Chlorella is a freshwater algae rich in many nutrients. It is more expensive than Spirulina due to the longer and more complicated process of its production. In its composition we can find, among others, vitamin C, D, E and B vitamins. It is also a valuable source: iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus and iodine. It owes its dark green color the presence of chlorophyll. Chlorella, thanks to the content of vitamin B12 and iron, is particularly popular among vegetarians, vegans, pregnant women and active athletes. It contains more than twice as much nucleic acid and chlorophyll than spirulina, but less protein and a bit of beta-carotene. Chlorella is the only green source of a nutrient called a factor of chlorella growth (CGF). Thanks to CGF, it improves growth processes in children, maintains health at a late age, heals injuries, initiates an increase where he was detained by illness or degenerative condition.
Boîte burger en micro cannelure.
La qualité la plus résistante en terme de boîte.
Aucun souci de rigidité avec cette boîte.
Format unique.
Désignation:Boîte burger
Dimension:11 x 11 x 7 cm
Prix unitaire:27,00 € HT Soit 0.135 € HT l'unité
Sale in Gocce è il primo sale liquido e a basso contenuto di sodio ad essere ricavato dall'acqua di mare. Grazie ad un innovativo sistema di produzione che gli permette di eliminare il sodio in eccesso e a mantenere tutte le caratteristiche
benefiche degli oligoelementi naturali presenti nell'acqua di mare.
Sale in Gocce mantiene lo stesso gusto del sale tradizionale
Sale in Gocce si usa in totale
sostituzione del sale comune.
E’ Il condimento sia per cucinare che per
insaporire direttamente gli alimenti.
2,5 ml di Sale in Gocce corrisponde 1 g si sale comune
Women’s Formula P3 is a premium combination of micronutrients with 15 vital substances, which combat a loss of vital substances from taking contraceptive pills. The formula was adapted to the most recent scientific knowledge.
Information from specialist literature for the use of Women’s Formula P3:
• Covering an increased consumption of vital substances
• Supports physical/psychological Performance
• Maintains a healthy vitamin and micronutrient balance with the view to a later wish to
become pregnant
Micro nutrient thief: Contraceptive pill
Micronutrients and medicinal products use the same metabolic pathways in the body when ingested. Therefore micronutrients and medicinal products compete for the same transportation systems. Micronutrients are at a disadvantage and this leads to less of them.
Matériaux d’emballage flexibles pour les applications alimentaires et non alimen - Tam Ambalaj is the producer of the flexible packaging materials for Food and Nonfood Applications in Istanbul , Turkiye .
If you send your mail address to us , we shall have much pleasure in sending you the futher information and our e-cataloque about our products .
L'amande pralinée VIYAYA est l'allié idéal des pauses gourmandes et des desserts généreux. Son croquant et sa saveur vous feront voyager et vous rappelleront les douces notes sucrées de votre enfance.
65% polyester 35% cotton 200 grms/m2 twill fabric.
Two front pockets.
Closure with straps in the upper area, crossing around and adjusting at the sides.
Respect de normes sévères en termes de qualité et d’hygiène
L’une des spécialités de notre atelier protégé est le conditionnement alimentaire requérant un travail en atmosphère contrôlée (température, hygrométrie, filtre à particule). Il peut s’agir de produits nus ou préemballés : pralines, bâtons de chocolat, etc.
L’Atelier s’est doté à Naninne d’une installation spécifiquement dédiée à ce type de conditionnement. Elle dispose de salles propres avec sas, espaces de stockage et quais de chargement/déchargement, entièrement climatisés. De cette façon, la chaîne du froid est garantie depuis l’arrivée de votre marchandise jusqu’à son expédition, une fois conditionnée.
S’agissant du respect des normes de qualité, d’hygiène et de sécurité alimentaire, L’Atelier se conforme strictement au cahier des charges défini en étroite collaboration avec ses clients.
