Discover the ultimate shower gel experience with our Donkey milk shower gel, but in a handy travel size! This 50ml shower gel is the ideal companion on holiday. The Donkey milk shower gel can simply be taken in your hand luggage and is therefore suitable for every holiday
Conscious choice
This shower gel is not only wonderfully refreshing and moisturizing, but also sustainable and animal-friendly. The shower gel has a slightly sweet scent and spreads easily.
Our Donkey Milk shower gel is made with 100% natural ingredients, including donkey milk , which is known for its moisturizing properties and makes the skin soft and supple. It also contains antioxidants that protect the skin from harmful substances from the environment.
Our Donkey milk shower gel is produced with the environment in mind. It is free from harmful chemicals and comes in a recyclable bottle, so you can make a conscious choice for the planet.
Weight:0,05 kg
Age Group:Children, Adult
Découvrez notre offre de formulation de crèmes de jour et de nuit, indispensables à toute gamme de cosmétiques pour le visage. Nous pouvons répondre à des productions de petites séries en fonction de votre budget et en respectant vos délais. En choisissant notre expertise, vous bénéficiez d’un accompagnement sur mesure et de qualité. Formules 100% d'origine naturelle et ingrédients bio.
La corne broyée, est un engrais naturel très riche en azote (14 %) à libération lente qui agit progressivement et de manière plus durable.
Recommandé pour favoriser l’enracinement des arbres fruitiers.
Enfoui dans la terre au pieds des végétaux, il suffira de seulement 50 g/m² de ce produit pour nourrir les plantes de massifs, directement dans les semis de printemps et le rempotage des plantes vertes
200 g aux pieds des arbres, des arbustes et des fruitiers
50 g dans le trou de plantation des tomates
100 g / m2 au démarrage des nouveaux gazons (favorise l’enracinement)
100 g en entretien des gazons
La corne broyée s’épand sur la terre de préférence humide : griffer afin de bien l’incorporer au sol.
Utilisation directe aux semis sans risques pour les racines et les jeunes plants.
Une concentration d’azote pour toutes les plantes et arbustes en manque.
Composition :
AZOTE (N) : 14 %
Phospore (P2O5) : 0 %
Potassium ( K2O) : 0 %
POIDS:20 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg
Besoin d’un coup de boost ? Notre bougie bien-être est conçue pour revitaliser votre espace et énergiser votre journée quand vous ressentez un manque d'énergie.
Allumée, elle libère une synergie d'huiles essentielles qui éveille vos sens et renforce votre énergie naturelle.
Idéale pour créer une atmosphère vivifiante dans n'importe quelle pièce de votre maison ou de votre bureau.
Fabrication française - Cire Naturelle - Vegan.
Contenance:180g = 40h d'utilisation
Yaconpulver eignet sich als Geschmacksträger, Zusatzstoff in Fleisch und Wurstwaren, als Zuckerersatzstoff in allen Lebensmitteln (z.B. Smoothie-
Mischungen, Schokolade, Müsli, Tabletten, Getränken )
Yacon ist reich an Inulin und Oligofructose, die zu den Polysacchariden zählen, eine der natürlichsten Zuckeraustauschstoffe. Beide besitzen eine 30-50%ige
Süßkraft gegenüber herkömmlichem Zucker und weisen kaum Kalorien auf.
Inulin und Oligofructose sind wichtige Präbiotika, die aufgrund ihrer
unverdaulichen Ballaststoffe bis in den Dickdarm gelangen können, wo sie den natürlichen Darmbakterien als Nahrung diesen. Diese "guten" Bakterien sind
verantwortlich für eine gesunde Darmflora, die positiven Einfluss auf unser
Immunsystem und auf unsere Verdauung haben.
Präbiotika sind lösliche Ballaststoffe, die aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaft im Magen und Darm Wasser zu binden und aufzuquellen, die Verdauung anregen und für ein längeres Sättigungsgefühl sorgen.
