Termékek a gyártó számára (270)

Bérgyártás nem szőtt anyagok, szövetek, papír és fóliák

Bérgyártás nem szőtt anyagok, szövetek, papír és fóliák

Neben unseren fertigen Marken- und Eigenmarkenprodukten (Papierservietten, Einweg Tischdecken, Pappteller) bieten wir Ihnen auch die Möglichkeit der Lohnfertigung. Wir schneiden, falzen, rollen, kaschieren, drucken, prägen, banderolieren und verpacken Ihre Vliesstoffe, Tissue, Folien und Papiere. Nachhaltige Verpackungsmöglichkeiten beinhalten PCR Recyclingfolien und Papierverpackung. Sie haben ein Projekt und brauchen einen Produktionspartner? Sprechen Sie uns an!


Gli integratori alimentari gastroprotetti in capsule rappresentano una soluzione avanzata per chi necessita di un'integrazione nutrizionale senza rinunciare alla protezione gastrica. Questi integratori sono formulati con una speciale tecnologia di rivestimento, che permette alle capsule di resistere all'acidità gastrica e di rilasciare i principi attivi direttamente nell'intestino, dove possono essere assorbiti in modo più efficace. Grazie a questa tecnologia, si evita il rischio di irritazioni allo stomaco, rendendoli ideali per chi ha sensibilità gastriche o soffre di problemi digestivi. Disponibili in diverse composizioni, gli integratori gastroprotetti offrono supporto per vari aspetti della salute, come il rafforzamento del sistema immunitario, la gestione dello stress, la salute delle ossa e delle articolazioni, e il miglioramento dell'energia. Scegliendo questi integratori, si può ottenere un'assunzione mirata dei nutrienti essenziali, minimizzando gli effetti collaterali e ottimizzando l’assorbimento degli attivi senza compromessi per il benessere digestivo.
Welded assemblies for custom prototypes and series

Welded assemblies for custom prototypes and series

Die Schweißbaugruppen von MX Prototyping GmbH bieten eine hohe Präzision und Effizienz durch den Einsatz modernster Schweißtechnologien und qualifiziertem Personal. Unsere Schweißbaugruppen werden aus Werkstoffen wie Magnesium, Aluminium, Stahl und Edelstahl hergestellt und bieten eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit. Durch die Prüfung der Schweißnähte durch Schliffuntersuchungen stellen wir sicher, dass unsere Schweißbaugruppen den höchsten Qualitätsstandards entsprechen. Unsere Schweißbaugruppen sind das Ergebnis eines strengen Qualitätsmanagements und eines nahtlosen Zusammenspiels von Mensch und Technik. Wir setzen auf eine kompromisslose Qualitätspolitik, die sicherstellt, dass jedes Teil, das unser Werk verlässt, den höchsten Standards entspricht. Mit einem engagierten Team von Fachleuten, die über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Fachwissen verfügen, sind wir in der Lage, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu bieten, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden gerecht werden.
Meleg sajtolt és CNC transfer gépekkel megmunkált egyedi réz alkatrészek

Meleg sajtolt és CNC transfer gépekkel megmunkált egyedi réz alkatrészek

I componenti personalizzati in ottone stampati a caldo e lavorati con macchine transfer CNC rappresentano l'apice della precisione e della personalizzazione nel settore industriale. Questi componenti sono progettati per soddisfare le specifiche esigenze dei clienti, offrendo una combinazione di resistenza, durata e precisione. Grazie all'uso di macchine transfer CNC avanzate, ogni componente è realizzato con una precisione millimetrica, garantendo un adattamento perfetto e prestazioni ottimali in qualsiasi applicazione industriale. La possibilità di personalizzare questi componenti secondo il disegno del cliente li rende una scelta ideale per settori che richiedono soluzioni su misura e di alta qualità. La lavorazione con macchine transfer CNC non solo assicura un'elevata precisione, ma consente anche una produzione efficiente e rapida, riducendo i tempi di consegna e migliorando la produttività complessiva. Inoltre, l'uso di leghe di ottone, comprese quelle senza piombo, rende questi componenti ecologici e sicuri per l'ambiente. Le proprietà anticorrosive dell'ottone garantiscono una lunga durata, anche in condizioni operative difficili. Scegliere componenti personalizzati in ottone stampati a caldo e lavorati con macchine transfer CNC significa investire in qualità, affidabilità e innovazione per le proprie applicazioni industriali.
Alumínium Ablak ADF SublimAL

