La fórmula infantil de leche de cabra se formula utilizando una combinación de ingredientes espcialmente seleccionados para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de bebés recién nacidos hasta niños de tres años de edad. Este producto es elaborado con leche de cabra de alta calidad y otros nutrientes. Se elabora en Europa cumpliendo con los estándares de calidad europeos.
Contenido neto :400g
embalaje:12x400g por caja
Lata de hojalata :interior liso, exterior con Fuente blanca + 4 colores
Cierre:Tapa abre fácil
Tapa :Tapa de plástico
Fondo :Interior listo, exterior laqueado transparente
Cartón :Marrón, envolvente, impreso con ink-jet
Origen : Europeo
Cantidad mínima de pedido :Contenedor de 20 pies
Cantidad de producto en un contenedor :1440 cajas (12 latas de 400g)
Caricabatterie wireless magnetico 3 in 1
Ingresso:5V 3A / 9V 2A
Produzione:15 W / 10 W / 7,5 W / 5 W
DANALAC standard infant formulae is a 3-stage infant nutrition item available from DANA Dairy.
* Composition close to mothers' breast milk
* Strengthens the bone structure
* Formula adapted to the nutritional needs of the infant
* Essential fatty acid
* Contributes to the brain and retinal development
* Support overall mental and physical development
* Sustaining Healthy Growth
* Twenty-four times more Iron than cow milk
* Limited protein intake for natural growth
* Great source of energy for toddlers
Nutritional Benefits:
Inositol: in nerve transmission helps transport fats in the body. It’s too necessary for the healthy developing of cell membranes.
Taurine: Helps to support overall mental and physical development.
Linoleic acid (Omega 6) & α-linolenic acid (Omega 3): they are needed for fetal growth, brain development, learning, and behavior.
Un capolavoro senza tempo di eleganza e impegno, realizzato esclusivamente per a - Presentiamo l'anello di fidanzamento 3 Stone Mia, un sinonimo di eleganza, raffinatezza e impegno duraturo. Questo pezzo di lusso è progettato esclusivamente per le aziende che si rivolgono a una clientela esigente alla ricerca di gioielli memorabili e di alta qualità. Prodotto a Istanbul con precisione e maestria, questo anello di fidanzamento è disponibile nella tua scelta di oro o argento per allinearsi perfettamente alle preferenze del tuo cliente.
L'anello presenta uno splendido diamante principale da 1 carato, abilmente tagliato per mostrarne l'eccezionale chiarezza e brillantezza. Affiancato da due pietre laterali da 3 mm, il design cattura magnificamente l'essenza del passato, del presente e del futuro, rendendolo un simbolo ideale dell'amore eterno. L'incastonatura a tripla pietra è fissata saldamente in un classico design a punta, garantendo che i diamanti rimangano il punto focale di questo maestoso pezzo.
Caricabatterie wireless 3 in 1 di nuovo arrivo, dock per caricabatterie rapido da 15 W
Ingresso:5V 3A / 9V 2A
Ingresso:5V 3A / 9V 2A
Produzione:15 W / 10 W / 7,5 W / 5 W
Support fast charging up to 15W, can charging iphone, airpods, iwatch together at the same time.
Wireless charge output:15W, 10W, 5W
Input Port:TypeC
Color:Black / White
High-performance superplasticizer
of the latest generation for
concrete precast elements with
highest early-strength made from
medium slump, high slump or
self-compacting concrete (SCC).
Very strong increase of workability
and/or reduction of w/c-ratio; very
high early-strength development;
moderate slump retention.
Diseñado con 3 conectores aplicados a todos los smartphones. Cable estándar USB3.0, buena estabilidad, potencia de la señal. Este producto viene en una variedad de colores para adaptarse a las necesidades de su cliente o marca.
Función:Carga/USB 3.0
Puerto de carga:Iphone / Android / Tipo C
Material:Nailon + Aluminio + ABS
Longitud:1 metro / negociable
Superplasticizer for concrete with improved
surface finish and high early
strength, preferably in the precast
plant, e.g.facade elements, structural
elements, retaining wall elements,
steps etc.
Strong increase of workability and/or
reduction of w/c-ratio, good homogeneity
even with low amounts of fines
in the mix.
Suunniteltu 3 liittimellä kaikkiin älypuhelimiin. Kaapelin standardi USB3.0, hyvä vakaus, signaalin voimakkuus. Tätä tuotetta on saatavilla useissa eri väreissä asiakkaan tai brändin tarpeiden mukaan.
Toiminto:Lataus/USB 3.0
Latausportti:Iphone / Android / TypeC
Materiaali:Nylon + alumiini + ABS
Pituus:1 metri / neuvoteltavissa
High performance superplasticizer of
the new generation for high-quality
concrete with optimum surface finish
at minimum compaction (F6) or as
self compacting concrete (SCC),
high-strength concrete.
Very strong increase of workability
and/or reduction of w/c-ratio with low
dosages required, excellent flowability
also with high powder contents and
use of silicafume.
