Los tipos principales son: canales industriales y canales de ranura. Los desagües lineales están hechos de acero inoxidable o resistente a los ácidos, se utilizan para drenar el agua o las aguas residuales de la superficie del piso al sistema de alcantarillado.
Con omologazione UL, Australia and Cina (SV, SJ);
Leggeri, Ordinari o Heavy Duty per applicazioni pesanti (RR, RN);
Per gli ambienti esterni, resistenti agli olii e all’acqua e specifici per immersioni (SJTW, SJTOW); (RN, RN8, SVO, SJW, SJO, SJOW, SOOW);
Ad alta flessibilità e Extreme Heavy Duty per applicazioni pesanti specifiche (Patent);
Resistenti alle alte temperature (BN4, BB, GG);
In versione Flessibile e Extra Flessibile- Classe 5 and Classe 6;
Versione PAH FREE .
In unserem Angebot sind Standard-Bodenabläufe vom Standardtyp verfügbar, wir können jedoch fast jedes System herstellen. Haupttypen unserer Bodenabläufe: PRO, SMART oder MINI in optionalen Abmessungen.
I tipi principali sono: canali industriali e canali slot. Gli scarichi lineari sono realizzati in acciaio inossidabile o resistente agli acidi, vengono utilizzati per drenare l'acqua o le acque reflue dalla superficie del pavimento alla rete fognaria.
We provide the metal profile and pipe bending services. We offer the bending of pipes and profiles from both classical and structural steels of various sizes on machines of a new generation. These machines work with the utmost precision and make it possible to produce almost any shape.
Material possibilities:
• Pipe processing parameters:
- 20 x 1.5 mm (rollable)
- 21.3 x 2 mm (rollable)
- 33.7 x 2 mm (rollable)
- 42.4 x 2 mm (rollable)
- 42.4 x 3.2 mm (rollable)
- 48.3 x 2 mm
- 60.3 x 2 mm
• Profile processing parameters:
- 40 x 40 x 2 mm
- 30 x 30 x 1.5 (rollable)
- 40 x 20 x 1.5 (rollable)
Is your question more comprehensive or more general? Send us an email at biuro@web-elektron.pl and we will propose the most suitable solution after its processing.
We provide welding of classical steel, but our specialization is welding stainless steel. We provide point welding, TIG welding, and MIG / MAG welding. Due to subsequent grinding with quality tools, our products meet the highest quality
Material possibilities:
• The maximum thickness of the elements to be welded is 5mm + 5mm
Is your question more comprehensive or more general? Send us an email at biuro@web-elektron.pl and we will propose the most suitable solution after its processing.
We have many types of manhole covers: MAXI, PRO and ALU. You can choose many options: manhole with actuator, manhole with full cover, manhole for filling, etc.
In Dutex s.r.l. Patelec produces customized wire harnesses, cords and cable assemblies with simple finishing as faston and housing, shrink tubing, clamps, inductors, resistors, or even complex assemblies.
Nello stabilimento PATELEC Elpena Sp. z o. o. si svolge la trasformazione del rame. Dalla vergella di rame realizziamo il conduttore singolo o a fili multipli, in linea con lo standard EN 13602 e il trefolo da 88 mm di spessore, in linea con lo standard EN 60228. Per garantire la massima qualità, effettuiamo nel nostro laboratorio test di forza, resistenza, di allungamento e di tensione.
Les principaux types sont les canaux industriels et les canaux à fentes. Les drains linéaires sont en acier inoxydable ou résistant aux acides, ils sont utilisés pour drainer l’eau ou les eaux usées de la surface du sol vers le système d’égouts.
The project was inspired by dandelions which are present in nature. The idea of Dandelions is to capture floral delicacy using “heavy material” - metal. The delicate nature of Dandelions contrasts the monumental architecture of the city.
Dandelions are made of high quality acid resistant stainless electropolished steel. It does not require special maintenance. It is totally water, storm and winter-proof.
Material:acid resistant stainless steel
Dimensions:max height - about 6.9 m (22'-8")
This patented design has a profile formed into the ring, which offers many advantages to OEM’s, bag house operators and bag makers. This ring is being marketed as the PROSNAP™ ring.
The PROSNAP™ profile ring eliminates the need to use a profile or beading when constructing bag tops. The PROSNAP™ profile provides an unsurpassed seal and strength of location.
Charakterystyczną cechą systemu PDM jest wykorzystanie połączenia klinowego, dzięki któremu technika montażu jest szybka i bezpieczna. Połączenie węzła PDM powstaje w momencie nasunięcia głowicy rygla na talerzyk stojaka i wsunięcie klina.
• konstrukcje przestrzenne,
•rusztowania fasadowe, zewnętrzne klatki schodowe.
• szybka technika łączenia elementów,
• funkcjonalność elementów,
• łatwy i szybki montaż oraz demontaż,
• nieograniczona możliwość tworzenia nietypowych konstrukcji,
• możliwość łączenia z systemem ramowym PDL.
• kompatybilność z systemami dostępnymi na europejskim rynku
Rusztowanie Plettac Distribution
Rusztowania Plettac Distribution
Rusztowanie System Plettac Distribution - PDm, PDM/c