Processi industriali che includono il taglio, la modellatura e la rifinitura di lamiere metalliche per ottenere componenti di varie forme e dimensioni. Questi processi si avvalgono di diverse tecniche, come il taglio laser, il taglio a getto d'acqua, la piegatura e la punzonatura, per trasformare materiali come acciaio, alluminio e inox in prodotti finiti o semilavorati.
La lavorazione e il taglio delle lamiere sono fondamentali per molti settori, inclusa la carpenteria metallica, l’edilizia, l’automotive e l’arredamento, poiché permettono di ottenere pezzi personalizzati adatti a specifiche esigenze strutturali ed estetiche. Le lamiere lavorate possono essere sottoposte a ulteriori trattamenti, come la saldatura e i trattamenti antiruggine, per migliorarne la resistenza e la durata nel tempo.
Cortec VPCI® 414 est un nettoyant dégraissant biodégradable à base d'eau qui élimine également les revêtements temporaires tels que Cosmoline ™, Cortec VPCI 368, VPCI 388, VPCI 389 ainsi que les cires sans silicone des surfaces métalliques et peintes.
Décapant de revêtement temporaire robuste
Efficace comme dégraissant léger
Efficace comme dissolvant d'huile légère
Peut être utilisé efficacement à température ambiante. Cela réduit le besoin d'appareils de chauffage «consommateurs d'énergie». Le VPCI 414 peut être utilisé dans un bain chauffé pour l'élimination des hydrocarbures lourds et des revêtements résiduels.
Liquide visqueux qui adhère bien aux plafonds et aux surfaces verticales
Formulation prête à l'emploi
Efficace lorsqu'il est utilisé à de faibles concentrations
Continue de fonctionner et offre une protection contre la corrosion même après le nettoyage des pièces
La nostra macchina da taglio è progettata per il taglio della lamiera con precisione ed efficienza. Il suo design avanzato consente tagli puliti senza distorsioni, rendendola ideale per varie applicazioni. Questa macchina è adatta sia per operazioni su piccola scala che su larga scala, offrendo versatilità nella produzione. Con la sua costruzione durevole e facile da usare, la macchina da taglio è uno strumento essenziale per qualsiasi officina di lavorazione dei metalli.
Les fonds bombés pour réservoirs à double parois sont particulièrement recommandés pour les cuves industrielles à fortes exigences sécuritaires ou soumises à de forte variation de température.
We sharpen cutting tools on 5-axis CNC machines, restoring the efficiency of used tools to that of a new tool. We are sharpening tools of all brands and shapes.
Metallic racks from Iron Art Mozaic are designed to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your home. These racks are handmade using mosaic tiles and wrought iron, resulting in pieces that are both functional and beautiful. The intricate designs and vibrant colors of the mosaic tiles add a touch of artistry to these racks, making them a stylish addition to any living space. Whether you need a rack for your kitchen or a decorative piece for your office, Iron Art Mozaic has a variety of options to suit your needs.
Each metallic rack is designed with attention to detail, ensuring that it not only serves its purpose but also enhances the aesthetic of your space. The wrought iron construction provides durability and strength, while the mosaic tiles offer a unique and eye-catching design. These racks are perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of handmade craftsmanship and want to add a touch of artistry to their home décor.
Repar Steel
Two-component cement slurry, modified with flexibilising resins and specific anticorrosive agents for the passivating treatment of oxidised reinforcement rods, in the restoration of degraded concrete.
The anticorrosive efficacy of Repar Steel is determined by the high alkalinity and by the superpozzolanic reaction of the components of the anhydrous system, as well as by the presence, in the liquid component (B), of migratory and interfacial corrosion inhibitors, capable of carrying out cathodic and anodic protection, based on organic compounds capable of making ferrous ions unavailable for feeding electrochemical corrosion processes. The polymeric components of the solution also determine further increases in the anticorrosive efficacy, especially against aggressive attacks deriving from chlorides and sulphates, and increase the adhesion between the treated bar and the concrete (adherence test according to EN 15184 in compliance with the UNI EN technical standard 1504 "Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Part 7: Corrosion protection of reinforcements").
Passivating protective anti-corrosive treatment for reinforcing rods in restoration works in reinforced concrete.
