Our high functional creamers are an excellent base for your soups, sauces and bakery goods. They are useable for the production of cold creams, puddings and baking mixtures. In addition to stabilizing properties our Edifett® range also provides whitening ability.
MEGGLE produces a wide variety of fat powders for your needs by spray-drying emulsions based on proteins, vegetable fats and carbohydrates.
Characteristics and benefits:
Excellent whitening properties
Low content of trans-fatty acids
Products with various fat types and carrier systems available
Improvement of texture and consequently mouthfeel
Products for clean label declaration available
Acid stable products available
Product types with non-hydrogenated fats available
Products for vegetarian and vegan products available
Easy to handle
Storage stability
Good dispersibility
Price optimization
Levex Spectra is general application yeast extract for all types of food productions. It can be a MSG replacement or base note source for food products. It can be considered as an economical solution for the industry. It enhances the perception of the flavors as well as a stand point for the top notes. For Levex Spectra main application is savory profiles.
Colour is the first characteristic which strikes us about a food, as well as being one of the qualities which is most highly rated by the consumer. This is why we think it is extremely important to look after this aspect; here at CORALIM we work in conjunction with our customers to achieve the best results by complying with the most demanding quality parameters. Our CORALCOLOR E102 is made in powder or granulated form depending if the client requires dust-free environments.
Next to the comprehensive range of H1 food grade lubricants, Lubcon offers 3H approved release agents, used on hard surfaces in contact with food products to prevent these from adhering during processing.
Ideal packaging solution for hot and cold food Kraft cardboard on the inner and outer side Suitable for microwave use (without lid)
Water and leak proof
Transparent lid for great product visibilityPAPER BOW120 0Z 145x128x50
Case Quantity:300
Case Size:300x750x500
La pistache diffère des autres fruits oléagineux, de par sa couleur vert-jaune et son écale partiellement ouverte, ce qui en fait une noix facile à consommer. Elle se présente en grappes sur l’arbre qui n'offre ses premiers fruits qu'après une dizaine d'années. En murissant, le noyau grossit jusqu’à dépasser le volume qui lui est accordé dans la coquille et la fissure. En parallèle, leur péricarpe (peau verte duveteuse et charnue qui protège la coque) passe du vert tendre au rose-violine une fois le fruit mûr. La Pistache Coque Nature VIJAYA est crue.
The STE-6 electric stock pot range is used in large-scale kitchens and public eating facilities to heat and prepare food. The 440 mm electric heating element is embedded in the upper plate. The unit is made of food safe stainless steel. Heating element input is regulated with a four-position switch and a light indicating when the unit is turned on. The stock pot range has adjustable legs to accommodate uneven floors.
Dr. Paul Lohmann® offers Ferrous Bisglycinate as powder and granules in chem. pure as well as for food supplements. Bisglycinates are fully reacted chelates.
For pharmaceutical applications, it is used for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
For food applications, it is used for iron fortification.
CAS 20150-34-9
Dr. Paul Lohmann® carries out product and application development in close cooperation with customers. This includes the adaptation of chemical and physical parameters such as bulk density, wettability, particle size, purity or pH-value.
Pêchés de manière responsable par notre navire Emeraude en Atlantique Nord-Est (zone FAO 27 - sous-zones I, IIa, IIb IIIa & VI), nos filets de loup de mer PBI (Anarhichas lupus, Anarhichas minor) sont élaborés à partir de poissons 100% sauvages.
Nous mettons en œuvre une sélection rigoureuse des poissons pour créer nos produits avec des standards de qualité très élevés. Ils sont pêchés et surgelés dans les 12h qui suivent la capture, tout cela en pleine mer.
Nous proposons nos filets de loup de mer PBI non calibrés en conditionnement de 6.8kgs Interleaved pour le B-to-B.
Pour le retail, nous proposons des portions de filets de loup de mer PBI conditionnés en sachets transparents + cavalier.
N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos besoins et nous demander plus d'informations sur nos produits !
Our coffee bags are expertly designed to maintain the freshness and rich aroma of your coffee. Crafted from durable, food-grade materials, these bags offer superior protection against moisture, oxygen, and light, ensuring that your coffee stays as flavorful as the day it was roasted. Available in various sizes and styles, including eco-friendly options like alu-free packaging, our coffee bags provide a perfect blend of practicality and sustainability, ideal for both commercial and personal use. Customizable features such as resealable zippers, degassing valves, and vibrant printing options make them the go-to choice for preserving coffee at its best.
Boîtes Biobox , idéal pour vos plats à emporter.
Boîte anti-Gras et anti-fuite.
Fermeture par le haut avec ses crochets.
Nos boîtes de qualité supérieure sont pelliculées.
Carton 300 gr + 15 PE
Disponibles en 3 formats :
110 x 90 x 45 mm ( pour les entrées ou desserts ou accompagnements )
168 x 90 x 60 mm ( pour les grosses entrées ou plats ou gros desserts)
190 x 140 x 50 mm ( pour les plats)
Désignation:Boîte carton
Contenance:1500 ml
Dimension:190 x 140 x 50 mm
Prix unitaire:39,00 € HT Soit 0.195 € HT l'unité
Baguettes en bambou avec sa pochette extérieure en kraft.
Format standard 20 cm
Désignation:Baguette bambou
Dimension:20 cm
Prix unitaire:20,00 € HT Soit 0.020 € HT l'unité
I sistemi di controllo chiusura e tenuta di livello della gamma Bbull distribuiti da nimax sono la miglior soluzione per assicurarsi della corretta chiusura di lattine e di bottiglie in vetro e PET con tappi in metallo o plastica e del corretto riempimento di contenitori con prodotti liquidi e solidi.
