Gamme des menuiseries extérieures en PVC spécialement conçue pour un maximum de confort thermique et acoustique, sécurité et longue durée de vie. Le meilleur rapport qualité-prix pour une fenêtre en PVC!
1. Profil Salamander greenEvolution 76
Profilés de fenêtres en PVC, avec 6 chambres d’isolation d’une épaisseur de 76mm.
2. Renforts standard
Fenêtre en PVC renforcée avec acier résistant à la corrosion de 1,5 mm (en option de 2 mm pour le dormant et 2 / 2,5 pour l’ouvrant) et 2mm pour la porte en PVC.
3. Vitrage Isolant ITR
Triple vitrage isolant de 48 mm ou double vitrage isolant de 36 - 28 mm, intercalaire à bord chaud DuraTherm.
4. Joints de fenêtre
gris pour les fenêtres en coloris blanc et noir pour les fenêtres en coloris divers.
5. Ligne moderne
Les principaux éléments de construction ont un design droit.
6. Système de profils à triple joint d’étanchéité.
Pour une isolation thermique renforcée.
Quincaillerie Maco
Fenêtre en PVC équipée en standard des fonctions anti-effraction, ventilation economique et anti fausse manœuvre.
Coefficient de transfert thermique
de jusqu’à Uw = 0,75 W/(m²K)*.
* Calculé pour une fenêtre de test aux dimensions standard, 1230 x 1480 mm.
Le bicarbonate de soude Sorélia est un excellent complément de nettoyage naturel. Il est efficace seul ou associé à d'autres bases naturelles.
Il est livré en qualité alimentaire.
Pour faire briller la vaisselle, éliminer les traces de calcaire : Déposer une cuillère à soupe de bicarbonate dans le lave vaisselle.
Pour renforcer la souplesse et raviver les couleurs du linge : Ajouter 1 cuillère à soupe de bicarbonate à la lessive dans le lave linge.
Pour Désodoriser, assainir, raviver les textiles, tissus d'ameublement, tapis,moquettes, matelas : Saupoudrer le bicarbonate sur l'ensemble de la surface, faire pénétrer dans les fibres à l'aide d'une brosse, laisser agir 10 heures puis aspirer.
Pour neutraliser les mauvaises odeurs : intérieur de réfrigérateur, cendriers, placard à chaussures, litière pour chat : Placer une tasse de bicarbonate à l'endroit souhaité.
Laserplatinen von MX Prototyping stehen für höchste Präzision und Qualität. Diese Platinen werden mit modernster Lasertechnologie gefertigt, die es ermöglicht, selbst komplexe Geometrien mit höchster Genauigkeit zu schneiden. Die Verwendung von CO2-Lasern mit einer Strahlleistung von 4 Kilowatt garantiert eine schnelle und präzise Bearbeitung. Die Platinen sind ideal für Anwendungen in der Automobilindustrie, im Maschinenbau und in der Medizintechnik. Die Möglichkeit, in einem 2-Stationen-Modus zu arbeiten, reduziert die Rüstzeiten und erhöht die Effizienz der Produktion. Ob individuelle Einzelstücke oder Großserien – MX Prototyping GmbH bietet Ihnen die perfekte Lösung für Ihre Anforderungen im Bereich Laserplatinen.
Hohe Präzision und maßgenaue Fertigung
Vielseitige Einsatzmöglichkeiten in verschiedenen Branchen
Schnelle und kosteneffiziente Produktion
Individuelle Anpassung für Prototypen und Serien
Einheitliche Oberflächen für einfache Weiterverarbeitung
Enhance your gift selection with our festive Santa holiday bags! These attractive packaging solutions are crafted from high-quality polypropylene and feature a delightful Santa design, making them perfect for a range of holiday products. Offered in two sizes—250mm x 400mm and 320mm x 500mm—these bags are ideal for bulk orders and can accommodate various gifts, candies, and seasonal items. Secure your inventory now and provide your customers with a festive touch to their holiday gifting!
Mod. T26S#15 50ML
JAR : Transparent
LID : Injected Black
BEAKER : White
T26S 50ml transparent jar with mounted white beaker and #15 black injected lid
Valdamark Direct offers premium heat seal barrier foil bags and pouches, ideal for diverse packaging needs.
