Termékek élelmiszerek és (6533)

Lago Wafer

Lago Wafer

Lago Wafer


I chewing gum funzionali in blister offrono un modo innovativo e piacevole per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questi chewing gum sono progettati per rilasciare gradualmente i nutrienti mentre vengono masticati, offrendo un'integrazione continua e discreta. Ideali per chi cerca un'alternativa gustosa e pratica alle tradizionali pillole, i chewing gum in blister sono una scelta popolare tra adulti e bambini.
AVR60 sütőolaj

AVR60 sütőolaj

Nous proposons aussi de l'Huile végétale spécialité friture protéines poulet 12,50 kg de très bonne qualité.
Maltóz szirup

Maltóz szirup

Maltose syrup Protective container:640 l Mauser container:1000 l Incoterms:FCA, DAP
STELLA ARTOIS Sör 24 üveg VAP 33 cl

STELLA ARTOIS Sör 24 üveg VAP 33 cl

La birra Stella Artois è una birra premium, dal gusto distintivo e raffinato. Confezionata in pratiche bottiglie da 33cl, è perfetta da gustare in ogni occasione. Scopri il suo sapore leggero e bilanciato, arricchito dalle note di malto e luppolo, con un'aroma fruttato e floreale. Confezione da 24 bottiglie.
Bio Dextróz

Bio Dextróz

Organic Dextrose is a natural sweetener derived from organic sources such as corn or rice. It is commonly used as a healthier alternative to traditional sugar in various food and beverage products. As a glucose-based carbohydrate, Organic Dextrose provides quick energy and is easily digestible. It is often preferred by those seeking natural and organic ingredients in their diet. EC number:200-075-1 Molecular Formula:C6H12O6 CAS No:50-99-7
Élelmiszer - import-export

Élelmiszer - import-export

Alimentation - import-export
Marhahús rudak

Marhahús rudak

Composition: Beef 80.9%. Rice flour 6%, corn starch 3%, vegetable protein%, glycerine 2.8%, salt 0.2%, sorbitol 2%, potassium sorbate 0.1% Analytical components: Crude protein: 20%, fat content: 4%, crude fiber: 4 %, crude ash: 4%, moisture 16%.
Marha takarmány - Állati takarmány

Marha takarmány - Állati takarmány

We are putting forward a stock of Cattle Feed Pellet that is demanded all over the world in livestock industry. This is a kind Biomass Pellets processed under the most hygienic climates with approved methodology. The offered feed is loaded with multiple nutrients vitamin A, B, C & E, proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrate, so on. As a result, it is useful in enhancing immunity, and growth of cattle, and preventing them for varied diseases. Highly effective and safe to consume, the Cattle Feed Pellet is kept up in A-class packaging and at moderate prices.
Nyír cukor Xilit

Nyír cukor Xilit

"What is Xylitol (Birch sugar)? Xylitol is found as a natural sugar alcohol in many vegetables, fruits and the bark of different trees. Our birch sugar is made exclusively from birch and beech wood from Scandinavia. The Xylitol is extracted from the wood sugar (xylose) in a very complex way. Finely chopped wood is mixed with water. The wood-water mixture is then purified and filtered until all other substances are completely separated from the xylitol. Birch sugar is suitable for diabetics Birch sugar has slightly less sweetening power as the familiar refined (white) table sugar but affects the blood sugar only slightly. This sugar is very suitable for diabetics, the glycemic value is only 7. Beer Sugar Benefits Xylitol has a moisturizing effect on the skin and can increase the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin. Xylitol is a natural alternative to sugar. Xylitol can be found in almost every toothpaste, and it is often found in chewing gum fo…"
Finomított napraforgóolaj 10l PET palack

Finomított napraforgóolaj 10l PET palack

Dive into a culinary revelation with our Sunflower Oil – your liquid sunshine for recipes. From sizzling pans to the heart of your plate, embrace the cornucopia of rich flavors that take center stage.
Tálca Zárógép TSM102-R - Kézi Elektromos Tálca Záró

