Çelik kapı üretim ve montaj standartlarına uygun olarak, kasalar 1.5 mm çelik profilden imal edilmiştir. Güvenlik noktalarında ise bu ölçü 3.5 mm kalınlığa ulaşmaktadır. Kasa yapısı kasa ile duvar arasına boşluk kalmayacak şekilde duvarı kavrar niteliktedir. İmalatımız, yerinde ve her kapıya özel ölçümleme ile yapılmaktadır.
Kapı serenleri 1.5 mm kalınlığında profilden, güvenlik noktalarında 6.5 mm kalınlığa ulaşan niteliktedir. Kanat içi 0,70 mm sac ile desteklenmiştir.
Tüm metal aksam istenilen kaplama ile ahşap görünümdedir. Metalin soğuk görüntüsü ve dokusu kasada 8mm, kanatta 8mm ahşap kullanılarak estetik ve sıcak bir görünüme dönüştürülmüştür.
BriskBard es un navegador web que incluye un cliente de email, un reproductor multimedia, un agregador de noticias, un cliente IRC, un cliente FTP, un lector de grupos de noticias de usenet, un gestor de contactos y varias herramientas de desarrollo web.
La seguridad, privacidad y los estándares abiertos son tres de los factores principales en el desarrollo de BriskBard. Solo por nombrar un par de sus características, el borrado de los datos de navegación se puede realizar con dos clics y el visor de mensajes usa un motor completamente nuevo para mostrar sus contenidos de manera segura.
BriskBard se encuentra disponible en español e inglés.
Le modèle AM4115T-JV possède les deux fonctions de voyants lumineux IR (~940nm) et UV (~395nm) dans un même équipement. Les modèles Edge Dino-Lite offrent une qualité d'image supérieure et un haut niveau de flexibilité grâce à la conception de capuchon adaptable.
Distance de travail:Courte
Composite / Métal:Composite
Connectique:USB 2.0
Plage de grossissement (niv. de zoom):20-220x
Résolution (technique):1.3 Mpx (1280x1024)
Résolution pour moteur de recherche:1.3 Mpx
Code douane SH:90118000
Mesure et calibration:Oui
Flexible LED Control (FLC):Non
Automatic Magnification Reading (AMR):Non
Extended Depth of Field (EDOF):Non
Enhanced Dynamic Range (EDR):Non
Depth Acquisition (DPQ):Non
Eclairage Coaxial (AXI):Non
LEDs (type et nombre):UV (4) + Infrarouge (4)
Adaptateur sans fil (wi-fi):WF-10 (non inclus)
Bouton tactile (Microtouch):Oui
Verrouillage de la molette de grossissement:Oui
Système d'exploitation:Mac OS, Windows
Fréquence d'images (max):30 fps
Dimensions:10.5cm (L) x 3.2cm (D)
Poids:105 g
Longueur de câble:182 cm
Normes d'imagerie:N/A
Période de garantie:2 ans
Longueur d'onde d'émission (filtre):N/A
Longueur d'onde d'excitation (LED):UV 395 nm - IR 940 nm
Pays d'origine:Taiwan
Norme réglementaire:CE, FCC
Windows una svolta per la raccolta differenziata, trattasi di cestino per arredo urbano utilizzabile sia in ambienti all'aperto che al chiuso, dotato anche di posacenere. Viene realizzato nella versione standard e big.
Sosis Kol Aynalı
Teknik Bilgiler
Yüzey Renk Seçenekleri : Eloksal , Şampanya , Beyaz , Siyah , Naturel , Pres.
Kullanım Alanı : Alüminyum kapı doğrama sistemlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Birçok kapı profillerine uygundur. Aluminyum profilden üretilmiştir. İstenilen eloksal renk yapılabilir.
Malzeme Cinsi : Sap Aluminyum , Ayna Aluminyum
We make colorful and fun stage designs for festivals that introduce your city and culture!
It designs 3D advertisements, models and characters for municipalities and private institutions for annual festivals that showcase the history and famous values of cities; we produce stage decoration applications, product promotion stands, welcome desks, podiums. We create long-lasting and useful products by integrating quality materials with ergonomic designs and creative ideas.
We meet all the needs of your festivals completely and quickly with our innovative, affordable and solution-oriented product range.