Durch den hohen Gehalt an Inulin zählt Yacon zu einem idealen Zuckerersatz
auch für Diabetiker, daher die Bezeichnung "Diabetiker-Kartoffel".
In der Lebensmittelindustrie kann Yacon als Zuckersatzstoff eingesetzt und
das Produkt als "zuckerfrei" angeboten werden.
Wurst,-und Fleischhersteller schätzen das leicht süßliche Aroma und die
Tatsache, dass Yacon den Ballaststoffgehalt in tierischen Lebensmitteln
Auch als Fettersatz ist Yacon sehr bliebt, es macht Speisen cremiger und
verwandelt etwa einen Magerquark in eine Delikatesse.
Gebinde: 20 kg
Dose: 240 g, etikettiert + neutral
Crema viso ricca di principi attivi nutrienti, appositamente formulata per la pelle secca
che necessita di un surplus di nutrimento e protezione. Un utilizzo quotidiano garantisce un
risultato ottimale nel riempimento delle piccole rughe e favorisce il ricambio dello strato
corneo, rendendo la pelle più morbida e idratata. I principi attivi
contenuta al suo interno è presente la cera d'api, che contribuisce a creare un'azione sottile e protettiva
strato sulla pelle, prevenendo la perdita di umidità e proteggendola dagli agenti ambientali
stress, e il trigliceride caprico, ottimo emolliente e antiossidante che aiuta
la formazione di un film anocclusivo attorno all'epidermide per prevenire la perdita d'acqua.
Sehr verschleißfest
Besonders Chemikalienbeständig
Hohe Abriebfestigkeit
PE 1000 /PE UHMW
Das ultrahochmolekulare Polyethylen PE 1000, auch als PE UHMW bezeichnet, ist besonders abrieb- und
verschleißfest und bietet eine gute Schlagzähigkeit. Außerdem ist es beständig gegen Korrosion
und zahlreiche Chemikalien.
Verwendung findet dieser Werkstoff unter anderem im Maschinenbau, in der Fördertechnik, der
Lebensmitteltechnik, im Fahrzeugbau und in der Medizintechnik. Aus PE 1000 werden beispielsweise
Kettenführungen, Gleitschienen, Förderschnecken und Fördersterne gefertigt.
Weitere technische Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte unserem Datenblatt.
Benzyl alcohol is a colorless liquid with a soft and pleasant aroma, characterized by its versatility and multiple applications in various industries. Chemically, it is an aromatic alcohol found in many essential oils, such as jasmine and ylang-ylang. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used as a preservative in injectable medications and as a solvent for inks, lacquers, resins and other chemical formulations. It is also common in personal care and cosmetic products, where it acts as a bacteriostatic agent, preserving the freshness and stability of formulations. In addition, benzyl alcohol is used in the manufacture of fragrances and flavorings, thanks to its aromatic profile. Its low toxicity and effectiveness make this compound a valuable and multifunctional ingredient in a wide range of products.
CONTAINER:5kg, 25kg and 200kg IBC
Mit unserer Business Unit Tobacco erfüllen wir die Bedüfnisse unserer Kunden und bieten Ihnen eine vielfältige Auswahl an innovativen Geschmacksrichtungen – und das von höchster Qualität.
Im Portfolio der Steamaromen bieten wir Ihnen eine große Auswahl für Ihre Anwendung im Wasserpfeifentabak und lassen so keine Ihrer Wünsche offen. Unsere Geschmacksrichtungen basieren auf intensiver Forschung, um den Ansprüchen Ihrer Kunden perfekt zu entsprechen.
Crema Anti-Age
Scopri il Prodotto
L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale.
La Formula
I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime
99,8% di ingredienti Naturali
50,2% di ingredienti Biologici
Senza Profumo
Senza Parabeni
Senza OGM
Senza derivati animali
Non testato su animali
Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie.