Alumínium Ablak ADF SublimAL

Nouveau système de fenêtres et portes qui assure une isolation thermique renforcée qui permet la production de grandes ouvertures aussi que de fenêtres fixes, battantes, a soufflet, oscillo-battantes, portes d’entrée et baies vitrées. Performance énergétique : coefficient de transfert thermique jusqu’à 0,78 W/m2K Sécurité : protection anti-effraction jusqu’à RC2 Profondeur : 70 mm dormant | 79 mm ouvrant Vitrage thermo-isolant à bord chaud : maximum 52 mm Test d’étanchéité maximum: classe 4 ( EN 12207 )


Créons ensemble vos produits cosmétiques à votre marque en 5 étapes : -R&D : Création de formule sur mesure ou personnalisation d'une formule existante -Réglementation : Rédaction du DIP et certification COSMOS -Industrialisation : Fabrication de petites ou grandes séries -Conditionnement : Mise en bouteille et étiquetage -Expédition : Vos produits cosmétiques sont entre vos mains !
fehér agyagkő - 100% természetes tisztítószer

fehér agyagkő - 100% természetes tisztítószer

La piedra de arcilla blanca Sorelia se fabrica en Francia desde hace más de 20 años. Está certificado como ecológico por Ecocert Greenlife. Ecológico, económico y eficaz, limpia, desengrasa y elimina la cal de todas las superficies. La piedra de arcilla blanca Sorelia elimina la grasa de: placas cerámicas, de inducción, de gas o eléctricas, parrillas y puertas de horno, barbacoas, plancha, platos y sartenes, hornos microondas. La piedra de arcilla blanca Sorelia descalcifica: fregaderos, grifos, lavabos, mamparas, platos de ducha y bañeras de acero inoxidable y resina sintética. La piedra de arcilla blanca Sorelia limpia el frigorífico, el congelador, los muebles de jardín, las llantas y el parabrisas del coche, las zapatillas de deporte blancas y los palos de golf. La piedra de arcilla blanca Sorelia puede utilizarse en todas partes: en casa, en el jardín, en el trabajo, en el barco, en la autocaravana o en la caravana. Fabricación de etiquetas privadas. pesos estándar:300 g / 500 g fragancias estándar:limón, menta, eucalipto, árbol de té embalaje:12 unidades capa de la paleta:144 unidades paletización:1008 unidades
100-as dugó parfümözéshez - Faca Packaging

100-as dugó parfümözéshez - Faca Packaging

Material: PP Fabricación tapones para perfumería.


Rugalmas aljú tasak - Tökéletes nagyobb tárgyak könnyű csomagolásához

Rugalmas aljú tasak - Tökéletes nagyobb tárgyak könnyű csomagolásához

Flexible bottom pouches are strong and stylish, making them a great choice for packaging a wide range of products. Crafted from high-quality, clear, and glossy OPP or CPP (PPCast) film, these bags come in various sizes and are specifically designed to hold larger items, thanks to the extra space provided by the bottom gusset. Whether you're packaging food, cosmetics, or accessories, these bags offer the flexibility and capacity you need. The gusset allows for easy packing and a stunning display, making it a must-have for businesses across many industries. We invite you to explore our flexible bottom pouches to showcase your products while keeping them safe and secure.
Cortec Corrosorber® VpCI® Papír