Modes de conditionnement que propose L’Atelier dans ce domaine :
-tri qualitatif
-mise en étui, en sachet, en ballotin ou en écrin
Risibisi è uno snack biologico croccante a base di piselli e riso. I Risibisi sono cotti al forno, non fritti. Ideali a merenda o per l'aperitivo sono una ricca fonte di proteine e fibre. Ideali anche per chi segue una dieta vegana o gluten free.
Die Lebensmittelindustrie macht sich den milden Geschmack des BioSonnenblumenöls zunutze und verwendet es zur Herstellung von Mayonnaise, Remoulade, Margarine oder Salatöl, zum Backen und Marinieren.
Die Lebensmittelindustrie macht sich den milden Geschmack des BioSonnenblumenÖls zunutze und verwendet es beispielsweise zur Herstellung von Mayonnaise, Remoulade oder Margarine. Genauso eignet es sich als Salatöl, zum Backen und Marinieren.
Da zur Gewinnung des higholeic BioSonnenblumenöls nur bestimmte, natürlich gezüchtete SonnenblumenSorten verwendet werden, die einen sehr hohen Anteil an der einfach ungesättigten Ölsäure aufweisen, ist es hitzestabiler als in der ursprünglichen, linolsäurereichen (=linoleic) Form. Dadurch verträgt unser higholeic BioSonnenblumenöl auch höhere Gartemperaturen. Durch eine zusätzliche Raffination ist diese Variante des Sonnenblumenöls ideal zum Braten und Frittieren.
Im Gegensatz zu dem ölsäurereichen BioSonnenblumenöl besticht dieses
Among our 1700 available flavouring references, the standard gastronomic range of more than 250 flavourings will satisfy the majority of uses. All products listed below are available in bottles of 58ml, 115ml, 500ml, 1 litre, and in cans of 5 L, 10 L or 25 Litres.
100% Farine de Blé
Disponible en Type 80 "Bise" à 2.50€/Kg, Type 110 "Semi complète" à 2.70€/Kg, Type 150 "Intégrale" à 2.80€/Kg
Allergène : Gluten
Foodgrade N2O is a nitrous oxide that, as you might guess, is used for the food industry and therefore has the right quality for this as well. This is because this form of nitrous oxide is purified and has a purity level of 99.7%.
Foodgrade nitrous oxide (N2O) is used in whipped cream chargers, among other things. This gas can be sold in whipped cream chargers and inserted into the whipped cream siphon, or through the also wellknown whipped cream cartridges. The nitrous oxide (N2O) can mix well with the fatty substances that are put into the whipped cream siphon to make a mousse, cream, or whipped cream. In addition to this benefit, the advantage of nitrous oxide (N2O) in the food industry is also that nitrous oxide has antibacterial properties. And because of this, the whipped cream remains good for up to 10 days in the refrigerator.
Another advantage is that with the same amount of cream, combined with nitrous oxide (N2O), the total volume increases by four times as much.
Mélange de pâtes (semoule de blé dur ) aux oeufs à l'épinard, tomate, carotte, betterave, curcuma, basilic et l'encre de seiche (semoule de blé dur, oeufs, encre de seiche (40% encre de seiche, eau, sel et épaississant Carboxyméthylcellulose sodique)
L'EL CLOSE est un dispositif de fermeture intermittent ou continu pour les caisses avec volets. Cette solution s'adapte aux différentes formes du carton. Sa vitesse peut atteindre 60 caisses/minute.
L'EL CLOSE est totalement conçu pour être interfacé avec toutes les machines SYNERLINK.
1000er Verpackung
250er Kombipackung
Deckel Becher zu 100 Stück unterverpackt
Deckel zu 50 Stück unterverpackt Becher zu 100 Stück unterverpackt
Deckel zu 50 Stück unterverpackt
(Becher u. Deckel in einem Karton)
Tous nos produits sont fabriqués à la main, de façon artisanale, en petites fournées pour garantir une qualité et une fraîcheur sans égal !