Tálca Zárógép TSM102-R - Kézi Elektromos Tálca Záró

J Pack TSM102-R Schalensiegler Manueller elektrischer Schalensiegler - Schalensiegelmaschine für Lebensmittel Dank ihrer kompakten Abmessungen und des schnellen Formenwechsels ist dieser Schalensiegler die ideale Lösung für kleine Delikatessengeschäfte und Supermärkte. Die Maschine kann mit der patentierten modularen INFINITY J-Pack-Form oder mit kundenspezifischen Formen ergänzt werden. Dank des innovativen Click-n-Pack-Systems war das Verschließen noch nie so einfach. Maße :315 mm x 450 mm x 555 mm Gewicht :25 kg Max. Schalengröße :260 mm x 195 mm x 155 mm Max. Rollenbreite und -durchmesser :L= 210 / Ø 200 mm Zuführung :Elektrisch Beschickung und Handhabung von Schalen :Manuell Form :Infinity / Fixiert, nicht gestanzt Formwechsel :• Form nach Kundenvorgabe :• Automatischer Filmabzug :• Summer bei Zyklusende :• Teil- und Gesamtzykluszähler :• Zyklen pro Minute :3 - 8 Individuelle digitale Schweißprogramme :5 Stromversorgung :220 V / 700 W
Bacon aroma

Bacon aroma

Bacon aroma CONTAINER:5kg. 25kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg.
Dehidratált téli szarvasgomba Tuber Melanosporum - Fekete szarvasgomba

Dehidratált téli szarvasgomba Tuber Melanosporum - Fekete szarvasgomba

Trufa de invierno deshidratada para trufar productos,
Pékségi Tanácsadás

Pékségi Tanácsadás

Expertise pour améliorer vos techniques de boulangerie
Állateledel termékek

Állateledel termékek

Dodatki żywieniowe dla zwierząt to niezwykle ważne elementy diety, które pomagają wspierać zdrowie, kondycję i samopoczucie zwierząt domowych oraz hodowlanych. Wzbogacenie codziennego pożywienia o naturalne składniki odżywcze, witaminy, minerały i substancje bioaktywne pozwala na zaspokojenie specyficznych potrzeb żywieniowych i wspiera prawidłowy rozwój organizmu. Jednym z popularnych dodatków są kwasy tłuszczowe omega-3 i omega-6, które wpływają na zdrową skórę i lśniącą sierść, a także wspomagają prawidłowe funkcjonowanie układu odpornościowego i nerwowego. Suplementy z glukozaminą i chondroityną są szczególnie cenione w diecie starszych psów i kotów, ponieważ wspierają zdrowie stawów i ich mobilność. Probiotyki i prebiotyki z kolei pomagają w utrzymaniu zdrowej flory bakteryjnej jelit, poprawiając trawienie i przyswajanie składników odżywczych. Zioła takie jak pokrzywa, mniszek lekarski czy ostropest plamisty stanowią doskonałe uzupełnienie diety zwierząt, wspierając naturalne procesy oczyszczania organizmu oraz funkcje wątroby i nerek. Spirulina i chlorella dostarczają wielu mikroelementów i są bogate w białko, co sprawia, że są idealne dla aktywnych zwierząt wymagających większej ilości energii. Ekstrakty z żurawiny i borówki wspierają zdrowie układu moczowego, co jest istotne zwłaszcza w przypadku kotów. Dodatki żywieniowe dla zwierząt to także środki wspomagające odporność, poprawiające jakość sierści, wspierające zdrowe stawy oraz pomagające w redukcji stresu i napięcia. Wprowadzenie takich składników do diety zwierząt pozwala nie tylko na zapobieganie problemom zdrowotnym, ale również na zapewnienie długiego i zdrowego życia, odpowiadając na potrzeby właścicieli poszukujących holistycznych, naturalnych rozwiązań dla swoich pupili.
Teherbe esett Holstein üsző

