Termékek ablakos telepítés becsült (223)

Fából készült ablak IV92

Fából készült ablak IV92

Holzfenster IV92
IV64 faablakok - Faablakok 64 mm vastagsággal

IV64 faablakok - Faablakok 64 mm vastagsággal

Wood windows on 64mm thickness which can be manufactured from spruce, pine, meranti or oak. They can be produced in different designs and sections, as requested. The hardware used is from Roto and the finishing system from Remmers.
IV56 fa ablakok - Fa ablakok 56 mm vastagsággal

IV56 fa ablakok - Fa ablakok 56 mm vastagsággal

Wood windows with a thickness of 56mm which can be equipped with double glazing.
Fából készült ablak IV78

Fából készült ablak IV78

Holzfenster IV78: Rahmen: 78x80 mm Flügel: 78x80 mm, mehrschichtiges Holz Material: Fichte oder Kiefer Schalldämmung: 32-45 dB (abhängig von der Verglasung) Wärmedurchgangskoeffizient (Uw): Uw klein = 0,96 W/m2K Uw Standard = 0,81 W/m2K Uw groß = 0,8 W/m2K Verglasung: 4-fach Low-E-Glas /14 Ar w.e./4-fach Floatglas/14 Ar w.e./4-fach Low-E-Glas mit Ug = 0,6 W/m2K Optionaler U-Wert von bis zu 0,5 W/m2K (bei 44 mm Dicke) Standard-Hardware: Roto NX mit Mikrobelüftung und Einbruchschutz Farbgestaltung: RAL-Farben oder transparente Farben von Remmers Dichtungen: 3 Q-lon-Dichtungen in Braun, Weiß, Schwarz oder Grau Silikonfarbe passend zur Holzfarbe: Weiß, Schwarz, Transparent oder Braun Standardgriffe: Hoppe New York Secustik in Weiß, Braun, Silber, Bronze oder Gold Geeignet für verschiedene Fensteröffnungsarten Wärmeleitfähigkeitswerte gemäß Norm SR EN ISO 10 077-1/10 077-2 Uf-Werte: 1,02 W/m2K (Weichholz), 1,14 W/m2K (Weich-/Hartholz), 1,4 W/m2K (Hartholz)
IV78 THERMO fa-alumínium ablakok - Fa-alumínium ablakok passzív házakhoz

IV78 THERMO fa-alumínium ablakok - Fa-alumínium ablakok passzív házakhoz

We manufacture wood aluminum windows on different thicknesses. We can equip them with double or triple glazing, as requested. We also offer solutions for passive houses with Uf = 0,73 W/m2k.
Fa ablakok - Dupla üvegezésű fa ablakok IV68

Fa ablakok - Dupla üvegezésű fa ablakok IV68

Wood windows on 68mm thickness which can be manufactured from spruce, pine, meranti or oak. They can be produced in different designs and sections, as requested. The hardware used is from Roto and the finishing system from Remmers.
Fából készült ablakok Termo92

Fából készült ablakok Termo92

Termo92 wood framed windows with 92/80mm section, the largest sash thickness in this range. Resistant to weathering and temperature fluctuations, Termo92 laminated wood windows retain their functionality indefinitely.
70 MD PVC Ablakok

70 MD PVC Ablakok

Suitable for renovations, 70 MD PVC Windows systems offer quality, reliability and the best burglary protection. The third seal of the window frame, the central bar fixed all around, ensures on the one hand improved thermal insulation values and on the other hand prevents the window frame from being quickly detached by a crowbar. With the best security components in the window sash, 70 MD PVC Windows also offer outstanding sound protection


Elevate your interiors and exteriors with our elegant porte fenêtres, expertly crafted from high-quality pine, meranti, or oak wood. These stylish door-window combinations seamlessly blend functionality and beauty, making them perfect for both residential and commercial spaces.
Belső fa tolóajtó

Belső fa tolóajtó

Enhance your living space with our custom interior sliding doors, meticulously crafted from high-quality linden, ash, or oak wood.
Háromrétegű fa ablakok

Háromrétegű fa ablakok

Triple-layered wooden windows offer the perfect combination of the natural beauty of wood and energy efficiency. These windows are designed to provide superior thermal insulation and soundproofing, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home. The use of triple-layered wood not only enhances the window's durability but also adds a touch of elegance to any room. With a range of styles and finishes available, you can customize your windows to match the architectural style of your home. Whether you are looking to improve energy efficiency or simply want to add a classic touch to your home, triple-layered wooden windows are an excellent choice.
Laminált fa redőnyök

Laminált fa redőnyök

Laminated wood shutters not only add an extra touch of elegance to your home, but they also provide protection against the elements and control over natural light. Explore the benefits of laminated wood shutters and discover how they can enhance the appearance and functionality of your windows. These shutters are crafted to withstand various weather conditions, ensuring durability and longevity. With their timeless appeal, laminated wood shutters can seamlessly blend with any architectural style, offering both aesthetic and practical advantages. Whether you are looking to improve energy efficiency or simply want to add a classic touch to your home, laminated wood shutters are an excellent choice.


