Hydroponic cultivation, 100% biomass
Certified and organic cannabis obtained through authorized cultivation
Carefully selected to ensure high standards of quality and uniformity.Do not ingest
THC value less than 0.2%
Traditional herbal medicinal product for the relief of lowerurinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor. The product is a tradtional herbal medicinal product for use in specified indication exclusivly based upon long-standing use
Cette nouvelle récolte de fleurs de CBD Amnésia produite en Indoor fait partie d’une lignée de CBD légendaire.
Attention, la consommation de cette fleur de chanvre CBD peut provoquer une amnésie pendant un moment (clin d'œil).
Taux de THC:Moins de 0.2 %
Taux de CBD:19.50%
Mode de consommation:Infusion, vaporisation, cuisine
Dominance :Indica
Mode de production:En intérieur
Goût:Poivre, épice, terreux, agrume
Effet:Énergétique, motivant, cérébral
Wir bieten Wirkstoffe zum Einsatz in humanmedizinische oder veterinäre Arzneimittel mit entsprechender ausführlicher Dokumentation und Zertifizierung.
Die Firma “Hommel” blickt auf eine fast 125 jährige Historie zurück. Wir liefern hochwertige Substanzen an die Pharma-, Lebensmittel- und Kosmetikindustrie. Hommel hat sich durch langjährige Erfahrung, hohe Flexibilität und stetige Zuverlässigkeit weltweit einen guten Ruf für seine Lieferung von Rohstoffen erworben. Unsere Kunden verlassen sich auf eine prompte und unkomplizierte Belieferung. Wir bieten Ihnen pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe sowie Hilfsstoffe und andere Substanzen aus unterschiedlichen Produktionen und oft mit mehreren Alternativen an. Unser Unternehmen verbindt langjährige Praxis mit moderner Technik und bietet Ihnen stets beste Qualität zu einem fairen Preis.
BioSupply offers a highly sensitive and specific ferritin ELISA kit. This assay provides a dynamic range of 5-1,000ng/ml and it can reach minimum sensitivity detection limits of 0.53ng/ml. Ferritin consists of light and heavy subunits surrounded in a crystalline core containing iron and phosphate oxide within an apoferritin shell. The highest concentrations of ferritin can be found in the liver, spleen and bone marrow. Routine analysis of ferritin levels are recommended in order to detect early signs of iron deficiencies especially in healthy people. Since there is a direct correlation between the levels of ferritin measured and the total amount of iron which is stored in the body. This is due to the fact that within the body, iron is predominately stored complexed to either ferritin or hemosiderin. For more information on this product, please visit our website: http://www.elisakits.co.uk/ferritin-elisa-kit/
Amplificateur état Solide, Classe A
Fréquence : 10 kHz - 400 MHz
Puissance nominale : 2000 Watts
Fabricant PRANA
Version DC : avec écran, contrôle digital et communication IEEE avec coupleur intégré et affichage de la puissance instantanée
Culture hydroponique, 100% biomasse
Cannabis certifié et biologique obtenu par culture autorisée
Soigneusement sélectionnés pour garantir des normes élevées de qualité et d'uniformité.
Ne pas ingérer
Valeur THC inférieure à 0,2%
BioSupply offers a highly sensitive and specific MMP-8 ELISA kit. This assay provides a dynamic range of 0.05-10ng/mL and it can reach minimum sensitivity detection limits of 0.021ng/mL. Matrix metalloproteinase-8 is a specific collagen cleaving enzyme that is found to be highly expressed in leukocytes cells and chorionic cytotrophoblast. MMP-8 levels have also been found to be elevated in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. There is evidence to indicate that many active forms of this enzyme can be created which contain distinct N-termini due to proteolysis occurring at different sites on this protein. For more information on this product, please visit our website: http://www.elisakits.co.uk/matrix-metalloproteinase-8-mmp-8-elisa-kit/
BioSupply offers a highly sensitive and specific insulin ELISA kit. This assay provides a dynamic range of 0.25-200µIU/ml and it can reach minimum sensitivity detection limits of 0.25µIU/ml. Insulin has a total molecular weight of 5800Da and it is made up of two peptides chains that are approximately 51 amino acids long. It is vital in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, other processes where insulin is also important include: gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, decreased proteinolysis, fatty acid synthesis, increased protein synthesis and DNA replication, controlling glucose intake in muscles and adipose tissues. For more information on this product, please visit our website: http://www.elisakits.co.uk/insulin-elisa-kit/