L’arôme poire doux et délicat fait partie des fruits du verger. Ses senteurs fruitées et juteuses, tout bonnement gorgées de soleil en font l’un des fruits star des boissons, glaces et produits laitiers.
Extra gras!!! Savon à la douceur extrême (12% de surgras). Composition Huile d’olive Huile de graines de cannabis Lait entier Colorant : mica Composition INCI Sodium olivate
Sodium hempseedate Lac vacca Mica color.
Poids:90 g
Dimensions:8.5 × 5.5 × 3.5 cm
Suitable for end grain and cut face of pickets and beam to protect against cracking and moisture. Highly water-repellent and prophylactic against seepage of wood components and possible cracking.
Cire vegetale naturelle de Soja biodegradable garantie sans pesticide, sans OGM.
Parfums de Grasse, capitale mondiale du parfum. Ils repondent egalement aux normes IFRA europeennes, CLP,CE.
Variable selon le parfum, le poids de la cire, et le Brule-Parfum utilise. Lorsque vous etes prets a l’utiliser, cassez un morceau de votre fondant et placez-le dans le puits de votre bruleur. Il vous suffit ensuite d’allumer une bougie chauffe-plat.
1ere methode : Placer le brule-parfum au refrigerateur ou congelateur quelques minutes, puis decoller delicatement le bord de la cire avec le dos d’une cuillere, celle-ci se decollera facilement.
2eme methode : Allumer la bougie chauffe-plat 1 minute environ, le temps que la cire commence a fondre un peu, puis oter delicatement celle-ci avec un papier absorbant.
Les colliers Oya sont nés du métissage de la tradition dentelière turque et du regard voyageur de Christine Delpal, créatrice de la marque Karawan. La rencontre forte et prometteuse avec Hanifa et ses soeurs, villageoises d’Anatolie, fut une évidence.
Karawan s’engage depuis sa fondation pour la valorisation de savoir faire artisanaux des Routes de la Soie, par la création de collections singulières que Christine revisite par le design, pour les maintenir vivants, dans une démarche d’économie solidaire. Un désir partagé de transmettre et d’accompagner vers une professionnalisation, source de revenus et d’innovation, des savoirs traditionnels féminins d’exception, souvent limités à la sphère domestique.
Christine s’installe de longs jours dans les montagnes d’Anatolie, aux cotés
Nous proposons de fabriquer et conditionner pour vous vos produits. Nous sommes capables de produire et conditionner rapidement et dans de grands volume, des parfums et cosmétiques de tous type et de tous volume.
Capacité production:1000 à 400 000
La GELEE ROYALE, ou « lait des abeilles », est produite par les abeilles nourricières et constitue le régime alimentaire exclusif de la reine pendant toute son existence, lui offrant une incroyable longévité.
PROROYAL BIO apporte dans une dose 1500 mg de cette substance précieuse.
Miel aliment doté d’un haut pouvoir énergétique.
PHYTOCEUTIC, expert des compléments alimentaires d'origine naturelle depuis plus de 30 ans, sélectionne rigoureusement et associe ces trésors de la nature pour le bienêtre de toute la famille.
Bien agiter avant emploi. Prendre une ampoule par jour (pure ou diluée). Il est possible de renouveler l’utilisation plusieurs fois dans l’année, en particulier lors des changements de saison.
Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. Ce complément alimentaire n'est pas un médicament. Ne peut remplacer un régime alimentaire varié et équilibré.
-Kayısı çekirdeğinin içinde A, D, K ve E vitaminlerinin yanı sıra kanserle mücadele önemli bir etki sahibi olduğu söylenen B17, başka bir isimle laetril adı bir madde de yer alıyor. Bu nedenle kayısı çekirdeği birçok konuda vücudun yanında yer alabiliyor.
-İçindeki B17 sayesinde kanserli hücrelerin oluşumunu, oluşmuş olanlarınsa genişlemesini engellediği söyleniyor.
-Bolca vitamin barındırması sayesinde kayısı çekirdeği bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici bir etki de yaratabiliyor.
-Bu özellikleri dışında yüksek kan basıncını dengelemede yardımcı oluyor. Bu sayede yüksek tansiyonu olanlara destek oluyor.
-Kayısı çekirdeği, yağ olarak kullanıldığına selülitlerin görünümünü azaltıp oluşumunu önlüyor.
-Bununla da kalmayan kayısı çekirdeği yağı, cildi nemlendiriyor, kırışıklık karşıtı bir etki yaratıyor, cildin yaşlanmasını geciktiriyor.
-Sivilcelerin hızla geçmesine destek oluyor.
-Kayısı çekirdeği yağı, ağrıları dindirmede de önemli rol oynuyor.
Vielfach erprobte Creme, intensiv pflegend mit Aloe Vera aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau. Nachhaltig feuchtigkeitsfördernd. Für jeden Hauttyp.