Il sistema SOFTLINE AD 70 a doppia guarnizione di battuta, gradevole per l’eleganza e la sobrietà delle sue linee, grazie alla sua struttura da 70 mm multicamera, permette di superare con estrema facilità i valori di legge prescritti in merito al risparmio energetico coniugando ad essi un elevato valore di isolamento acustico oltre che a garantire, grazie ai rinforzi interni in acciaio, elevate prestazioni statiche e di sicurezza. Come tutti i sistemi VEKA, anche il sistema SOFTLINE AD 70 è estruso utilizzando mescole in classe S e con spessori del profilo in classe A, secondo quanto previsto dalla Norma UNI EN 12608, conferendo in tal modo al prodotto finale il più alto livello qualitativo in termini di prestazione, durata, resistenza all’invecchiamento ed efficienza nel tempo. Grazie alle superfici lisce e lineari è di facile pulizia e non ha bisogno di particolare manutenzione. È inoltre predisposto, in funzione di particolari esigenze, per l’alloggiamento di ferramenta e vetri anti effrazione o di sicurezza.
Alumínium ablakok COR 80

Alumínium ablakok COR 80

The 80 COR hinged aluminium window system is capable of achieving maximum levels of air tightness, energy savings and acoustic protection. Benefit from more light through COR 80 aluminium window design with slim profiles that further maximise glazing area. With its straight lines and concealed window frame, COR 80 aluminium windows offer outstanding thermal and acoustic performance thanks to a thermal break of 45 mm and a glazing capacity of up to 51 mm that allows the installation of triple glazing.
4200 Csúszóablak és csúszóajtó rendszerek

4200 Csúszóablak és csúszóajtó rendszerek

Sliding doors and large windows often serve as vital design components when space efficiency is a priority. The 4200 Sliding sliding door system provides large, unobstructed glazing area that maximizes the amount of light entering the interior with minimal footprint. Minimal visible aluminum section and up to 94% glass surface coverage are spectacular features for an exceptional sliding door
Festett IV68 Fa Ablakok

Festett IV68 Fa Ablakok

Le système de fenêtre IV68 est décrit sur cette page comme ayant un cadre de 68x81 mm et un battant de 68x80 mm, en bois multi-laminé, jointé sur la longueur. Toute forme et ouverture est possible. De plus, les fermetures en bois sont également disponibles peintes dans la couleur désirée par le client. Les matériaux utilisés peuvent être l’épicéa, le pin, le meranti ou le chêne. L’isolation acoustique varie de 30 à 42 dB selon l’unité de vitrage choisie. La transmission thermique pour le profil IV68 varie de 1,27 à 1,39 W/m2K selon la taille de la fenêtre. Le vitrage standard a un coefficient de transfert de chaleur de Ug 1,1 W/m2K, avec la possibilité d’obtenir un coefficient de transfert de chaleur jusqu’à 1,0 W/m2K. Le bord chaud est offert en cadeau à toute commande.
Fából készült redőnyök

Fából készült redőnyök

Wooden shutters which can be manufactured in many different versions.
Fa-Alumínium Ablak THERM

Fa-Alumínium Ablak THERM

Découvrez la série IV78 bois-aluminium THERMO de SM WOOD PRODCOM, conçue pour allier performance thermique et esthétique. Dotées d'un cadre robuste de 106x80 mm et d'un vantail en bois multicouche de 123x80 mm avec revêtement en aluminium, ces fenêtres sont spécialement conçues pour les maisons passives. Choisissez entre l'épicéa ou le pin pour personnaliser vos fenêtres. Profitez d'une isolation acoustique exceptionnelle, variant de 32 à 49 dB en fonction du vitrage choisi. Les profils IV78 bois-aluminium THERMO affichent une performance thermique exceptionnelle : Uw Small = 0,98 W/m²K Uw Standard = 0,83 W/m²K Uw Large = 0,82 W/m²K Ces faibles valeurs Uw se traduisent par des économies d'énergie et un environnement intérieur confortable. La quincaillerie Roto NX offre sécurité avec micro-ventilation et fonctions anti-effraction. Choisissez une quincaillerie cachée et des accessoires optionnels avec des classes de sécurité supplémentaires : RC1, RC2 ou RC3.
Fából készült Bejárati Ajtók V78

