Termékek ablaktelepítés becslések (8)

Pirnar Bejárati Ajtók - Egyedi Pirnar Bejárati Ajtók

Pirnar Bejárati Ajtók - Egyedi Pirnar Bejárati Ajtók

Damit Sie Ihre Lieblings-Haustür finden, bietet Ihnen Pirnar höchst individuelle Anfertigungen, deren Aussehen und Bauweise Sie bis ins kleinste Detail bestimmen können. Wir arbeiten mit Partnern auf der ganzen Welt zusammen. Wir sind stolz auf unsere Franchisenehmer und unsere zufriedenen Partner auf 12 internationalen Märkten. Werden Sie Pirnar Partner!
WINteh Platform

WINteh Platform

Mobilna aplikacija in spltna platforma winteh
ALUX Fénykupolák, Csíkok, Homlokzatok és Ablakok

ALUX Fénykupolák, Csíkok, Homlokzatok és Ablakok

Svetlobne kupole in trakovi za prezračevanje in sistemom za požarnim odpiranjem. - Svetlobniki Alux so lahki in trajni. Ponudijo optimalne rešitve za: - naravno osvetljevanje z dnevno svetlobo, - naravno prezračevanje, - delujejo kot pomembni požarni varnostni sistemi, - ščitijo prostore pred zunanjimi vplivi: padavinami, hrupom, prahom. S svetlobniki izboljšamo bivalne, delovne ali javne prostore ter prihranimo velik del stroškov z uporabo naravnih trajnostnih virov energije. Vgrajeni so v objekte vseh namembnosti: od stanovanjskih, javnih, poslovnih do industrijskih zgradb. Ob načrtni namestitvi svetlobnikov je v prostorih na razpolago več dnevne svetlobe in zračnosti ter varnosti. Koristi ter blagodejnost vgrajenih svetlobnikov Alux občutijo tako uporabniki kot tudi lastniki objektov.


FIREPROOF ELEMENTS Our fireproof glass doors and glass façades assortment contains only the best materials and railings. All integrated control systems and drives are included in the unique system solution of different designs. The production is realized in collaboration with Jansen certified performance systems. The program includes the following protection: E30; Ei30; E60; Ei60; Ei90; We offer a vast selection of design and performances in many variants, tested and confirmed in practice. GLASS PARTITION WALLS To achieve an elegant appearance without unnecessary visible railings for your external and internal enclosures. Glass enclosures offer numerous advantages, namely their longevity, simplicity and elegance. GLASS WALLS AND DOORS We offer wide range of options for glass walls and doors FIXED ENCLOSURE WALLS SLIDING WALLS With several different options for sliding and stacking, with integrated doors, enable the rooms to be adjusted to current requirements.


PVC windows Finstral TOP 72 have great thermo-isolation.
Külső redőnyök lamelláinak profilozó gépe

Külső redőnyök lamelláinak profilozó gépe

Vilhem Dorn | Manager | info@skovela.com | SKOVELA d.o.o. | Tekačevo 60 | Rogaška Slatina | 3250 | Slovenija | SKOVELA d.o.o. | CE | Zgornja Hudinja 8 | Celje | 3000 | Slovenija | SKOVELA d.o.o. | PE | Zagaj pod Bočem 9b | Rogaška Slatina | 3250 | Slovenija | T: +386 (3) 581 36 98 | F: +386 (3) 819 06 98 | M: +386 (40) 205 054 | www.skovela.com | www.skovela.com/SI | Bank: SKB banka d.d. Swift BIC: SKBASI2X IBAN: A SI56 0316 3100 0564 526 VAT Nr / ID za DDV: SI22433031
Meton Téli Kertek

Meton Téli Kertek

Winter gardens are carefully designed and built from highest quality materials.


We would like to present to you quality modern shower cabins fit for every bathroom, which will fulfil the requests of even the most demanding customers. The cabins are made of toughened glass, with elegant frames of chrome or stainless steel. We also offer a vast selection of various types of glass print. You have the option to choose between customized and irregularly shaped make. They are very simple to install and maintain.