Knight Optical can offer UV Fused Silica Windows for Vacuum Applications.
UV Fused Silica is a relatively hard optical glass with a very low coefficient of thermal expansion. This means that it is a good choice for us in Vacuum applications, as any difference in temperature will not affect the optical performance.
In addition to the above, UV FS has high transmission from UV to NIR meaning that there is little loss of image when it is used for a Vacuum Window/viewport and therefore the quality of the optical system is not compromised.
All our UV Fused Silica Lenses are fully inspected on their quality in our ISO 9001 certified, state-of-the-art Metrology laboratory, using our Trioptics Optispheric, and Starrett AV300 and Zygo Verifire XPZ. This allows us to work to the highest QA standards and meet the tolerance specifications on these precision components
Read PDF for more info
Material::UV Grade Fused Silica
Operating Wavelength::587nm
Diameter Tolerance::+0 / -0.10mm
Centring Tolerance::<5 arc min
Focal Length Tolerance::± 0.2mm (<10mm) ±2.0% (10mm – 1000mm)
Centre Thickness Tolerance::±0.2mm
Surface Figure::3/ 3 (1)
Surface quality::<40-20 Scratch/Dig
CASEMENTS: Bois et bois/alu mixte
Nos fenêtres et porte-fenêtres disposent d’une mécanisme spéciale qui permet l’ouverture vers l’extérieure avec une parfait étanchéité.
Les fenêtres de cette gamme offrent la possibilité de réversibilité complète permettant ainsi nettoyance des ouvrants.
Las ventanas de PVC es una solución moderna, tecnológica y confiable para su apartamento o casas de campo. Las ventanas de PVC elegidas correctamente ayudarán a mantener el calor y la comodidad, reducir los costes de energía y aumentar la seguridad de su hogar. La amplia gama de Velton le permite elegir ventanas de PVC de cualquier tamaño para cualquier habitación de su hogar
An innovative solution is available to you. Maintain both the security and design of this door with its exemplary capabilities. An essential security element for your premises or building, this system with simplified and reinforced operating modes will provide complete satisfaction to all of your accesses. Harmony in the realization of your project thanks to this refined range which will complete your openings in this refined spirit of high standing.Resistance to impact from soft and heavy bodies CLASS 5 (max) // Resistance to repeated opening and closing (Reference test door 2.10 x 2.20 m. 1 leaf)
You will find further information at the attached pdf documents below or
ask us at bazanovaltd@gmail.com
We specialise in supplying bespoke branded bags to the bakery sector in a range of styles. The varieties that we
have on offer include
Flat bags
Gusseted bags
Film front bags
Central/ side strip window bags
Block bottom bags
Twosideopen bags
Materials include
White/ brown kraft
Wax coated
PE coated
The 4500/4600 lift-and-slide aluminum system offers superior thermal insulation compared to standard sliding doors. The large size of the hinge makes this system ideal for enclosing large areas, letting in more natural light. The highly durable aluminum frame is light enough for easy, ultra-smooth operation on a reinforced stainless steel track. Instead of inserting a door into a wall, the entire wall becomes a window wall. The immediate benefit you’ll notice is how easy it is to open and close them. Huge areas of unobstructed glass and an effortless sliding mechanism combine to make our Lift & Slide Doors the perfect solution for rooms with views.
Le système de fenêtre IV68 est décrit sur cette page comme ayant un cadre de 68x81mm et un battant de 68x80mm, en bois multi-laminé, jointé sur la longueur. Toute forme et ouverture est possible. De plus, les fermetures en bois sont également disponibles en couleur laquée, selon les préférences de teinte souhaitées par le client. Les matériaux utilisés peuvent être l’épicéa, le pin, le meranti ou le chêne. L’isolation acoustique varie de 30 à 42 dB selon l’unité de vitrage choisie. La transmission thermique pour le profil IV68 varie de 1,27 à 1,39 W/m2K selon la taille de la fenêtre. Le vitrage standard a un coefficient de transfert de chaleur de Ug 1,1 W/m2K, avec la possibilité d’obtenir un coefficient de transfert de chaleur jusqu’à 1,0 W/m2K. Le bord chaud est offert en cadeau à toute commande.