Carefully remove loose rust from the metal surfaces of exposed reinforcing bars by sandblasting or deep brushing until the white metal surface is obtained. This operation is essential to effectively develop the anticorrosive property of Repar Steel. Obviously, to block the advance of the carbonation profile in the concrete, it is essential to complete the restoration with the appropriate restoration mortars: thixotropic (Repar line) or pourable (Grout line).
Mix components A and B and continue mixing until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is obtained. Apply with a brush to the surfaces of the previously prepared reinforcing bars. To prevent the application of the repair mortar from removing the still fresh Repar Steel treatment, wait for the product to harden before proceeding with the volumetric restoration. The minimum recommended waiting time is approximately 6-8 hours with summer temperatures and approximately 12-16 hours with winter temperatures. Do not apply the product with temperatures below 5°C or if it is expected that the temperature may fall below this value during the first 12 hours of curing.
From 0.03 to 0.1 kg of Repar Steel for each linear metre of steel bar to be treated.
Pail 3.4 kg [A] - Bottle 1.6 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Pail 3.4 kg [A] + 1 Bottle 1.6 kg [B]
Die Chassis-Bauteile von MX Prototyping werden aus hochfestem Stahl hergestellt und bieten höchste Präzision und Effizienz. Unsere Chassis-Bauteile zeichnen sich durch ihre außergewöhnliche Qualität und Langlebigkeit aus, die durch den Einsatz modernster Technologien erreicht wird. Mit einem engagierten Team von Fachleuten, die über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Fachwissen verfügen, sind wir in der Lage, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu bieten, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden gerecht werden.
Unsere Chassis-Bauteile sind das Ergebnis eines strengen Qualitätsmanagements und eines nahtlosen Zusammenspiels von Mensch und Technik. Wir setzen auf eine kompromisslose Qualitätspolitik, die sicherstellt, dass jedes Teil, das unser Werk verlässt, den höchsten Standards entspricht. Mit einem engagierten Team von Fachleuten, die über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Fachwissen verfügen, sind wir in der Lage, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu bieten, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden gerecht werden.
Profiles for Industrial Applications.
In the large group of industrial applications (refrigeration and air-conditioning technology, machines, production lines, switchgear housings, wind power, tracked crane systems, containers, etc.) we produce individual sealing systems tailored to our customers’ needs. Special designs made on short notice--even in small series--made of diverse plastic or elastomer qualities, or combinations of both materials or assemblies lets us be your technical problem solver. Our huge stock of standard profiles makes us a reliable partner for a wide-range of applications.
Sealing Profiles
Through application-specific production of rings, frames or fixed lengths, the product is precisely tailored to any purpose. The function of the profile is optimally executed even in the radiuses or corners. We manufacture ready-made profiles in various processes, from cold bonding, film bonding, injection molding to sealing.
Clamping range:0.8 - 20 mm
Quantitiy:10 - 100.000 meter
ALLBOARDS ITALIA S.R.L. è un marchio rinomato che offre una vasta gamma di lavagne magnetiche di alta qualità adatte a vari contesti come case, uffici e istituzioni educative. Queste lavagne sono progettate con un'estetica elegante e moderna, garantendo che si integrino perfettamente in qualsiasi ambiente. La superficie magnetica consente un facile attacco di note e promemoria, rendendole una scelta ideale per organizzare e visualizzare le informazioni in modo efficace.
Le lavagne sono disponibili in diverse dimensioni e finiture, per soddisfare diverse esigenze e preferenze. Che tu abbia bisogno di una lavagna per pianificare, insegnare o semplicemente organizzare i tuoi pensieri, Legend ha una soluzione che soddisferà le tue esigenze. La durabilità e la funzionalità di queste lavagne le rendono un'aggiunta preziosa a qualsiasi spazio, migliorando la produttività e la comunicazione.
’ATELIER INOXIA possède au sein même des bureaux de FRAMACO SERVICES, son propre atelier de fabrication de meubles/mobiliers inox, équipés d'une plieuse et de tous un ensemble de matériels (découpes, poinçonnage, soudure,...).
Réalisation de toutes nos pièces sur mesure, mais aussi des modules complets (de la simple crédence inox, à un environnement complet, tables, placards...). L’ATELIER INOXIA répond aux demandes les plus exigeantes de nos clients et propose des équipements finis sur mesure s'adaptant au mieux aux cuisines.
