» Minimal balustrade system
» State of the art design
» View Crystal 1.0 kN/m
» View Crystal Plus 3.0 kN/m » Possibilities
Over slab assembly
Flush over slab assembly
Edge slab assembly
Edge invested slab assembly
» Glazing
This balustrade system enables 12 glazing possibilities: double glass of 10, 8 or 6 mm joined by up to 4 polyvinyl butyrals of 0.38 mm. The use of tempered glass is suggested
10- 1.52 -10
10- 1.14 -10
10- 0.76 -10
10- 0.38 -10
8- 1.52 -8
8- 1.14 -8
8- 0.76 -8
8- 0.38 -8
6- 1.52 -6
6- 1.14 -6
6- 0.76 -6
6- 0.38 -6
O sistema MB-60EI, graças às suas capacidades construtivas e compatibilidade com outros sistemas da série MB, é em muitos casos uma oferta muito atrativa nesta classe de produtos de proteção contra incêndio. sistema concebido para a realização de portas corta-fogo interiores ou exteriores de uma ou duas folhas e construções de divisórias técnicas e anti-incêndio das classes EI 15, EI 30 vidros com frisos no interior acessórios especiais em aço protegem o vidro da queda durante um incêndio a resistência da estrutura é garantida pelos elementos de isolamento contra fogo, que são instalados nas câmaras internas dos perfis as estruturas são adicionalmente equipadas com fitas de expansão, que são uma barreira impenetrável em caso de incêndio.
We make colorful and fun stage designs for festivals that introduce your city and culture!
It designs 3D advertisements, models and characters for municipalities and private institutions for annual festivals that showcase the history and famous values of cities; we produce stage decoration applications, product promotion stands, welcome desks, podiums. We create long-lasting and useful products by integrating quality materials with ergonomic designs and creative ideas.
We meet all the needs of your festivals completely and quickly with our innovative, affordable and solution-oriented product range.
For residue-free, streak-free cleaning of car windows and other glass surfaces.
Other sizes available on request
Streak-Free Glass Shine | Auto Glass Cleaner for Spotless Windows:22
Crystal Clear Vision | Streak-Free Auto Glass Cleaner Solution:22
Η ανοιγόμενη σήτα Classic είναι η ιδανική λύση για πόρτες κουζίνας ή εισόδου με συχνή διέλευση. Λειτουργεί χειροκίνητα με μεντεσέδες και έχει μηχανισμό αυτόματης επαναφοράς, ενώ το κλείσιμό της γίνεται με μαγνήτη.
Schiffsfenster, Brückenfenster und Bullaugen für Forschungs- und Marineschiffe und Seenotrettungskreuzer. Mit Schweißzarge, Schraubzarge oder Klemmsystem (fff) für höchste Sicherheit.
Unsere Fenster werden auf Basis neuester Erkenntnisse aus Praxis und Wissenschaft entwickelt und überzeugen durch überlegene Produktqualität und -performance. Sie werden z.B. auf Forschungsschiffen, Seenotrettungskreuzern, Megayachten, Marineschiffen, Küstenschutzbooten und sonstigen Spezialschiffen eingesetzt. Unsere Fenster-Innovation, die Werften, Konstrukteure und Reeder begeistert, ist das fff hochfeste Schiffsfenster.
We use Shneider and Telemechanic products in electrical materials.
-Engine, runs from 0 to 18 thousand cycles. There is no risk of burning based on coercion. And also - this is a special engine used automatically. Drive brand - Mitsubishi. The cutting and calcining tools used are brands from the Czech Republic and Italy.
- You can perform many operations such as evicting water, drilling a door, opening a trunk.
- It is possible to work both in aluminum and in PVC
Universal template. (possibility of making optional templates)
Possibility of working alone with triple drilling, copy milling or grooving system.
Pneumatic profile clamping system.
It is fully automatic with one button operation.
Pour vous protéger et en même temps donner un cachet d'ornement à vos portes et fenêtres optez pour une grille en fer forgé. Son rôle dissuasif est aussi une protection pour tout accès non sécurisé, portes, fenêtres, puits etc...Leurs réalisations sont en fer plein qui est une garantie de solidité et de durée.
