forme rettangolari
inclinazioni, archi a 1 raggio, archi multiraggio, cerchi, colture oculari, ecc. – richiedono disposizioni dettagliate
La dotazione standard comprende
Profondità telaio e anta 70 mm
profondità anta 70 mm (Round-Line 80 mm)
5 camere
Due guarnizioni
Doppio vetro 4/16Ar/4
Ug = 1,1 W / m2K
Riempito con Argon
Lo spessore del vetro: 24 mm (spessore massimo del vetro 41 mm)
apertura verso l'interno (Anta/Ribalta)
Realizzato in metallo
Forma ergonomica
Elevata durabilità
Colore standard: bianco, marrone
Colori opzionali: oro antico, argento, champagne, titanio
nel colore delle maniglie delle finestre
opzionale: nessuna visibile
Certifié pour la catégorie chaude-tempérée, ce système offre une isolation thermique exceptionnelle grâce à ses mousses spéciales sur le cadre et l'ouvrant. Avec une valeur de transmission Uw de seulement 0,66 W/m²K, il constitue une solution idéale pour les bâtiments à faible consommation d'énergie. Possibilités
" Quincaillerie de sécurité
" Charnières cachées" Vitrage
Max. 65 mm
Min. 25 mm
" Possibilités d'ouverture
Ouverture vers l'intérieur
Ouverture latérale
Inclinaison et rotation
Inclinaison et parallèle
Inclinaison seule
" Lignes de visée
Cadre 80 mm
Volet 88 mm
" Epaisseur du profilé
1,6 mm
" Longueur de la bande de polyamide
45 mm
" Dimensions maximales de l'ouvrant
Largeur (L) 1,00 mm
Hauteur (H) 2 600 mm
" Poids maximal de l'ouvrant
160 kg
" Possibilités esthétiques
Châssis : Droit / Parclose : Droit ou courbe
Consulter le poids maximum et les dimensions
LUCA IV 68 mm
Special geometry windows: round, with arches
Sliding wooden windows;
Harmonic opening windows
Standard and oscillating opening windows
Profile: 68mm
Thermal value: Uw 1.27W/m2K (double glazing Ug 1.00)
Seal: 2 high-quality Q-lon seals, available in various colors
Fittings: visible or hidden to carry up to 80 kg
Rain protection profiles: on the wooden frame and sash as standard equipment, available in different colors
Available wood species: Spruce, Meranti, Nordic Pine, Oak
Glass: Can be equipped with 24 mm double glazing and 32 mm triple glazing.
Window opening type: Special geometry windows: round, with arches Sliding wooden windows; Opening windows
Knight Optical offer a range of Stock Sapphire Windows, and custom for use within Airborne LiDAR Systems. These are systems used in surveying for topographical measurements. The data accumulated can be used to generate a Digital Terrain Model or a Digital Elevation Model which are 3D representations of terrain.
Sapphire (Al2O3) is one of the hardest minerals and optical materials available for use in the range from UV up to 5µm. Making it ideal as a protective window for airborne systems which may be utilised in harsh environment or against birds!
Sapphire is grown by various methods from seed samples. Sapphire can be polished to a high standard, but as it is the second hardest mineral on Earth it must be subject to high forces to polish. Therefore, windows made from Sapphire must have a thickness to diameter ratio of at least 10:1, that is, greater
For more information read PDF….
Material::Sapphire (AL2O3) Random or C-Cut grades
Diameter Tolerance::+0.0/-0.20 mm
Length/Width Tolerance::+/- 0.10mm
Thickness Tolerance::+/-0.10mm
Wavelength Range::0.17 – 5.5µm
Transmission::Tavg=85% dependant on substrate thickness
Surface quality: :<40-20 scratch/dig
Coatings::AR coating options to meet your wavelength requirements
It is a high-performance series that provides the desired openings in projects with its normal sliding and Lift&Slide mechanism options.
High strength and performance are offered with 24 mm glass fiber reinforced polyamide barriers. Different types from 1 moving wing to 6 wings can be easily produced with frame profile alternatives such as monorail, 2-rail and 3-rail. With the application of steel rails and bearings, wings weighing up to 200 kg can be carried with the system. With its EPDM wick structure, air and water impermeability, wind load resistance and thermal performance values are provided at the highest level. With its Eurogrove channel structure, it is compatible with different brands and types of opening accessories. It allows multi-point locking.
