Filling machine for liquids and viscous products, e.g. dairy products
Tub and glass filling with 2 dosing pumps
5-lane machine
Machine performance:
35 cycles/min.
max. 4 000 tubs/h for liquids
max. 6 000 tubs/h for paste products
Special features:
2 dosing pumps with motorised individual adjustment from 0 – 500 ml
Fully-automatic central lubrication
Sterile air hood
Transport plate for 3 formats
Die Matte ist aus elastischem PVC. Hauptfunktionen der Lochmatte: Schockabsorbierung und Rutschsicherheit, sowie Wassereinsparung und perfekte Ableitung überflüssigen Regenwassers.
aus Kunststoff, ohne Nut- und Feder
Oberfläche Noppen und Wasserspeicher, Unterseite Ringe
Plattengröße: ca. 1200 x 860 x 46 mm
Deckfläche: 1 Stck = ca. 1 qm
Our warehouse consists of more than 2000 items of consumer goods for industry as well as for household. We offer products for food or paper industry, bakery, butchery, cleaning companies, public services and others. In case you have not found your desired product on following list, please contact us. Our sales representatives are here to help you
If you are looking for a first-class company to print and bind your thesis, you can be sure that as Furkan Ofset, we will give you the high-quality attention you need and deserve. Graduate students from all over Turkey have used our services and we continue to be preferred as a reliable source for hardcover and softcover thesis book printing in many universities. We know that theses are a special category in the world of book publishing. You have worked hard all year long to produce your thesis, so it is important to give it its due when it comes to printing and binding.
You spent endless nights researching and writing while consuming a lot of caffeine. Finally, you are proud to say that your thesis is finished. You have edited, proofread and double-checked your reference. The only thing left to do is to find a high-quality thesis printing and thesis book printing company before the deadline. One of the things we are most proud
Unter Acrylglasdisplays versteht man einen Ständer beziehungsweise eine Präsentationsfläche aus Acrylglas, welche dazu dient, bestimmte Produkte, Prospekte oder Plakate für Werbezwecke auszustellen.
Die Stufenabdeckungen Eurostep® sind eine ideale Lösung für die Abdeckung vorhandener Treppen, die nicht über die erforderlichen Sicherheitsbestimmungen für Beschäftigte verfügen. Dies gilt auch für Bedingungen, in denen häufig Materialien verschüttet werden. Treppen aus Zement, Holz und Metall können mithilfe dieses Produkts sicher gemacht werden.
Die eingearbeitete rutschfeste Oberfläche trägt zu einer drastischen Verringerung der Unfallgefahr bei. Die anders gefärbte Trittkante erhöht zusätzlich die Aufmerksamkeit der Beschäftigten.
Die beiden Ausführungen der Stufenabdeckungen aus glasfaserverstärktem Kunststoff unterscheiden sich in der Herstellungsweise: Eurostep® ist eine in Handarbeit gefertigte Stufenabdeckung, während Ecostep® im Pultrusionsverfahren entsteht.
Le display vous est livré lors de votre première commande. Par conséquent, même si vous ne possédez qu’une seule couleur en stock, vous pouvez quand même toutes les vendre. Il a été étudier pour optimiser l’espace de vente au maximum. Plus important encore, il vous permet, en tant que revendeur, de transmettre un message: «Ce magasin a toutes les couleurs dont vous avez besoin»
Nous sommes spécialisés dans la création et la réalisation et le commerce de tous les types de casiers: phénoliques, métalliques, bois, bancs parmi beaucoup d’autres.
Nous exportons des casiers dans toute l’Europe et l’Afrique. De la conception au choix des matériaux, notre processus répond à des critères de qualité exigeants afin d’offrir les meilleures solutions de mobilier. Voir ci-dessous quelques options que nous avons pour vous.
The electric pump set is suitable for low to high viscosity media in the food & pharmaceutical sector and is perfect for dispensing or transferring foodstuffs.
* Pump tube equipped with Lutz Original handwheel
Features & advantages
* optionally with electric or compressed air drive
* lubricant-free: therefore no contamination of the pumped medium
* facilitated and accelerated emptying processes
* universally resistant ETFE shaft bearing
* easy disassembly: maintenance without special tools
* Sealing modules of the sealless (DL) pump can be replaced
Wooden crates is one of the wooden box which provide ability to carry your stuff with better conditions.Wooden packaging crates which is also known the wood storage crates that offer the find more spaces in your storage with well organized looking.Wood Crate and pallet crate are able to organize you goods better for shipment process.Wooden packing crates provide safety during the transportation process,it eliminates vibraton and damages to your delicate goods. It can be used many different sectors for different business purposes to keep your goods safe during the transportation and mobility process.As plus packing company, we customize the wood crates based on our valuable customer demand.
Wooden Crates Features
.Wooden crate are able turn into a mobile storage option.
.Pallet crates can be pulled and carry easily from the sidesç
.Crates organize every clutter stuff in your storage.
.Wood crates ensure more spaces in your storage
The new B3 Battery is a battery motor for demanding and efficient pump applications. The current-independent application range enables the greatest possible flexibility with the world's highest volume flow of a battery pump (up to 180 l/m). Perfectly suited for the removal or transfer of foodstuffs.
* Pump tube equipped with Lutz Original handwheel
Features & advantages
* wear-free, particularly low-noise BLDC motor
* optimized drum emptying
* infinitely variable
* extremely high performance with low weight
* Maintenance without special tools
* Sealing modules of the sealless (DL) pump can be replaced
* long service life