Cortec Corrosorber® VpCI® Papír

Cortec Corrosorber® VpCI® Paper is a versatile, eco-friendly solution protecting metals during storage & shipping. Using Cortec's VpCI® technology, it forms a molecular shield against corrosion, preventing rust, tarnish, and stains. Ideal for various metals, including steel, copper, brass, and aluminium, it's easy to use and integrates seamlessly into packaging. Perfect for automotive, aerospace, electronics, construction, and heavy machinery industries.Provides long-lasting protection, is non-toxic, and available in different sizes for diverse needs.Safeguard your valuable metal components with Cortec Corrosorber® VpCI® Paper.
Menopauza Táplálékkiegészítők - Táplálékkiegészítő - 120 Kapszula

Menopauza Táplálékkiegészítők - Táplálékkiegészítő - 120 Kapszula

Découvrez notre complément alimentaire Ménopause, formulé naturellement à partir de plante et de phyto-œstrogène. Les phyto-œstrogènes tels que les isoflavones de soja sont des composés chimiques actifs naturels provenant des plantes qui agissent dans l’organisme un peu à la manière des hormones naturelles féminines, les œstrogènes. Le soja est la source la plus importante de phyto-œstrogènes. Il est associé à du fenouil, de l’Escholtzia, du thé vert et à de la sauge. La sauge quant à elle contribue au confort pendant la ménopause et aide à diminuer les sueurs nocturnes, l’un des principaux symptômes de la ménopause. Sphère d'action : Santé féminine - Ménopause Formule synergique Cure complète de 1 mois : jusqu'à 6 gélules par jour. Précautions d'emploi : Tenir hors de portée des jeunes enfants. Ne pas dépasser la dose conseillée. Ne pas prendre en dehors des repas. Déconseillé aux enfants, adolescents, femmes enceintes ou allaitantes.
Mutti passata di pomodoro 2500 g

Mutti passata di pomodoro 2500 g

La passata di pomodoro Mutti da 2500 grammi è un prodotto di alta qualità, ideale per chi cerca ingredienti di qualità per la propria cucina. Realizzata con pomodori italiani selezionati, offre un gusto autentico e ricco, perfetto per preparare salse e sughi. La confezione da 3 pezzi è ideale per la vendita all'ingrosso, garantendo una scorta sufficiente per ristoranti e negozi di alimentari. Con una lunga scadenza fino al 01/05/27, questa passata di pomodoro è un prodotto affidabile e versatile, adatto a una vasta gamma di ricette. Perfetta per chi ama la cucina italiana, la passata Mutti è un ingrediente essenziale per chi desidera portare il sapore della tradizione nella propria cucina. Facile da usare e pronta all'uso, è la scelta ideale per chi cerca qualità e convenienza. SCADENZA 01/05/2027 confezione da 3, confezioni 99 =1 pallet Minimo ordine : 15 pallets
JESTOM Faipari

JESTOM Faipari

Service personnalisé, conception et fabrication sur mesure de votre aménagement intérieur. Mobilier sur mesure Création de projet par notre studio de création
Állvány- és zsaluzórendszerek

Állvány- és zsaluzórendszerek

Kína LED világítás, LED szalag világítás beszállítók, gyártók, gyárak - ZBL Lighting

Kína LED világítás, LED szalag világítás beszállítók, gyártók, gyárak - ZBL Lighting

ZBL Lighting, established in 2011, is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in LED lighting. With pride, we have developed the ZBL brand to deliver integrated lighting solutions for residential, commercial, engineering, and retail environments, striving to become a globally innovative and influential lighting leader. ZBL boasts independent R&D capabilities and intellectual property management, with a stable and systematic product design framework. Our product portfolio includes a range of high-performance LED strip lights, such as LED strip lights, RGB strip lights, COB strip lights, silicone neon strip lights, 3D illuminated strip lights, and IP68 waterproof pool lights. We have also introduced a dedicated linear lighting system for home applications. ZBL has secured over 100 patents and multiple design awards, showcasing our strength in innovation and design excellence. With over 7,000 square meters of space, ZBL’s facility is fully equipped with LED packaging, surface mounting, and assembly production lines, providing a solid foundation for product development and quality assurance. We have also established a highly efficient production supply chain, and all our products undergo rigorous testing in top laboratories and are certified by leading standards, including CE, RoHS, UL, TUV, and CCC, meeting global quality benchmarks. Currently, ZBL products are exported to over 90 countries worldwide. ZBL remains committed to delivering innovative lighting solutions of the highest quality standards to clients around the globe. Contact us today, and let’s light up the future together!
Szerszámok tervezése és gyártása vágáshoz, mélyhúzáshoz és hidegformázáshoz