The system allows the use of glass between 20 mm and 32 mm with profiles with wall thickness between 2.0 mm and 6.6 mm. In the system with a case depth of 110 mm, the wing depth is 43 mm.
System Depth (Case):110 mm
System Depth (Sash):43 mm
System Height (Case):53 mm
System Height (Sash):81 mm
System Height (Case+Sash):127.9 mm
System Visible Width (Stamp):85.8 mm
Applicable Glass Thickness:20 mm - 32 mm
Airtightness:A4 – 600 Pa / EN 12207
Water Tightness:8A – 450 Pa / EN 12208
Wind Load Resistance:C3-B3 – 1200 Pa / EN 12210
Thermal Insulation:(Uf) < 1.8 W/m²K
The avant-garde design allows increased versatility of compositions of up to 14 sheets and various configurations. The door opening mode is optimized to take up as little space as possible.
Heel depth 73 mm
Sash depth 73 mm
Profile thickness 1.8 mm
Polyamide bar length
20 mm heel
30 mm sash
Maximum sash width (L) 1200 mm
Maximum sash height (H) 3000 mm
Maximum depth of glazing 45 mm
The maximum weight of the sash 120 Kg sheet
Opening possibilities
1 > 14 sheets
1 > 14 sheets
Possibility of meeting at 90º without light switch
A system designed to allow for large dimension enclosures with maximum glazing surfaces that guarantee the entry of light to internal spaces and can reach a maximum sash size of 3 metres in width and 2.75 metres in height.
It has a frame depth of 170 mm and a maximum glazing capacity of 40 mm.
The incorporated hardware allows for a smooth operation when opening and closing and supports weights of up to 300 Kg. per sash
profilés: VEKA Softline 70, classe A, système avec surface affleurée
parclose: simple, arrondie ou historique
próg: en aluminium, 20mm
zamek: multipoints STV (Winkhaus)
poignée: bilatérale Hoppe Londyn
wkładka: GreenteQ
zawiasy: Jocker / Dr Hahn
vitre: double vitrage 4TM/16A/4TM U=1,1 W/m2K
joints: 2 joints en couleur gris ou noir
renforts: en acier zingué dans tous les profilés, dans la dormant à section fermée
équipement en standard:
-goutière en aluminium avec une brosse
-bouchons des trous de drainage
-ancres de montage
options couleur:
-couleur blanc
-couleur crème teintée dans la masse
-plaquages unilatéraux extérieurs (une paroi coextrudée en couleur marron, en cas de couleurs choisies*)
-plaquages bilatéraux (le profilé teintée dans la masse en cas de couleurs choisies*)
-vernissage 1, 2 ou 4 côtés sur pvc ou plaquage en couleur choisie RAL
options de réalisation:
-ouvert vers l'intérieur
-ouvert vers l'extérieur
Create an overall concept for your store using accessory displays, from hats to scarves and ending with jewelry. Finish off your window display or sales area with decorative vases or plants.
Furniture Profiles refer to structural and decorative components used in the design and construction of furniture. These profiles are typically made from materials like metal, wood, plastic, or composite materials and are shaped into various forms to serve both functional and aesthetic purposes.
Produciamo piastrelle in cotto in vari formati : 10×10 cm e 15×15 cm utilizzate più per rivestimento e le 20×20 cm utilizzate per pavimenti.
A richiesta produciamo piastrelle anche in altri formati di tipo rettangolare ( ad esempio listelli e battiscopa) , o formati speciali quali esagoni, losanghe, code di pavone ed archi di cava.
Keep your home insect-free with Inscreen’s Premium Roll-Up Mosquito Nets. Designed for easy use and maximum durability, these nets provide effective protection while allowing fresh air to circulate. Perfect for windows and doors, our roll-up mosquito nets are crafted from high-quality, recyclable materials, ensuring a sustainable solution for your home.
Swivel-opening windows or tilting windows (D min=450 mm)
Produced from SCHÜCO AWS aluminium profiles.
Horizontally or vertically pivoting windows (D min=700 mm)
Produced from SCHÜCO AWS aluminium profiles.
Parts production for curved window elements and door elements
These are prefabricated from all conventional systems, welded to frames. Aluminium roughly sanded. Powder-coated afterwards on request.
Custom wooden windows of high quality ensure superior thermal and acoustic insulation, contributing to maintaining a comfortable temperature. These windows are crafted to withstand various weather conditions, ensuring durability and longevity. With their timeless appeal, custom wooden windows can seamlessly blend with any architectural style, offering both aesthetic and practical advantages. Whether you are looking to improve energy efficiency or simply want to add a classic touch to your home, custom wooden windows are an excellent choice. With a variety of designs and finishes available, you can customize your windows to match the style of your home, ensuring a cohesive look.
