Termékek acélunk (98)



Per far fronte ad ogni esigenza del cliente nel settore metalmeccanico, GBM dispone di centri di lavoro a 3/4/5 assi per la realizzazione di piccole, medie e grandi produzioni.
Kovácsolt acél szőlővágó olló

Kovácsolt acél szőlővágó olló

Forbice da vigna canalita in acciaio forgiato e lucidato Chiusura di sicurezza con laccio in cuoio Confezionate in blister
Rozsdamentes acél tartók és rögzítők falra vagy padlóra történő rögzítéshez

Rozsdamentes acél tartók és rögzítők falra vagy padlóra történő rögzítéshez

Staffe e bulloneria in acciaio INOX per fissaggio a parete o a pavimento
alumínium ötvözetből készült viteria

alumínium ötvözetből készült viteria

viteria in ergal anodizzata
Kihúzó fogantyúval ellátott kupakok 315 °C CPP10(2)

Kihúzó fogantyúval ellátott kupakok 315 °C CPP10(2)

Per rivestimenti in polvere, elettrostatici per immersione liquida, anodizzazione e platinatura.Ideali per fori passanti. CODICE:CPP10(2) PCS BOX:500
Magas precizitású acél csapágy Cronidex - UKF Márka

Magas precizitású acél csapágy Cronidex - UKF Márka

Cuscinetto ad alta precisione in acciaio Cronidex - Marchio UKF
Acélrudak négyzetes hálókhoz

Acélrudak négyzetes hálókhoz

bacchette in acciaio armonico per reti quadrate lunghezza compresa tra 50 cm e 6 metri. diametri:tra 2,5 mm e 12 mm terminale:ottone o piombo
Repar Steel : Passziváló, kétkomponensű cement, korróziógátló, vasbeton rudakhoz

Repar Steel : Passziváló, kétkomponensű cement, korróziógátló, vasbeton rudakhoz

Repar Steel Two-component cement slurry, modified with flexibilising resins and specific anticorrosive agents for the passivating treatment of oxidised reinforcement rods, in the restoration of degraded concrete. The anticorrosive efficacy of Repar Steel is determined by the high alkalinity and by the superpozzolanic reaction of the components of the anhydrous system, as well as by the presence, in the liquid component (B), of migratory and interfacial corrosion inhibitors, capable of carrying out cathodic and anodic protection, based on organic compounds capable of making ferrous ions unavailable for feeding electrochemical corrosion processes. The polymeric components of the solution also determine further increases in the anticorrosive efficacy, especially against aggressive attacks deriving from chlorides and sulphates, and increase the adhesion between the treated bar and the concrete (adherence test according to EN 15184 in compliance with the UNI EN technical standard 1504 "Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Part 7: Corrosion protection of reinforcements"). Passivating protective anti-corrosive treatment for reinforcing rods in restoration works in reinforced concrete. Carefully remove loose rust from the metal surfaces of exposed reinforcing bars by sandblasting or deep brushing until the white metal surface is obtained. This operation is essential to effectively develop the anticorrosive property of Repar Steel. Obviously, to block the advance of the carbonation profile in the concrete, it is essential to complete the restoration with the appropriate restoration mortars: thixotropic (Repar line) or pourable (Grout line). Mix components A and B and continue mixing until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is obtained. Apply with a brush to the surfaces of the previously prepared reinforcing bars. To prevent the application of the repair mortar from removing the still fresh Repar Steel treatment, wait for the product to harden before proceeding with the volumetric restoration. The minimum recommended waiting time is approximately 6-8 hours with summer temperatures and approximately 12-16 hours with winter temperatures. Do not apply the product with temperatures below 5°C or if it is expected that the temperature may fall below this value during the first 12 hours of curing. From 0.03 to 0.1 kg of Repar Steel for each linear metre of steel bar to be treated. Pail 3.4 kg [A] - Bottle 1.6 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Pail 3.4 kg [A] + 1 Bottle 1.6 kg [B]


Valvola a sfera Split Body [Valpres art. 765001] flangiata PN16, in acciaio al carbonio WCB, passaggio totale, con connessione organo di comando ISO 5211, scartamento secondo norma EN558 basic series 27, Fire Safe, dispositivo antistatico.


Valvola a sfera sgrassata a passaggio totale, filettatura F/F, con leva in alluminio, per ossigeno non medicale. Limiti di temperatura:-20°C +80°C


Impianti ed attrezzature per innaffiatura giardini, carrelli avvolgibili, irrigatori oscillanti e puntali per irrigazione.
Rozsdamentes acél szalagellenállások fúvókákhoz és extrudáló fejekhez

Rozsdamentes acél szalagellenállások fúvókákhoz és extrudáló fejekhez

Le resistenze a fascia in acciaio inox per ugelli e teste di estrusione, costruite in qualsiasi dimensione e potenza vengono utilizzate per riscaldare a contatto superfici metalliche quali piani per presse, teste di estrusione, stampi, contenitori, tubazioni.
Nagy Fürdőszobai Zár - 130/sb

