched efficiency in breaking up and aerating the ground. These machines are equipped with powerful engines and durable tines, ensuring thorough soil preparation even in challenging conditions. Ideal for use in agriculture and landscaping, professional cultivators provide users with the power and precision needed to optimize their soil management practices. The adjustable depth settings and ergonomic designs of professional cultivators provide comfort and control during operation. These machines not only save time and effort but also enhance the quality of the soil by mixing in organic matter and improving drainage. Investing in a high-quality cultivator is a smart choice for anyone looking to optimize their gardening or farming practices.
professzionális lombszívók

professzionális lombszívók

Professional leaf vacuums are high-capacity machines designed for efficient collection of leaves and debris in large outdoor areas. These tools are essential for maintaining clean and tidy environments, reducing the need for manual raking and sweeping. Professional leaf vacuums are ideal for commercial use, offering powerful engines and durable construction for long-lasting performance. With their advanced features and large collection capacities, these machines make waste management efficient and environmentally friendly. In addition to their primary function, professional leaf vacuums contribute to sustainable gardening practices by collecting organic waste for composting or disposal. The ergonomic design and easy-to-use controls ensure comfort and precision during operation, reducing the physical strain on the user. Whether you're a professional landscaper or a large property owner, professional leaf vacuums are a valuable addition to your toolkit, helping you maintain a clean and sustainable outdoor space.


Light handle weightUltra strong metal brush supports with bearingsExtremely stableAccessories integrated on boardReplacement filter bag on boardIntegrated dry cleaning systemInterchangeable roller covers for carpets and floorsTelescopic handle for maximum comfortEnergy consumption Dynamic 300 CLASS “B”, Dynamic 380-450 CLASS “A”


Ideal for any type of carpet and rugRotafil motor 120W -18VProtected gear beltBrush pressure adjustmentElectronic speed and overload control4000 RPM brush speed


Design, technology and construction 100% made in ItalyCan be used with battery or current inverterHigh efficiency Rotafil brushless suction motors2 self-cooling Rotafil gearmotorsEasy to handle and light, just drive them, they go by themselves!Flexy joint free or lockable in any positionThe machine also works with the body frame in a horizontal positionRemovable solution tanks mounted on the body frameRecovery tank with Hepa filter integrated in the base36V-20Ah lithium-ion battery for 90 minutes of autonomyThe base is the lowest on the market (219mm)Hourly output above average (1500 sqm/h)Front and wall washing and drying