Sie können dieses Produkt entweder direkt als Massengut (Creme im Fass zur Weiterverarbeitung) beziehen oder sich dieses Produkt in die von Ihnen gewünschte Verpackung abfüllen lassen (zzgl. Extrakosten).
Frei von Parabenen, Mineralöl, Silikonen und Alkohol.
Schnell einziehende und pflegende Tagescreme mit Aloe Vera, die die Hautbarriere vor den täglichen Einflüssen der Umwelt schützt. Frei von Parabenen, Alkohol und Duftstoffen
Entspricht folgenden Standards:
Rainforest Green Marble Slabs produced in North India,
20, 30 or 50mm thickness.
Pricing offered DAP for UK customers since we have haulage network.
Pricing offered FOB any port of convenience for all other European customers.
Unique river stone washbasin.
The inside is polished smooth and the outside is rough
for a natural look.
Wash bowl 1: 50x36x15
Wash bowl 2: 51x37x15
Material: River Stone
Arôme alimentaire.
Conserver à l’abri de la lumière et de la chaleur
Chez les jeunes enfants, et pour les femmes enceintes ou allaitantes, il est impératif de demander l’avis d’un professionnel de la santé formé à l’utilisation des huiles essentielles.
Il est interdit d’injecter les huiles essentielles.
Toujours demander l’avis d’un médecin ou d’un pharmacien quant à l’association d’un traitement allopathique conjointement à l’utilisation d’huiles essentielles.
Pures ou extrêmement diluées, les huiles essentielles ne doivent jamais être appliquées dans ou sur les muqueuses.
Tenir hors de portée des enfants.
En cas d’application cutanée, diluer dans une huile végétale.
Éviter toute utilisation prolongée.
Respecter les dosages/dilutions en cas de mélanges avec d’autres huiles végétales et/ou huiles essentielles
Nom latin:Chamaemelum nobile
Partie utilisée:Fleurs
Mode de culture:Agriculture biologique
Couleur:Jaune clair
Glowing body cream, enriched with natural rosemary extract.Nourishes and hydrates the skin, providing luminosity and golden reflections to the skin. Dermatologically tested.
Contains Natural Rosemary Extract
Product Ref:JJ00440
Semi-dried apple can be dried in specialised industrial ovens, with moisture content and other properties adjusted according to customer preferences.
During harvest , fresh apple are washed, segmented, dried in ovens, and subsequently frozen.Without the addition of any additives or preservatives.
The frozen Semi-dried apple are stored in cold storage facilities and can be shipped either frozen.
Suggested Usages
Ready Meals, Pizzas, Sandwiches, Salads, Appetizers, etc.
Product Information
Storage : – 18 Degrees Celsius
Shelf Life : 2 Years
Packaging Options
In a 10 kg cardboard box
Doy Pack (0,5 kg)
100% pure refined
We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities.
The sweet, nutty flavour of sesame is essential in oriental dishes. Having it in oil form makes it simpler to add the same flavour without the sprinkle of seeds to the dish. Sesame seed oil can also be used for sautéing vegetables, which is considered healthier than cooking oils.
Common Uses
Sesame essential oil can be added to foods such as Asian inspired stews, soups and stir fries. It can also be added to breads to uplift that distinct nutty taste. The regular intake of Sesame oil also promotes healthy bones and it is known to promote good mouth hygiene. A daily intake of Sesame oil also promotes regular bowel movements.
Recommended Storage
The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should however replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils.
For any balsutrade we can supply balusters in natural stone that can be Moleanos, Moca creme, Gascogne beige. Divers finishings in stone are available such as honed or sandblasted for an antixc aspect. Hand rails and bases can be also supplyed to complete the balustrade. Lusorochas is a stonemasony based in Lisbon that exports cut to size projects in natural stone all over the world since 1990. We are experts in cut to size projects for luxury villa, facades, stairs, fireplaces, tiles and slabs.
HUMICUM® è humus di lombrico, un ammendante 100% naturale ottenuto dal compostaggio ad opera dei lombrichi, di letame bovino, ovino ed equino maturo non proveniente da allevamenti industriali.
Grazie alla presenza di un’elevata quantità di sostanza organica umificata, migliora le caratteristiche chimico-fisiche del terreno risultando ideale nel sostenere un migliore sviluppo di tutte le colture.
Aumenta sensibilmente la fertilità del terreno
migliora la struttura e incrementa l’attività di microflora e microfauna;
Favorisce lo sviluppo dell’apparato radicale
crea un ambiente ideale per lo sviluppo di radici attive ed efficienti;
Svolge un’azione Antistress
stimola la crescita delle piante aiutandole a superare diverse fasi di stress (trapianto, carenze nutrizionali, forti sbalzi di temperatura)
Incrementa la capacità del terreno di trattenere acqua
migliora la capacità di ritenzione idrica regolando la porosità del terreno.