Travail sur base de plans réalisés par nos commerciaux, techniciens et notre bureau d'études.
Les fonds bombés normalisés a petit rayon de carre (PRC) sont fabriqués par emboutissage ou repoussage. Ils sont notamment utilisés pour la tuyauterie et la robinetterie industrielle.
Tout type de profil de fonds bombés : fond bombé à grand rayon de carre (GRC), fond bombé à moyen rayon de carre (MRC), fond bombé à petit rayon de carre (PRC), fond inversé, fond à double paroi, calotte, cône, elliptique, fond plat, hémisphérique…
Gamme étendue de nuances : acier carbone (S235JR, P265GH…), acier inoxydable (304L, 316L…), nickel, aluminium
Disponible dans toutes les dimensions normalisées : épaisseur, diamètre intérieur, diamètre extérieur, hauteur du bord d’usinage
Les fonds élliptiques sont conformes à la norme NFE 81-103. Ils sont plus profonds que les fonds à grand rayon de carré (GRC) et sont fréquemment utilisés pour les cuves à pression.
Fond bombé GRC en acier carbone ou en acier inoxydable LG Tec
Les fonds bombés avec un Grand Rayon de Carre (GRC) sont une solution polyvalente pour la construction de cuves dans diverses applications industrielles.
Stock permanent :Ø 150mm à Ø 4000mm, épaisseur 1,5mm à 100mm
En Acier Carbone ou en Acier inoxydable, Conformité aux Normes de Qualité : NFE 81102 et DIN 28011, garantissant ainsi une performance optimale et une sécurité fiable.
La compatibilité CODAP est également possible.
Les fonds bombés normalisés à moyen rayon de carre (MRC) sont principalement utilisés dans les secteurs de la chaudronnerie et de la tuyauterie industrielle.
La sega a nastro industriale Uzzay Makina è una macchina utensile ad alta precisione, progettata per il taglio di metalli e materiali duri in modo efficiente e affidabile. Ideale per officine meccaniche, carpenterie e aziende manifatturiere, questa sega a nastro è perfetta per tagli lineari o complessi su pezzi di varie dimensioni e forme.
Potenza e Precisione: Dotata di un motore ad alta potenza, la sega Uzzay Makina garantisce tagli precisi e netti anche su materiali ad alta densità come acciaio, alluminio e leghe metalliche.
Robustezza e Durata: La struttura della macchina è realizzata in acciaio rinforzato, offrendo stabilità e resistenza all’usura, anche nei contesti industriali più impegnativi.
Versatilità Applicativa: Grazie a una lama a nastro continua e a un sistema di regolazione angolare, questa sega permette di eseguire tagli lineari, inclinati e persino sagomati, adattandosi a ogni esigenza di lavorazione.
Efficienza Energetica: Il sistema di taglio ottimizzato e il motore bilanciato riducono il consumo energetico, garantendo alte prestazioni con minore spreco di risorse.
Sicurezza e Controllo: Equipaggiata con un sistema di protezione della lama e dispositivi di sicurezza, la sega assicura un utilizzo sicuro e un ambiente di lavoro protetto per l’operatore.
Le seghe a nastro industriali Uzzay Makina sono disponibili in diverse configurazioni per soddisfare necessità di taglio specifiche, offrendo una soluzione affidabile e duratura per chi richiede precisione e potenza nei propri processi produttivi.
Sistemi di rivestimento esterno per edifici, costituiti principalmente da pannelli in vetro, metallo o altri materiali traslucidi, montati su una struttura portante. Le facciate continue sono progettate per coprire ampie superfici e creare un aspetto uniforme e moderno, favorendo l’ingresso della luce naturale e migliorando l'estetica dell'edificio. Esistono diverse tipologie, come facciate a montanti e traversi, a cellule e ventilate, che offrono differenti vantaggi in termini di isolamento termico, acustico e risparmio energetico.
