Produkt przeznaczony jest do pielęgnacji skóry twarzy i włosów. To gęsta, bezbarwna, żelowata ciecz; unikatowe połączenie składników zapewnia kompleksowe, uzupełniające się działanie. Nie podrażnia skóry.3% roztwór kwasu hialuronowego w postaci żelu to aktywne serum odmładzająco-wygładzająco-regenerujące do twarzy ciała i włosów. Unikatowa kombinacja trzech rodzajów cząsteczek, wykazuje zdolność przenikania w głąb skóry, dzięki czemu pielęgnacja jest gruntowna i długotrwała.Niesamowite działanie:<ul> <li>Nawilża skórę średnio o 16%</li> <li>Wygładza skórę średnio o 27%</li> <li>Ujędrnia skórę średnio o 5%</li> <li>Produkt zmniejsza długość zmarszczek średnio o 5% i ich głębokość średnio o 4%</li></ul>Działanie zostało potwierdzone dermatologicznie. <strong>Skład: </strong>woda destylowana 96%, kwas hialuronowy wielkocząsteczkowy 1,5%, kwas hialuronowy drobnocząsteczkowy 1,5%, substancje konserwujące 1%: glukonolakton, kwas benzoesowy <strong>Stosowanie</strong>Produkt do piel
Il nostro Alca 2 è fortemente alcalino e sgrassante, con un minore dosaggio è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti.
Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora.
Il nostro Alca 2 usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie facilmente lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi per una rimozione totale dello sporco, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi con l’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio.
Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
Alpha lipoic acid, also known as lipoic acid, is a naturally occurring compound that acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. It is found in small amounts in certain foods and is also available as a dietary supplement. Alpha lipoic acid is unique in that it is both water-soluble and fat-soluble, which allows it to penetrate all parts of the body. It can easily cross cell membranes and enter cells, including those in the brain. This versatility makes it an effective antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals in the aqueous and lipid fractions of cells.
Other Name:Alpha Lipoic Acid
Spec./ Purity:99% Purity
CAS Number:1077-28-7
Appearance:Slightly yellow powder or granular
Main function:Powerful antioxidant, supports cellular energy production, promotes healthy blood sugar levels
Test Method:HPLC
Assay(Dried basis):99.0%~101.5%
Loss on Drying:≤0.20%
Melting Point:60~62°C
Particle Size:90% pass 20 mesh
Heavy Metals:NMT10ppm
Total Plate Count:NMT3,000cfu/g
Total Yeast & Mold:NMT300cfu/g
Trifluoressigsäureethylester gehört zur Gruppe der Essigsäurederivate. Das Zwischenprodukt wird in der Agro-, Elektronik-, Feinchemikalien-, Parfümerie-, Pharma- und Veterinärindustrie verwendet sowie bei der Herstellung von Celecoxib, Efavirenz, Lisinopril & Sitagliptinphosphat.
Synonym 2:ETFA
CAS Nummer:383-63-1
API Anwendung:Celecoxib, Efavirenz, Lisinopril
API Anwendung 2:Sitagliptin phosphat
RICINOIL Saluvital BIO contiene un 98 % Aceite de Ricino 100% puro procedente de la agricultura ecológica, se obtiene mediante presión en frío de las semillas de un arbusto originario de la India y África llamado Ricinus Communis. Enriquecido además con Aceite de Argán y Jojoba, también procedentes de la agricultura ecológica, se convierte en la opción más natural y eficaz para cuidar y fortalecer las pestañas, las cejas, las uñas, el cabello y la piel.
Modo de empleo:
Pestañas y cejas: Aplicar una pequeña cantidad de aceite por las noches después de desmaquillarse, con la ayuda de un bastoncillo o disco desmaquillador.
Uñas: Aplicar por las noches con un bastoncillo en cada uña; masajear después la uña insistiendo en la cutícula.