Fából készült Bejárati Ajtók V78

SM WOOD PRODCOM produziert hochwertige Holztüren mit einer Vielzahl von Modellen und Oberflächen, die für jeden Haustyp geeignet sind. Die Türen sind in verschiedenen Serien erhältlich, einschließlich IV68, IV78 und IV92, jede mit einzigartigen Merkmalen und technischen Spezifikationen. Diese Türen werden mit Liebe zum Detail hergestellt und während des Produktionsprozesses manuell überprüft, um ihre Qualität zu gewährleisten. SM WOOD PRODCOM bietet auch maßgeschneiderte Design- und Installationsdienstleistungen für Türen an, um sicherzustellen, dass sie perfekt zu den Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben der Kunden passen.
Fából Készült Keretek

Fából Készült Keretek

Il sistema di finestre IV78 utilizza 3 guarnizioni Q-lon come standard e ha una ferramenta standard Roto NX con micro ventilazione e anti-effrazione. Il telaio è di 78 x 80 mm, in legno lamellato incollato, con giunto sulla lunghezza. Tutte le forme e le aperture sono possibili. La norma Uw è di 0,81 W/m2K e qualsiasi tipo di colore è possibile.
Alumínium ablakok CS77

Alumínium ablakok CS77

CS 77 is a highly insulated aluminium window system that meets high requirements in terms of thermal insulation, stability and security
4900 Tolóablak- és tolóajtórendszerek

4900 Tolóablak- és tolóajtórendszerek

Modernity, simplicity and technological advances are the words that come to mind when considering Sliding 4900 sliding windows. The straight aesthetic sliding window and door system incorporates a visible minimalist centre node of only 35mm. It allows maximising glazing capacity up to 36 mm, enhancing thermal and acoustic performance.
Alumínium ablakok COR 70

Alumínium ablakok COR 70

70 COR aluminium windows are characterised by thinner profiles, resulting in a section of only 66 mm visible from the outside and maximising the glazing area. This feature allows an extraordinary gain of light in interior rooms. And this is complemented by maximised thermal efficiency, thanks to the 35 mm thermal barrier and the polyolefin foam insert in the frame and sash that allows for heat transfer coefficients of up to 1.0 W/m²K. COR 70 aluminium windows have a high degree of sound insulation, which this system achieves in particular thanks to the possibility of installing glass up to 40 mm thick
Alumínium ablakok SL38

Alumínium ablakok SL38

Slim Line 38 is an inward and outward opening aluminium window system that combines elegance and comfort with a unique design. Its slim profile appearance fits into a modern architecture and is also suitable for refurbishing metal framed windows, respecting the original design but offering a thermally improved solution. Available in 3 different minimalist design variants, Classic, Ferro and Cubic, the aluminium windows can be fitted with double and triple glazing without losing the ultra-slim appearance. Combined with its superior insulation capabilities, the system offers the perfect harmony between durable material, clean design and demanding architectural challenges.
Fa-Alumínium Ablakok

Fa-Alumínium Ablakok

Holz-Alu Fenster
4700 Tolóablak- és tolóajtórendszerek

4700 Tolóablak- és tolóajtórendszerek

The 4700 Sliding aluminium sliding joinery system boasts minimal aesthetics and a locking frame of only 47 mm. These sliding doors enjoy ultra smooth sliding operation thanks to stainless steel tracks. Sliding Doors 4700 are a modern, safe and energy efficient solution to maximise natural light in your property and create a seamless, indoor-outdoor flow
Ablak- és tolóajtó rendszerek 4500/4600 Bal-Jobb

Ablak- és tolóajtó rendszerek 4500/4600 Bal-Jobb

The 4500/4600 lift-and-slide aluminum system offers superior thermal insulation compared to standard sliding doors. The large size of the hinge makes this system ideal for enclosing large areas, letting in more natural light. The highly durable aluminum frame is light enough for easy, ultra-smooth operation on a reinforced stainless steel track. Instead of inserting a door into a wall, the entire wall becomes a window wall. The immediate benefit you’ll notice is how easy it is to open and close them. Huge areas of unobstructed glass and an effortless sliding mechanism combine to make our Lift & Slide Doors the perfect solution for rooms with views.
85 MD PVC Ablakok

85 MD PVC Ablakok

PVC 85 MD joinery windows are an example of the synergistic use of the properties of profiles and composite double glazing to create windows characterised by very low thermal transmission. The coefficient of thermal permeability of the profiles obtained with Uf = 1.0 W/m2K combined with the possibility of using wider glass packs up to 51 mm wide guarantees the best thermal parameters of the window
COR Vision tolóablak- és ajtórendszerek

COR Vision tolóablak- és ajtórendszerek

Modern and luxurious, Cor Vision aluminium framed sliding doors create a whole new space and way of life, thanks to its unique look and design, a sliding glass wall with slim picture frame views and a brighter way of life. Cor Vision doors are the perfect choice to bring the outdoors in and enjoy unparalleled views of your garden, city or landscape. With a smooth and easy action regardless of weight, these are large sliding doors up to 4 metres wide or high, with a visible centre section of just 20mm.
Fa-alumínium ablak

Fa-alumínium ablak

Fenetre bois alu