Our wine bags are carefully crafted to offer both style and functionality, making them the perfect packaging solution for wine bottles. Made from high-quality, eco-friendly materials, these bags provide excellent durability while maintaining a sophisticated appearance. Designed with sturdy handles and reinforced bottoms, they ensure safe transport of your wine, whether for personal use, gifting, or retail. Available in various sizes and customizable with your branding or design, our wine bags are an elegant, sustainable option that complements any occasion or business, while promoting environmental responsibility.
Backpulver - Natriumbicarbonat - hat in Medizin, Küche, Kosmetik und vielem mehr weit verbreitet. Es hat eine sehr große Anzahl von Anwendungen. Ich denke, es ist am besten als Ergänzung zu allen Arten von Backen bekannt. Es ist auch ein Bestandteil vieler Kosmetika und Reinigungsprodukte. Es wird zu Haarshampoos, Lippen zu Ihren Lippen, Zahnpasta hinzugefügt. In Kosmetika eignet es sich besonders für ölige und Akne -Haut. Der Mittel kann schwierige Stellen entfernen, unangenehme Gerüche beseitigen und den Ofen oder den Mikrowellenofen reinigen. Seren haben leicht korrosive Eigenschaften, was es aus verschiedenen Oberflächen deutlich macht. Es kann verwendet werden, um Stein aus Kessel, Töpfen oder Kaffeemaschine zu entfernen. Es eignet sich hervorragend als Pulver zum Reinigen von Oberflächen in Küche und Badezimmer. Um unangenehme Gerüche im Kühlschrank loszuwerden, müssen Sie lediglich einen kleinen Behälter mit Soda einsetzen.
Der gefriergetrocknete Mais ist toll im Salat, in der Suppe, der Bowl oder so, als Snack.
Hier ist wirklich nur Gemüse drin! Ganz ohne zugesetzten Zucker oder weitere Zusatzstoffe.
Dank des wiederverschließbaren Beutels lässt sich der gefriergetrocknete Mais optimal auch unterwegs mitnehmen.
Caractéristique :
Le stress, l’âge, les exigences de la vie moderne peuvent influencer la vitalité de l’homme mûr.
Tribulus terrestris 650 est constitué d’un extrait de Tribulus terrestris riche en saponines.
Tribulus terrestris est une plante vivace tropicale utilisée depuis longtemps en tradition chinoise et ayurvédique.
Composition :
650 mg d’extrait sec de Tribulus terrestris contenant 260 mg de saponines.
Naša SYP riž torta stroj (pekarna stroj) je zasnovana tako, da lahko proizvajajo popping zrn prigrizek / Chip / Cracker / Cake z uporabo 100% naravne zrna.
Trenutno mehanske naprave se je, vendar ni sposobna obvladovati visok tlak stalno in proizvaja neenakomernega izdelkov. Njegovi deli, kot so verige in motorjev so izrabljena enostavno in povzroča pogoste okvare.
Naš "SYP" rice cake stroj popravljen te pomanjkljivosti in uporablja hidravlika za izdelavo enotne izdelke in znatno povečal svojo vzdržljivost.
Poleg tega različne plesni so na voljo v različnih velikosti in oblik, da izpolnjujejo potrebe strank.
Majhne naprave se lahko proizvaja za lokalne trgovine in in večje naprave se lahko proizvaja tudi za tovarne.
Za več informacij se obrnite na nas !!
Hvala vam
Serenoa Repens
Cucurbita Pepo
Urtica Dioica
PLANTUS MEN is a polyherbal ayurvedic preparation specially formulated to support men's prostate and urinary system health.
PLANTUS MEN is available as 60 capsules in a glass bottle.
Produktinformationen "Max's Wild Menue"
Max's Wild-Menü besteht aus 95% Hirschfleisch und 5% Kartoffeln
Max Wildmenü von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung Ist ein Alleinfuttermittel für Deinen Hund!
Dieser wahre Leckerbissen für Deinen Vierbeiner ist eine tolle Abwechslung auch als Ergänzung zu Beckers Beste Trockennahrung.
Feinste Zutaten und der besonders hohe Fleischanteil reinstem Hirsch (WICHTIG: ohne Wildschweinanteil) bieten Deinem Hund eine gesunde und leckere Mahlzeit.
Durch die Zugabe von kaltgepresstem Distelöl erhält Dein Hund zudem lebensnotwendige Fettsäuren wie z. B. Linolsäure.
Zusammen mit den enthaltenen Vitaminen und Mineralien gewährleisten diese Zutaten eine ausgewogene und gesunde Ernährung.
