Termékek élelmiszerek és (242)

Vad Rukkola

Vad Rukkola

La Rucola Selvatica è un ortaggio a foglia verde e tratteggiata. Dal sapore amarognolo, è adatta a controllare il peso. Inoltre, ricca di fibre, calcio, ferro e vitamina C, si abbina molto bene come condimento sulla pasta e contorno della carne. Disponibile in vaschetta, busta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.


Our bio coffee stirrer in compostable PLA, together with the 80 cc compostable MATERBI cup, are suitable for coffee consumption, in the emergency period COVID-19. Both Italian products certified for MOCA and produced using compostable raw material certified according to the UNI EN 13432:2022 standard. In restaurant premises, hygiene is guaranteed by the operator who, provided with disposable gloves (mandatory), delivers the coffee to the customer inside the compostable plastic cup and the relative compostable scoop, both placed on the saucer... idem in the phase takeaway. Very suitable, especially for family consumption.
Radicchio - Variegato

Radicchio - Variegato

Il Radicchio Variegato è un ortaggio a foglia color verde-giallino, macchiato di rosso a cespo aperto, diverso da quello tondo e rosso di Venezia. Dal gusto amaro e delicato, si mangia esclusivamente crudo con le insalate. Disponibile in vaschetta, busta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
Radicchio - Változatos

Radicchio - Változatos

Variegated Radicchio is a yellow-green leafy vegetable, spotted with red in the open head, different from the round and red of Venice. With a bitter and delicate taste, it is eaten exclusively raw with salads. Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
Bietina - Bika Vér

Bietina - Bika Vér

La Bietina Sangue di Bue, è un'altra varietà della bietina rossa. Possiede un buon contenuto di sali minerali e vitamine. Ha un sapore dolce e tenero, dovuto al colore rossastro della foglia e del fusto. Disponibile in vaschetta, busta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
Radicchio - Piros

Radicchio - Piros

Red Radicchio is a round and very compact head vegetable on the inside. Thanks to the high water content and the presence of fibers, it has good beneficial and purifying properties. It has a bitter taste and a crunchy texture. Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
Kávékeverők és cappuccino keverők ART. PIRSAFA mm 100 és mm 110 - Élelmiszer kiegészítők

Kávékeverők és cappuccino keverők ART. PIRSAFA mm 100 és mm 110 - Élelmiszer kiegészítők

Our Company produces 100 mm coffee stirrers and 110 mm cappuccino stirrers, bulk packaged in bags. The materials used (food-grade and compliant with the MOCA regulation concerning Food Contact Materials) are: PS or PLA, in white or coloured version (food-grade pigments compliant with the MOCA regulation concerning Food Contact Materials). Each of the packaged bags are electrically welded: total absence of glue. The machines and equipment used for the production of highly innovative stirrers (moulds treated to avoid the use of lubricants and without plastic waste; electrical injection presses without hydraulic oil and with low energy consumption) together with highly qualified personnel for accurate control of production, ensure high standards of quality, safety and hygiene of products in compliance with current industry legislation.
Saláta - Zöld

Saláta - Zöld

Green Lettuce is a light green leafy vegetable with an intense aroma and delicate taste. Rich in mineral salts, vitamins and fibers, it can promote muscle relaxation and sleep. Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
Mizuna - Zöld

Mizuna - Zöld

Green Mizuna is a green leafy vegetable, of oriental origin, rich in vitamins and proteins, with a very low fat content for a healthy and balanced diet. Very similar to rocket in shape and color, it is accompanied by meat for its slightly bitter taste. Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
MŰANYAG FAGYIS PÁLCIKÁK - Élelmiszer kiegészítők

MŰANYAG FAGYIS PÁLCIKÁK - Élelmiszer kiegészítők

Safe for use with food Plastic ice cream sticks are made of raw materials certified for use with food and meet the legislative requirements envisaged for manufacturing materials and articles in contact with food. At one time there was only wood… now there is smart plastic! Plastic ice cream sticks are recyclable and as such are a genuine, valid SUPPORT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT which is undermined by cutting down trees. Trees are pollution filters, so we don't cut them down to produce ice cream sticks and impoverish the area! When the ice cream has been eaten, the plastic stick can be used in a variety of different ways: coffee stirrer, spatula for hot wax, hobby crafts, etc. The wood used to manufacture ice cream sticks may come from countries with unmanageable and uncontrollable pollution levels. The wood may become a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria.
Kukoricasaláta - Bárány saláta