Designed with 3 connector applied to all smartphones. Cable standard USB3.0, good stability, signal strength.This product comes in a variety of colors to suit your customer or brand’s needs.
Type:USB 3.0
Charging Port:Iphone / Android / TypeC
Material:Nylon + Aluminum + ABS
Length:1 meter or negotiable
Unit Weight:55g
Color:Black / White / Red / Blue / Green or Customised
Designet med 3 stik anvendt til alle smartphones. Kabelstandard USB3.0, god stabilitet, signalstyrke. Dette produkt kommer i en række forskellige farver, der passer til din kundes eller brands behov.
Fungere:Opladning/USB 3.0
Opladningsport:Iphone / Android / TypeC
materiale:Nylon + aluminium + ABS
Længde:1 meter / forhandles
Tüm akıllı telefon türleri için sağlam ve Kullanışlı tasarım. Seçenekleriniz için birden fazla renk. LED aydınlatma ile markanızı aydınlatan standlı şarj kablosu
USB Tipi:Iphone / Android / Mikro
Uzunluk:1m veya pazarlık edilebilir
LED Rengi:Beyaz
Ağırlık birimi:55g
Renk:Naylon: Siyah/Kırmızı/Mavi
Design stabile e conveniente per tutti i tipi di smartphone. Più colori per le tue opzioni. Cavo di ricarica con supporto che illumina il tuo marchio con luce LED
Tipo USB:Iphone/Android/Micro
Lunghezza:1m o negoziabile
Colore LED:Bianco
Unità di peso:55 g
Colore:Nylon: nero/rosso/blu
High-performance superplasticizer
for medium-slump, high-slump and
self-compacting concrete (SCC)
with high early-strength for concrete
precast applications.
Very strong increase of workability
and/or reduction of w/c-ratio; high
early-strength development.
Tüm akıllı telefonlara uygulanan 3 konektör ile tasarlanmıştır. Kablo standardı USB3.0, iyi stabilite, sinyal gücü. Bu ürün, müşterinizin veya markanızın ihtiyaçlarına uygun çeşitli renklerde gelir.
İşlev:Şarj/USB 3.0
Şarj bağlantı noktası:iPhone / Android / TypeC
Malzeme:Naylon + Alüminyum + ABS
Uzunluk:1 metre / pazarlık edilebilir
Designad med 3 kontakter applicerade på alla smartphones. Kabelstandard USB3.0, bra stabilitet, signalstyrka. Denna produkt kommer i en mängd olika färger för att passa din kunds eller varumärkes behov.
Fungera:Laddning/USB 3.0
Laddningsport:Iphone / Android / TypeC
Material:Nylon + aluminium + ABS
Längd:1 meter / förhandlingsbar
Entworfen mit 3 Anschlüssen für alle Smartphones. Kabelstandard USB3.0, gute Stabilität, Signalstärke. Dieses Produkt ist in einer Vielzahl von Farben erhältlich, um den Anforderungen Ihrer Kunden oder Marken gerecht zu werden.
Funktion:Laden/USB 3.0
Aufladestation:Iphone / Android / TypeC
Material:Nylon + Aluminium + ABS
Länge:1 Meter / verhandelbar
Superplasticizer for precast and
ready-mix concrete, for quality
concrete in consistency range F3-
F6, concrete with special properties
(e.g. water-impermeable concrete),
pumped concrete, material cost
optimization for the production of
economical quality concrete.
Strong increase of workability or
reduction of w/c-ratio, homogeneous
concrete, high early strength increase.
Zaprojektowany z 3 złączami zastosowanymi do wszystkich smartfonów. Standard kabla USB 3.0, dobra stabilność, siła sygnału. Ten produkt jest dostępny w różnych kolorach, aby dopasować go do potrzeb klienta lub marki.
Funkcjonować:Ładowanie/USB 3.0
Port do ładowania:Iphone / Android / Typ C
Materiał:Nylon + aluminium + ABS
Długość:1 metr / do uzgodnienia
High-performance superplasticizer
for medium slump and high slump
concrete with good slump retention
and very high early strength for
precast applications.
Very strong increase of workability
and/or reduction of w/c-ratio; very
strong plasticizing effect even with
high amounts of fines; high increase
of early strength.
Design estável e conveniente para todos os tipos de smartphones. Várias cores para suas opções. Cabo de carregamento com suporte que ilumina sua marca com luz LED
Tipo USB:Iphone / Android / Micro
Comprimento:1m ou negociável
Cor do LED:Branco
Unidade de peso:55g
Cor:Nylon: Preto/Vermelho/Azul
Carica tutti i tipi di dispositivi intelligenti solo con 1 cavo. La breve lunghezza evita il kontting. La grande superficie del logo illumina il tuo marchio con la luce a LED.
Tipo USB:Illuminazione/Micro/TipoC
LOGO LED / Colore:LOGO personalizzato / Bianco
Lunghezza:20 cm o negoziabile
High-performance superplasticizer
for medium slump and high slump
concrete for precast applications.
Very strong increase of workability
and/or reduction of w/c-ratio; fast
plasticizing action for short mixing
times; good surface finish, high early
strength development.