Das Rechteckrohr S235 JRH Schwarz ist ein hochwertiges Stahlprofil, das sich ideal für verschiedene Anwendungen in der Bau- und Maschinenbauindustrie eignet. Mit seinen hervorragenden mechanischen Eigenschaften und der vielseitigen Verwendbarkeit ist es die perfekte Wahl für Konstruktionen, die Stabilität und Langlebigkeit erfordern.
Technische Spezifikationen:
Material: S235 JRH (geschweißter Stahl)
Oberfläche: Schwarz (unbehandelt)
Das Rechteckrohr bietet durch seine Form eine hohe Tragfähigkeit und ist ideal für die Herstellung von Rahmen, Gestellen und anderen strukturellen Elementen. Es lässt sich einfach verarbeiten, schweißen und lackieren, wodurch es sich für individuelle Projekte anpassen lässt.
Profitieren Sie von der hohen Qualität und den vielseitigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Rechteckrohrs S235 JRH Schwarz(A) für Ihre nächsten Projekte!
Exemplarisches Beispiel für den modularen Werkzeugaufbau auf einer X2000NC zur Fertigung von Türschließbügeln aus 8mm Draht.
Beispiel Werkzeugaufbau Schließbügelfertigung:
Schließbügel-Schnellläuferwerkzeug, 3 Stationen, 2m-Arbeitswand, Zuführung von Coil-Material über NC-Rolleneinzug, Taktleistung: ca. 60 Stk/min, fertig fallend, Gewicht ca. 10 Tonnen
Fertigung von Türschließbügeln
Unsere X2000NC ist in dieser Ausführung die weltweit schnellste Anlage zur Fertigung von Türschließbügeln für die Automobilindustrie. Durch Werkzeugwechsel können unterschiedliche Schließbügelformen und Bearbeitungsdetails wie Stauchungen oder Verjüngungen der Drahtenden realisiert werden.
Unser einzigartiges Fertigungskonzept erlaubt Taktzeiten von mehr als 60 Stk. / Minute.
Deep drawn cylindrical battery housings made of nickel plated steel
Various standard sizes of cylindrical battery housings for edrive applications like 21700, 46800
Siebböden für schwerere Siebgüter werden in der Regel aus gewebten Drahtgittern aus Federstahl (DIN EN 10270) oder Edelstahl 1.4301 oder 1.4401 hergestellt und mit Falzen versehen.
Die Maschenform und Webart richtet sich nach der Anwendung und kann quadratisch, rechteckig oder länglich sein. Es gilt die Faustformel – je länglicher die Masche, umso mehr Durchsatz, weniger Verstopfungsneigung aber auch weniger präzise ist das Sieb.Harfensiebe sind eine Spezialform der Drahtsiebböden. Sie eignen sich besonders für schwieriges, häufig feuchtes und lehmhaltiges Siebgut. Sie bieten eine hohe Durchsatzleistung und eine gute Selbstreinigungswirkung. Harfensiebe werden meist aus Edelstahl gefertigt.
CR-M - Electric tote tank mixer for stainless steel IBCs
The tote tank mixers CR-M are designed for operation on stainless steel containers with filling openings of DN 400 mm and mixing volumes from 400 l up to 1,500 l. Depending on the viscosity of the mixing material, CR-Ms with fast running or gear reduced drives are available. The agitator shafts are connected to the drive shafts with sleeve couplings or borne within the gear’s hollow shaft (worm gear). The agitator shafts are balanced for concentric run after assembly.
The mixer is mounted on the container’s manway lid, which is clamped with butterfly screws or a clamp ring. The manway lid is supplied by the container manufacturer or by the customer. The impellers are designed to fit through the filling opening DN 400 when being inserted.
The electric container mixers are delivered with on-/off-switches with low-voltage breaker. The electric container mixers can also be supplied with frequency converter drives.
All CR-M...
Auf dem stabilen Edelstahltablett lassen sich Instrumente, Laborbesteck oder Probenehmer ablegen und transportieren. Die glatte Oberfläche ist leicht zu reinigen.
Das rechteckige Instrumententablett ist für die hygienische Ablage in den Bereichen Chemie, Pharma, Kosmetik, Futtermittel und Food & Beverage geeignet.
File trolley made from scratch-proof steel for approx. 80 A4 suspension files.
