Las almendras son semillas de amígdalas que crecen en aproximadamente 30 variedades diferentes. 8 de cada 10 almendras provienen de cultivos en California soleada, donde las condiciones climáticas son ideales para cultivar almendras. Las almendras pertenecen a la misma familia que las cerezas, los duraznos y los mangos. Son ricos en nutrientes. Contienen vitaminas, minerales, proteínas y fibra, por lo tanto, tienen efectos que promotan la salud. Tienen un alto contenido de grasas no saturadas saludables. Las grasas insaturadas no aumentan la amenaza de colesterol de sangre "mala". Además, se cree que su consumo regular puede reducir el nivel general de colesterol. Las almendras son ricas en vitamina E, un antioxidante bien conocido, una sustancia que detiene los procesos de oxidación, limpia las venas y previene la enfermedad cardíaca y ralentiza el envejecimiento celular. Se cree que las almendras contribuyen a mantener huesos sanos a través de la compuesta de calcio, magnesio, mangan
Easy to assemble
Made from recyclable paperboard
Comes in various sizes
Perfect for birthdays and parties
Custom packaging
(possible to customize design and material)CAKE BOX 255x255x105
Case Quantity:75
Case Size:405x695x330mm
Der Spitzmorchel ist einer der bekanntesten Waldpilzen und zwar einer der von Feinschmeckern meistgesuchten Pilze. Sein zarter Balance zwischen erdigem sowie nussigem und rauchigem Aroma kombiniert mit seiner fleischigen Beschaffenheit ergibt eine feine Delikatesse, die besonders in der französischen Cuisine sehr geschätzt wird. Diese elegante Pilze zaubern ein Genuss besonderer Art und eignen sich hervorragend als Vorspeise, zum verfeinern von Saucen und Pfannengerichten sowie zum Zubereiten feiner Risottos.
Vor dem Gebrauch die getrockneten Spitzmorcheln mit kochendem Wasser übergießen und etwa 30 Minuten quellen lassen. Die Pilze werden etwas von der Flüssigkeit einsaugen und dadurch größer und saftiger werden.
Ursprungsland:Bosnien und Herzegowina
Marke:Dr. Ana Collection
Hersteller:AnaVita Naturkost GmbH
Among our 1700 available flavouring references, the standard gastronomic range of more than 250 flavourings will satisfy the majority of uses. All products listed below are available in bottles of 58ml, 115ml, 500ml, 1 litre, and in cans of 5 L, 10 L or 25 Litres.
Notre machine de thermoformage AR700 est reconnue pour sa convivialité, sa grande fiabilité, son design et son agencement simples. Notre capacité reconnue de remplissage multicouche délicate est idéale pour les produits laitiers de qualité supérieure avec une grande précision. Sa grande adaptabilité aux besoins changeants du marché, ainsi que son exploitation et son entretien faciles, sont idéaux pour les lignes de production à grande vitesse.
Notre équipement est conçu pour exécuter toutes les opérations au niveau du sol. Les emballages FFS sont livrés dans des bobines en plastique et thermoformés dans votre usine. Les pots sont remplis et scellés dans des conditions ultra-propres à une cadence pouvant atteindre 57 600 pots à l’heure. Notre machine peut traiter divers matériaux (PS, PET, PLA, PP, multicouches) et fournir une large gamme de pots coniques, droits, à moule ouvrant, avec ou sans étiquette.
Biologically accessible turmeric extract
• Curcumin is a powerful naturally occurring antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.
• It improves the mobility and flexibility of joints and reduces discomfort at movements.
• Due to antioxidant properties, it slows down the aging process, has a beneficial effect on the heart and liver, increases immunity and improves metabolism.
• Contains high-quality patented extract of turmeric (Curcumin C3 complex).
• Enhanced with piperine (black pepper extract) for a better bioavailability.
• The product, including the capsule shells, is vegetarian and does not contain any animal-derived substances.
• GMO-free, does not contain sugar, preservatives, or dyes.
1 capsule contains:
Curcumin – 50 mg (100 %)
Piperine – 50 mg
Presentation: 60 x 445 mg vegetarian capsules
Try our currently most popular product – delicious organic coconut bars. Great option for everyone who wants to eat healthy but also has a sweet tooth.
