ArDelSan Paper Packaging offers stylish and impressive packaging solutions for the retail sector. Our designs suitable for businesses of all sizes, from boutique stores to large shopping centers, strengthen your brand image while bringing your products together with your customers.
Productie van bedrukte cosmetische dozen van speciaal formaat.
Mogelijkheid om tot 5 kleuren te bedrukken.
Folie vergulden afdrukken.
FBB-karton van 230g tot 400g.
Kraftkarton van 230g tot 400g.
Speciaal ontworpen cosmeticadoos.
luxe cosmetica verpakkingen
Cosmetica doosjes
Cosmetica dozen
Unsere maßgeschneiderten Schmuckkästchen sind zu günstigsten Preisen erhältlich und werden von unserer Fabrik mit 60 Mitarbeitern in der Türkei überall auf der Welt geliefert. Die personalisierten Schmuckschatullen von Alfa Gold Box sind ein ausgezeichnetes Produkt, in das man investieren kann. Die von uns hergestellten maßgeschneiderten Schmuckschatullen sind ein unvergänglicher Werbeartikel, der Kunden jedes Mal, wenn sie etwas Neues brauchen, in Ihr Geschäft zurückbringen wird. Alfa Gold Box bietet eine exklusive Linie von Schmuckschatullen, Beutel und All-in-One-Schmuckkästchen, die auf die Bedürfnisse aller zugeschnitten sind, die ihre persönlichen Gegenstände organisieren oder wertvolle Gegenstände aufbewahren möchten. Wenn Sie möchten, dass Ihre Marke mehr Menschen erreicht, sei es für Werbeaktionen oder einfach nur als Zeichen der Wertschätzung, ist eine personalisierte Schmuckschatulle mit individuellem Logo die beste Wahl für Sie! Unsere maßgeschneiderten Schmuckschatullen
Größe der Ringbox:51 x 40 x 32
Große Ringgröße:52 x 52 x 44
Größe der Halskettenbox:61 x 80 x 32
Größe der Armreifbox:86 x 96 x 40
Dickes Armband, Größe:46 x 221 x 28
Set-Box-Größe:189 x 216 x 46
Größe des großen Sets:244 x 330 x 52
Thanks to the corrugation, these cups have excellent insulating properties and are also pleasant to use - warm inside, cool outside.
Made of three layers of sturdy paper with a corrugated middle layer,
Enhanced insulation by trapping air inside.
Material: Weißer Karton
Form: Becher
Vorteile: Ermöglicht einen sicheren Genuss von heißen Getränken, ohne dass Sie sich die Hände verbrennen.
Verwendung: Ideal für Kaffee und heiße Getränke
Deckel: Kartondeckel. Klappbar und luftdicht. Die kleine Klappe an der Vorderseite des Deckels schützt Ihre Lippen vor Verbrennungen.
Verkauf: Separat erhältlich.
Papierbecher mit SUPD oder Turtle-Logo: Dieses Logo ist ein obligatorisches Zeichen in der Europäischen Union für alle Becher mit PE-Laminierung.
Verfügbarkeit: Für alle Größen erhältlich.
Standart Type Roll Garbage Bags
Double Layer 30 microns / 1 roll 235 gr.
Packing:10 Pcs./Roll - 50 Rolls/Box
Color:Blue - Black
Volume:90 liter
Capacity:8 kg
Bin Diameter:50 cm
Bin Size:60 cm
Lock and zipper bags are bag types that are in high demand in various fields. These bags, which provide easy and reliable storage and protection of many products with different properties, are distinguished from other bag types with their locked and zippered structures. Locked or zippered forms can be preferred according to the area of use and needs.
Zipper and ziplock bags, as the name suggests, allow the bags to be protected by means of a zipper or lock.
The products inside are extremely unlikely to be deformed and damaged.
It protects the products inside with its lock and zipper structure.
The lock and zipper can be easily closed and opened and is suitable for multiple uses.