Cabello: Masajear suavemente el cuero cabelludo, dejar reposar 30 minutos aproximadamente y lavar el cabello.
Piel: Corporal y Facial. Aplicar sobre la piel, masajear la zona deseada hasta su total absorción. A ser posible después de un baño de agua caliente.
Organic grapeseed vegetable oil is obtained by first cold pressing Vitis vinifera’s seeds and later refining. A plant whose origin is located in central and southwestern Europe and southwestern Asia. Nowadays, its cultivation extends to temperate zones around the world.
With the refining process, we eliminate the negative characteristics of the oil, specifically in terms of smell and taste.
It is highly rich in omega 6 and omega 9, helping to prevent the skin from becoming flaky, acting in healing processes.
Refined organic grapeseed vegetable oil is a 100% natural and organic product.
CAS:85594-37-2 / 84929-27-1 / 8024-22-4
EINECS:287-896-9 / 284-511-6
Ricin oil (cold pressed) has a beneficial effect on dry, sensitive or even oily skin.
Ricin oil restores strength to hair and hair (eyebrows, eyelashes) and promotes their more intensive growth.
Net Quantity:100 ml
Detartrant naturel
Elimine le tartre et la rouille
La force du citron
Fabrication française
Naturellement present dans le citron, l’acide citrique fait partie des produits menagers de base qui ont fait leur preuve.
100% naturel*.
Nettoyant et detartrant hors pair.
S’utilise dans toute la maison : machine à cafe, bouilloire, machine à laver, robinetteries, cuvettes des WC, plans de travail, surfaces en inox, chrome, ceramique, plastique…
Formidable antioxydant, l’acide citrique elimine la rouille sur le metal.
Ideal egalement pour venir à bout des taches de brûle, de cafe, de the ou autres salissures tenaces.
* Ingredients actifs 100% d’origine naturelle.
Faire un essai prealable sur une petite surface. Ne convient pas aux surfaces aluminium et marbre, et ne pas melanger avec du chlore et de la soude. Ne pas eclabousser sur un tissu ou un vêtement (decoloration possible).
Sodium Hypochlorite 12% Aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite in demineralized/decalcified water,
obtained from the reaction between chlorine gas and an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide, both substances obtained with mercury-free membrane technology.
Physical specifications:
Green liquid with pH about 11, solved in water with boiling point of 40° C.
Stability and reactions:
Slowly dissolved in the air, incompatible with hydrochloric acid, ammonia, urea, metals and methanol.
Handling and storage:
Keep away from sun shine, acids, heat, flammable materials and organic material.
Keep in a dry place.
CAS number 7681-52-9
WE number,231-668-3
Chemical formula NaOCl
Molar mass 74,44 g/mol
Customs tariff code,28289000
A lightweight gel concentrate with powerful anti-aging properties. The formula contains 5 types of peptides that specifically target all the factors in the formation of photo- and chrono-aging signs. The signal (regulatory) matrikine peptide MATRIXYL® Morphomics™, two muscle relaxant peptides working in tandem - Argireline® and Leuphasyl®, remodeling copper tripeptide, Relistase (stimulating peptide), strengthen each other and achieve the best possible results in improving the condition of aged skin.
Daily use of the serum for one to two months will improve the quality of the skin at the tissue level: a significant increase in firmness and elasticity of the skin, reducing the depth of wrinkles and thin lines, preventing skin laxity and deformation of the face shape. The skin becomes smooth, shiny, thick, and the face color improves. The skin barrier function is activated, regeneration is accelerated. It revitalizes the skin and makes it look rejuvenated and well-treated.
La yema de huevo ecológica líquida pasteurizada es un ingrediente versátil y de alta calidad, ideal para la preparación de salsas, cremas y productos de panadería sostenibles. Su alto extracto seco garantiza un rendimiento óptimo en la elaboración de productos, ofreciendo una textura y sabor excepcionales que mejoran cualquier receta. Este producto es especialmente recomendado para la restauración, pastelería y obradores que valoran la sostenibilidad y la calidad.