• Suspension file trolley made from scratch-resistant sheet steel
• For approx. 80 suspension files in A4 format
• 4 castors, 2 with brakes
• Delivered flat-packed with assembly instructions
MultiCut – Die flexible All-in-One Lösung für die Bearbeitung Ihre Kabelkanäle
Die MultiCut überzeugt durch ihre Vielseitigkeit und einfache Bedienung. Sie kann sowohl manuell als auch mit einem handhydraulischen Antrieb oder einem elektrischen bzw. akkubetriebenen Hydraulikaggregat betrieben werden. Dank der innovativen Schneidplatte, die mehrere Profile unterstützt, entfällt der aufwendige Wechsel bei der Bearbeitung verschiedener Kanaltypen.
Vorteile und Einsatzmöglichkeiten:
Vielseitige Bearbeitung: Geeignet für PIK-Kanäle von 15/15 bis 200/60 und Industrie-Kanäle von 50/50 bis 100/100 aus Stahl und Edelstahl.
Hohe Flexibilität: Bearbeitung mehrerer Kabelkanäle mit nur einer Schneidplatte dank anpassbarer Schneidprofile.
Effizient und mobil: Präzises und mobiles Arbeiten.
Wirtschaftlichkeit: Zeit- und Kosteneinsparung durch schnelles Arbeiten und reduzierten Ausschuss.
Kompatibilität: Bedienbar mit manuellem, handhydraulischem oder elektrischem Antrieb.
ECKOLD Kraftformer KF 170 PD - Universal forming machine for stretching, shrinking, reforming, curving, planishing, flattening, doming, straightening, punching, notching and clinching.
The Kraftformer KF 170 PD with pneumatic drive is the most compact of all ECKOLD Kraftformers. The machine is designed for single or continuous stroke operation for forming steel sheets with a thickness of up to 2 mm. Operated in single stroke mode, the KF 170 PD is the ideal machine for reworking and adjusting tasks. It can be used for punching, notching and clinching. In continuous mode, the KF 170 PD allows for fast and easy forming. In single stroke mode, it caters for precision hole punching, clinching and reworking!
For our Kraftformers, we offer a wide range of tools (tools are not included in the scope of delivery of this machine).
Max. forming capacity
Steel 400 N/mm²: 2.0 mm
Aluminium 250 N/mm²: 2.0 mm
Inox 600 N/mm²: 1.5 mm
Contact us for a customised offer, tools included!
Technology:Forming / Clinching
Target sectors:Automotive, restoration, steel + metal working, school, trade
Design and construction
This Schulz ball caster / ball transfer unit consists of a casing and a top cover as solid turned parts, a bearing ball and several support balls.
The spacing is calculated by dividing the shortest edge length of the object to be transported by 3.5.
Casing:tempered, galvanised steel, tempered stainless steel
Lid:galvanised steel, Stainless steel
Support balls:Tool steel (tempered), Stainless steel (tempered), Plastic
Bearing ball:tool steel (tempered), stainless steel (tempered), plastic
Temperature range:from -30°C to +100°C (up to +30°C with plastic bearing ball)
Conveyance velocity:up to 1.5 m/s
Dynamic load rating:up to max. 2.500 kg
Eindrückdeckeleimer aus Weißblech
Füllmenge beträgt 11 Liter
Außen blank und innen blank
Ohne Deckel
Nicht für wasserhaltige Füllgüter geeignet
Dieser Artikel hat keinen Deckel, Spannring, Klammern, Splint. Passende finden Sie auf dieser Seite weiter unten im Abschnitt Zubehör.
Eindrückdeckeleimer aus Weißblech werden oft verwendet für:
Farben, Lacke, Harze,
Höhe (in mm):285
Durchmesser oben (in mm):242
Durchmesser unten (in mm):230
Nennvolumen:11.000 ml
Nous apportons notre succès, notre richesse d'expérience et notre savoir-faire à l'industrie chimique. L'obligation de pomper les substances visqueuses et collantes hors du vide n'est pas une tâche facile. Cependant, notre conception CHEM répond facilement à cette exigence. Les exigences relatives aux pompes de dosage et de transfert ainsi qu'aux pompes à distillat dans le segment CBD, par exemple, correspondent également à notre conception CHEM, de sorte que vous obtenez une solution de pompage pour l'ensemble de votre processus de distillation avec une seule pompe.