Aus Polyvinylchlorid, in den Ecken spiegelverschweißt, Innenwandung weiß, glatt, Außenwandung geriffelt zur besseren Haftung der PVC-Dachbahnen. In der Laibung durch innenliegende Rippen verstärkt
This men's collection consists of 2 different poses and 2 different heads. The features of this collection are as follows:
- perfect fit
- unbreakable (never get damaged again)
- very lightweight
- easy to assemble thanks to magnetic systems
- 100% recyclable.
Profile dla Stolarki Okiennej i Drzwiowej. Wzmocnienia Stalowe różne systemy. - Wzmocnienia okienne do wszystkich obecnych na rynku systemów PCV, m.in. Aluplast, Avantgarde, Brügmann, Decco, Deceuninck, Foris, Gealan, Inoutic, Rehau, Salamander, Veka, Wital, System Profine.
Wysoka jakość wzmocnień okiennych w oparciu o wewnętrzne procedury systemowe i najwyższe standardy odpowiadające wymogom europejskich norm zharmonizowanych, w tym PN EN ISO 9001, PN EN 10162
Montage aus Holz, unentbehrlich für Beruf & Hobby. Für die Montage von Fenstern, Konstruktionen und Türen, das Ausrichten von Latten und für alle handwerklichen Arbeiten auf dem Bau, zu Hause, in der Werkstatt sowie im Garten. Sie halten perfekt, fallen nicht heraus und ermöglichen aufgrund ihrer ausgezeichneten Verarbeitung eine präzise Arbeit.
Hergestellt aus sorgfältig getrocknetem Fichtenholz.
Das Schaufenster vermittelt einen ersten Eindruck über Ihr Sortiment und Ihr Geschäft. Durch flexibles und einfaches Umdekorieren können Sie Kunden vor dem Laden, sowie im Verkaufsraum, werbewirksam ansprechen. Das Schaufenster gibt Ihnen außerdem die Möglichkeit, Ihre Serviceleistungen hervorzuheben und Marketingaktionen durchzuführen. Wir designen und produzieren verschiedene Ladenbausysteme für das Schaufenster wie hängende, drehbare sowie freistehende Präsentationselemente. Ergänzt wird dies durch bewegte & interaktive Präsentation sowie POS-Präsentationselemente und hinterleuchtete Visuals.
Extremely durable materials place extreme demands on the knives with which they are processed. Our knives are customized for a wide variety of material mixtures and therefore perform excellently in cold and hot cutting processes.
The ADD ON system, which allows the carrier profiles to be made of steel at points where the openings allowed by the aluminum horizontal and vertical carrier profiles in the facade systems are not sufficient for the projects, can offer more transparent surfaces to designers.
It is a system that can be used in projects made with steel construction, which has more load-bearing properties, instead of deep aluminum profiles, in large spaces where large openings must be crossed at once, such as airports and auto showrooms. The system, where the system depth is shaped by steel and glass combinations used in the standard FS 50 system can also be used, is preferred by designers due to its high inertia values.
The system consists of aluminum profiles with a wall thickness between 1.8 mm and 2.0 mm combined with steel profiles selected for the facade.
System Visible Width:50 mm
System Depth:Shaped by the steel to be used
Applicable Glass Thickness:6 – 52 mm
A hinged hidden double sash 122 mm system that allows for quadruple glazing facilitating a total accoustic silence and an optimum thermal insulation.
There is the possibility of incorporating a manual or motorized venetian blind or shutter in the internal (65 mm) chamber. Also Access to the chamber is possible for cleaning and maintenance.
Additionally there is a quadruple gasket system that improves the thermal and accoustic insulation.
BAUFENS as the Bosnian leading INOX door panel manufacturer, we ensure our INOX Door Panel is manufactured to the highest standards and offers an unparalleled choice when it comes to styles, colors, and glazing options to complement any home.
An ideal choice for all lovers of modern interiors is inox panel doors. The new line of BAUFENS inox panel doors meets all the requirements of modern trends in architecture and interior design when it comes to business and residential spaces.
Stainless steel or inox is an alloy of steel, chrome, and graphite and represents a revolution in terms of quality, functionality, and aesthetics in today’s architecture and construction. The main features are exceptional features in terms of style and exclusivity. Stainless steel guarantees shape durability and high durability, corrosion resistance, ease of maintenance, and long service life.