Goût Chocolat intense 71% de cacao
Fabriqué en France
100% d'ingrédients naturels, sans conservateurs, sans huile de palme
CBD 10mg par carré
Sans gluten
Chaque tablette contient 24 carrés de chocolat !
Tous nos produits contiennent absolument pas de THC donc n'ont aucun effet psychotrope !
Comment consommer le Chocolat Bloom&Cie ?
Ouvrir la tablette de Chocolat au CBD Bloom&Cie
Manger 1 ou 2 carrés (ou plus ?)
Ne pas oublier de ranger le chocolat dans son étui après consommation
Conserver son Chocolat au CBD Bloom&Cie maximum 2 mois après ouverture
Chocolat noir (Pâte de cacao*, sucre de canne*, beurre de cacao*), amandes, noisettes, noix de pécans, pistaches, cranberries, figues séchées, huile de coco MCT, CBD (extrait de chanvre cannabidiol), terpènes et beaucoup d'amour !
Goût:Chocolat intense 71% de cacao
CBD:10mg par carré
Tra le mille possibilità del pesce spada, quella che vi proponiamo noi è sicuramente la più indicata per accompagnare un aperitivo dall’alto livello qualitativo. Con il loro rivestimento croccante, che nasconde un morbido impasto a base del pesce migliore, servirete gusto e raffinatezza in pochi minuti.
The pasta packaging market consists mainly of duplex films, BOPP films, BOPP films with a transparent window that makes the product visible. Rigid, mechanically resistant packaging is available in the options featuring various thickness. BOPP/CPP laminates exhibit the tear resistance and, thanks to the cast polypropylene (CPP) layer, are ideal for packaging products with sharp edges (e. g. spaghetti pasta). We also use BOPP/LDPE laminates with appropriately modified polyethylene layer.
Grease and moisture resistant paper
Minimum space for storage and transportation
Ideal for Take Away and Fast Food
Dimensions, mm:300*300
Product ID:OSQ PAPWRAP K 300
Case size, pcs:2000
Density, g/m2:40
Colour:Kraft / White
Packing type:Without a window
Food texture:Dry / Greasy
Perfect for Fast food. Street food Jake away
The product is delivered nested and ready to use
Grease and water proof
SNACK CUP L 61x80x129
Case Quantity:800
Case Size:405x695x330mm
High Quality Paperboard Cake Boxes
•Premium Food Grade Packaging.
•Made from Durable Greaseproof Food Grade Paperboard.
•Flat Pack design – easy assembled into 4d Box.
•Suitable for Cakes/Cup Cakes/Doughnuts/Tray Bakes etc
•100% Recyclable
•Made in UK
Box Sizes
6” x 6” White - (150 x 150 x 65mm)
7” x 7” White – (175 x 175 x 75mm)
8” x 8” White – (200 x 200 x 85mm)
10” x 10” White – (255 x 255 x 107mm)
12” x 12” White – (300 x 300 x 120mm)
5.5” x 8.5” White – (135 x 215 x 65mm)
5.5” x 11” White – (135 x 280 x 70mm)
Premium 1st Class Medjoul dates are our flagship product,
sorted and packaged to satisfy the taste of highend retailers and consumers worldwide.
Our premium dates come in different fruit sizes and package formats
Qamar Dates has 0% 10% skin separation and weighs 10 to 27gr per unit.
Packing:5 Kg
Novelis aluminum converter foil is a part of the light- or thin-gauge product group, ideally between 5 and 70 μm. They form flexible laminates with supporting materials like polymers or paper and additional lacquering and coating.
Novelis is a preferred source of converter foil for global players in the flexible aluminum packaging industry, where it is then subjected to further processing, including laminating, extrusion, lacquering and printing, embossing and cutting.
The versatility and flexibility of the products enable our customers to create a diverse range of packaging solutions, finding end applications across diverse industries such as food – including butter packaging and cheese packaging – pharmaceuticals, wraps, bottle capsules, laminated tubes, pouches and more.