At Steeling Industries, we specialize in the production of high-quality fasteners. Our extensive range includes a variety of fasteners such as nuts, bolts, bushings, rivets, screws, and washers. Whether you are in need of standard or custom fasteners, we have the capabilities to meet your requirements.
Contact Us for a Quote
If you are interested in our fasteners, we invite you to get in touch with our sales team. Simply send an email to and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you. Please provide us with your specific requirements, including the type and quantity of fasteners you need, so that we can provide you with an accurate quote.
At Steeling Industries, we are committed to delivering fasteners of the highest quality. Contact us today to discuss your fastener needs and let us help you find the perfect solution for your application.
Bolts:DIN571, DIN912, DIN931, DIN933
Nuts:ASME B18 2.2, DIN439-2, DIN557, DIN6923, DIN928, DIN929, DIN934, DIN936, EN14218
Screws:DIN7981, DIN7982, DIN7985, DIN965, DIN967, ISO7045, ISO7046
Rivets:DIN124, DIN302, DIN660, DIN661, DIN662, DIN674, DIN675, DIN6791, DIN6792
Bushings:Marble bushings, Chain bushings
La línea de corte longitudinal de bobinas de la serie BOSPORAS ADM permite cortar materiales de chapa fácilmente, realizar trabajos de gran tonelaje y que el operador usuario trabaje de forma más rápida, sencilla y productiva gracias a que nuestro equipo técnico la desarrolla con tecnologías de alta gama.
Capacidad de carga de bobinas:6.000 - 30.000 kg
Diámetro interior de la bobina:480 – 530 mm
Diámetro exterior de la bobina:1400 mm
Ancho del material:400 - 2000 mm
Espesor del material:0,3 - 6 mm
Novelty Steel metal prefab hangars are durable, waterproof structures for all types of rotorcraft, gliders, jets, and other aircraft. Designed to withstand nature at her worst, pre-engineered buildings promise built-in resistance to earthquake, fire, lightning, snow and wind damage.
Customize your helicopter hangar with mezzanine and stairs, overhead cranes, vents, gutters, or skylights and wall lights— whatever you need to make the building ideal for your helicopter or other aircraft.
Our modern steelwork fabrication shops have computer-aided design and detailing (CAD), which is linked directly to factory floor computer numerically controlled (CNC) machinery, creating a genuine seamless CAD/CAM environment.
Novelty Steel has adapted EN 1090-2 standards into its manufacturing processes supervised by an experienced quality management team.
WELDING FEATURES With a simple fusion, two parts can be combined. Large and heavy parts such as blocks and pipes can be welded using eutectic and tin-lead solder or melting alloys with low fusion points.
Deburring & Blending Entgratungsscheiben sind ein einzigartiges Produkt, das aus Vliesfasern besteht, die mit abrasiven Mineralien beschichtet sind. Durch die Kombination von Schleifmitteln mit den Fasern entsteht ein Schleifsystem, das eine langere Lebensdauer der Rader garantiert und uber die gesamte Lebensdauer des Produkts gleichbleibende Ergebnisse liefert. Diese Produkte eignen sich gleichermassen zum Reinigen, Mischen, Entgraten, Veredeln und Polieren. Deburring & Blending Entgratungsscheiben verhindern durch ihre kontrollierte Abriebwirkung Hinterschneidungen oder Einschnitte. Sie sorgen für gleichmassige Oberflachen, da standig frisches Schleifmittel die Arbeitsflache bearbeitet. Daruber hinaus laufen diese abrasiven Arbeitspferde kuhl und halten der Belastung durch ihre offene Stegkonstruktion stand, wodurch das Risiko von Teileverfarbungen und Verwerfungen verringert und die Lebensdauer des Rads verlangert wird.
Dabei handelt es sich um eine Art Sandstrahlmaschine, die hauptsächlich zum Sandstrahlen von Blech-, Profil- und Stahlkonstruktionen im verarbeitenden Gewerbe eingesetzt wird.
Je nach Bedarf wird das Förderband als Rollen- oder Drahtband gefertigt.
Tunnelstrahlmaschinen werden vor allem zur Vorbereitung vor dem Lackieren in integrierten Anlagen bevorzugt.
Yüksek Burkulma direncine sahiptir.
Ezilmeye Karşı dayanıklıdır.
TS EN 14195 talimatlarına uygundur.
Tüm ürünler Z140 galvaniz kaplama yapılmaktadır.
Talep üzerine farklı kaplama ve ölçülerde yapılır.