Gli Studi
Sicurezza e Efficacia:
Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Nichel Tested
Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti
Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :
Unser Mineralwasser ist die perfekte Wahl für alle, die nach einer erfrischenden und gesunden Getränkewahl suchen. Es ist reich an natürlichen Mineralien und bietet einen reinen und klaren Geschmack. Unser Wasser wird aus den besten Quellen gewonnen und unter strengen Qualitätskontrollen abgefüllt.
Das Mineralwasser ist in verschiedenen Verpackungsgrößen erhältlich, um Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Es ist ideal für den täglichen Gebrauch oder für besondere Anlässe. Vertrauen Sie auf die Qualität unseres Mineralwassers, um Ihren Durst zu stillen und Ihren Körper mit wichtigen Nährstoffen zu versorgen.
Milkyland Pizza Milky is the perfect cheese for achieving a beautifully melted and deliciously creamy layer on any pizza. With its smooth texture and balanced flavor, it complements a variety of toppings without overpowering them. Milkyland Pizza Milky cheese melts evenly, creating a golden-brown finish that’s ideal for baking. Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, this cheese is crafted to deliver consistent, high-quality results and an irresistible taste experience in every slice.
Cumin Seed Oil is known to kill bacteria both internally and externally. It can be used to clean out ears, eyes and even treat open wounds against infection. It also aids in digestion – hence why in India and the Middle East people like adding Cumin to otherwise heavy dishes. Common Uses Cumin Seed Oil is a great detox oil and should be consumed daily in a cup of tea. Cumin Seed Oil can also be used as a toner for skin, by rubbing some oil before bedtime. It can also be used as a treatment for colic in infants. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should, however, replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils. Enquire Now Purity: 100% pure refined Packaging: We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities.
Sanaxil P
Breathable, natural, non-toxic paint, for external and internal surfaces, for adhesion and microcrystalline structure, based on stabilized potassium silicate. Mineral-based, active formulation, with high natural mildewcide and anti-condensation properties, prepared according to the traditional recipes, for use in ecological building interventions, new buildings and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments.
Sanaxil P consists of potassium silicate and natural pigments. It has very high breathability, remarkable mildewcide and antibacterial properties. It has no solvents, thinners, harmful substances and toxic emissions in general, and does not have thermoplastic effects.
Restoring and decorative paints for internal and external environments.
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Pre-existing paints (washable, organic, solvent based etc. ) must be thoroughly removed.
Preliminarily treat the support with the fixative Sanaxil Fix.
Apply Sanaxil P, using a brush, roller or spray, in the number of coats required by the absorption condition of the support. Sanaxil P is "dust-free" (it has started to be consistent to the touch) after about 1 hour. It can be overcoated after 4-6 hours, while it will be dry in-depth after 10-16 hours.
Sanaxil P can be used as such or diluted with Sanaxil Fix, at a rate of 15-20% by weight.
Apply from 0.30 to 0.40 liters of Sanaxil P per square metre of surface to be painted.
Pail 4 l - Pail 14 l
Disfruta del sabor natural de la fruta al 100%. El valor alimenticio de este zumo es similar al de la fruta de la que procede. Una bebida con finas burbujas perfecta para consumir en cualquier ocasión.
Prueba los sabores tradicionales de uva y manzana… y toda nuestra gama de sabores naturales. ¡100% juice, el más recomendado y saludable de los zumos!
Elaborado con fruta fresca de la mejor calidad y cuidadosamente seleccionada. Uvas procedentes de viñedos españoles y manzanas de las principales zonas de producción de Europa.
We supply two types of wood wool firelighters: Fluffy and tight one. Both are perfect quality and FSC certified.
Start your fires effortlessly with our wood wool firelighters, crafted from natural wood fibers tightly wound to catch flame quickly and maintain it. These eco-friendly fire starters are perfect for igniting wood, charcoal, or pellet fires, offering a reliable and chemical-free option to begin your warming experience. With a clean burn and a high flame, they're an essential companion for your fireplace, barbecue, or campfire adventures.