These foil-based solutions excel at safeguarding contents from moisture, oxygen, and light.Crafted with multiple layers - polyester, aluminium foil, and polyethylene - they form a robust barrier against water vapor, gases, and light, while also providing excellent mechanical protection.Available in various sizes from small pouches to large bags, and styles like flat, gusseted, or stand-up, these bags can be easily sealed using different heat sealers.
Key benefits include exceptional protection from environmental factors, making them perfect for food, pharmaceuticals, industrial parts, electronics, and more.The heat seal design offers tamper evidence, resealability, customisation options, and cost-effectiveness.Applications span food packaging, pharmaceuticals, electronics, industrial, military, and consumer goods.
Boost your brand with our high-performance Threadlocking Adhesives, specially formulated for engineering, plumbing and manufacturing applications. These adhesives provide secure, vibration-resistant locking on threaded fasteners, preventing loosening in demanding environments. Available in various strengths and packaging sizes from 10ml to 250ml, with bulk options available, our threadlockers ensure reliability and durability across metal assemblies. Custom labeling and private branding options are available to help you create a tailored solution for your customers
Custom paper bag prepared with first class materials.
Special designs and prints for your brand.
Sizes, colors, prints, stamps are made according to your request.
Designs that will highlight your brand.
Voadeiras galvanizadas e pintadas para aves de pequeno porte. Elevada qualidade e durabilidade. Desmontáveis , laváveis e várias formas de funcionamento. Várias medidas disponíveis para se adequarem ao espaço disponível.
ORPI es un líder en la distribución y fabricación de máquinas CNC y convencionales (manuales) en España, con más de 50 años de experiencia en la industria. Nos especializamos en maquinaria para metal, chapa y madera, ofreciendo soluciones de alta calidad como rectificadoras tangenciales y mesas de coordenadas, diseñadas para cumplir con los estándares más exigentes.
Como distribuidores exclusivos de fabricantes internacionales reconocidos, garantizamos a nuestros clientes acceso a maquinaria de gran calidad. Entre nuestros productos, destacan los tornos, fresadoras y centros de mecanizado, esenciales para la industria moderna. También contamos con una amplia gama de máquinas para trabajar la madera, representando marcas líderes como Bernardo y JET.
En ORPI, la calidad y el servicio son nuestra prioridad. Colaboramos con grandes empresas y organizaciones, incluyendo Thyssenkrupp, Seat, y Repsol, lo que refleja la confianza depositada en nuestros productos. Ofrecemos soluciones competitivas adaptadas a las necesidades de cada cliente, asegurando la excelencia en cada proyecto.
Mit unserem Standort in China und einem breiten, etablierten Lieferantennetzwerk sind wir Ihr kompetenter Partner für Aufträge im Bereich Maschinenbau, Betriebsmittel, Prototypenbau und verwandte Dienstleistungen. Unser Team vor Ort sorgt für eine direkte und verlässliche Kommunikation, während unsere Experten in China sicherstellen, dass Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen an Qualität und Lieferzeit vollumfänglich erfüllt werden. Von der Bedarfsanalyse über die Produktentwicklung bis zur finalen Auslieferung – wir begleiten Sie zuverlässig durch den gesamten Prozess und bieten Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die Ihre Erwartungen übertreffen.
EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies.
EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners.
In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values offered by nature.
EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies.
EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners.
In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values offered by nature.
EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies.
EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners.
In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values offered by nature.
EmsePharma olarak, doğa ve insanoğlu arasında sağlam köprüler kurmayı en temel ve sürekli hedefimiz olarak benimsiyoruz. Doğanın insanoğluna sunduğu güzellikleri, doğal hallerine en yakın biçimde koruyarak, en yeni ve en sağlıklı teknolojileri kullanarak iş ortaklarımıza sunmaktayız.