Disponible en envases adaptados a las necesidades de cualquier establecimiento, la yema líquida ecológica pasteurizada es fácil de usar y almacenar. Su calidad superior y compromiso con la sostenibilidad la convierten en una opción preferida para chefs y cocineros que buscan ingredientes de alta calidad para sus creaciones culinarias, al tiempo que apoyan prácticas responsables.
Syringic acid is a natural compound in the phenolic acid compound class. It is a common plant metabolite and can be found in various sources in nature like nuts, olives, pumpkin seeds, honey, red wine, and many more. It has also been used in traditional medicine from the extracts of shoebutton Ardisia Ardisia elliptica and others.
Cat. Nr:NST-10-42
Purity:98% (HPLC)
Molecular formula:C9H10O5
Molecular weight:198,17
Wird eine Körpergewichtsabnahme mittels Sport und Diät angestrebt, wird Carnitin als Ergänzung empfohlen, um einen besseren Umsatz der Fettsäuren zu erreichen.
Wird eine Körpergewichtsabnahme mittels Sport und Diät angestrebt, wird Carnitin als Ergänzung empfohlen, um einen besseren Umsatz der Fettsäuren zu erreichen, da der Stoffwechsel bei Übergewichtigen in der Regel nicht an die körperliche Leistung angepasst ist.
Insbesondere Ausdauersportler nehmen L-Carnitin häufig als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zu sich, da durch die Einnahme von L-Carnitin Leistungssteigerungen erzielt werden können. Diese Leistungssteigerung bezieht sich auf die Regeneration nach einer großen sportlichen Anstrengung. Carnitin wird im Sport daher als einer der am stärksten wirkenden Leistungsförderer und Fatburner gehandelt.
DUBACID also know as LABSA, ABSA (alkylbenzene sulphonic acid) is a valuable organic compound.
DUBACID is obtained by sulfonation of linear alkylbenzene and utilized as a core component in the manufacturing of detergents, surfactants for ore cleaning, rubber mix modifiers, and as a foaming agent in producing urea formaldehyde foam and foamed plastic.
Note that urea formaldehyde foam insulation is a used as material for weatherizing residential and industrial buildings. This means that LABSA is key to preserving our planet’s energy resources.
DUBACID looks like a viscous fluid with a characteristic smell, from brown to almost black in color (this depends on the basic substance content). LABSA 96 % and LABSA 90% (class A and B, respectively) are most in demand.
LABSA has been a staple in global detergent manufacturing for over 30 years and has become almost the core component of detergents.
Vitamin C trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei und schützt Zellen vor oxidativen Stress. Vitamin C trägt zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei und erhöht die Eisenaufnahme.
Inhalt: 115 Tabletten à 600 mg = 70g Wirkstoff:
Acerolafruchtpulver (60%) mit 17% natürlichem Vitamin C(V/V)
Täglich 2 Tabletten
2 Tabletten enthalten 120 mg an Vitamin C*. (* deckt 150% des empfohlenen Tagesbedarfs lt. NKV).
Acerolafruchtpulver (60%) mit 17% natürlichem Vitamin C, Süßungsmittel: Iosmalt, natürliches Himbeeraroma, Trennmittel: Magnesiumsalze von Speisefettsäuren, Füllmittel: Siliciumdioxid.
Yapısındaki Organik Madde Sayesinde, enzimler ve vitaminlerce zengindir. Toprağın ihtiyacı olan organik madde ve mikriorganizmaları yapısında barındırır. Meyve gelişimi süresince, ihtiyaç duyulan enzimleri, organik içerikleri ve minarelleri karşılamaktadır.
L’acide ascorbique est un acide organique ayant des propriétés antioxydante
L’acide ascorbique a les mêmes propriétés que l’ascorbate de sodium
L’acide ascorbique est un produit idéal pour la fabrication de la vitamine C liposomale
Notre acide ascorbique s'allie parfaitement à notre lécithine de Tournesol pour la conception de la vitamine C liposomale.
