We offer multi-layer wood circle top windows and windows with other complex geometries that elegantly fit into your residence. Below, a selection of our projects is provided.
Arched windows add a distinctive architectural element, featuring a curved or segmented frame at the top. The arch provides a touch of grace and sophistication, highlighting the window's design.
Europrofile wood, triple layer 68x78 mm, in NORDIC PINE or exotic wood - MERANTI.
Insulated float glass + bottom - 24 mm.
Aluminum tear Gutmann.
EPDM seal.
ROTO NT hardware.
REMMERS water-based exterior paint resistant to mechanical shocks and UV, applied in 3 coats.
Anti-insect nets roll type maintain the modern appearance without compromises in terms of the space of your house. They are composed of extruded aluminum and mesh made of fiber for high durability and an optimal level of visibility to the outside.
An advantage of this type of nets is the roll system with integrated insect nets that gives the advantage of both options by using a single system, thus using as little space as possible.
A new generation of façade consisting of a base system with an ample range of mullions and transoms that provides answers to the different style and construction needs for architectural projects.
Its base profile range of 16 mm to 250 mm in mullions and 22.5 mm to 255.5 mm in transoms, and equally with the complementary accessories, are common to the new CORTIZO façades. The extensive profile range and their mechanical unions allows for all types of façades to be built (vertically, inclining, 90° corners, corners and polygonals) as well as resolving large and heavy modulations.
This TPV 52 façade is a mixed system that evolved from the combination of the TP 52 and the SG 52 systems. It maintains the pairing of the pressure cover on the horizontal gaskets highlighting the line in this direction whilst the glazing fixing is achieved by way of clips and the U profile on its vertical edge.
The maximum 30 mm thermal breaking together with its large glazing capacity
It is a skylight system. It is mounted on steel. Thanks to its PVC Insulators, it offers high thermal insulation and air-water impermeability performance.
The risk of water intake is eliminated in the system created by overlapping EPDM gaskets.
Classic Retro (Fenster Holz 68|78|92)
Diese Fenster werden von den Kunden bevorzugt, die Naturholzaussehen der Fenster erwarten. Deswegen ist der Aluwasserschenkel mit dem Holz verdeckt. Die Stilregenschiene mit Holzverkleidung wird der Rerto Glasleiste angepasst.
Erhältlich sind 3 Einbautiefen: 68,78 und 92mm.
Im Standard bieten wir 2 fache Verglasung mit 2 Dichtungen an.
Erhältlich in Kiefer, Eiche und Merantiholz – in Lasuren und RAL Farben.
Auf Wunsch ist es möglich die Fenster aus anderen Holzarten, wie Fichte, Lärche zu fertigen.
Systèmes oscillo-coulissants qui offrent un accès facile sur les terrasses aussi bien qu'une utilisation ergonomique de l'espace.
Intégrées parfaitement dans le concept architectural de la maison, les portes oscillo-coulissantes sont conçues dans l'esthétique des autres fenêtres.
Le système de coulissage permet l'utilisation minimale de l'espace intérieur. Sa manœuvre facile de la poignée, la ventilation de l'intérieur est assurée.
This female collection of mannequins has 4 different poses and 2 different heads. The features of this collection are
- perfect fit
- unbreakable (no more damage and paint problems)
- very light
- easy to dress thanks to magnetic systems
- 100% recyclable
- possible in any colour, colour in the material (no paint problems)
Contact us for more information.
profilés: VEKA Softline 82, classe A, système avec surface affleurée
parclose: simple
ferrures: Winkhaus ActivPilot en couleur argent
poignée: en aluminium Elipse 2
vitre: triple vitrage 4TM/18A/4/18A/4TM U=0,5 W/m2K
joints: 3 joints en couleur gris ou noir
renforts: en acier zingué dans tous les profilés, dans la dormant à section fermée
équipement en standard:
- cache-charnières de fenêtre
- bouchons des trous de drainage
- un joint de remplissage blanc dans la partie basse du dormant
- ancres de montage
- profilé de transport
options couleur:
- couleur blanc
- plaquages unilatéraux extérieurs (une paroi coextrudée en couleur marron, en cas de couleurs choisies*)
- plaquages bilatéraux (le profilé teintée dans la masse en cas de couleurs choisies*)
- vernissage 1, 2 ou 4 côtés sur pvc ou plaquage en couleur choisie RALv
Our most affordable window solution in our range adds a touch of refined elegance to your home with its classic appearance and curved lines. Our GABO P742 windows meet the expected technical standards, making them a practical long-term choice. The product's 74 mm installation depth aids in thermal and acoustic insulation, resulting in slim and stable window profiles. During manufacturing, special attention was given to burglary protection and profile strength, and accordingly, the main chamber designed to accommodate steel reinforcement.
