Mechanically robust and with a chemical and condensed waterproof sensing area, the digital IST AG HYT humidity modules offer a wide application window and an optimal price-performance ratio. Precisely calibrated, the HYT modules deliver an outstanding accuracy and excellent long-term stability even at high humidity - ideal for sophisticated mass applications, industrial handheld devices and precise humidity transmitters.
Advantages of the HYT 221 digital humidity module include:
— Calibrated and temperature compensated
— Excellent humidity/temperature accuracy and stability
— High chemical resistance
— I2C protocol (address 0x28 or alternative address)
— Wide humidity and temperature range (0 % RH to 100 % RH and -40 °C to +125 °C)
— Very low drift
— Very stable at high humidity
— Interchangeable without adjustments
Mounting:for integration
Other characteristics:digital, with temperature measurement
The sustainable innovation spirit of this material is indisputable. No matter where this material ends up, it will degrade into water, CO2, and biomass by the microorganisms available in nature. It allows producing innovative packaging, entirely in line with the circular economy, integrating the added value of compostability as end-of-life, and opens up new perspectives in waste management systems.
The hydrophobic booster for surfaces sealed with AUTOSOL® CS - Ceramic Coating. Even more protection, even more colour depth, even smoother. Use as a topcoat after the ceramic coating has cured or as a care product in between. Also suitable for non-pre-sealed surfaces.
Item number:11 090300
Mit ihrem geringen Platzbedarf lässt sich die computergesteuerte Kompaktanlage leicht in den Produktionsfluss integrieren. Dies spart Zwischenlagerung & Transporte und die damit verbundene Zeit & Kosten.
Die komfortable Bedienerausstattung auf neustem Niveau läßt keine Wünsche offen: Touchscreen-Bedienung, USB/SSD Festplatte, Netzwerkanbindung (Support via Internet), Rezepturenspeicher, Benutzerverwaltung, Protokollierung/ Dokumentation/ Rückverfolgbarkeit & Barcodescanner/ID Key (optional).
Alternativ ist die E30 auch in Wechselkorbausführung erhältlich und damit kompatibel zu unserer Waschanlage W30, und ist optimal geeignet für eine lineare Folgebearbeitungslinie →Produktion →Entgraten →Waschen →Tempern, da die Chargen-Wechselkörbe zu den jeweiligen Maschinen kompatibel eingesetzt werden können.
Für Industrie 4.0 Anforderungen: Standardgemäß ist ein Monitoring der Prozessdaten über Netzwerk auch von einem externen Arbeitsplatz oder optional via OPC-UA Server möglich.
Promix specializes in demanding cooling and heat exchanger tasks such as cooling and heating of viscous or decomposition-sensitive media / plastic melts. The Promix P1 heat exchanger is the unique combination of a very efficient static mixer and a powerful cooler. The novel patented technology opens up completely new process engineering possibilities in the cooling and heating of plastic melts and other viscous fluids. The simultaneous mixing and cooling processes in the P1 allow for very efficient
cooling and heating without the formation of deposits or the risk of product decomposition.
Advantages Promix P1 heat exchanger
Very efficient cooling of polymer melts close to the solidification point
Precise temperature control and uniform temperature distribution at the outlet
Very robust construction
Extremely gentle cooling and heating of residence time critical fluids
Unique self-cleaning behavior
Reliably scalable from laboratory test to production scale
Test options
Pompe di scarico efficienti nel design AT
La serie POLY-AT offre un alto grado di flessibilità per quanto riguarda l'installazione sotto il reattore di fusione dei polimeri. Il cliente può scegliere tra 3 diverse geometrie di flange, in modo da poter sempre selezionare la combinazione tecnicamente ed economicamente migliore di reattore e flangia della pompa.
Grazie alle nuove geometrie degli ingranaggi, sono possibili pressioni differenziali fino a 320 bar con dimensioni di pompa selezionate. Il nuovo design è completato dalla solita varietà di combinazioni di materiali diversi. La combinazione più comune è certamente l'alloggiamento in acciaio inossidabile o in acciaio al carbonio e i cuscinetti a strisciamento in acciaio per utensili o in bronzo d'alluminio.
Media di trasporto:per fusione, polimero
Kaneka liquid polymers are widely recognized as the premium choice of base resins for producing sealants, adhesives, and coatings. Their unique properties enable KANEKA MS POLYMER™, KANEKA SILYL™, and KANEKA XMAP™ based products to deliver outstanding performance for a wide variety of markets, including construction, industrial, transportation, flooring, waterproofing, DIY, and specialty markets. Kaneka’s continuous pursuit of innovation is reflected in our broad product portfolio covering various applications.
