Gesamtlänge ca. 20 cm
Sommer, Sonne und dazu ein leckeres Eis ! Kein Problem, mit dem handlichen, formschönen und qualitativ hochwertigen Eisportionierer von Zyliss.
Reconnaissable pour son odeur unique chaude et épicée, la cannelle s’adapte excellemment bien à toutes vos recettes salées ou sucrées, c’est un choix sûr pour une cuisine conviviale ou exotique.
“MOUNTAIN ROSE BULGARIA" Ltd. is a manufacturer and wholesaler of 100% natural raw materials. Our focus is on organic and natural products we deliver all over the world – from Bulgaria. We boast rich experience (being established for many years) in manufacturing and the export of dried organic and natural medicinal aromatic plants, herbal extracts (TBC, powder, chopped), seeds, essential oils, hydrolats ( flower waters ) , cold-pressed oils, absolutes, concretes, capsules.
Today, the company boasts the image of a reliable and loyal partner, one of the main Bulgarian exporters. We trade with countries all over Europe, England, Australia, the USA, Japan, China, Singapore, New Zealand, among others.
We can offer you high quality of Organic Dry Chamomile flowers for TEA, / Chamomilla matricaria / up to 70 tons per year. We have extra quality, first quality, whole with stalk, whole with short handle, industry, TBC, powder. The origin is only from Bulgaria. wild collection and cultivated....
In TINY Omega 3 - Rosemary, this nutrient is enhanced by one of the TINYsphere® technologies, making it 22 times as absorbable by the body than conventional omega 3.
- Innovative, patent-pending TINYsphere® technology
- Effect scientifically proven in clinical studies
- Developed at German universities
- Faster and longer lasting effect
- 22-fold increased bioavailability
- IFS & HACCP certified
- Natural raw material sources
- Lactose, gluten & GMO free, vegan
- Water soluble in any mixing ratio
- Tastes excellent
We would be happy to meet you for an individual consultation. We look forward to your call: Phone: +49 (0) 40 87409824 or your mail:
• 100% Lebensmittelunbedenklich – Auch für den direkten Kontakt mit Lebensmittel geeignet
• Hohe Haftung auf Lebensmitteln
• Zusätzlich hohe Haftung auf verschiedene Materialien (Folie, Pappe, Holz)
• Großmengen verfügbar vom Werk
• Hergestellt in Deutschland
Semplici e leggeri biscotti senza glutine preparati con panna di latte, burro, uova e grano saraceno, resi ancora più equilibrati grazie all’aggiunta di fibre. Rigorosamente artigianali. Il risultato? Ottimi biscotti per tutte le ore, a colazione, a merenda, con il tè o come accompagnamento alla pausa caffè.
Disponibili in pratiche monoporzioni da 38g e in confezioni da 150g.
Cooperation with us can take different forms depending on your needs. Intecker offers full service in the field of plant maintenance and machine service. We also provide qualified employees to support internal resources in the company. Our specialists will ensure high-quality of services, and a short response time, and give the customer confidence that everything is under control.
In our headquarters, we have a CNC machine park and specialist facilities (automation engineers, constructors, programmers, and operators). This allows for quick processing or production of the required elements.
We focus on comprehensive activities tailored to the individual needs of the client.
IT - Le casarecce derivano dalla più antica pasta busiata, una trafila di origine araba, arrotolata più e più volte su sé stessa perché prodotta grazie al "bus", la canna sottilissima di una pianta attorno a cui veniva avvolto l’impasto.
La versione con il grano saraceno è super nutriente, ricca di sali minerali (soprattutto magnesio) e fibre, contiene gli 8 amminoacidi essenziali in proporzione ottimale e antiossidanti che diminuiscono l’incidenza di tumori, diabete, malattie al cuore.
EN - Casarecce come from the most ancient busiata pasta, a shape of Arab origin, rolled over and over again on itself because it is produced thanks to the "bus", the very thin reed of a plant around which the dough was wrapped.
The version with buckwheat is super nutritious, rich in mineral salts (especially magnesium) and fiber, contains the 8 essential amino acids in optimal proportions and antioxidants that reduce the incidence of cancer, diabetes, heart disease.
Quana’s Rindstopf Pur, ein pures Essvergnügen aus reinem Rindfleisch für Deinen vierbeinigen Hausgenossen. Er wird es Dir danken, mit Lebensfreude und einem gesunden Aussehen.
Die klassische Delikatesse in einer praktischen Dose. Rindfleisch ist nahrhaft für unsere vierbeinigen Freund aller Rassen. Wir verarbeiten unser Rindfleisch ohne Zusätze zu einem schmackhaften Nassfutter, damit Du Deinen vierbeinigen Liebling artgerecht ernähren kannst.