Plus de 600 pompes de cette conception fonctionnent de manière fiable dans un large éventail d'applications liées au cannabis chez un certain nombre de nos clients américains. Cette série de pompes robustes et fiables est utilisée dans le monde entier pour des processus exigeants dans les industries chimique et pharmaceutique.
Fluide:non spécifié
Actionnement:avec moteur électrique
Technologie:à engrenage externe
Domaine:pour l'industrie pharmaceutique
Autres caractéristiques:pour applications pharmaceutiques
The electronic pressure switch DS 400P is the successful combination of
— intelligent pressure switch
— digital display
and has been developed for process industry; especially for food industry and pharmacy.
As standard the DS 400P offers a PNP contact and a rotable display module with 4-digit LED display.
Optional versions like e.g. an intrinsically safe version, max. 2 contacts and an analogue output complete the profile.
— nominal pressure: 0 ... 100 mbar up to 0 ... 40 bar
— accuracy: 0.35 % (opt. 0.25 %) FSO
— 1 or 2 independent PNP contacts, freely configurable
— indication of measured values on a 4-digit LED display
— rotatable and configurable display module
— hygienic process connections with flush stainless steel diaphragm
Optional Features:
— IS-version
Ex ia = intrinsically safe for gases
— Compaction-free "first in – first out" discharge
— Ideal for consistent refilling of downstream metering or conveying equipment
— Suitable for silos made of mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium or plastic
Sleeve and outlet:Polyurethane
Non-contact components:steel or stainless steel, galvanised or painted
L'unità lineare a tubo semplice E-II è una soluzione altamente versatile per la regolazione del formato. Giusto in tempo per la Fiera di Hannover esce ora sul mercato una versione in acciaio inossidabile di questo apprezzato asse nelle misure più diffuse, 30 e 40. L'unità E-II in acciaio inossidabile è resistente alla corrosione al 100%; inoltre, rispetto alle unità standard, offre un range di temperatura più ampio, da -30 a +80 °C, che su richiesta può essere addirittura ulteriormente esteso. Poiché i nuovi assi in acciaio inossidabile funzionano con lubrificanti conformi alle norme FDA e sono idonei per sistemi di washdown, essi sono indicati ad esempio per la regolazione in larghezza, altezza e lunghezza delle macchine per confezionamento dell'industria alimentare.
Il modulo di pesatura Novego® è stato concepito appositamente per i crescenti requisiti dell'industria alimentare. La soluzione igienica completa presenta diverse caratteristiche innovative per un'installazione semplice e priva di errori nonché la massima resistenza alle forze laterali.
Modulo di pesatura igienico per processi di pulizia efficienti
Massima sicurezza di processo e precisione grazie ad un'innovativo sistema di reazione alle forze trasversali
Rapida e semplice messa in funzione grazie a componenti intelligenti
Soluzione di pesatura di lunga durata e affidabile grazie alla massima resistenza alla corrosione
Materiale:in acciaio inossidabile
Settore di utilizzo:ad uso industriale,per dispositivo di pesatura
• Per il montaggio di anelli elastici e di ritenuta senza fori di presa per tutti i tipi di dispositivo di arresto
• Con molla di apertura
• In acciaio per utensili, forgiato, temprato a olio
Lunghezza in millimetri:170
Peso in grammi:165
Los prensaestopas WADI heat de acero inoxidable 1.4404 / AISI 316L presentan una solución perfecta para aplicaciones de alta temperatura hasta +200°C.
— elevada estanqueidad e inmovilización de cables eléctricos
— gama amplia de la junta para cables de 3 a 53 mm
— fácil de instalar
— rango de temperatura -40 °C / +200 °C (dinámico)
— grado de protección IP66 / IP67 / IP69
— buena resistencia contra muchas sustancias químicas.
— con rosca métrica de M12 a M63
Material:Acero inoxidable 1.4404 / AISI 316L
Grado de protección:IP66 / IP67 / IP69
Para cable diámetros:3 - 53 mm
Rango de temperatura:-40 / +200 °C
Schmutzfänger zum Schutz von nachgeschalteten Anlageteilen vor Verunreinigungen. Alle Medienberührten Teile aus Edelstahl, daher auch für aggressive Medien geeignet.
