El hummus es una pasta que en los países de origen se prepara sobre la base de los garbanzos más comunes u otras legumbres, a menudo castores. Aparentemente proviene de Egipto, ahora el más popular está en el Medio Oriente y el norte de África. Hay muchas maneras diferentes de preparar hummus y muchas adiciones diferentes para esta pasta deliciosa y saludable. Hummus con calabaza y jengibre, preparados sobre la base de los garbanzos, con la adición de calabaza y zanahoria al horno y tahini, jugo de limón, ajo fresco y aromático Las especias son un refrigerio saludable y una adición sabrosa a los platos. Es genial como una adición al pan, sándwiches o tostadas. Tiene una consistencia ligera, se extiende fácilmente, tiene un sabor agradable. Contiene proteínas, fibra, vitaminas y minerales. & Nbsp; <strong> composición: </strong> garbanzos cocidos 43%, calabaza 14%, zanahoria horneada 14%, agua, pasta de sésamo, jugo de limón, ajo fresco, sal marina, sal marina, Pepper Ground, Curry, Pep
Majonez jest znany na całym świecie ze swojej wszechstronności i właściwości wzmacniających smak. Ta kremowa mieszanka jajek, oleju i octu lub soku z cytryny ma bogatą historię i stała się istotną częścią niezliczonych tradycji kulinarnych.
FlevoTrade posiada udokumentowane doświadczenie w eksporcie wysokiej jakości produktów na cały świat. Nasze doświadczenie i rozległe kontakty pozwalają nam oferować nasz majonez na całym świecie. Rozumiemy złożoność eksportu i z przyjemnością zdejmiemy to z Ciebie.
Nasz majonez jest produkowany w nowoczesnych fabrykach, które spełniają odpowiednie standardy bezpieczeństwa i jakości.
-BRC (British Retail Consortium)
-IFS (Międzynarodowy Standard Żywności)
-ISO 22000 (Food Safety System Cerficiation)
-Ten produkt spełnia wszystkie wymagania Międzynarodowej Kontroli Halal.
Gli integratori alimentari in chewing gum funzionale, confezionati in blister, rappresentano un'innovativa soluzione per chi desidera un'assunzione pratica e gustosa. Realizzati con un metodo di compressione a freddo, questi chewing gum mantengono l'integrità dei componenti attivi, garantendo un rapido assorbimento e benefici immediati. Disponibili in forma tonda, questi chewing gum sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto di alta qualità e personalizzabile. Con un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente.
La formulazione dei chewing gum funzionali include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute senza compromessi, grazie alla loro capacità di fornire un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti essenziali. Scegliendo i chewing gum funzionali, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Nutrilon milchpulver ist ein hochwertiges Produkt, das speziell für die Bedürfnisse von Säuglingen und Kleinkindern entwickelt wurde. Es enthält alle notwendigen Nährstoffe, die für ein gesundes Wachstum und eine optimale Entwicklung erforderlich sind. Nutrilon milchpulver ist in verschiedenen Varianten erhältlich, um den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen der Kinder gerecht zu werden. Dieses Produkt wird aus sorgfältig ausgewählten Zutaten hergestellt und erfüllt die höchsten Qualitätsstandards.
Die Verwendung von Nutrilon milchpulver bietet Eltern die Sicherheit, dass sie ihren Kindern die bestmögliche Ernährung bieten. Es ist einfach zuzubereiten und eignet sich hervorragend für die tägliche Ernährung. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem zuverlässigen Milchpulver sind, das sowohl nahrhaft als auch schmackhaft ist, ist Nutrilon die richtige Wahl für Sie. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um mehr über unsere Angebote zu erfahren.
Raffinato ed elegante, il Sassoalloro della cantina SASSOALLORO è un vino di alta qualità, perfetto per le occasioni speciali. Confezionato in una bottiglia da 75 cl, questo vino è una miscela unica di uve selezionate che offre un gusto ricco e complesso. Lasciati conquistare dalle note di frutti rossi e spezie che ti regaleranno un'esperienza di degustazione indimenticabile.
Hibiscus extract provides a vibrant red color derived from hibiscus flowers. Widely used in the food and beverage industry, it delivers a natural, stable hue. Ideal for plant-based products, it offers a rich color suitable for various applications.
Molecular Formula:C18H16O9
CAS No:71149-61-6
Perlas de miel y ajo negro.
Tarro de cristal.
Peso neto aprox: 75 grs.
Decoración de platos.
Acompañamiento en ensaladas, carnes, pescados, postres, etc.
Producto gourmet para hostelería, fruterías, herbolarios, dietistas, tiendas de alimentación, catering, pequeños y grandes supermercados u otros que utilicen ajo fresco común.
The secret to elevating your homemade family feasts to a whole new level of perfection! Crafted with precision and designed for culinary excellence, our food trays are the ultimate choice for bakers and home chefs alike.
Crafted to simplify your cooking process and enhance the presentation of your delectable creations, these trays are your secret ingredient for success. Discover the difference and let your culinary skills shine, one delicious feast at a time.
Sizes [w x g x h]:405mm x 405mm x 90 mm
Quantity:850 pieces per case
The benefits of dried melon include moisturizing dry skin, strengthening the body's immune system, protecting the body against infections. It is recommended to be consumed by liver patients. -It is good for the nervous system. -Dried Melon is beneficial for hemorrhoids.
Our dietary supplements are packaged in blister packs. A blister pack consists of a plastic cavity or pocket (the blister) sealed with a backing material such as aluminum foil or plastic. Each cavity contains an individual dose of the supplement, such as a pill, capsule, or tablet. We offer encapsulated vitamins, including Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, Vitamin K2, and a wide range of other dietary supplements.