Profile system:Gealan 8000
Glazing range:24-44 mm
Thermal insulation Uw:1,4-0,88 W/m²K
Window displays are curated arrangements of merchandise, graphics, and props in a store's front window, designed to attract and engage passersby. These displays play a crucial role in creating a strong first impression, enticing potential customers to enter the store. Effective window displays are visually appealing, thematic, and aligned with the brand's identity, often highlighting new arrivals, seasonal trends, or special promotions. By creatively showcasing products, window displays can generate curiosity, drive foot traffic, and ultimately increase sales. They are a vital tool for retailers to communicate their brand message and capture the attention of potential shoppers.
Technical Profiles for the Automotive Field refer to specialized structural, sealing, and functional components used in the construction and design of vehicles. These profiles are crucial for ensuring the structural integrity, safety, comfort, and aesthetic appeal of vehicles
Knight Optical offer a range of Stock Sapphire Windows, for use within Infrared Systems.
Knight Optical can offer Sapphire (Al2O3) Optics for Infra-red systems over the waveband of 0.2 to 5µm. We offer Sapphire optics for UV, Visible, NIR (0.9 to 1.5µm) and Mid-Waveband Infra-Red (MWIR, 3 to 5µm) Imaging Systems. Sapphire has hardness of about HK2000, which makes it a better choice for windows and outer elements of lens systems. Sapphire has good transmission in the MWIR band, and can be used with optical glass in the NIR, and with Silicon or Germanium in the MWIR, to form well corrected doublets and lens systems.
These systems include, for example, Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) systems, and thermography. Al2 O3 has a refractive index of about 1.9288no 1.9174ne at 200nm through to 1.623no 1.615ne in the IR (5µm). This pairing will allow for the design and manufacture of a colour corrected lens that can be used in broad spectrum thermal imaging systems.
Material::Sapphire (AL2O3)
Diameter Tolerance::+0.0/-0.20 mm
Length/Width Tolerance::+/- 0.10mm
Thickness Tolerance::+/-0.10mm
Wavelength Range::0.17 – 5.5µm
Transmission::Tavg=85% dependant on substrate thickness
In einige Automodelle mit Sonnendächern wie z. B. bestimmte hochpreisige Sportwagen werden Rollos eingebaut, damit den Insassen bei hoher Sonneneinstrahlung nicht zu warm wird. Das Sonnenrollo wird über eine Führungsschiene auf- und zugezogen. Ist diese Schiene aus Metall, entstehen hierbei laute Geräusche.
Unsere Kunststoff-Führungsschiene mit einem Kunststoff-Inlay stellt eine flexible und wartungsfreie Lösung dar. Die innenkalibrierte Hohlkammer der Führungsschiene ist glatt und exakt definiert. Damit wird das geräuscharme, zuverlässige Funktionieren der Schiene ganz ohne Schmiermittel sichergestellt. Wir fertigen die Kunststoff-Führungsschienen aus Polyamid 6.6 mit 25 % Glasfaserverstärkung. Die Schienen sind deshalb besonders robust und strapazierfähig und können Ihren Bedürfnissen individuell angepasst werden.
Applicabilità: Destinato al confezionamento di patate, cipolle, frutta che richiedono ventilazione.
Produzione: Prodotto automatizzato al 100% da materie prime sostenibili.
Personalizzazione: altissimo livello di qualità fino a 10 colori e/o policromie, compresi quelli speciali: oro, argento metallizzato con inchiostro ecologico a base acqua. La risoluzione di stampa può facilmente raggiungere i 300 dpi.
Opzioni: finestra di visualizzazione del prodotto con forma personalizzata, sigillabile con film in PLA biodegradabile per consentire il confezionamento di prodotti che richiedono atmosfera controllata, ad esempio biscotti. Possono anche avere maniglie per un facile trasporto.