Nennweite:DN 10 - DN 80
Nenndruck:PN 40
Werkstoffe:Gehäuse: Edelstahl 1.4408; Innenteile: Edelstahl 1.4571 / 1.4310 / 1.4301
Temperatur:-20 °C bis +220 °C
Anschlüsse:Whitworth-Rohrgewinde; NPT-Gewinde; Anschweissenden; Tri-Clamp-Anschluß; Sonderformen;
Anwendung:Gase, Dämpfe, Flüssigkeiten
Maschenweite:0,25 mm optional 0,8 mm
The ultraprecision turning machine (UP-Turning machine) MTC 400 (Micro Turning Center) is designed to hold heavy weight workpieces up to 100 kg. The travelling distances of the X- and Z-axis are 400 mm and provide the machining of workpieces up to 800 mm in diameter. The MTC 400 is based on a T-shaped natural granite bed. X- and Z-axis slides, as well as the housing of the main spindle are made of granite too. Both slides and the optional B-axis use hydrostatic (oil) bearings. The main spindle features an air bearing and is mounted to the X-slide. Different vacuum chucks for workpieces of up to 800 mm (31.5’’) in diameter are available. Besides many other accessories, that make the MTC 250 an all-purpose tool, there is the possibility to make customized solutions, to adapt the machine to your needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
max. travel range:400 mm
Speedy Rail is the special self-supporting and self-aligning rail in extruded aluminum with a deep hard anodized surface treatment that offers exceptionally high performance and load capacity, with no maintenance and lubrication required, total reliability even in dirty environments with uniquely quiet operation. It is available with v-shaped rollers or cylindrical rollers, both covered in a plastic compound, and can be used as a linear rail or actuator. High reliability up to 80,000 Km Self-supporting for greatest design freedom Self-aligning system Uniquely quiet High technical performance High load capacity of over 3,000 Kg Optimal reliability in dirty environments Absence of lubrication Potentially infinite strokes with jointed versions Ideal for making 2 or 3-axis Cartesian systems for several applications Use as a linear guide or actuator thanks to belt or rack and pinion drives Main fields of application: Self-supporting linear rails for welding machines Self-supporting...
Available sections:35, 48, 60, 90, 120, 180, 250
Deep anodizing of raceways with hardness of 700 HV for about 60 μm in depth:Deep anodizing of raceways with hardness of 700 HV for about 60 μm in depth
Management of misalignments to ± 4 mm with oscillating slider and to ± 1.5 mm with v-shaped rollers:Management of misalignments to ± 4 mm with oscillating slider and to ± 1.5 mm with v-shaped rollers
Maximum speed during function:15 m/s (depending on the type of application)
Maximum Acceleration:10 m/s2 (depending on the type of application)
Maximum radial load capacity:14,482 N (per slider)
Temperature interval:from -30 °C to +80 °C
Maximum rail length:7,500 mm (a longer stroke is available for jointed versions)
Speedy Rail self-supporting linear rails:Speedy Rail self-supporting linear rails
Linear rail, self-supporting rail, self supporting rail, structural rail, Speedy Rail, Speedy Rail r:Linear rail, self-supporting rail, self supporting rail, structural rail, Speedy Rail, Speedy Rail r
Rollon, linear rails, Speedy Rail:self-supporting extruded aluminum rail
We can offer a wide range of metal test specimens, starting from different grades of steel in various thicknesses and alloys right through to non-ferrous metals.
Are you looking for galvanic finishing or machining solutions? Then you have come to the right place. Punching, deburring, and the rounding of corners are an important part of our portfolio. We will be happy to finish surfaces, for example by means of degreasing or sandblasting. Further finishing options are available upon request. We can also provide test panels with a customized serial number or marking if desired.
Stainless steel
1.4301, 1.4571, 1.4401, 1.4310,
other grades available upon request
Test specimens
According to A.F.E.R.A. 4001 (old standard), with defined finish
With high-gloss finish (according to FINAT, PSTC standard, A.F.E.R.A. standard 5001, EN 1939)
Grade 1 and grade 5,
other grades available upon request
Automotive grades painted
This versatile installation machine is suited for moderate to high production applications requiring up to 1.3 kN (300 lbs.) of installation force. The pin insertion head advances and retracts for ease of loading and unloading of the components to be pinned. The machine’s insertion bushing is positioned close to the part for smooth installation.
A vibratory feeder and orientation head transfers the pin from the feeder bowl to the installation position, eliminating the need for the operator to handle the pins. A quick-clear mechanism allows for easy clearing of the feed tube without the need for tools when changing pin size or performing maintenance.