Analytical Purity Ethyl Alcohol for Analysis, which we started to produce with our BİORAD brand in the field of Laboratory Chemicals in 2019, is offered to our valuable users with high quality and reasonable prices.
Analytical Grade Analysis-Purpose Absolute Alcohol which has broad usage that we produce and sell, it can be used pathology laboratory in hospital (dehydration), histology laboratory, scientific research project as AR-GE-purposed and industry, etc.
Our products are presented 1 litre, 2,5 litre, 5 litre and 20 litre package for usage. They are produced with 99,5% and 99,9% concentration.
NaOH Min %48
Na2CO3 Max % 0,9
Fe Max 0,1 ppm
Boiling Point 143 ◦C
Specify Gravity 1,52gr/cm3
Pyhsical Spec Clear Liquid,0 colorless
Packing method Bulk (Road Tankers), IBC, 200 LT
Polyethylene Barrels.
General Applications
1- Pulp and Paper Industry (Pulp Cooking) (to de-ink water)
2- Extract Alumina (Aluminum Industry)
3- Industrial Chemicals
4- Adjusting PH in Producing Biodiesel from Vegetable Oil
5- Cleaning Agent to Cleaning Food Processing Equipment and Bottles
6- Drying Air to Absorb CO2 from Gases
7- Removing Grease and Paint from Metal
8- Textile Industry Mercerizing Cotton
9- Making Pretzels
10- Peeling Vegetable and Teather
11- Regenerating Resins and Water
Yapısındaki Organik Madde Sayesinde, enzimler ve vitaminlerce zengindir. Toprağın ihtiyacı olan organik madde ve mikriorganizmaları yapısında barındırır. Meyve gelişimi süresince, ihtiyaç duyulan enzimleri, organik içerikleri ve minarelleri karşılamaktadır.