Lettere e oggetti intagliati su PVC adesivo, ottimo strumento di comunicazione e di identificazione, che ha riscontrato un notevole successo anche per l'efficacia della grafica ottenibile.
- 80 mm genişliğinde kasa alt yapısı,
- 6 odacık konsepti,
- Yüksek ısı yalıtımı için düşük Uf: 1.12 W/m2K,
- Sızdırmazlığın ve ısı yalıtımının arttırılması amacı ile, orta bölümde 3. conta uygulaması
- 24 mm çift camdan, 44 mm üçlü cama olan geniş cam seçeneği
- Köşelerde TPE conta ile güçlü sızdırmazlık
- TS 5358 EN 12608 PVC profil standardına uygunluk
- Standart kasa ve damlalıklı kanat detayı,
- 6 odacıklı profiller,
- Orta conta (3.conta) uygulaması,
- Üçlü cam, 44 mm cam kalınlığı
4 mm’den 44 mm kalınlığa kadar tüm cam kalınlıklarına uygundur.
Akustik cam seçeneği ile 43 desibele kadar ses yalıtımı sağlar.
Su tahliyesini kolaylaştıran tasarım sayesinde yüksek su sızdırmazlığı sağlanır.
Menteşe destek sacı uygulanabilirliği sayesinde kanat sarkmaları engellenir.
Oval çıta yapısıyla estetik bütünlük sağlanır.
Özel tasarım 3 aşamalı conta sistemi kesinlikle hava ve su sızdırmaz. 3 contalı sistem, Selenit Strong ve “A” sınıfı et kalınlığına sahip Selenit Selective Strong serilerinde mevcuttur.
Tekli, çiftli ve üçlü cam çıtaları ile farklı yalıtım çözümleri sunar.
6 odacıklı kasa ve kanat profilleri ile mükemmel ısı yalıtımı sağlar.
Serve over compact cabinet with plugin R290 unit for pastry, desserts and also for fresh products such as meat, delicatessen, dairy etc. Sturdy and ergonomic, it is designed to make cleaning and maintenance as easy as possible.
Suitable for small shops to Hard Discount Stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets.
Can be multiplexed without side panels to ensure continuity in presentation.
Available in 2 lengths
Excellent preservation of the product in all temperature classes without sacrificing energy effeciency.
The Vega range is also available in the following versions:
with Self Service, Hot, Bain Marie, Neutral, for Pastry…
Temperature: 0 / +2 +3 / +5
Class: 3M1 – 3M2
Schieberahmen, Drehtür und Spannrahmen
Der Spannrahmen eignet sich besonders für Fenster, die nur zum Lüften geöffnet oder gekippt werden. Schnell und unkompliziert lässt sich das Schutzgitter entfernen und wieder einsetzen.
Der Schieberahmen ist die perfekte Lösung auch für große Türöffnungen. Da für dieses System keine Mittelstreben notwendig sind, passt es sich unauffällig in jedes Fenster Bild ein.
Die Drehtür bietet optimalen Schutz ohne Behinderung des entsprechenden Durchgangs. Problemlos lässt sich jede Türe passieren.
Double Mitre Saw with 500 mm sawblades; customized for aluminium profiles.
Second head moving on linear guides via rack&pinion and servo drives.
Both heads tilting outside 45 and 90 degrees pneumatically and all in between degrees are adjusted manually.
Thanks to the fixed roller conveyor mounted on the secondary head and the manual supports, the profiles are placed on the machine easily and cut perfectly.
120 kg kanat taşıma kapasitesi. 2200 mm kanat yüksekliği. 1200 mm kanat genişliği. 90 kesimler sayesinde düşük fire oranı, kolay ve hızlı montaj imkanı. 40 mm genişliğinde orta kanat profilleriyle ince ve zarif görünüm.
Steel Doors keep you safe in your home.
1,2 mm steel sheet inside the door leaf and cases.
Door leaf cover is made by composite materials provide the sun proof and water proof
Caucho esponjoso vulcanizado pegado a un burlete de PVC con estructura metálica formando un tricomponente. Idóneo para puertas ventanas o puertas de coche.