Kukoricasaláta - Bárány saláta

Corn Salad or Lamb Lettuce is a green and round leafy vegetable. With a sweet and balanced flavor, it has a very low energy intake although rich in mineral salts such as iron and potassium. Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
Rakéta - Vad

Rakéta - Vad

Wild Rocket is a green, hatched leafy vegetable. With a bitter taste, it is suitable for weight control. Furthermore, rich in fiber, calcium, iron and vitamin C, it goes very well as a condiment on pasta and as a side dish for meat. Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
Céklalevél - Piros

Céklalevél - Piros

Red Chard is an oval-shaped green leafy vegetable, with a bright red stem and rib. With a delicate flavor, it contains minerals and vitamins. Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.


Founded in 1958, PIR.SA.FA. is a third-generation company that manufactures and sells accessories for shirts, clothing and leather goods. It is also involved in the moulding, processing, and blanking of plastics and PVC materials with the latest addition to our product range including candle holders and small candle holders. Its competence and professionalism in the field of plastic materials moulding makes PIR.SA.FA. the ideal partner for the moulding of pieces of a variety of sizes and craftsmanship, providing flexible solutions suitable for all possible manufacturing requirements. It has been involved in the moulding of candles/candle holders with third parties for a number of years and since July 2020 it has had its own candle holders and small candle holders.
Vegetáriánus Rizs Timbale

Vegetáriánus Rizs Timbale

Direttamente dagli orti siciliani, gli ortaggi e le verdure migliori si trasferiscono nelle nostre cucine per dar vita a un timballo di riso gustoso, leggero e nutriente. Realizzato con metodi che ne preservano caratteristiche e qualità, vi porterà direttamente nei campi del Sud.


La zucca viene pelata, privata dei semi ed effettuato un taglio su richiesta del cliente.
Zucchine tagliate su misura - zucchine

Zucchine tagliate su misura - zucchine

Le melanzane vengono mondate, lavate, e/o effettuato il taglio richiesto dal cliente, insacchettate e spedite.
Arancini spenóttal és mozzarellával

Arancini spenóttal és mozzarellával

Tutti immaginano l’arancino come una sfera o un cono di riso dal colore dorato, che al primo morso rivela un ripieno di ragù. Ma noi abbiamo pensato che questa delizia debba davvero soddisfare tutti i palati. Per questo abbiamo ideato una sua versione vegetariana con spinaci e mozzarella
Rozsdamentes acél vákuumgép DZ 400 2T - Rozsdamentes acél vákuumgép. Oldalsó hegesztő rudak 400 mm és 20 m³/h szivattyú

Rozsdamentes acél vákuumgép DZ 400 2T - Rozsdamentes acél vákuumgép. Oldalsó hegesztő rudak 400 mm és 20 m³/h szivattyú

TABLETOP VACUUM PACKAGING MACHINE DZ 400 2T WITH TWO SEALING BARS Tabletop vacuum packaging machine with two lateral sealing bars, made of stainless steel (AISI 304) and equipped with volumetric electronic sensor that enables the continuous vacuum control. Tank with with rounded lid for greater usable height in the central part. The compact size of the tank and the high power of the vacuum pump ensure high productivity. The adjustment of the welding time, vacuum and gas placing occur through practical potentiometers positioned frontally. VACUUM MACHINE WITH GAS INJECTION SYSTEM (MAP) Each sealing bar is equipped with two nozzles which introduce gases in different quantities, so the machines are suitable for the packaging of one single use for each sealing bar. When ordering, it is possible to request a modification to the gas inlet system so as to be able to pack two bags per bar by entering the same quantity of gas for each package. Sealing bars length:mm 400 Chamber dimensions:mm 320x420x70/130(H) Vacuum pump:20 m³/h Working cycle:about 30 sec
Lemez tápegység CF