Nagy Fürdőszobai Zár - 130/sb

Interasse 90mm, Ø 8mm Ø 9mm Nottolino Ø 7mm o Ø 6mm Scrocco reversibile in acciaio Catenaccio una mandata Frontale 235 mm Confezione: A) Sacchetto termoretraibile - B) Scatola singola Imballo: A) cartone da 50 pezzi - B) Cartone da 25 pezzi
Drh85 - Kotrók

Drh85 - Kotrók

The DRH85 is a dredge with steel cable that can be equipped with DRAGFLOW pumps HY85 or HY85HC. This dredge is flexible: it can work everywhere and in any condition, thanks to its heavy duty, robust design. The basic applications are mining, dredging, sand extraction, and other industrial applications. MAIN FEATURES Only one operator is needed to control the entire dredger from the ergonomic operator cabin. Combines a working depth of up to 250 m with small overall dimensions and draft. Assembly operation takes as short as 6-8 hours. It can be mounted in any environment and has limited mobilization costs Length:8,5 m Width:6 m


Valvola a sfera in acciaio inox AISI 316-CF8M, filettatura F/F, a passaggio totale. Limiti di temperatura:-20° +160°
Rozsdamentes Acél

Rozsdamentes Acél

Metallurgica Legnanese ha ultimamente ampliato la gamma di prodotti in acciaio inox. Grazie all’esperienza acquisita e a fornitori di primo ordine siamo in grado di gestire anche richieste di piccoli quantitativi su specifica del cliente, oltre ad avere disponibili a stock le principali marche e dimensioni pronte alla consegna.


L’officina interna di Metal Leghe permette la lavorazioni di sgrossatura e di finitura per tutte le produzioni realizzate in fonderia. Grazie a questo servizio specializzato è possibile completare la catena produttiva fino alla realizzazione del prodotto finito. Studiamo insieme al cliente le finiture più adatte a qualsiasi tipo di impiego.
Ipari Tömítések

Ipari Tömítések

Le applicazioni che richiedono l’uso di guarnizioni sono praticamente infinite ogni volta che si vuole evitare la fuoriuscita di un fluido, ogni volta che si vogliono accoppiare due componenti meccanici, ogni volta che si vuole impedire il passaggio di un liquido o di un gas, ogni volta che si ha l’esigenza di isolare un ambiente o una parte di esso una guarnizione può avere un ruolo cruciale. Le guarnizioni possono essere montate all’interno di valvole, pompe, cilindri oleodinamici, presse, compressori, alberi rotanti, apparecchi di misurazione, motori, flange, macchine utensili, carter, elettrodomestici e macchinari industriali di qualsiasi settore. Affinché una guarnizione lavori nel mondo corretto, il materiale con il quale viene realizzata deve presentare delle caratteristiche ben definite deve resistere chimicamente al fluido da contenere, non deve aggredire le superfici con le quali entra in contatto, deve resistere alle pressioni e alle temperature d’esercizio
2 darabos rozsdamentes acél golyóscsapok - VAL 704000 - 2 darabos rozsdamentes acél golyóscsapok

2 darabos rozsdamentes acél golyóscsapok - VAL 704000 - 2 darabos rozsdamentes acél golyóscsapok

Valvola a sfera in acciaio inox AISI 316-CF8M, filettatura F/F, a passaggio totale. Limiti di temperatura:-20° +160° Vuoto:10-2 torr
VSG/90 - Forgóajtó

VSG/90 - Forgóajtó

Porta con anta completamente in cristallo trasparente temperato e stratificato mm. 8+0,76+8. Telaio in ferro rivestito INOX spessore mm. 51, cerniere e maniglia in acciaio INOX. Semiautomatica con ammortizzatore a braccio incorporato nella traversa.


Salatrice A Bidoni Tipo Sa

Salatrice A Bidoni Tipo Sa

Macchina adatta per la salatura di carni, quali bresaole, coppe, pancette, prosciutti, ecc. Macchina adatta per la salatura di carni, quali bresaole, coppe, pancette, prosciutti, ecc. Utilizza contenitori in acciaio inox o in plastica. Funzionamento elettropneumatico. Modelli a gestione con PLC e barriere di sicurezza. Variazione elettronica dei giri. La macchina può lavorare in ambienti a temperatura normale e permette di ridurre i tempi di salatura rispetto ai metodi tradizionali.
Acél ültető

Acél ültető

Plantoir en acier peint Avec capuchon en plastique pour éviter les blessures à la paume de la main Avec trou, peut être accroché
Horganyzott lánc

Horganyzott lánc

Galvanized chain for better resistance to corrosion and external agents Each reel is supplied in a single neutral box Used for any type of fastening in construction, agriculture, mechanics and industry The meters per reel vary in relation to the diameter of the wire N°/mm:14/2.2mm N°/mm:15/2.4mm N°/mm:17/3.0mm N°/mm:18/3.4mm N°/mm:19/3.9mm N°/mm:20/4.4mm N°/mm:21/4.9mm N°/mm:23/5.9mm N°/mm:25/7.0mm N°/mm:27/8.0mm N°/mm:30/10.0mm
Görbített acélkefe