Szerszámok tervezése és gyártása vágáshoz, mélyhúzáshoz és hidegformázáshoz

Partendo dal disegno del cliente, F.lli Gilardi S.r.l. sviluppa il progetto e realizza lo stampo completo di collaudo, grazie alle competenze specialistiche e ai macchinari avanzati presenti in azienda. Il nostro ufficio progettazione offre supporto anche nel co-design del prodotto, per ottimizzarne le funzionalità e contenere i costi di produzione. Contattaci per discutere del tuo progetto e scoprire come possiamo collaborare per realizzare soluzioni su misura.


Ready For Best Product at Best Price. We are dealing in all types of materials and products for the steel & metal industry.
4G 3dBi Gumi Kacsa Antenna SMA Férfi Mozgatható Csatlakozóval

4G 3dBi Gumi Kacsa Antenna SMA Férfi Mozgatható Csatlakozóval

4G 3dBi Rubber Duck Antenna Eteily manufactures a wide range of Rubber Duck Antennas covering a wide range of frequencies supporting all applications. Our antennas are designed to work in rugged environment yet durable providing promising and satisfied customer needs. This 3dBi high performance, omnidirectional antenna provides broad coverage. It is ideally suited for GSM GPRS band applications as well as cellular applications.
Pro Pots

Pro Pots

Please review our catalog to see our products. For further information, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Anaerob ragasztóanyag

Anaerob ragasztóanyag

Strengthen your brand with our high-performance Retaining Compounds, designed for engineering, automotive, and heavy-duty applications. Perfect for securing bearings, bushings, and cylindrical parts, these adhesives create high-strength bonds that withstand extreme stress, heat, and vibration. Available in various packaging sizes from 10ml to 250ml, with bulk options, our retaining compounds provide superior reliability for metal assemblies under intense conditions. Custom labeling and private branding options are available, allowing you to offer a specialized solution for your customers
AC EV töltő

AC EV töltő

AC EV Charger with Socket EEV Smart EV Charger with Type 2 (IEC 62196-2) Plug Socket IP55 Electric Vehicle Charging Station EV Wallbox CE Certified Highlights : 1-Phase from 3.7kW to 7.4kW 3-Phase from 4.1kW to 22kW Full Protection Dynamic Load Balancing (optional) Open Charge Point Protocol (optional) Customize All Types of Connectors Smart Version with APP (optional) 3 Years Warranty Power Converter Optimization EEV’s EV chargers range from 3.7kW to 22kW for AC models and up to 600kW for DC units. Every model in the EEV AC EV charger lineup features advanced Dynamic Load Balancing (DLB) technology, ensuring superior efficiency and smarter energy management. DC chargers, while powerful, do not include DLB. The integration of a DLB box with AC chargers enables a shift towards solar energy usage, reducing grid electricity reliance. This approach underscores our commitment to eco-friendly charging by optimizing renewable energy sources. Advanced Cooling Systems Our EV Charger features advanced thermal management through the application of thermally conductive adhesive. This adhesive enhances the contact area between the heat-generating components and the charger’s casing, facilitating partial heat dissipation through the outer shell.    This design ensures optimal heat regulation, contributing to the charger’s efficiency and longevity. Modular Design EEV offers customizable all types of connectors and provides options for both wall mounted EV charger and floor mounted EV charger, which allow for easy customization and installation in various settings. High-Quality Materials Our EV Charger is crafted from UL-certified PC+ABS, offering high toughness and flame resistance. It’s designed to endure extreme temperatures, suitable for storage environments from -40°C to 85°C. Stable Power Management Systems The Emergency Stop Switch, built-in Type B RCD, and compatibility with Solar PV Systems contribute to stable and safe power management, preventing damage from power fluctuations. Self-developed OCPP Platform EEV EVsaas platform is self-developed charging management based on OCPP 1.6J. With a simple setup, it allows you to track, manage and optimize your EV charging. Users scan the code for charging through EVsaas APP, you can monitor the charging status in real-time in the background.  You can also obtain detailed charging data and billing information according to different time periods. Commercial Charging Monitoring BCP-MH-01, EEV EV charger monitoring device, is an independently researched and developed device.   It can simultaneously monitor multiple EV chargers and intelligently distribute current based on the usage of each EV charger.   Therefore, it safely prevents overload. Meanwhile, it can also monitor the fault of the EV charger and the RS485 communication status to improve the use efficiency.
Mikrokapszulázott Vanília Illat