Oracle is a real antioxidant bomb. In addition to extracts of dried fruits, vegetables and spices, the Oracol supplement includes glutathione and L-cysteine. It also affects the body through its ingredients, which activate its natural antioxidant mechanism. It is thus the first complex antioxidant supplement on the market to give the human body powerful support in the fight against free radical aggression.
We are ASLAN MAKINA , a Leading Manufacturer in the shrink packaging sector. Since its establishment in 2009, our company has been developing and manufacturing different types of SHRINK and WARP MACHINERY to be applied on a wide range of products from different Industeries such as : CARDBOARD products like PIZZABOXES, FOOD, BEVERAGE products, FURNITURE, CERAMIC, BROWN PRODUCTS, ELECTRONICS and many other applications.
Our registered brand name is aslantech
On a surface of 3600 m2, Our facility is located at THE Organized Industrial Zone PANCAR, IZMIR TRUKEY, and just 20 minutes distance from the International Airport Adnan Menderes. Thanks to our skillful Engineering teams and to our hard working blue collars , 100% of our production is made at our company including The Designing, Laser Cutting, Welding and programing. Our workshops are equipped with a production capacity greater Than 25 machines per month.
Gli integratori alimentari in chewing gum funzionale, confezionati in blister, rappresentano un'innovativa soluzione per chi desidera un'assunzione pratica e gustosa. Realizzati con un metodo di compressione a freddo, questi chewing gum mantengono l'integrità dei componenti attivi, garantendo un rapido assorbimento e benefici immediati. Disponibili in forma tonda, questi chewing gum sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto di alta qualità e personalizzabile. Con un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente.
La formulazione dei chewing gum funzionali include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute senza compromessi, grazie alla loro capacità di fornire un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti essenziali. Scegliendo i chewing gum funzionali, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.
Le saindoux végétalien a été préparé sur la base des pois chiches et du sarrasin avec l'ajout de pomme et d'oignon cuit au four. Il est 100% végétalien et est parfait comme ajout à toutes sortes de pain. Il est riche en glucides sains, en fibres, en protéines, en vitamines et en minéraux. L'hélico, également connu sous le nom de pois chiches ou de pois italiens, est un véritable trésor de protéines nutritionnelles élevées. Sa composition comprend également de grandes quantités de vitamines B, de vitamine C, d'acide folique ainsi que de fibres alimentaires et de nombreux minéraux, tels que le calcium, le fer, le magnésium, le potassium ou le zinc. Les ingrédients contenus dans les pois chiches empêchent la constipation, régulent le rythme des selles et réduisent également la pression artérielle et le cholestérol. Dans la bouillie, nous trouverons beaucoup de protéines, qui sont des chiffres comme les protéines des légumineuses et des fibres.
We manufacture different shapes of knives to cut meat like chicken. But also blades for bone and carcass cutting.
1 / Carcass cutting blade
2 / Meat cutting blade
Ente Pur von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung
ist ein artgerechtes, natürliches und getreidefreies Hundefutter mit höchstem Fleischanteil aus reiner Ente.
Das Nassfutter aus reinem Entenfleisch versorgt Ihren Hund mit allen wichtigen Nährstoffen. Aufgrund unserer natürlichen und erlesenen Zutaten ist unser Ente Pur äußerst schmackhaft und bekömmlich.
Unsere Zusammensetzung beinhaltet 100% Ente (Entenfleisch, Entenherz, Entenleber, Entenmagen).
Unser Nassfutter für Hunde mit dem Singleprotein Ente von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung ist leicht verdaulich und für Allergiker besonders zu empfehlen, da eben nur eine Proteinquelle vorhanden ist und das gesamte Produkt getreidefrei hergestellt wird.
Alle Produkte von Beckers Beste Tiernahrung sind ohne Zusatz von Zucker, Farb-, Aroma- und Konservierungsstoffe. Unsere Konservierung erfolgt ganz natürlich in der eigenen Kochbrühe. Wir stellen ausschließlich in Deutschland her und die Inhaltsstoffe stammen ebenfalls aus Deutschland.
I chewing gum funzionali in barattolo offrono un modo pratico e conveniente per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questi barattoli contengono una quantità generosa di chewing gum, garantendo un'integrazione continua e a lungo termine. Ideali per chi cerca un'alternativa gustosa e facile da assumere, i chewing gum in barattolo sono una scelta popolare per chi desidera un'integrazione discreta e piacevole.
Corn bran is a source of dietary fiber. They are used for gentle cleansing of the body, for adding to pastries, salads, soups. Reduce appetite.
Weight:200 g
Les gruau d'orge, comme son nom l'indique, est fait de grains d'orge. Selon la fragmentation, nous la divisons en orge de perle, c'est-à-dire des grains entiers sans échelles, bouillie country - orge et perle de perle brisée, qui est écrasée et polie. C'est une riche source de fibres - il a la plus variété d'orge perle. L'argent est une source de vitamines B - B1, B2, B6, Vitamine E, K, PP, acide folique et silicium, zinc, calcium, manganèse et cuivre. La vitamine K soutient le système circulatoire et la coagulation sanguine et renforce la structure des parois des vaisseaux sanguins. Les ingrédients minéraux et la vitamine E et l'acide folique soutiennent la lutte contre l'anémie. B Les vitamines du groupe présentes dans les graphiques aident à se débarrasser des effets du stress, à améliorer la mémoire et à la concentration, et à soutenir également le travail du système nerveux. & NBSP; <strong> Composition: </strong> Porridge & nbsp; <strong> Valeur nutritionnelle en 100 g </strong>