Teherbe esett Holstein üsző

Unsere Nutztiere sind von höchster Qualität und werden unter den besten Bedingungen aufgezogen. Wir bieten eine Vielzahl von Tieren, darunter Rinder, Schweine und Geflügel, die alle sorgfältig ausgewählt und gepflegt werden, um höchste Standards zu gewährleisten. Unsere Tiere sind gesund und bieten eine hervorragende Quelle für Fleisch und andere tierische Produkte. Unsere Nutztiere sind ideal für Landwirte und Züchter, die nach hochwertigen Tieren suchen, um ihre Bestände zu erweitern. Wir bieten flexible Lieferoptionen, um Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Vertrauen Sie auf die Qualität unserer Nutztiere, um Ihre landwirtschaftlichen Ziele zu erreichen.
Texturált Borsófehérje VG Titans P65-M

Texturált Borsófehérje VG Titans P65-M

The Textured Pea Protein VG Titans P65-M is a dry, extruded product that can be rehydrated for use in plant-based items such as burgers, sausages, cold cuts, fillings, and as an additive to meat and poultry products. It contains a minimum of 65% pea protein, available in medium chunks, and has a water absorption ratio of 1:3 with a recommended hydration time of 30 minutes. Packaged in an 8kg PE bag, this product is perfect for crafting plant-based burgers, sausages, cutlets, chicken, Bolognese sauce, and minced meat.
Zöld kardamom magok

Zöld kardamom magok

Cardamom seeds are a prized spice known for their strong lemon-like aroma and flavor. Indigenous to South India, cardamom is now cultivated in North Africa and the Middle East. These seeds are encased in green pods and are considered one of the costliest spices due to their unique taste and versatility. Cardamom is used in both sweet and savory dishes, enhancing fruit and nut-based desserts, pumpkin, squash, and sweet potato dishes. In North Africa and the Middle East, cardamom pods are often added to stocks for cooking chicken or duck, infusing the dishes with their aromatic essence.
Üveg italos edények

Üveg italos edények

Les emballages en verre pour boissons sont conçus pour offrir une solution élégante et durable pour le stockage et la présentation de vos boissons préférées. Disponibles pour le vin, la bière et les jus, ces contenants en verre sont parfaits pour les amateurs de boissons qui apprécient la qualité et le style. En plus de leur esthétique attrayante, ces emballages en verre sont également respectueux de l'environnement, réutilisables et recyclables. Ils offrent une protection optimale pour vos boissons, préservant leur goût et leur fraîcheur. Que ce soit pour un usage personnel ou professionnel, ces emballages en verre sont un choix judicieux pour ceux qui valorisent la qualité et la durabilité.
Friss Brokkoli - Alacsony kalóriatartalmú brokkoli étel

Friss Brokkoli - Alacsony kalóriatartalmú brokkoli étel

Broccoli is known for being rich in nutrients while being low in calories. They are a source of beta carotene, vitamin C, B6, folic acid and lutein. In addition, they contain many minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. It is worth introducing this valuable vegetable to your diet, especially if you have vision problems or do a lot of sports, because it is also a great source of protein. Broccoli contains a lot of vitamin K, thanks to which it has a good effect on bones and joint cartilage. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which is believed to be a cancer-fighting substance
Egyenes Churros

Egyenes Churros

Churros fritos congelados rectos tradicionales en diferentes tamaños (5, 10, 15 y 20 cms) a granel.
Guarana - szuperélelmiszer, bio, koffein

Guarana - szuperélelmiszer, bio, koffein

Il guaranà è una pianta originaria della regione amazzonica, in particolare del Brasile. È conosciuta per i suoi semi, che contengono una quantità significativa di caffeina, spesso superiore a quella dei chicchi di caffè. Il guaranà è comunemente utilizzata come stimolante naturale per migliorare l'energia e la concentrazione. La guaranà è comunemente utilizzata come stimolante naturale per migliorare l'energia e la concentrazione.
Cékla pép

Cékla pép

Beet pulp is a product of our production of sugar, rich in nutrients and beet fibres. Thanks to their valuable properties, these products are highly preferred animal feedstuffs – both in their fresh and in their refined forms.