Mikrokapszulázott Vanília Illat

The Microencapsulated Vanilla Fragrance delivers a warm and comforting scent that captures the essence of pure vanilla. This fragrance is perfect for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere, making it ideal for use in air fresheners, scented candles, and personal care products. The microencapsulation technology ensures that the vanilla scent is released slowly, providing a long-lasting and consistent aroma that soothes the senses. With its rich and creamy notes, the Microencapsulated Vanilla Fragrance is a favorite for those seeking to infuse their environment with a touch of warmth. The fragrance is crafted with high-quality ingredients, ensuring a pure and authentic scent that stands out. Whether you're looking to enhance your product offerings or simply enjoy the comforting aroma of vanilla, this fragrance is a versatile and effective choice. Its enduring scent ensures that your space remains cozy and inviting for extended periods.
Magas teljesítményű gumi párnák és alkatrészek különböző ipari szektorok számára

Magas teljesítményű gumi párnák és alkatrészek különböző ipari szektorok számára

BGF Rubber Latvia produces high-quality custom rubber components tailored for industrial, automotive, and construction applications. We offer reliable, flexible, and durable solutions, from rubber pads and seals to advanced vibration-dampening materials, ensuring optimal performance across various industries.
Egyedi papírzsák

Egyedi papírzsák

Custom paper bag prepared with first class materials. Special designs and prints for your brand. Sizes, colors, prints, stamps are made according to your request. Designs that will highlight your brand.
Mogyorógyártó és beszállító

Mogyorógyártó és beszállító

Our company is the leader in the production of hazelnuts in Bulgaria with its 250 hektares of hazelnut forests. The main activity is the production, processing and export of hazelnuts and their products. --- All processing is done within the company by a team of professionals putting a lot of effort, energy and knowledge to personally control every step of the production process, ensuring the superior quality of our products. ​ Since day one, we have strived to use the best practices in the creation and cultivation of hazelnuts, as well as to work with industry leaders in technology and equipment for the processing and production of hazelnut-based products. --- Working side by side with professional consultants from Italy as well as Ferrero agronomists, the company directly cultivates its hazelnut plantations, all within a radius of 30 km from the company's base, starting from the first ones established 10 years ago, to the last 800 decares. created in 2021.
Rozsdamentes Acél 304 Hőcserélő Csövek Gyártói Indiában

Rozsdamentes Acél 304 Hőcserélő Csövek Gyártói Indiában

Metinox Overseas stands tall as one of the eminent manufacturers, suppliers, stockists, and exporters of Stainless Steel 304 Heat Exchanger Tubes. Our commitment to quality drives us to craft a qualitative range of products that adhere to both national and international standards, utilizing top-notch raw materials. These tubes find extensive applications across various industries, including chemical processing, oil refining, hydrocarbon processing, aerospace, and nuclear power generation.
Ruházat, ruhagyártás és B2B gyártás

Ruházat, ruhagyártás és B2B gyártás

We have costume servicing of Garment design and B2B production of women's wear, mens wear, kids clothing. Our MOQ is 200 pc of each design each color