Carton box with 256 pcs +/- 2 pcs
Personalized design available
Venta de aceite de oliva virgen extra al por mayor, ideal para distribuidores. aceite de oliva virgen extra premium, elaborado a partir de una selección exclusiva de aceitunas tempranas y procesado en condiciones controladas para obtener un sabor concentrado y equilibrado. Ideal para regalo o uso en alta cocina, este AOVE ofrece una experiencia sensorial única y un perfil afrutado, con notas de hierba fresca y almendra. Su extracción cuidadosa en frío asegura la pureza del aceite, convirtiéndolo en el acompañante perfecto para platos exquisitos y experiencias culinarias de lujo.
La plantilla de lana natural, está fabricada con una capa superior de lana 100% natural y otra capa inferior de látex gofrado. Estas plantillas aíslan del frío, haciendo más confortable tu calzado.Su parte antideslizante, permite que no se mueva en tu calzado. Aptas para cualquier tipo de calzado y cualquier actividad al aire libre. Talla recortable para hacer ajustes de talla.Contiene 1 par.
Osmo Pro 4-4-4 is an organic plant based fertilizer that contributes to soil organic matter and soil fertility. The mix of organic raw materials makes for a sophisticated compound fertilizer with controlled release of nutrients over time.
The period of releasing nutrients lasts from a minimum of 90 up until 120 days. Osmo Pro 4-4-4 is a fully plant based fertilizer. Due to the balanced amount of NPK, this fertilizer is a good basic fertilizer. Osmo Pro 4-4-4 can be used complementary with other fertilizers. The fertilizer contains a high proportion of magnesium. The addition of seaweeds results in positive effects on the photosynthesis. Seaweed can decrease plant stress.
Osmo Pro 4-4-4 is certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance with EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008.
Pellet diameter: crumb 2-3 mm:Nitrogen (N total): 4%
Fosforic acid anhydrid (P2O5) soluble in mineral acid 4%:Organic matter 60%
Potassium oxid (K2O) soluble in water 4%:Magnesium oxid (MgO) soluble in mineral acid 4%
Base de maquillaje superventas n1 especialmente diseñada para pieles sensibles y alérgicas. La fórmula, que contiene ingredientes hipoalergénicos, garantiza su máxima seguridad. Además, tiene una cobertura completamente natural, no se asienta en los poros y las arrugas.
La base de maquillaje Delfy Foundation es una base de maquillaje con doble cobertura, es de larga duración y además es resistente al agua. Es muy fácil de aplicar y cubre y suaviza todas las imperfecciones de la piel de una manera muy natural.
Modo de empleo: preparar previamente la piel. Para obtener resultados ideales, se recomienda utilizar Delfy Super Primer, que hidrata profundamente la piel. Aplica una fina capa de base con una brocha de maquillaje (por ejemplo, N5, N6 o N12) o una esponja. Si es necesario, agregue a las zonas deseadas.
The essential oil of frankincense is obtained from the resin of the Boswellia serrata tree, which is native to India and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Below are some details about the origin, properties, uses, and extraction method of the essential oil of Boswellia serrata:
Origin: Boswellia serrata is a deciduous tree that grows in the mountainous regions of India, especially in the states of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The resin of this tree has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various ailments, such as respiratory, digestive, and joint issues.
Properties: The essential oil of Boswellia serrata has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antifungal, antiviral, and healing properties. It has also been shown to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and strengthening the immune system.
Botanical Name: Boswellia serrata
INCI: Boswellia serrata Oil
Family: Burseraceae
Part Used: Resin
CAS: 97952-72-2
EINECS: 308-366-6
Shampoing Solide Fleurs de Garrigue pour Cheveux Fins et Sensibles Découvrez la délicatesse de notre shampoing solide “Fleurs de Garrigue” spécialement formulé pour les cheveux fins et sensibles. Enrichi en argile blanche et huile d’olive, ce shampoing nettoie en douceur tout en apportant volume et vitalité sans alourdir. L’eau de feuille de sauge complète la formule en apaisant le cuir chevelu et en équilibrant la production de sébum. Sans sulfates, il respecte la fibre capillaire et l’environnement, offrant un soin à la fois efficace et respectueux. Bienfaits : • Nettoie en Douceur : L’argile blanche purifie sans agresser.