Questi sistemi sono largamente impiegati in edifici commerciali, uffici, grattacieli e strutture pubbliche grazie alla loro versatilità, resistenza e capacità di migliorare l'efficienza energetica. Le facciate continue possono includere vetri temperati o stratificati per una maggiore sicurezza, vetri a controllo solare per ridurre il riscaldamento interno e moduli fotovoltaici per l'integrazione dell’energia solare, contribuendo a un’architettura sostenibile e all’avanguardia.
Flangia con vite
Insulation fastener plastic dowel (58 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length) with screw in corrosion-resistant galvanised steel (30 mm) for connecting ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA mesh in anti-detachment RINFOR SYSTEM 1 and 2.
The dowel is characterised by its gripping surface with improved adherence, to be particularly light, manageable, durable and tensile-resistant due to the closing cap in the input hole of the SCREW FOR CONCRETE that facilitates the operation of shaving with mortars in the RINFOR SYSTEMS 1 and 2. The galvanised steel CONCRETE SCREW is particularly resistant to corrosion.
Preventing slab detachment with a Flangia con vite is a robust and economical fastening component in the ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA network of the RINFOR SYSTEMS 1 and 2.
Make a hole on the concrete joists of the slab respecting the minimum/maximum dimensions indicated in the Technical Specifications then insert the dowel into the hole and fasten with a CONCRETE SCREW.
No less than 4 pieces per square metre when a Flangia con vite is used in the RINFOR SYSTEMS 1 and 2 to prevent slab detachment.
Bulk material 1 unit
Readymesh MM-150
Fibres, obtained by the cutting of steel wire, with improved adhesion profile, for three-dimensional general structural reinforcement of cement-based conglomerates. The addition of Readymesh MM-150 significantly increases the mechanical performance of the structure in terms of toughness, ductility, fatigue, dynamic stress, shock, wear, tensile and shear strength and even post-cracking and damage behaviour. Readymesh MM-150 are particularly recommended for increasing ductility, toughness and thermal conductivity in concrete coatings for floor heating systems.
General preparation of screeds, cements and fibre-reinforced concrete. Particularly recommended for compact prefabrications, thin concrete floorings and radiant floor heating systems.
"Readymesh MM-150 fibres must be added to the concrete during mixing. It is recommended to pour the fibres directly onto the loading belt of the concrete mixer during the loading of the aggregates. Alternatively, it is possible to add them directly into the mixer after loading the concrete or into the onsite mixer. In this case, extend the mixing time by at least one minute (after a minimum of 3 minutes) for every m³ of packaged concrete in order to achieve optimal distribution. If using a 200-litre onsite mixer, add the fibres immediately after loading part of the aggregates and before adding the remaining parts. The typical dosage of Readymesh MM-150 fibres varies from 15 to 30kg/m³.
Conglomerates with Readymesh MM-150 can be easily transported and used with pumps, joiners, vibratory finishing machines, roadway extruders (e.g. slipform paver), etc. These fibres are typically used in conglomerates that have an aggregate diameter not exceeding 10-15mm."
Variable according to the type of work to be carried out and/or performance to be achieved.
Bag 20 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 20 kg)
Trapezoid preshaped steel square mesh cage open only on one side, to be used to encourage correct positioning of the Clayseal 25.20 sodium bentonite waterstops, and to prevent the displacement from the seat provided, especially in complex situations or on surfaces which are not perfectly prepared. Once the joint is inserted, Bentonet will have to be fixed to the concrete support using steel nails and washers every 20-25 cm.
Rigid construction joints (non-expanding) and connections with safe and permanent hydraulic seal.
Prepare the smoothest and most planar laying surface, using Repar Tix to compensate for any inhomogeneity, and accurately remove crumbling, non-adhering, powdery parts.
Spread the sodium bentonite waterstop Clayseal 25.20 in the designated position. Install the Bentonet joint locking cage above the Clayseal 25.20 hydro-expansive kerb. Fix it to the support by nailing: a steel nail every 20-25 cm approximately. The joints between the waterstop kerbs are sealed by simply flanking them by at least 10 cm and not by overlapping the ends.
The positioning of the Clayseal 25.20 hydro-expansive kerb must ensure a concrete covering of 10-12 cm in order to contain the expansive action caused by hydration.
1 m/m : product to buy as needed.
