... minden szezonban részt vesz a világ különböző országaiban megrendezett divatkiállításokon. A tervezésre és innovációra fordított figyelmével évente két kollekciót készít, amelyeket a vásárlók elé tár. Márkánk a 18-30 és 30-50 éves korosztály számára smart casual, klasszikus és esküvői kollekciókkal van pozicionálva, hogy kielégítse a divatot követő férfiak divatigényeit. Elérhető árai révén a...
Klassiker sind jederzeit Liebhaberfahrzeuge und erhalten in der Regel die beste Pflege von ihren Besitzern. Eine Keramikversiegelung des Oldtimers ist das »Sahnehäubchen« für den Erhalt und die Wahrnehmung Ihres Fahrzeugs.
Kontaktieren Sie uns, wir nehmen uns Zeit für Sie!
Fully synthetic "limited-slip" gear oil
Cadaoil Gearbox 75W-140 LS is a fully synthetic gear oil and has especially been
developed for heavy duty transmissions demanding a high viscosity oil, resisting high
loads, high pressures and shock loads
Gearbox 75W-140 LS is recommended for hypoid transmissions, hub reductions and
differentials with or without 'limited slip systems' as used in modern cars.
Gearbox 75W-140 LS can also be used in many other drive line systems where an
API GL-5 gear oil, whether or not with 'limited slip' characteristics, by the OEM is
Gearbox 75W-140 LS has a very high viscosity index, very good low temperature
fluidity characteristics and will 'stay-in-grade' even under the most severe working
CableJoG 64 - CableJoG 64 provides a flexible testing system to suit individual customer requirements. The CableJoG 64 can test up to 64 individual connections of all manufacturers of connectors. This simple to use test instrument stores up to 88 separate cable configurations. Each cable that is tested is compared against the stored details to produce a pass, fail, open/short/crossed indication. Each test result can be transferred to a 'PC' or printer via a communication link to store, tabulate and print the information using the windows CableJoG Command Program (C.C.P.)
The SAE J1939 standard (Serial Control and Communications Heavy Duity Vehicle Network) has originally been designed by SAE International to be used in heavy duty vehicles. In the meantime, the protocol is widely used also in agricultural machinery, rail vehicles and sea vessels and in a wide range of diesel-driven machinery.
Target group J1939 training
The target group of the J1939 intensive workshop is development engineers who are looking for a quick start into handling the communications profile or would like to get an insight into the J1939 protocol stack. Also, we address decision makers and product managers to enable them to assess the suitability of the J1939 protocol stack for their applications.
Maniglia ideata per ridurre al minimo (solo 14mm)la sporgenza dalla porta, eliminando così i rischi di urti accidentali. Realizzata in zama cromato a specchio con serratura corredata di due chiavi in acciaio. Apertura: mediante introduzione e rotazione della chiave si fa scattare in fuori la maniglia. Chiusura: riportare la maniglia in asse con la ghiera e premerla fino a provocare lo scatto del blocco. N.B. precisare sempre il senso di apertura desiderato, se destro oppure sinistro.
Maniglie 501
cod. 501
Marca: AREL
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