Wetterschutzgitter aus Aluminiumlamellen, die mit dem patentierten Dreh-Klick-System auf Kunststoff-Lamellenhaltern einrasten.
Es stehen 3 Rahmentypen zur Verfügung - Wandeinbau zur flächenbündigen Montage, Wandeinbaurahmen zur Montage in Wandöffnungen und Fenstergitterrahmen zur Montage in vorhandene Fensterflügel mittels der Glashalteleisten. Wir haben ein breites Sortiment an Lamellen im Angebot.
Avantages produit :
Produit très concentré : 1 litre -> 100 litres !
Ingrédients d’origine naturelle
Sans colorants ni conservateurs
Conçu et fabriqué en France
Emballage 100% recyclable
Efficace en quelques secondes sur les vitres et miroirs même traités UV sans laisser de traces.
Contient un agent anti-calcaire qui protège durablement contre les traces.
Formule ultra concentrée : 1L => 100L
Conditionnement:1 Litre avec bouchon, 100ml
Aspect:liquide ininflammable
Masse volumique:1.00 Kg/L
The ÖkoBrill® ECO Window cleaner makes cleaning easy and without stripes. However, it is a sulphate-free and fully degradable detergent made from plant-based materials, packed in a repeatedly reusable bottle also made from plant-based material.
Dimout roller blind provides optimum onboard privacy and comfort for your crew and passengers.
We provide a range of sheer fabrics to block out heat and UV light without obstructing the surrounding views, keeping your crew and passengers comfortable and happy throughout their voyage.
Install dimout roller blinds in public spaces to prolong the life of your soft furnishings and save money on expensive refit projects. We use IMO approved fabrics as standard and have over 40 colour options to compliment your existing colour scheme.
Auf alle Holzfenster haben Sie 5 Jahre Gewährleistung auf die Holzoberfläche. Das bedeutet, dass Sie sich bei uns auf eine hohe Qualität verlassen können.
Garantie: 5 Jahre
Herstellungsland: Deutschland
Versandkosten: ab 1.000,- € versandkostenfrei, ansonsten pauschal 49,- €
NOVITÀ Brevetto 2009
P70H con compensazione Telescopica è un sistema che permette il montaggio dell’infisso senza dover rifilare il meccanismo grazie alla nuova compensazione telescopica che si regola direttamente sull’infisso.
La compensazione telescopica è uno degli accessori più avanzati attualmente disponibili sul mercato sia in termini di rapidità di esecuzione che in termini di semplicità di utilizzo. E’ un sistema che permette il montaggio dell’infisso a telaio chiuso.
Herstellung von Holz-Aluminium-Schiebetüren.
Schiebetüren nach Maß, mit Doppeldichtungen und mehrschichtigem Thermoglas.
Die Basis des Produkts besteht aus mehrschichtigem Holz mit einer Außenverkleidung aus Aluminium. Das Holz ist vollständig vor den äußeren Einflüssen von Sonne und Regen geschützt.
Číslo položky: CL-003
Pevná skládací krabička s magnetickým uzávěrem, PET oknem a oboustrannými pásky v rozích
Krabice z uměleckého papíru o hmotnosti 157 gm, šedé desky o gramáži 1200 g / m2 a 0,3 mm PET pro okno.
Krabice je matná, laminovaná, aby nedošlo k poškrábání během výroby a přepravy.
Na přání lze použít speciální funkce, jako je lisování fólií, bodové UV záření, reliéfní tisk atd
Vestavěné PET okno zviditelňuje vnitřní produkty.
Úchyty na polích na oboustranných páskách usnadňují odlepení krycího papíru z pásky.
Skládací design pomáhá šetřit náklady na dopravu, ale zachovává tuhou funkci.
Také jsme schopni navrhnout vložku vyrobenou z lepenky, která nahradí plastový podnos, aby byl obal „zelenější“ a skládací, což šetří náklady na dopravu.
Magnetický uzávěr klapky:Uchovávejte krabici řádně uzavřenou
PET okno:Zviditelněte produkty
Karta kiss-cut na oboustranné pásky:Snadno se odlupuje krycí papír z oboustranné d páskya
Skládací kartonová vložka:Vytvořte obal „zelenější“ a ušetřete náklady na dopravu