Notre Acide ascorbique est vendu dans un pot de 1,5 Kg fermé hermétiquement et inviolable
Chemical appearance
Dithiophosphate 25s or Hydrogen Phosphorodithioate has an appearance of a deep brown or almost black liquid. Some may classify it as a vandyck brown oily liquid and it has a density of 1.17 – 1.20. It has a PH value of 10 – 13 and a mineral substances percentage of 46 – 49.
Chemical application and strength
Dithiophosphate 25s or Hydrogen Phosphorodithioate is known to be a good flotation collector of copper, silver sulfide, zinc sulfide (activated), and lead ores. It can somewhat be dissolved in water. Also, it can be directly poured into ball mills and surge tanks.
Hydrogen Phosphorodithioate is used mainly in the separation flotation process of ores like lead and zinc.
Because of its properties it should not be subjected to intense heat like fire or extreme sunlight. Proper packaging must be observed.
It is weak in collecting sulfide minerals and pyrite when in alkaline medium. It also is selective in collecting ores.
CAS Number:61792-48-1
HS Code:292019
NaOH Min %48
Na2CO3 Max % 0,9
Fe Max 0,1 ppm
Boiling Point 143 ◦C
Specify Gravity 1,52gr/cm3
Pyhsical Spec Clear Liquid,0 colorless
Packing method Bulk (Road Tankers), IBC, 200 LT
Polyethylene Barrels.
General Applications
1- Pulp and Paper Industry (Pulp Cooking) (to de-ink water)
2- Extract Alumina (Aluminum Industry)
3- Industrial Chemicals
4- Adjusting PH in Producing Biodiesel from Vegetable Oil
5- Cleaning Agent to Cleaning Food Processing Equipment and Bottles
6- Drying Air to Absorb CO2 from Gases
7- Removing Grease and Paint from Metal
8- Textile Industry Mercerizing Cotton
9- Making Pretzels
10- Peeling Vegetable and Teather
11- Regenerating Resins and Water
Liquid Caustic Soda Lye is basic a solution of sodium hydroxide. Depending on the intended application, it can be diluted to 32% or 50 %. The solution is colourless and does not have any smells. It is a salt formed by the reaction of sodium and water
HS Code:281511
Micro-elements are essential for plant
development and crop yield, however under
certain circumstances micro nutrients may become
seriously deficient in plant tissue owing to
adverse soil type, soil pH and soil moisture.
Deficiencies of micro-elements will cause a
breakdown of complex metabolic systems involved
in photosynthesis, respiration and amino acid
ACTIV COMBI applications provide the crop with
a balanced range of micro-elements whichcan
be readily absorbed through the leaves or the
Water soluble fluid emulsion containing chelated
micro-elements, zınc and Manganese.
Analysis of ACTIV COMBI
Manganese (EDTA) Mn 2.0%
pH (10% solution)
Specific Gravity
Contain trace of Iron (EDTA) Fe ,Copper (EDTA) Cu, Magnesium MgO and Sulphur S
Natriumacetat ist das Natriumsalz der Essigsäure und wird durch die Reaktion von Essigsäure mit einer Natriumverbindung gewonnen. Es ist ein farbloses Salz mit schwachem Essiggeruch, das gut in Wasser aber nur schlecht in Alkohol löslich ist. Wenn eine gesättigte Natriumacetatlösung kristallisiert, entsteht Hitze.
* Säureregulator
* Konservierungsmittel
* Puffer
* Maskierung des Grundgeruchs
* Herstellung von Taschenwärmern
* Energiespeicher
CAS (Trihydrat):6131-90-4
CAS (wasserfrei):127-09-3
Lagerung:kühl, trocken, lichtgeschützt, in geschlossenen Gebinden lagern