Görbített acélkefe

Curved steel brush Brass-plated steel wires Ergonomic plastic handle
Összeszerelés és Tesztelés

Összeszerelés és Tesztelés

Nel reparto produttivo disponiamo un area dedicata alle cernite visive al montaggio manuale e/o in automatico di componenti e prodotti a Disegno tecnico in conto lavoro per il Cliente finale.
Precíziós esztergálás

Precíziós esztergálás

GBM esegue tornitura da barra tonda con passaggio ø65 su alluminio e sue leghe, pressofusioni di alluminio, Stampato di ottone, ecobrass ed acciaio. Tale processo avviene su centri di tornitura multitasking eseguendo in macchina lavori di fresatura, alesatura e filettatura. Il tutto seguendo il disegno tecnico e le specifiche fornite dal cliente.
Flangia con vite : Hőszigetelő rögzítő acél szög és műanyag dübel

Flangia con vite : Hőszigetelő rögzítő acél szög és műanyag dübel

Flangia con vite Insulation fastener plastic dowel (58 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length) with screw in corrosion-resistant galvanised steel (30 mm) for connecting ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA mesh in anti-detachment RINFOR SYSTEM 1 and 2. The dowel is characterised by its gripping surface with improved adherence, to be particularly light, manageable, durable and tensile-resistant due to the closing cap in the input hole of the SCREW FOR CONCRETE that facilitates the operation of shaving with mortars in the RINFOR SYSTEMS 1 and 2. The galvanised steel CONCRETE SCREW is particularly resistant to corrosion. Preventing slab detachment with a Flangia con vite is a robust and economical fastening component in the ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA network of the RINFOR SYSTEMS 1 and 2. Make a hole on the concrete joists of the slab respecting the minimum/maximum dimensions indicated in the Technical Specifications then insert the dowel into the hole and fasten with a CONCRETE SCREW. No less than 4 pieces per square metre when a Flangia con vite is used in the RINFOR SYSTEMS 1 and 2 to prevent slab detachment. Bulk material 1 unit
Readymesh MM-150 : 15 mm vékony acél szálak

Readymesh MM-150 : 15 mm vékony acél szálak

Readymesh MM-150 Fibres, obtained by the cutting of steel wire, with improved adhesion profile, for three-dimensional general structural reinforcement of cement-based conglomerates. The addition of Readymesh MM-150 significantly increases the mechanical performance of the structure in terms of toughness, ductility, fatigue, dynamic stress, shock, wear, tensile and shear strength and even post-cracking and damage behaviour. Readymesh MM-150 are particularly recommended for increasing ductility, toughness and thermal conductivity in concrete coatings for floor heating systems. General preparation of screeds, cements and fibre-reinforced concrete. Particularly recommended for compact prefabrications, thin concrete floorings and radiant floor heating systems. "Readymesh MM-150 fibres must be added to the concrete during mixing. It is recommended to pour the fibres directly onto the loading belt of the concrete mixer during the loading of the aggregates. Alternatively, it is possible to add them directly into the mixer after loading the concrete or into the onsite mixer. In this case, extend the mixing time by at least one minute (after a minimum of 3 minutes) for every m³ of packaged concrete in order to achieve optimal distribution. If using a 200-litre onsite mixer, add the fibres immediately after loading part of the aggregates and before adding the remaining parts. The typical dosage of Readymesh MM-150 fibres varies from 15 to 30kg/m³. Conglomerates with Readymesh MM-150 can be easily transported and used with pumps, joiners, vibratory finishing machines, roadway extruders (e.g. slipform paver), etc. These fibres are typically used in conglomerates that have an aggregate diameter not exceeding 10-15mm." Variable according to the type of work to be carried out and/or performance to be achieved. Bag 20 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 20 kg)
Bentonet: Előformázott trapéz alakú acélháló ketrec a Clayseal 25.20-hoz

Bentonet: Előformázott trapéz alakú acélháló ketrec a Clayseal 25.20-hoz

Bentonet Trapezoid preshaped steel square mesh cage open only on one side, to be used to encourage correct positioning of the Clayseal 25.20 sodium bentonite waterstops, and to prevent the displacement from the seat provided, especially in complex situations or on surfaces which are not perfectly prepared. Once the joint is inserted, Bentonet will have to be fixed to the concrete support using steel nails and washers every 20-25 cm. Rigid construction joints (non-expanding) and connections with safe and permanent hydraulic seal. Prepare the smoothest and most planar laying surface, using Repar Tix to compensate for any inhomogeneity, and accurately remove crumbling, non-adhering, powdery parts. Spread the sodium bentonite waterstop Clayseal 25.20 in the designated position. Install the Bentonet joint locking cage above the Clayseal 25.20 hydro-expansive kerb. Fix it to the support by nailing: a steel nail every 20-25 cm approximately. The joints between the waterstop kerbs are sealed by simply flanking them by at least 10 cm and not by overlapping the ends. The positioning of the Clayseal 25.20 hydro-expansive kerb must ensure a concrete covering of 10-12 cm in order to contain the expansive action caused by hydration. 1 m/m : product to buy as needed. Bulk material 1 m - Box: 30 x (Bulk material 1 m)