Lemez tápegység CF

Macchina di alimentazione primaria utilizzata in presenza di grosse pezzature di roccia. Il materiale da frantumare scorre in avanti grazie al movimento del cingolo. Il binario è supportato esternamente dai rulli mentre al centro poggia su binari longitudinali per assorbire gli urti dovuti allo scarico del materiale nella tramoggia di alimentazione. Trasmissione diretta con accoppiamento albero - motoriduttore oppure con catena di trasmissione.
Padlizsán és Kardhal Caponata

Padlizsán és Kardhal Caponata

Il sapore intenso e i colori vivaci degli ortaggi primaverili si uniscono alla delicatezza del pesce spada in un piatto che esprime tutta l’essenza della cucina del Sud. Una ricetta ricca e nutriente, che parte solo da ingredienti genuini, ottima come antipasto, contorno o piatto unico.
Fusilli alla Boscaiola

Fusilli alla Boscaiola

I fusilli sono un formato di pasta sfizioso che si presta agli utilizzi più originali, ma si rende anche versatile per ricette dal sapore semplice e tradizionale. Per questo abbiamo scelto di utilizzarli nella nostra preparazione “alla boscaiola” unendo creatività, delicatezza e genuinità.
Anelletti paradicsomszósszal és borsóval

Anelletti paradicsomszósszal és borsóval

Gli anelletti sono il formato di pasta che identifica al meglio la tradizione gastronomica palermitana. Ideali e versatili per ogni tipo di primo piatto, noi ve li proponiamo in una genuina ricetta che impiega la salsa di pomodoro e i piselli. Lasciatevi raggiungere dal gusto della Sicilia.
Rozsdamentes acélból készült vákuumgép kocsival DZ 400 DL

Rozsdamentes acélból készült vákuumgép kocsival DZ 400 DL

1 frontal seal bar 400 mm, vacuum pump 20 m³/h. Also available with MAP - VACUUM PACKAGING MACHINE IN STAINLESS STEEL WITH TROLLEY Vacuum packaging machine with front sealing bar and stand on wheels, made of stainless steel (AISI 304), with digital panel and volumetric electronic sensor for the steady control of vacuum. Tank increased with concave bottom and convex cover for a working height of 230 mm in the central part. Vacuum pump 20 m³/h. It ensures a high productivity. Vacuum machines can be equipped with gas inlet system (MAP). Each sealing bar is equipped with two nozzles which introduce gases in different quantities, so the machines are suitable for the packaging of one single use for each sealing bar. When ordering, it is possible to request a modification to the gas inlet system so as to be able to pack two bags per bar by entering the same quantity of gas for each package. Number of sealing bar:1 front Sealing bars length:mm 400 Vacuum pump:20 m³/h Work cycle:about 30 seconds Useful lenght:mm 420 Useful width:mm 500 Useful height (chamber + lid):mm 100/230
Gombás Arancino

Gombás Arancino

La magia del bosco, i profumi della natura e i sapori dell’autunno fanno pensare immediatamente ai funghi: ingredienti nutrienti e appetitosi che formano il ripieno di questa sfiziosa ricetta. È così che abbiamo trasformato il classico arancino in un trionfo di novità.
012. Eldobható maszk táska - NINCS ÉTEL

012. Eldobható maszk táska - NINCS ÉTEL

Busta per mascherine neutre o personalizzate. MATERIALE:PE, PP
026. Táskák gyümölcsöknek és zöldségeknek - FOOD

026. Táskák gyümölcsöknek és zöldségeknek - FOOD

Buste per ortofrutta, precisamente articoli confezionabili di modo alternativo alle classiche casse in legno: uva, sedano, mele, frutti di bosco, carote.
Élelmiszer-tároló edények

Élelmiszer-tároló edények

Le buste idonea contatto per alimenti che forniamo, sono neutre senza stampa oppure personalizzabili con il vostro marchio, sono vendute in scatole di cartone, possono contenere alimenti conservati a temperatura ambiente oppure in cella freezer