Feinstes Fleisch vom Rind in einem nahrhaften, artgerechten Hundenassfutter
Dein Hund nimmt mit Aufnahme unserer Rindfleisch-Dose sehr viel Vitamin B12, Biotin und Niacin auf, diese Nährstoffkonstellation hat einen positiven Einfluss auf Stoffwechsel, Fell- und Hautgesundheit und stärkt die Nerven Deines Vierbeiners.
Gesundes Hundefutter aus der Dose - endlich ist artgerechte Ernährung einfach und schmackhaft.
Wichtige Information: Wir stellen unsere Super-Premium Dosen unter regelmäßigen veterinärmedizinischen Kontrollen her ...
Биологичен пчелен мед Билков - Попови гр. Калофер - Полифлорният пчелен мед на семейтво Попови се събира през юни и юли след акациевата паша. През този период на годината в биологичния район на пчеларстване цъфтят най-различни диворастящи билки. Билковия мед на семйство Попови е силен на вкус, цвета е червеникав и има доста интензивен аромат . Усеща се присъствието на магарешки бодил, липа, лавандула, див кориандър и други билки.
Предлагаме Ви органичен пчелен мед - Билков
100 % биологичен пчелен мед добит чрез центрофугиране;
Продукт е съхраняван в специално помещение на температура от 15 до 25 °С без излагане на слънчева светлина;
Отговаря на всички изисквания от БАБХ (наредба № 26 от 2010 г. );
Сертифициран от Балкан Биосерт;
Chipsy bananowe, przygotowane z bananów, które zawierają dużo potasu, są świetna przekąską w domu, na wycieczce, szkole czy pracy. Świetnie zastępują słodycze, są smaczne i chrupiące.Podobnie, jak ich surowe odpowiedniki, chipsy bananowe są bogatym źródłem takich witamin, jak: A, B, D, E oraz K. Dzięki takiemu składowi bananowe chipsy pozytywnie wpływają na ciśnienie krwi, zwalczają uciążliwe skurcze mięśni oraz poprawiają nasz nastrój i samopoczucie. Suszone banany zawierają bowiem w swoim składzie także serotoninę, substancję, która pozytywnie wpływa na nasz humor oraz zapewnia dobre samopoczucie. Serotonina oddziałuje także na układ nerwowy, pomaga w walce ze stresem oraz ułatwia zasypianie. Chipsy bananowe warto więc polecić szczególnie osobom, które cierpią na bezsenność i generalnie słabo radzą sobie ze stresem. <strong>Skład:</strong> 70% Chipsy bananowe, 19% cukier, 11% olej kokosowy, naturalny aromat bananowy <strong>Wartość odżywcza w 100g</strong>Wartość energetycz
The Ready to go line saves time and energy while taking care of your customers. It’ s fitted with a reliable lock and built with solid cardboard. It can protect against moisture and grease.
It is packaging for any food delivery.
It is suitable for microwave heating.
Made from sustainable materials
Water and grease proof
Suitable for all noodle, rice dishes and pasta dishes
Can be used to store and carry food
Ready to use solution
Custom packaging
(can be individually adjusted as per customers ’ECO NOODLE BOX 560G 96x76x101
Case Quantity:420
Case Size:410x600x400
Cette version de Skywalker OG fait partie de notre gamme Derived Mix . Fabriqué avec un processus unique de distillation à la vapeur pour capter et préserver les parfums et arômes essentiels des fleurs de cannabis, ce mélange élaboré avec des terpènes dérivés du cannabis donne un parfum puissant et inoubliable. 100% biologique, naturel, sans OGM ni résidus. 0 % THC, 0 % CBD, 100 % légal.
La Skywalker OG est considérée par beaucoup comme une version améliorée de la OG Kush. Classée comme variété classique en raison de son fort parfum de cannabis, les terpènes de Skywalker OG vous choqueront avec leur forte odeur d'agrumes et de pin, ainsi que leurs aspects aromatiques de pin et de bois.
Usages et applications des terpènes Lilium Xtract :
Vous pouvez utiliser ce produit pour ajouter des parfums et/ou des arômes de cannabis à :
Fleurs et pollen de CBD
Extractions et concentrés de CBD (distillat, cristal, crumble, BHO, colophane, cire)
Catégorie:Variété classique
Gamme Terpènes:Lignée dérivée
Parfum:Carburant, Skunk, Épice
Aspect aromatique:Terreux
Our lactose, called MEGGLETOSE, is the naturally occurring disaccharide in milk. MEGGLETOSE will be gained by refining whey. Additional milling and sieving steps provide a wide range of grain sizes.
Through its outstanding properties regarding taste, solubility, flowability and absorption MEGGLETOSE can be used in a wide range of applications.
Due to excellent microbiological datas and a high process safety MEGGLETOSE INFANT is used as an ingredient for infant formula and follow-on formula. Beside lactose for wet blend applications we offer also lactose for dry blend applications.