Fütterungsempfehlung: Füttern Sie täglich pro 15 kg Körpergewicht ca. 1 Dose von 400 gramm. Diese Angaben sind Richtwerte.
Bitte füttere Deinem Hund das Fleisch zimmerwarm und stell stets frisches Trinkwasser bereit.
Reconnaissable pour son odeur unique chaude et épicée, la cannelle s’adapte excellemment bien à toutes vos recettes salées ou sucrées, c’est un choix sûr pour une cuisine conviviale ou exotique.
Possible Options:
Paper: Brown or White Food Grade Paper
Printing: CMYK
Finishing: Varnish
Window: With or Without as you choose
These pouches are a great solution for hygiene in your cafes, restaurants, buffets, and anything related to cookies, nuts, donuts, other foods/fast foods and takeaway orders.
Let your brand wander the world!
Alors que l’infrarouge permet une stabilisation ou pasteurisation des produits alimentaires, le traitement par faisceau d’électrons (EB) permet la réduction du nombre de micro-organismes qu’ils contiennent. La capacité des faisceaux d’électrons à détruire efficacement les micro-organismes est connue depuis des décennies et largement utilisée aux Etats-Unis mais très peu en Europe (autorisé par la Food and Drug Administration et le Département de l’Agriculture des États-Unis). L’OMS l’a pourtant accepté pour l’alimentation humaine après des recherches scientifiques extensives. La décontamination diffère de la stérilisation car il ne vise pas nécessairement à détruire la totalité des germes ; l’irradiation détruit efficacement certains micro-organismes et de nombreuses bactéries.
Essentus is de ideale economische oplossing voor talrijke weegtoepassingen, volledigheidscontroles en optimalisatie van vulprocessen. De dynamische controleweger is uiterst gebruiksvriendelijk, wordt geselecteerd op basis van de behoeften en verlaagt zo de aanschafkosten. Klanten hebben de keuze tussen versie L voor productgewichten tot 6 kg, versie H voor productgewichten tot 60 kg, Essentus efficiency voor pure classificatie en individuele gewichtsuitvoer en Essentus performance voor uitgebreide controlewegerfuncties. Configureer uw Essentus controleweger eenvoudig volgens uw vereisten.
High-Quality Sodium Benzoate for Sale: Looking for premium-quality sodium benzoate for your business or personal use? You’ve come to the right place.
Why Choose Sodium Benzoate?
Sodium benzoate is a versatile and effective preservative widely used in the food and beverage industry.
first for Food Industry: Sodium benzoate is a staple in preserving sauces, dressings, carbonated beverages, and more, ensuring your products remain fresh and safe for consumption.
second for Beverage Production: It plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and taste of soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks.
third for Cosmetics: Sodium benzoate is used in some cosmetics and personal care items to prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.
Quality Assurance:
Firstly, When purchasing sodium benzoate, it’s essential to source it from reputable suppliers who adhere to strict quality standards. Look for certifications and quality assurance
CONTENT:99.0% ~ 100.5%
SULFATE:≤ 0.10%
Smooth Kraft Food Paper Bag
• Brown kraft paper: 100% recycled and certified paper weight 70-120 g / m².
• The handles are made of the same paper in a flat form (plate handle)
• Suitable for transporting food, for restaurants, pastry shops, fast food restaurants.
• With a wide base and a height of 27-34cm
Size:26X17X25, 32X16X30, 32X17X27, 32X21.5X34, 32X21X27, 36X31X36
Type:Paper flat hand
Benefici dell'estratto supercritico di semi di cumino nero:
-Proprietà antinfiammatorie: Contiene composti attivi come il timochinone e riduce potenzialmente l'infiammazione.
-Attività antiossidante: Ricco di antiossidanti, neutralizza i radicali liberi con potenziali effetti anti-invecchiamento.
-Supporto al sistema immunitario: Modula il sistema immunitario per aiutare a difendersi dalle infezioni.
The DATAPAQ temperature profiling systems are comprised of a data logger, a protective thermal barrier, software, and thermocouples. With a DATAPAQ Food Tracker, you can guarantee the quality and safety of your cooked meats, poultry, bakery products and ready-to-eat meals.
DATAPAQ systems travel through the oven or freezer with the food product, making a complete record of product temperatures. You can monitor the product temperature of the entire cook/freeze cycle in either static or conveyorized ovens, as well as in steam cookers, deep fat fryers, and blast freezers.