Materiale: carta speciale impermeabile con fessure di ventilazione. Carta kraft bianca o naturale, vari spessori (80-120 GSM), certificata FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001.
Le dimensioni più comuni: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 e 260 x 160 x 550 mm.
Certain Group Building Systems
Belli Group Building Systems offers a wide variety of window and door alternatives. Aluminum window and door systems offer maximum flexibility in design, insulation and other product performances.
Whether you choose a fixed panoramic window, double-hung or parallel-hung window, you can be sure that they are all designed to deliver maximum performance and aesthetic appearance.
It allows you to choose the perfect solution for your home with different design options and wide door handle alternatives.
Controllore adattivo da 7'' touch screen.
Costruzione interna ed esterna in acciaio inox AISI 304.
Piedi in acciaio inox regolabili in altezza.
Guarnizione porta resistente alle temperature massime e minime di
Vano tecnico posto sopra la cella.
Unità condensatrice posta nel vano tecnico, estraibile e facilmente
Quadro elettrico a connettori, estraibile e facilmente ispezionabile.
Porta-teglie multilivello regolabile in acciaio inox AISI 304, adatto a
contenere teglie GN 1/1 ed EN 60x40. Struttura facilmente removibile
per operazioni di pulizia.
Cella interna con angoli raggiati per facilitare le operazioni di pulizia.
Isolamento in poliuretano ad alta densità senza CFC.
Evaporatore con protezione antiruggine cataforesi.
Cerniera porta lato sinistro.
Perimetro porta riscaldato per evitare la formazione di brina.
Cicli a sonda: la temperatura della sonda al cuore comanda
Resa frigorifera richiesta:7626 W
Linea liquido:3/8" [10] mm
Linea aspirazione:1/2" [12] mm
Gas refrigerante:R452A
Classe climatica:4
Alimentazione (Ph / Volts / Hz):220-240/1N/50
Max assorbimento elettrico cicli freddo:555 W - 2.96 A
Max assorbimento elettrico cicli caldo (optional umidità):3310 W (3310 W)
Pour réaliser les housses de protection en version « fenêtre », ASP utilise des matières dédiées et parfaitement compatible avec ces contraintes. Les tissus techniques utilisés répondent aux exigences les + sévères (tenues, aux huiles, aux copeaux,à l’abrasion…). Les housses sont réalisée sur mesures, ou selon le procédé breveté FST. Ce procédé vous permet d’optimiser facilement les longueurs de tissus nécessaires aux mouvements du robot, tout en évitant les sur-longueurs de tissus, souvent à l’origine des déchirures ou de dysfonctionnement. La maitrise conjointe par nos nos équipes des pièces métalliques nécessaires aux maintien des housses reste la garantie d’une réponse optimale à vos besoins.
Fenêtre:Jet haute pression
Huile:Isolation pour robot
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Profilsysteme für Kunststoff-Fenster und -Türen, Wärmedämmprofil, Sandwich-Profi - Stahlverstärkungsprofile für Kunststoff-Fenster
Stahlverstaerkungen fur alle marktübliche Kunststoffenstersysteme: Aluplast, Avantgarde, Decco, Deceuninck, Foris, Gealan, Inoutic, KBE, Kommerling, Profilalis, Rehau, Roplasto, Salamander, Schüco, Spectus, Trocal, Veka. MFO ist Marktführer in dieser Sortimentgruppe; Marktanteil in Polen - ca. 30%
MFO ist Urheber und Inhaber der patentierten Produktionstechnologien, u.a. der geprägten Profile “MFO ECO technology”, der Technologie von Produktion der “wärmedämmenden Profile aus verzinktem Blech” und “doppelwandigen Stahlprofile mit Oberflächeverformung”.
KLIP 39 HORIZONTAL is a horizontal insect screen, the ideal solution for all types of balcony doors. It is characterized by the uninterrupted passage due to the floor guide of only 23 mm as well as the excellent durability in use due to a sliding roller that significantly reduces possible frictions. In addition, the integrated handle enhances its exceptional aesthetics. A special feature of the two shutters version is the special locking mechanism (handle with ratchet) at closure that offers ease and convenience handling. Operation: Manual with reset spring, Recommended use: Doors - windows,Mesh: Fiberglass Stiff, colored grey,Closing with: Magnet,More options (upon request):Two shutters,Security brush,Black colored mesh
In DIY KIT version