Characteristics and Benefits:
Source of carbohydrates
Low sweetening compared to sucrose (approx. ¼)
Enhances browning effect (Maillard reaction)
Nutrient for microorganisms (used for fermentation processes)
Flavor and taste enhancer
Could be used as a (cheap) filler
Applicable for wet- and dry blend processes
Low and well controlled microbiology
Low and well controlled residues and contaminants
Cet élément monobloc en alliage aluminium de 3,15 m de longueur et de 0,51 m de largeur est destiné à la circulation sur toitures fragiles et en pente. Assure une haute sécurité et une antidérapance multidirectionnelle sur des pentes allant jusqu'à 40 %. Emballées sous film étirable avec renforts d'extrémités, les 2 planches sont livrées avec 4 éclisses et 4 butées de sécurité.
La gamme Bio de PATRIGEL offre un assortiment de légumes surgelées de haute qualité, dédié à ceux qui sont particulièrement sensibles à l'ensemble du processus de culture et de transformation des matières premières. La certification biologique comprend le contrôle des processus de production afin d'assurer, à chaque étape de la réalisation du produit, l'absence totale de produits chimiques et le respect d'une sensibilité éthique et morale
CONDITIONNEMENT:1 x 12 kg = 12 kg
DaiTec ofrece las ventajas de Conti-TDS y se adapta a la industria de proceso de leche y alimentos. Se caracteriza por su diseño certificado 3A y mesa de alimentación de polvo con tolva a una altura de trabajo ergonómica.Se conecta directamente a los contenedores existentes, lista para funcionar después de unos simples pasos. Debido a su potente vacío de succión, puede aspirar y dispersar directamente desde el contenedor de polvo por medio de un tubo de succión además de la succión de la tolva. Asegura el vaciado de los contenedores sin polvo, transporte del polvo, alimentación del polvo, humectación del polvo y dispersión. Dispersiones sin aglomerados, altamente concentradas, homogéneas y muy estables debido al una alta energía de cizallamiento y a la humectación/dispersión de los polvos al vacío Excelentes propiedades emulsionantes: estrecho espectro de tamaño de gota sin homogeneizador de alta presión. Diseño certificado 3A
Certificaciones:Normativa sanitaria 3-A
"Origin and history of coconut oil
Extra virgin coconut oil has a fatty structure. Comparing organic coconut oil with another natural product is almost impossible. Sometimes the smell is artificially (and chemically) imitated, but nothing beats the original.
Production Process, Harvest and Processing Coconut Oil
The cold pressed coconut oil is extracted directly from the nut. Coconut oil has a white colour and a rather mysterious smell.
Healthy properties Coconut oil and applications
Coconut oil extra virgin is particularly popular and that has obvious reasons. In a short time, extra virgin coconut oil has worked its way up to become one of the most popular oils in the world. Coconut oil organic can be used in countless ways: processed in dishes, or for example as a wonderfully relaxing massage oil. The fat of coconut oil has a completely different structure and composition than the fat you find in frying snacks or in dairy products and meat. Co…"
Délicieuse barre de céréales cuite au four au chocolat noir intense.
A déguster au petit-déjeuner ou en-cas, pour une pause le matin ou l’après-midi.
Vegan, sans huile de palme, avoine origine France
Flocons d’avoine* 29.6%, sucre de coco*, graines de tournesol*, huile de coco*, chocolat noir* 7% (cacao 88% min.) (masse de cacao*, beurre de cacao*, sucre de coco*), raisins secs*, amandes* en poudre, farine d’avoine*, sirop d’agave*, cacao*, riz soufflé*.
*Ingrédients issus de l’agriculture biologique. Peut contenir des traces d’autres fruits à coque, de lait, soja.
Valeurs nutritionnelles par barre
Energie : 563 kJ / 134 kcal
Matières grasses : 7 g (dont acides gras saturés : 3 g)
Glucides : 14 g (dont sucres : 6 g)
Fibres alimentaires : 2,3 g
Protéines : 3 g
Sel : 0,021 g
100% Végétal:Oui
Organic Blackberry Jam
Energy (kJ ve kcal):1017 kj
Calorie:243 kcal
Protein (g):0.77 g
Carbohydrate (g):60.19 g
Sugar (g):60.19 g
Fat (g):0
Fiber (g):0.43 g
Das gesamte Produktportfolio, bestehend aus MAG-Generatoren, Konverter und Schneidsonotroden ist perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt. Alle Komponenten sind speziell für den Lebensmittelbereich entwickelt und gebaut. Schneidsonotroden sind in 20kHz, 30kHz und 35kHz verfügbar. In Abhängigkeit zur Arbeitsfrequenz sind Längen zwischen 50mm bis hin zu 760mm verfügbar.