• Reliable and accurate HACCP temperature profiling systems for demanding food processing applications
• Data logger (6 or 8 channels) with IP67 waterproofing rating
• Stores up to eight runs before requiring data download
• Comprehensive thermal barrier range
• Powerful, yet easy-to-use Insight analysis software, including process lethality calculations
• Various thermocouples to suit your range of products
Temperature range:-196ºC to 1370ºC (-238ºF to 2498ºF)
Sampling interval:0.5 sec to 50 min
Accuracy:±0.2ºC (±0.4ºF)
Resolution:0.1ºC (0.2ºF)
Memory:1.8 MB 16 hours (6 thermocouples / 0.5 sec. sampling)
Data collection start:Start/Stop buttons, time or temperature trigger
Thermocouple types:T or K
Battery:Rechargeable NiMH. Battery life up to 250 hours.
Submersible:Yes, depending on model
Insulation capacity at 100°C:4.5 hours
Insulation capacity at 200°C:14 hours
Thermal barrier weight:3 kg to 6.3 kg (depending on model)
Thermal barrier size:40 x 195 x 384 mm to 120 x 206 x 401 mm (depending on model)
Data logger size:23 x 100 x 205 mm
Disposable Waterproof Plastic Shoe Covers Medical Hospital isolation shoe cover - Product Name
Disposable plastic PE shoe cover
15*36cm, 15*38cm, 15*41cm, 15*45cm or as your required
Blue, white,green, etc.
Both made by machine and made by hand are available
Soft thread elastic at ankle
Free samples for 1-2 working days
Make mass production after the sample confirmed
Generally within 3 to 10 days
or according to the quantity after receipt of deposit
Size 15*36cm, 15*38cm, 15*41cm, 15*45cm or as your required:Color Blue
PE shoe covers are made of a low density PE film making them liquid impervious and lint-free Ligh:Soft thread elastic at ankle
Nos enorgullece decir que nuestras patatas fritas se producen tanto en Bélgica como en los Países Bajos, donde confluyen la artesanía y el amor por las patatas fritas. En FlevoTrade, entendemos que una buena cooperación es la clave del éxito. Mantenemos estrechos lazos con nuestras fábricas de Bélgica y los Países Bajos, y estos sólidos socios nos permiten garantizar la calidad adecuada y realizar las entregas según lo acordado.
Con años de experiencia en exportación, no sólo hemos acumulado conocimientos, sino que también hemos creado una extensa red mundial. Nuestras patatas fritas llegan a destinos de todo el mundo. Ofrecemos distintas variedades, todas ellas con su propio sabor y estilo característicos.
Las patatas fritas FlevoTrade se producen en modernas fábricas holandesas y belgas que cumplen las normas de seguridad y calidad adecuadas:
-ISO 22000 (Certificación del Sistema de Seguridad Alimentaria)
ViscoTec Dispenser 3VMP36 is a volumetric dosing pump of larger volumes for an even and reliable product supply of viscous, structure-sensitive and solids-laden products - with a repeatability of +/- 1 %!
Absolutely precise, uniform and reliable dosing of various media and handling of larger volumes. Alternating opening chambers ensure gentle product transport and pulsation-free output.
Your advantages:
- no dripping or thread pulling due to programmable retraction
- direct linearity between spread rate and speed
- constant dosing volume even with fluctuations in density, viscosity and temperature
- reliable dosing without heating the medium
- Drive with spur gear motor and optional forced cooling fan
- easy programming of quantity and speed
- low maintenance, quick disassembly
- free inlet possible, as self-priming operation
For small and medium productions, although they can also be integrated into a working line or conveyor to achieve a higher degree of automation.
IDEAL FOR DISPENSING PRODUCTS SUCH AS: muffins, plum-cakes, tartlets, custards, jams, sauces, fruit fillings, delicate fillings such as mousse, salad dressings, soups, Russian salad, creams with cereals, dairy products, etc.
A WIDE RANGE OF ACCESSORIES AND DOSING OUTPUTS provide versatility when working with different products efficiently: mould conveyor, hose and hand gun, transfer pump, rotary cutting gun, injector nozzles, elevator, etc., elements that will make your work more precise.
Our trace mineral bolus High Trace is a slow-release cattle supplement designed to prevent a trace mineral deficiency in cattle and improve the overall well-being of the cows. Insufficient trace minerals can result in losses in performance and can cause clinical deficiencies. More commonly though, sub-clinical deficiencies occur manifested as reduced pregnancy rates, rough hair coats, hoof issues, retained placenta, low libido and poor calf performance. Our mineral bolus can be used for cows over 250 kg.
Equipos de inspección de productos envasados para detección de contaminantes de diferente naturaleza.
Los equipos de inspección por rayos X Nextguard C330, Xpert S400 y Xpert C600 permiten la detección de contaminantes de diferente naturaleza (metales, vidrio, huesos, piedras y otros objetos extraños) en productos envasados.