Mit CONSTAB CON-Batch 30X können Folien dichter und fester produziert werden - die Schichtdicke hingegen kann um ca. 25 %, die Heizleistung um ca. 20 % reduziert werden.
CONSTAB CON-Batch 30X Masterbatch wird z.B. bei der Herstellung von thermoformbaren Platten verwendet und ermöglicht eine Verringerung der Gesamtdicke der Platte um bis zu 30 % bei gleichzeitiger Beibehaltung ihrer mechanischen Integrität. Es verbessert die mechanischen und optischen Eigenschaften des Endprodukts.
Darüber hinaus dient das Masterbatch als Verarbeitungshilfsmittel bei Extrusionsanwendungen und ermöglicht eine höhere Produktionsgeschwindigkeit und ein breiteres Verarbeitungsfenster, während der Energieverbrauch gesenkt wird.
CON-Batch 30X kann problemlos in Monofilmen verwendet und somit recycelt werden.
CON-Batch 30X kann mit einem Zertifikat geliefert werden, das die CO₂-Neutralität bestätigt
AUTOSOL® DYNAMIC COMPLETE PREMIUM This advanced formulation combines uniquely shaped polishing media, which produce an extremely high gloss finish, with the latest Si-polymer based protection technology. The one-step polish is easy to apply and not only removes medium scratches and signs of wear, but also impressively enhances the vehicle's gloss and colour depth. AUTOSOL® DYNAMIC COMPLETE PREMIUM leaves behind an extremely resistant protective layer.
Item number:11 038300
TS651 besteht aus Hochleistungs-Thermoplasten, die speziell für eine konstant geringe Reibung bei leichten bis mittelhohen Belastungen unter trockenen oder geschmierten Betriebsbedingungen ausgelegt sind.
Kane Ace™ MX is Kaneka’s novel coreshell rubber (CSR) toughening system for thermo set resins. It is a predispersed CSR Masterbatch which enhances the physical properties of the resins through optimal dispersion of core-shell particles.
The revolutionary liquid impact modifiers of Kane Ace™ MX achieve highly improved strength, improved fracture toughness and endurance without losing the heat resistant characteristics of thermoset resins.
The liquid nature guarantees an easy handling and mixing into your system, which will save you time and reduces the production cost.
Strong, water-based adhesive disperion for heat transfers.
✔ Very hard once dried
✔ Hydrophobic
✔ Low Viscosity
✔ Great price
✔ Clear coating
✔ Application temp.: 80 - 110°C
✔ For glas, ceramics, ABS, ...
Our GK-I hot melt dispersions is tailored for heat transfer printing. With a rather high activation temperatur is results is very durable bonds once applied. It can be used well with toner-based prints. This adhesive is great for heat transfer printing onto glas or ceramic products like wine or spirits bottles as well as promotional or cosmetic products made from ABS. Furthermore, it offers self-crosslinking capabilities which increase the adhesion even further. It shows great resistance against water and heat. The particles in this dispersion are fine dispersed and result in even and repeatable results.
Mechanically robust and with a chemical and condensed waterproof sensing area, the digital IST AG HYT humidity modules offer a wide application window and an optimal price-performance ratio. Precisely calibrated, the HYT modules deliver an outstanding accuracy and excellent long-term stability even at high humidity - ideal for sophisticated mass applications, industrial handheld devices and precise humidity transmitters.
Advantages of the HYT 271 digital humidity module include:
— Calibrated and temperature compensated
— Fast response time
— Excellent humidity/temperature accuracy and stability
— High chemical resistance
— Wide humidity and temperature range (0 % RH to 100 % RH and -40 °C to +125 °C)
— Very low drift
— I2C protocol (address 0x28 or alternative address)
— Very stable at high humidity
— Interchangeable without adjustment
Mounting:for integration
Other characteristics:digital, with temperature measurement
hoher Pflegeanteil
Dip es oxyactive ist der Aktivator der 2KomponentenDippmittel Dip es oxyfilm oder Dip es oxyspray und bildet zusammen mit einem dieser Produkte eine chlordioxidhaltige, filmbildende bzw. sprühfähige DippLösung mit desinfizierenden Eigenschaften und hochwertigen pflegenden Substanzen. Keine Wartezeit.