MOQ :9000 blisters
Our delivery boxes are made of quality materials, printed with non-toxic inks, which do not affect the quality of the food.
We offer various range of food packaging starting with fries boxes, burger boxes, noodle boxes, salad boxes, pancake boxes, sandwich box, etc.
MaquiBright® significantly enhances tear fluid production and relieves dry eye-related symptoms, tackling both objective and subjective symptoms. MaquiBright® helps to alleviate the source of dry eyes by not only masking the symptoms but addressing the causes directly.
Unique Features
- Restoration of healthy tear fluid generation
- Relieves dry eye-related symptoms like stiff shoulders
- Comfortable and safe alternative to artificial tear drops
MaquiBright® is manufactured from selected fresh maqui berries under strict GMP conditions. The extract is standardised to bear a minimum of 25 % delphinidins and a minimum of 35 % total anthocyanins.
MaquiBright® shows clinically proven bioavailability of key active ingredients.
Dr. Paul Lohmann® bietet Zink-L-ascorbat als Pulver in chem. rein und für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel an.
Im Foodbereich wird es zur Zinkanreicherung eingesetzt.
CAS 151728-40-4
Dr. Paul Lohmann® führt Produkt- und Anwendungsentwicklung in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Kunden durch. Dazu gehört die Anpassung chemischer und physikalischer Parameter wie Schüttdichte, Benetzbarkeit, Partikelgröße, Reinheit oder pH-Wert.
Dalya Handmade Frozen Minced Meat and Kashkaval Pita: Frozen Traditional Flavors
Hunkar brand now offers its handmade pita bread inspired by traditional Turkish cuisine in frozen form. Minced Meat and Kashkaval Pita is carefully prepared and packaged frozen, 100% faithful to the original Turkish recipe. Now, you can quickly prepare this unique flavor whenever you want and make your table festive. The thin dough is covered with delicious minced meat and plenty of cheddar cheese and baked in the oven, leaving an unforgettable taste on the palate. Hunkar's frozen pita brings together practicality and traditional flavor. Prepared with the skill of experienced hands, this pita will add joy to your tables.
DIGIMARC is virtually invisible to the eye. It has all the functionalities of a classic barcode, but offers completely new possibilities for logistics, customer communication or recycling. The Akomex Group is a recommended partner of DIGIMARC.
Boîte métal, fidèle reproduction du légendaire combi T1 VW (alias Bully) des années 60. Idéale pour conditionner vos gâteaux, biscuits, chocolats, bonbons, …
Licence officielle Volkswagen
Reproduction parfaite du combi T1 VW
Peut être remplie de gâteaux, biscuits, chocolats, bonbons, ...
Matériau:fer blanc
Dimensions:environ 22 x 8,5 x 10 cm
couvercle:environ 22 x 8 x 2 cm
Poids net:environ 210 grammes
Extrakt in Bio- und konventioneller Qualität verfügbar. Reiner Extrakt, standardisiert auf 30% Polysaccharide.
Die Extraktion der Polysaccharide aus dem Chitinpanzer des Pilzes erfolgt mit Heißwasser. Gegenüber dem Pulver verfügt das Extrakt über eine etwa 10fache Konzentration der Polysaccharide.
Unsere Pulver werden aus dem schonend getrockneten Fruchtkörper des Pilzes durch feinste Vermahlung gewonnen. Ein Qualitätsmerkmal ist die Korngröße von < 0,125 mm.
Alle Rohstoffe werden auf 250 Parameter und aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe geprüft. Die entsprechenden Laboranalysen und Zertifikate erhalten Sie mit jeder Charge geliefert.
Extrakt MOQ:1 kg
Pulver MOQ:5 kg
Kapseln MOQ:2000 Stk.
La farine de seigle T170 est une farine intégrale, qui conserve l’intégralité du grain de seigle, y compris le son et le germe. Elle est caractérisée par sa couleur très sombre, presque brune, et sa texture granuleuse. Le « T170 » reflète son taux de cendres très élevé, ce qui signifie une teneur maximale en minéraux. Cette farine est réputée pour son goût puissant et rustique, ainsi que pour ses excellentes qualités nutritionnelles.
L'Estratto di Propoli Verde MN Propolis è prodotto con propoli verde di alta qualità, attraverso un processo di estrazione risultante da 30 anni di esperienza e studi.
Composti Fenolici: >20 mg/ml ~ >42 mg/ml
Flavonoidi: >9 mg/ml ~ >19 mg/ml
Artepillin-C: >0.8% ~ >3%
Estratto Secco: 11% ~ 28%
Una delle caratteristiche della Propoli Verde è avere indici più elevati di composti fenolici, che non sono concentrati solo nei flavonoidi ma comprendono anche una vasta gamma di composti unici, tra cui alcuni esclusivi come l'Artepillin-C.
Applicazione: Estratti, Miscele di Propoli e Miele, e l'intera varietà di integratori alimentari.
Produzione in formulazione/specifica esclusiva: Sì.
CforB Cosmetics' Thyme Extract is specially formulated to provide deep cleansing and antioxidant benefits, making it a crucial component of any skincare routine. This powerful extract not only purifies the skin by eliminating bacteria and impurities but also offers substantial antioxidant protection to shield the skin from environmental aggressors and oxidative stress. Thyme Extract's antibacterial properties are particularly effective in treating and preventing acne, helping to maintain a clear and healthy complexion. Regular use of this extract reduces inflammation and soothes irritated skin, enhancing its overall appearance and texture. The natural compounds in Thyme Extract also help in tightening the pores and regulating oil production, which contributes to smoother and more balanced skin. Additionally, its hydrating properties ensure that the skin remains moisturized and does not dry out, making it suitable for both oily and dry skin types.