These tasty bars are free from dairy, soy, hydrogenated fats and don´t contain any artificial colourings or sugars. They are sweetened only with rice syrup made from organic rice. Our coconut bars are also gluten free and suitable for vegans.
- Naturally gluten-free
- No added sugar, sweetened only with natural sweetener – organic rice syrup
- Without milk and soy products
- No colourings, starch or preservatives
- Suitable for vegans
Fucus est un varech des Mers du Nord avec une composition riche et de nombreuses propriétés bénéfiques. En raison de ses propriétés, le fucus est largement utilisé dans les produits pharmaceutiques et la cosmétologie. Cependant, l'une des propriétés les plus précieuses est de reconstituer la carence en iode dans l'hypothyroïdie.
La composition chimique
Fucus contient un ensemble complet de:
micro et macro éléments (plus de quarante), y compris l'iode, le fer, le calcium, le potassium, le silicium, le magnésium, le sélénium, le soufre, le zinc, le phosphore, le bore, le baryum, etc.,
les acides aminés,
vitamines (A, B1, B2, B3, B12, C, D3, E, K, F, H, PP, C),
un ensemble d'acides organiques (alginique, folique et pantothénique, etc.),
les polysaccharides (alginates, laminaran, le fucoïdane),
It is an edible cereal grain made from 100% durum wheat.
The grain size is 2.2-3 mm.
It is one of the most important food sources in the world.
It is a very rich nutrient in terms of vitamin B1, magnesium, iron, protein and fiber.
Cholesterol free.
It does not absorb radiation and is resistant to radiation.
CBD Oil Pets 5% - 1 liter
This product is suitable for resale in bottles of your own brand or for the production of CBD based products.
HANFTASIA Premium CBD hemp oil drops for animals 5% - 1 liter.
Ideal for small animals like cats, small dogs, rabbits etc.
HANFTASIA Premium CBD Hemp Oil Drops - Made in Austria - Vegan, laboratory-tested CBD OIL
The CBD hemp drops are a pure natural product. So completely free of artificial additives.
from 1 liter 450 €, from 5 liters 400 €, from 10 liters 350 €
It has been carefully formulated by cat & dog nutritionists using the highest quality ingredients so that your cat can get all the nutrients it needs daily in a complete and balanced way. Particular attention has been paid to the fact that it contains substances that support kidney health and the digestive system with their carefully selected raw materials.
Il polilab è il laboratorio completo per la trasformazione di prodotti agroalimentari. Ideale per la lavorazione del pomodoro (sughi, salse) della frutta (marmellate e composte), sottoli, patè, risotti.
ELKALUB GLS 980/N2 ist ein hochwertiges Universalfett für den Einsatz in Wälz- und Gleitlagern, Gleitbahnen sowie offenen Schmierstellen. Durch die synthetische Ölbasis ist das Fett sehr alterungsstabil und in einem weiten Temperaturbereich (-40 °C / +140 °C) einsetzbar. ELKALUB GLS 980/N2 ist NSF H1-zertifiziert und ist daher in Umgebungen mit Lebensmittel-kontakt verwendbar.
Size:60x30x50 sm
We have the production of lid tightening machine in the desired sizes and dimensions.
Cover feeding by vibration
Cover feeding with elevator
Special design according to cover type
Torque adjustable lid tightening
I tubi in gomma alimentare sono ideali per l’uso di aspirazione e mandata di liquidi, composti nutritivi, acqua calda e vapore. Hanno caratteristiche precise e certificate. Di norma sono utilizzati nel settore F&B.
This wheat pasta is made of select premium quality wheat flour, according to special technology, while retaining ancient production traditions. Special production processes ensure that during cooking the pasta does not stick together or become mushy, and maintains its taste and yellow colour. The pasta does not contain any artificial additives. This pasta contains B-group vitamins, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive tract, as well as vitamin E and proteins essential for the body. During cooking, pasta retains its nutritional value, the valuable qualities of grain, and gives a special flavour to food.
Nutrition facts:100 g
Energy value:1494 kJ / 357 kcal
Fat Of which saturated fatty acids:1,1 g 0,5 g
Carbohydrates Of which sugars:76,0 g <0,3 g
Proteins:11,0 g
Salt:0,5 g*
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