Il nuovo sistema della porta alzante scorrevole ha un maggiore isolamento termico di tutte le varietà di porte scorrevole con valori imbattibili di trasmissione (UH), cominciando da 0,9 (W/m²K).
Coefficiente d'isolamento termico - valore U
Uw fino a 0,9 W/m2K (secondo la configurazione, le dimensioni ed il tipo di vetro)
Possibilità massima di vetrato: 55 mm
Coefficiente d'isolamento acustico di fino a Rw = 43 db
Sezioni: telaio – 160,6 mm oppure 251 mm (telaio con 3 vie di scorrimento), stipite – 70 mm
Spessore del profilo: porta – 2 mm
Lunghezza della sbarra in poliammide - telaio: 35 mm, stipite: 24 mm
Dimensioni massime per la costruzione (L*H): 6700mm*3200mm (porta a 2 battenti, scorrevole)
Peso massimo/lastra: 400 kg
Risultati in seguito alle prove:
Resistenza al carico generato dal vento (secondo EN 12210:2000): Classe C5
Tenuta stagna (secondo EN 12208:2000): Classe 9A
Permeabilità dell'aria (secondo EN 12207:2000): Classe 4
SIPPA est un des leaders en France dans le profilage à froid sur mesure. Nous profilons tous types d’acier, galvanisé, noir, DKP, HLE ou Inox. Ep. de 0.8 à 5 mm. Nous proposons à la demande poinçonnage, coupe précise, grugeage, découpe plasma, clinchage, cintrage, ébavurage, marquage, et autres.
For rounded and nostalgically formed window casement systems. Visually appealing bar layout when used in combination, e.g. vertical D36 x 12, horizontal D30 x 9. In the meanwhile the product range has been extended in D36 x 9 and D48 x 9. Simple 30° cross joint cut and visible faces that appear to have the same width.
Unsere Glasdekorfolie ist ideal für glatte Glasflächen und verhindert das Hindurchsehen von Passanden.
Durch unsere formgeschnitten Flächen fällt jede
Firma auf und wird so zum optischen Blickfang.
Auch in unserem Sortiment vorhanden:
- Raubvogelbilder in 3 Varianten
- verschiedene Piktogramme Größe: 20 x 20 cm
Ein großer Teil der von BECKER gefertigten Profile findet seine Verwendung als Verstärkung von Kunststofffenstern und -haustüren.
Wir liefern die Profile, die Sie zur Verarbeitung nahezu aller Standard- Systeme benötigen - und das prompt und zu günstigen Konditionen. Testen Sie uns - stellen Sie uns gleich online eine Angebotsanfrage zu Ihrem System - wir werden uns umgehend bei Ihnen melden.
Augenfällig verführerisch verpackt.
Mittels Sichtfenster mit hinterklebter Folie werden Ihre Süßwaren für Schlemmer & Genießer sichtbar genussvoll präsentiert. Um exquisite Köstlichkeiten besonders verlockend in Szene zu setzen, sind bei den Faltschachteln mit Fenster vielfältige Varianten realisierbar – sogar über Eck.
Werbung auf Fenstern
Nutzen Sie Ihr Schaufenster, denn Logos und Ihr Werbeslogan erhöhen Ihre Sichtbarkeit.
Wir bieten unterschiedliche Klebefolien mit ein- oder mehrfarbigen Grafiken sowie großen oder vollflächigen Bildern an.
Für Ihre Verkaufsaktion oder die schnelle Beschriftung von Schaufenstern, Glastüren und allen glatten Oberflächen setzen Sie sich gerne für nähere Auskünfte mit uns in Verbindung.
Beim Fensterstörmelder WAP werden Meldungen mit Farbflächen, sogenannten Fenstern statt LED-Punkten angezeigt, deren Größe und Farbe frei konfigurierbar sind.
Die Kofferbänder können nach Wunsch eingefärbt und im Siebdruck oder Sublimationsdruck bedruckt werden. Koffergurte mit Clip-Schließe und Längenverstellung.
Das RWA Lamellenfenster Coltlite kann als natürliches Be- und Entlüftungssystem und zur Tageslichtnutzung in Büro- und Verwaltungsbauten, Produktionshallen und anderen Gewerberäumen eingesetzt werden.