Suitable for any wood indoors and outdoors such as facade cladding, windows, garden houses, wall and ceiling cladding, wooden floors, furniture, cork, toys, etc. Wood Wax L is also suitable for damp areas like bathrooms and kitchen and even highly strained surfaces like doors and furniture. Wood Wax L is an impervious, open-pore and vapor permeable coat. It protects against graying and soiling and penetrates well. Swelling and shrinkage are reduced.
Unser Kastanienzaun besteht aus gespaltenen Kastanienlatten welche mithilfe von verzinktem Draht miteinander verbunden sind.
Je Nach Höhe des Kastanienzaunes werden die "Staketen" mit 2, 3, 4 oder 5 Reihen Draht verbunden. Durch diese Konstruktion lässt sich der Staketenzaun besonders leicht aufstellen und passt sich dabei vorhandenen Geländeunebenheiten an.
Zur Montage werden im Abstand von 1,5 – 2mtr. Kastanienpfosten gesetzt. Zur Befestigung werden die Staketen mit Edelstahlschrauben an die Pfosten geschraubt.
Da für die Montage keine Querriegel benötigt werden kann man diesen Kastanienzaun auch bogenförmig aufstellen.
Und sollte Ihr Staketenzaun seinen Dienst erfüllt haben – so lässt er sich genauso schnell wieder demontieren und zusammengerollt einlagern für die nächste Verwendung.
Edelkastanie, geschält, gespalten, oben angespitzt, doppelte Drahtverspannung verzinkt, aus französischer Produktion
Suitable for all wood indoors and outdoors, where particularly durable paint is desired such as wooden facades, balconies, windows and window shutters, fences, pergolas, wooden shingles, garden furniture and garden houses, carports, furniture, etc. Opaque Wood Paint is equally well suited for all types of wood. The product is also ideal for renovating old open-pore paints and weathered wood surfaces. The opaque, open-pore and durable wood coating has proved itself under extreme weather conditions at sea and in the mountains. Opaque Wood Paint is free of biocides and preservatives, which makes it also suitable for indoors. Opaque Wood Paint is of highest caliber and easy to use.
Suitable for garden furniture made of teak, yellow balau, oak and other wood. Pearlescent Wood Finish preserves and protects wood against environmental and weather influences, UV-rays, water and dirt. Pearlescent Wood Finish is a solvent-free care emulsion that rejuvenates grayed and faded furniture and renews the grain.The integrated pearling effect renders the wood water-repellent and UV-resistant for a long time.
Suitable for all heavily worn untreated wood floors and furniture surfaces indoors. For raw or leached softwoods and for all types of hardwood indoors. Also suitable for OSB boards and exotic woods! Slip resistance: R10 in accordance with the German Institute for Standardization DIN 51130.
Suitable for any strained, untreated wooden floors and furniture surfaces, raw or leached conifer, as well as any kind of deciduous wood indoors. Also suitable for OSB-boards and exotic wood. Inoffensive for cobalt or oxime allergy sufferers.