EmsePharma, uzman ve deneyimli kadrosuyla kozmetik ve gıda takviyeleri üretiminde inovatif bir bakış açısına sahip, çözüm odaklı bir firmadır. Bakanlıkların belirlediği standartlara uygun üretim tesisimizde, gelişen teknolojiyi yakından takip ederek üretim hattımızı sürekli olarak geliştirmekteyiz. ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP ve HELAL sertifikalarımız ile marka sahibi iş ortaklarımıza güvenilir ve ideal üretim koşulları sunuyoruz.
Bu sayede, iş ortaklarımıza ve tüketicilerimize en kaliteli ürünleri ulaştırmayı amaçlıyoruz. Doğanın sunduğu değerleri koruyarak, insan sağlığına katkıda bulunmak ve sürdürülebilir bir gelecek için çalışmak, EmsePharma olarak en büyük misyonumuzdur.
Il M9DT30 è un carro raccoglifrutta semovente progettato per la raccolta e la potatura nei moderni impianti ad interfilare ridotto. Questo modello offre un piano di lavoro unico ad elevazione idraulica, con larghezza chiusa di 1,30/1,50/1,70 metri, apribile fino a 2,28/2,80/3,10 metri. La lunghezza del piano è di 2,00 metri, con un'altezza massima di 2,46 metri. Equipaggiato con 4 ruote motrici e sterzanti indipendenti, il M9DT30 garantisce una manovrabilità eccellente. Gli elevatori idraulici anteriori e posteriori facilitano il carico e scarico dei bins, mentre la trasmissione idrostatica e il cambio a due rapporti a comando elettrico assicurano un controllo preciso della velocità.
Realizamos todo tipo de sellos para empresa, en tintaje automático y en montura de madera, sellos con los datos fiscales, comercial, para comunidades de propietarios, administradores de finca, farmacia, profesionales y autónomos … y como siempre todos nuestros sellos siempre en caucho natural.
We produce Real Leather Jackets, Faux Leather Jacket, Fur Leather Jacket, Shearling Leather Jackets, Wool Coats.
We can even Customize the product as per Buyer requirement. for more details contact us.
Nos dedicamos a la extracción de los áridos de nuestras propias canteras. Fabricamos triturando y clasificando los áridos según su tamaño y forma. Además, comercializamos ofreciendo áridos de calidad para diversos usos a gran escala y transportamos los áridos a nuestros clientes con rapidez y eficiencia.
En Aridos el Campillo de Palenciana somos especialistas en la producción y distribución de áridos para la construcción con procesos muy rigurosos que garantiza la calidad y homogeneidad de nuestros productos. Contamos con una amplia experiencia en el sector y con una flota propia de camiones. Solo realizamos ventas al por mayor, así que si estás interesado en adquirir nuestro suelo seleccionado o cualquier otro producto de nuestro catálogo, no dudes en contactarnos. Te ofreceremos un presupuesto personalizado y sin compromiso.
EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies.
EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners.
In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values offered by nature.
EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies.
EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners.
In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values offered by nature.
EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies.
EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners.
In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values offered by nature.
EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies.
EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners.
In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values offered by nature.
EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies.
EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners.
In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values offered by nature.
EmsePharma, we adopt the establishment of solid bridges between nature and humanity as our most fundamental and continuous goal. We offer the beauties that nature offers to humanity to our business partners by preserving them in the closest way to their natural state and using the latest and healthiest technologies.
EmsePharma is a solution-oriented company with an innovative perspective in the production of cosmetics and food supplements with its expert and experienced staff. In our production facility that complies with the standards determined by the ministries, we are constantly improving our production line by closely following the developing technology. With our ISO 9001, ISO 22000, GMP and HALAL certificates, we offer reliable and ideal production conditions to our brand-owning business partners.
In this way, we aim to deliver the highest quality products to our business partners and consumers. Our greatest mission as EmsePharma is to contribute to human health and work for a sustainable future by preserving the values offered by nature.
We are a professional motors manufacturer from China. Our production capacity exceeds more than 1 million motors per year. Our Company offers many major series of products: Hybrid Stepper motors, Closed Loop Stepper Motor, Linear Stepper Motor, Brushless Dc motor, Dc Brush motor, Motor Driver, Geared Motor, Brake Motor, PM Stepper Motor, Power Supply and so on... We are always continues develop new type models.
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