The inside is 100% leak proof
User-friendly packaging
Can be used to store and carry food
Custom printingTAKE AWAY BOX 185x90x55
Case Quantity:675
Case Size:620x580x370
Roll is one of the most preferred packaging and protection materials.
Areas Used
Agriculture sector
Construction sector
Building site
Used for protection against external factors
It can be made in the desired size and thickness according to the order.
Consumer goods packaging is a diverse and creative industry and is vital to adding value, providing protection and effectively marketing the product in a retail setting.
We are a lux packaging expert company base in Istanbul / Turkey and working to %100 export markets over 15 different countries .
Please visit our official site for references and products.
In today's world, millions of internet purchases are made daily and companies (Brands) are in serious demand for cargo boxes in order to prevent the products purchased by customers from being damaged during the cargo process. Cargo ( Shipment ) boxes are mostly produced with corrugated cardboard. The raw material of corrugated cardboard is produced from 70% recycling and 30% imported paper. Imported papers come from countries that operate forestry as certified. For the production of these papers, trees are cut in a way that does not disturb the ecological balance, and trees that will improve themselves in 8 to 14 years are planted instead. No trees are cut for the production of these papers in Turkey. As a company, a sustainable life is among the issues we care about.
Barış Ambalaj, standart 1200 x 1000 veya 1200 x 800 “Euro Palet” standartlarına uygun ağır hizmet Palet Kutuları üretmektedir. 1000 kilogram ve üzeri ağırlıklara uygundur.
► Nakliye sırasında ezilme direnci nedeniyle hasarları önler.
► Hızlı ve kolay yükleme sağlar.
► Sade veya basılı versiyon olarak tercih edilebilir.
Shrink naylon, tutma kuvvetini, ısıya maruz kalma ve ardından doğal soğutma ile filmin sertleşmesi yoluyla kazanır. Film soğuduğunda hem uzunlamasına hem de çapraz olarak yüksek bir tutma kuvveti elde edersiniz. Bu, nakliye sırasında ve depoda ürünlerin veya paletlerin yüksek stabilizesini sağlar.
Shrink naylon, paletli ürünlerin hem otomatik hem de manuel ambalajlanmasının yanı sıra, tepsili ve tepsisiz ürünlerin ambalajlanması için de kullanılır. Su, meşrubat, konserve ürünler, film, kitap, dergi, beyaz eşya veya tuğla veya çimento gibi yapı malzemeleri gibi ürünler için de en çok kullanılan ambalajlama şeklidir.
• Nakliye sırasında ve depoda rüzgâr ve hava koşullarına karşı maksimum koruma
• Yüksek yük stabilizesi
• Şeffaf film sayesinde yüksek ürün ve marka görünürlüğü
• Filmin baskısı veya renklendirilmesinden dolayı marka değeri
• Shrink film, herhangi bir baskı eklemeden malları “nazikçe” korur
PVC çantalar, plastik bir malzeme olan polivinil klorürden yapılan çantalardır. PVC, dayanıklı, su geçirmez ve hafif bir malzemedir. Bu özelliklerden dolayı, PVC çantalar genellikle alışveriş, plaj ve seyahat için kullanılır. PVC çantalar, çeşitli şekil ve boyutlarda gelir. Torba çantalar, sırt çantaları, el çantaları ve hatta cüzdanlar gibi çeşitli çanta türlerinde bulunurlar. PVC çantalar, çeşitli renk ve baskılarda da mevcuttur.
Ürünlerimizi görmek için web sitemizi ziyaret edebilir,
veya matbaamıza gelerek bizzat inceleyebilir ve satış departmanımızla görüşmelerde bulunabilirsiniz. Sizlere yardımcı olmaktan mutluluk duyarız.
16 Oz Dw Cup Or Kraft - Double Wall Kraft Paper Cups
Product Weight:14,50 gr
Weight:4250 GR
Size:46x38x58,5 sm