Amélioration du transit.
Les compléments alimentaires ne sont pas des médicaments, ils ne peuvent remplacer une alimentation variée.
Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière conseillés. Ne convient pas aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes, ni aux enfants de moins de 12 ans.
Les personnes ayant des pathologies doivent consulter un professionnel de santé.
A conserver dans un endroit sec à l’abri de la lumière.
It is said that the scent of Neroli oil was the secret behind the talents and inspirations of Leonardo DaVinci. Its uses include treatment against anxiety, headaches and relief from emotional tiredness. It is also used in facial products against wrinkles. Common Uses The most common use is to add some drops in bathwater to soak up as it creates calmness for both muscles and mind. The Ancient Egyptians believed it had the power to cure the mind and spirit. The oil can be added to hair to reduce premature grizzled hair. It also eliminates stretch marks on the skin by rubbing some oil on a regular basis. Neroli oil can also be used as a treatment for split ends by rubbing the oil on the ends of long hair. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should, however, replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils. Enquire Now Purity: 100% pure refined Packaging: We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities.
Crème volumatrice, raffermissante et tonifiante à base d’huile vierges pressées à froid et des extraits de plantes Ayurvédiques dont la composition est entièrement naturelle et sans ajout artificiel.
Donne du volume à la poitrine et aux fesses.
Un produit de première qualité dont la formule est unique et inédite.
Easybio Officiel votre grossiste à Nice, Marseille, Montpellier et à l’international.
Il panettone è un tradizionale dolce natalizio italiano, originario di Milano. Caratterizzato dalla sua forma alta e a cupola, è realizzato con un impasto lievitato dolce, arricchito con frutta candita, uvetta e scorza d’arancia. La sua preparazione richiede diversi giorni per la lavorazione e la lievitazione naturale, che conferisce al dolce la sua consistenza soffice e il sapore distintivo. Il panettone è spesso associato al periodo natalizio ed è apprezzato sia in Italia che a livello internazionale come simbolo della tradizione e dell’artigianalità italiana.
confezioni da 12, 1 pallet = 10 confezioni, scadenza 30/04/25
Minimo ordine : 30 pallets
Technische Beschreibung: Texture White Marble ist ein edler, reinweißer Marmor mit subtilen grauen Adern, der aufgrund seiner eleganten und sauberen Optik beliebt ist. Dieser Naturstein stammt aus Regionen, die für die Gewinnung hochwertiger Marmore bekannt sind. Er wird hauptsächlich in Innenräumen verwendet, aber auch in speziellen Außenanwendungen, sofern das Klima nicht extremen Bedingungen unterliegt.
Bodenbeläge und Wandverkleidungen: Ideal für luxuriöse und helle Räume wie Wohnzimmer, Badezimmer oder Küchen.
Arbeitsplatten: Aufgrund seiner Härte und Widerstandsfähigkeit eignet sich Texture White Marble hervorragend für Küchen- und Badezimmerarbeitsplatten.
Treppen und Fensterbänke: Die feine Textur und das minimalistische Aussehen machen ihn zur perfekten Wahl für elegante Treppen oder Fensterbänke.
Technische Eigenschaften:
Dichte: Ca. 2.7 g/cm³, was auf eine hohe Festigkeit und Haltbarkeit hinweist.
Our company is the exclusive Hungarian distributor of the premium cork stoppers of the French company Lafitte.
We deliver high end products with TCA clear guarantee if needed and on short notice.
Indulge in the authentic taste of our Sliced ham, naturally cured and expertly sliced for your convenience. This ham is a testament to our dedication to quality, crafted from premium pork leg and cured using traditional methods. The careful salting and drying process ensures a ham with intense flavors and a perfect texture, ready to elevate any meal. Enjoy the genuine taste of natural curing with every slice.
Experience the versatility and eco-friendliness of our Cotton Bags, crafted to meet the needs of both businesses and individuals. These bags are made from high-quality cotton, ensuring durability and a soft touch. Ideal for shopping, promotional events, or everyday use, our cotton bags are designed to be reusable and sustainable, reducing the environmental impact of single-use plastics. With a focus on practicality and style, these bags come in various sizes and designs to suit different preferences and occasions.
Our Cotton Bags are not only functional but also a fashion statement. They can be customized with logos or designs, making them an excellent choice for businesses looking to promote their brand in an eco-conscious manner. The sturdy handles and spacious interiors make them perfect for carrying groceries, books, or personal items. Choose our Cotton Bags for a reliable, stylish, and environmentally friendly packaging solution that aligns with modern sustainability goals.
This very soft, moisturizing and protective soap is enriched with honey, perfect for people with sensitive skin or simply to protect your hands from external aggressions. This iconic soap is no exception to the rule of simplicity, so our soaps are accessible to everyone!!
This soap is therefore suitable for small babies, children under 7, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, as well as vulnerable people.