Economizer is a product which provides fuel saving and boiler efficiency in boilers, steam boilers, hot water boilers and hot oil boilers by using the heat of the flue gases in order to increase the temperature of the feed water (and fluids) in the system.
The payback amortization of economizers varies depending on such factors as the capacity of the system, efficiency of the boiler, and its application areas. The pay-back period of an efficient economizer varies between 3 – 18 months.
Micron D rings are made of brass and are not welded to give our customers the ability to use them effectively in their numerous projects.
Micron Un Welded D Ring Implement Originally made of Strong Iron Material and Plated.
Designed to prevent the D ring from twisting and turning in its’ loop. Our D rings are measured from inside edge to inside edge along the
straight side.
D Rings comes with four different finishes and four different sizes.
Please see our Size Guide section for all other available sizes, finishes and thickness for D Rings.
Weight:10 lbs
Categories:D-Ring, Plastic and Metal Hardware
The ceramic Profile of the stainless steel right Corner tile is attached to the ceramic wall Corner; It covers the imperfections on the edge of the cut tile, preventing future breaks and cracks in the ceramic Corner. Vertical stainless steel-ceramic Corner Profile in various anodized colors is chemically laid on the edge of the wall. The right Corner ceramic Profile made of stainless steel creates a clean and decorative wall Corner. The ceramic finishing Profile, which is an integral part of modern bathroom decoration, can also be used as a floor finishing Profile, threshold Profile or stair nosing Profile when laying ceramic tiles on the floor. In addition, the anodized end Corner Profile made of polished leather blends seamlessly with chrome-plated bathroom fittings and other bathroom accessories.
We listen to all your demands and needs to design the suitable products for you.
Long-lasting product
Perforated or Imperforated Shelving
Asid and chemical Resisting & durable units
Custom Build is available
Taşeron olarak imalat ve montajını yaptığımız makinemiz. Mareşal, Türkiye'nin en elit firmalarının alt yükleniciliğini yapmaktadır. En iyi olmak için en iyi firmalarla çalışmak gerektiğinin bilincinde olan büyük firmalar, imalatlarını Mareşal'in mühendislik ve imalat bilgisi ile çözümlemektedir. Mareşal tüm Dünya'ya hizmet vermektedir.
En iyisi için en iyilerle - Mareşal Mühendislik Ltd.
2008'den beri Türkiye İzmir'de bulunan fabrikamızda çeşitli ham maddeleri CNC talaşlı imalathanemizde üretimi yapıp çeşitli ülkelere ihracatını yapmaktayız.
60 Meter lange automatische FörderbandPulverbeschichtungsanlage, 8x3 Meter groß und 2,5
Meter hoch, die größte Pulverbeschichtungsanlage
in der Region.
Je nach vom Kunden gewünschtem RAL-Code
und Oberflächentyp wird die elektrostatische
Pulverbeschichtung durchgeführt.
In Übereinstimmung mit dem weltweit wachsenden
Umweltbewusstsein wurde ein Beschichtungsverfahren
entwickelt, bei dem Metalle und Pulverbeschichtungsmaterial
in einer magnetischen Umgebung unterschiedlich
elektrisch aufgeladen werden. Infolgedessen bedeckt das
Pulvermaterial durch den Magneteffekt die Metalloberfläche.
Die pulverbeschichtete Metalloberfläche wird dann bei einer
hohen Temperatur von 180-200 Grad gebacken, wodurch die
Farbe aushärtet und eine beschichtete Oberfläche entsteht,
die Teil des Metalls wird.
In unserer elektrostatischen
Masel Kalıp sektördeki 15 yılı aşan bilgi ve tecrübesini , siz değerli müşterileri ile paylaşmanın heyecanını duyar. Kalıpçılıktan gelen geleneğimizle; hassasiyetlerini çok iyi bildiğimiz kalıp imalatında ; zaman ve hassas işçilik konusunda biz de sizler kadar sorumluluk duymaktayız.
İmalat sektörünün can damarı kalıpçılıktaki gelişmeleri ve teknolojileri sürekli takip etmek , sizlere daha kolay iş çıkarabilme konforu sağlamak ve her projemizde profesyonel işlere imzamızı atmak için teknolojinin tüm yeniliklerinden faydalanarak 2014 yılının başında Tuzla - Tepeören'de 2.600 metrekarelik tesisimizi kurduk.
Şimdi; yüksek hassasiyetteki kalıp seti plakaları, taşlanmış plakalar ve işçilikli kalıp seti hizmetlerini yeni bir anlayış, tecrübeli ekip, geniş ve güçlü makina parkuruyla sizlere sunmanın gururunu yaşıyoruz.