Découvrez la splendeur authentique de notre table rustique en vieux chêne "DUNE". Fabriquée à partir de chêne récupéré et minutieusement restauré, cette table unique allie l'authenticité du bois ancien à un design contemporain et fonctionnel. Chaque table est une œuvre d'art, avec des textures riches et des teintes naturelles qui témoignent du passé du bois.
Notre table rustique en vieux chêne "DUNE" est idéale pour apporter une touche de charme et de chaleur à votre salle à manger ou cuisine. Parfaite pour des repas en famille ou entre amis, elle s'intègre harmonieusement dans tous les styles de décoration, du rustique au moderne.
En choisissant notre table "DUNE", vous optez pour un matériau durable et écologique. Le bois utilisé est soigneusement sélectionné pour garantir une résistance et une longévité exceptionnelles. Facile à entretenir, cette table conserve sa beauté naturelle au fil des ans.
Unsere Saftpulver werden mit Hilfe eines innovativen Verfahrens unter Rohkostbedingungen hergestellt. Dies bedeutet, dass das Produkt zu keiner Zeit höheren Temperaturen als 41°C und niedrigeren Temperaturen als 1°C ausgesetzt wird. So können wir gewährleisten, dass nahezu alle Vitamine, Mineralien, sowie Farbe und Geschmack im Pulver erhalten bleiben.
Phyto PhytoPhanere Dietary Supplement Capsules 120
Phyto PhytoPhanere Dietary Supplement provides nourishing vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants to promote healthy hair, nails, skin and lashes.
Phyto PhytoPhanere
Phyto hair supplements
PhytoPhanere hair and nails
PhytoPhanere vitamins
Phyto hair growth vitamins
Hair growth supplements
Best vitamins for hair growth
Strengthen hair and nails
Hair and nail health
Thicker, stronger hair
Reduce hair loss
Improve hair thickness
Hair strength and vitality
Healthier hair and nails
Biotin for hair and nails
Natural hair growth vitamins
Biotin for hair
Vitamin B for hair growth
Omega-3 supplements for hair
Zinc for healthy hair
Essential vitamins for hair
Hair care supplements
Natural beauty supplements
Anti-hair loss supplements
Beauty vitamins
Strengthening nails and hair naturally
Ciotola per Insalata, Poké, Zuppa o Cibo in Kraft Marrone Naturale
Materiale: Cartone kraft marrone biodegradabile di qualità alimentare, resistente all'umidità e ai grassi.
Forma: Ciotola rotonda.
Descrizione: Questa ciotola impilabile ed esteticamente gradevole ha un design moderno che valorizza i tuoi prodotti.
Utilizzi: Queste ciotole sono perfette per insalate, piatti in salsa e tutti i tuoi pasti caldi o freddi.
Disponibile in: Kraft, CKB (interno bianco ed esterno Kraft), cartone bianco o cartone nero. Stampa standard o stampa personalizzata con logo disponibile.
Dimensioni: 300CC, 16Oz, 550CC, 750CC, 1050CC o 38 Oz.
Coperchio: Plastica RPET (non adatta al microonde). PP per diametri 97 e 115. Chiusura rapida e completamente ermetica. Venduto separatamente.
Composé d'ingrédients 100% d'origine naturelle, Le Déo solide a la Lavande allie efficacité et fraîcheur pour les peaux les plus sensibles. Sa formule, sans Bicarbonate de Soude, lutte contre les odeurs de transpiration, sans la bloquer. Grâce à sa synergie d'huiles essentielles de Plamarosa et de Lavande, il neutralise les odeurs de transpiration et garanti une agréable sensation de fraîcheur. Un vrai effet tonique et frais. Sa nouvelle formule crémeuse s'applique très facilement sans laisser de trace blanche.