Sugar Industry


Concentrated detergent with a fresh lemon fragrance for hand washing all types of dishes. Biodegradable product. FEATURES Formulated with biodegradable and water-soluble surfactants, with a high concentration of active material. Neutral product, with good degreasing, dispersing and foaming power, leaves dishes clean and shiny. Does not attack the skin of the hands nor is it corrosive. FIELDS OF APPLICATION Due to its formulation, the product is recommended for manual washing of all kitchen utensils (plates, pots, pans, glasses, cutlery, boxes, containers, among others). HOW TO USE KC EASY PLUS can be diluted in the washing water or used directly on a damp sponge. Recommended dosage: 5mL of product for each litre of water. If necessary, adjust the dosage until a generous amount of foam is obtained. Wash the utensils by scrubbing with a sponge. Then rinse thoroughly with water. REF:CL3138Y
Herzberg HG-04180: Automatikus Öndispenzáló Háziállat Etető - 3,5 L - Háziállat Gondozás

Herzberg HG-04180: Automatikus Öndispenzáló Háziállat Etető - 3,5 L - Háziállat Gondozás

Introducing the Herzberg Automatic Self-Dispensing Pet Feeder, a convenient solution to ensure your furry friend never goes hungry. Using gravity, this feeder automatically refills the base bowl with pet food, while the transparent bottle allows you to monitor food levels easily. With a generous capacity of 3.5 liters, it's perfect for feeding your pet while you're away, providing peace of mind for busy pet owners. Crafted with premium-quality materials, the base bowl is made of durable PP, while the transparent PET bottle ensures longevity. Its non-slip rubber padding prevents sliding or movement during meal times, keeping the feeder stable and secure. Additionally, the removable parts make cleaning a breeze, allowing for hassle-free maintenance and ensuring your pet's dining area stays hygienic. Simple and straightforward to use, this pet feeder can be set up in minutes. Reference:HG-04180 EAN:5404035004180 (L x l x H):34.00 cm x 19.00 cm x 23.00 cm Box Dimensions:69cm x 34.5cm x 75cm
Természetes hajdina

Természetes hajdina

Buckwheat (trigo sarraceno) es una planta de grano que pertenece a la familia de las poligonáceas, no relacionada con el trigo convencional a pesar de su nombre. No es un cereal propiamente dicho, sino un pseudocereal, ya que sus granos se usan de forma similar a los cereales, pero la planta no pertenece a la familia de las gramíneas. El trigo sarraceno es originario de Asia y se cultiva ampliamente en varias partes del mundo debido a su versatilidad y beneficios nutricionales. El trigo sarraceno es rico en proteínas, fibra, antioxidantes, y minerales como magnesio, fósforo y zinc. No contiene gluten, por lo que es una excelente opción para personas con enfermedad celíaca o sensibilidad al gluten. Además, se destaca por su perfil proteico equilibrado, que incluye todos los aminoácidos esenciales, lo que lo convierte en una buena opción para dietas vegetarianas y veganas.
Samyang Sarimyun - Rágós tészta pörköltnek

Samyang Sarimyun - Rágós tészta pörköltnek

This is a block of plain ramen noodle with no soup base. Perfect for hotpots, tteokbokki and other korean stews. 110:grammes
Marhahús májpúder - Marhahús májpúder

Marhahús májpúder - Marhahús májpúder

This 100% pure beef liver powder is a great addition to any bait, great for pretty much any bait application. This highly attractive/Soluble liver powder has a whopping 67% protein level along with great palpability and nutritional properties hence being used in the fishing bait/feed industry for as long as we can remember, definitely not one to be missed, especially during the colder months.