Bulk material 1 m - Box: 30 x (Bulk material 1 m)
Die Smoker von MX Prototyping werden von Ingenieuren und leidenschaftlichen Anhängern des American Barbecue konzipiert und in einem bayerischen Unternehmen mit Präzisionstechnik gebaut. Diese Smoker zeichnen sich durch ihre außergewöhnlich hochwertige Verarbeitung, autarken und emissionsfreien Betrieb sowie größtmögliche Temperaturstabilität aus. Die beste Fleischveredelung wird durch das Reverseflow Smoken erreicht, das eine herausragende Rauchnote bietet.
Unsere Smoker sind das Ergebnis eines strengen Qualitätsmanagements und eines nahtlosen Zusammenspiels von Mensch und Technik. Wir setzen auf eine kompromisslose Qualitätspolitik, die sicherstellt, dass jedes Produkt, das unser Werk verlässt, den höchsten Standards entspricht. Mit einem engagierten Team von Fachleuten, die über umfangreiche Erfahrung und Fachwissen verfügen, sind wir in der Lage, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu bieten, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden gerecht werden.
Syntech HAG Iniettore
This rubber and steel injectors are to be inserted in line with the damage, cracks, loose foundations, joints, cavities and so on, then waterproofed through the use of Syntech HAG Eco and Syntech HAG Flex hydro-expansive polyurethane resins, specifically for immediately stopping water infiltration. Equipped with a “flat head” with non-return valve, it is used in conjunction with the Syntech HAG Connettore. Available in two different sizes: Syntech HAG Iniettore 120 = 120x13 mm; Syntech HAG Iniettore 170 = 170x16 mm.
Stop the infiltration of pressurised water in buildings by targeted injection of hydro-expansive polyurethane resins SYNTECH H.A.G. or fluid epoxy resins (Syntech IC 55).
The surfaces of application should be clean and free of any soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, powder, mosses, moulds, etc...
Drill holes at the predetermined injection points. The injection holes will first be made with a drill bit, which should reached the required and intended depth within the wall body. Subsequently, only for the last superficial 10 cm, a second drilling will be performed in the same hole, with a drill bit bigger to create the seat where the rubber tip of the injector will be inserted.
Insert SYNTECH H.A.G. INIETTORE in the intended holes. Screw the end portion of the injector with a suitable key. Screwing the injector will compress the rubber located on its tip, making it swell and thus creating the required mechanical and hydraulic seal. At this point, the injector is ready to be used.
Ensure the seal of the injectors placed in the supports is secure. Given the high injection pressures reached by the pumps, in the case of injectors not positioned securely and correctly there is a real risk that they might come out at high speed from their seat (with the risk of injury to the operators!).
Carefully study the positioning of the injectors near the masonry discontinuities to be injected. Bad positioning, too close to the crack to be filled, can cause the breaking of the support itself under the pressure of the pump.
Product to buy as needed (about 4 pieces per metre on regular cracks).
Bulk material 120 mm - Bulk material 170 mm
A sodic impregnating agent of polysilicic acid in aqueous solution (sodium silicate) for anti-dust and protective treatments of concrete flooring and screeds. It drastically reduces the product’s water permeability whilst maintaining the passage of aqueous vapour. Consequently, the resistance to acid attacks and the overall durability of the concrete work increases.
A protective treatment for new industrial floors and concrete screeds, both grey and coloured.
The supports must be dry, clean and dust-free. Apply QL Polisil by spray, roller or immersion. Between 0.1 and 0.3 kg of QL Polisil per square metre of surface to be treated. Consumption varies depending on the porosity of the structure.
Readymesh PW-120 is an auxiliary fibrillated polypropylene micro-fibre, with a length of 12 mm, suitable for adding concrete in general. The addition of Readymesh PW-120 to the mixture allows for preventing the phenomenon of cracking from plastic shrinkage of the concrete, as well as having positive effects as regards the ductility of the mixture, the resistance to freezing/thawing, the shock resistance and overall watertightness.
Rinfor Grout Col is a special cementitious formulation, being fibre-reinforced with READYMESH technology, enriched with reactive microsilicates with very high pozzolanic activity and special crystalliser additives that increase the end result and the durability. Mixed with water, it is able to forge micro-concretes with pourable rheology. Once hardened, the product offers exceptional physical-mechanical and ductility values. Ideal for the reinforcement and seismic adaptation of flooring in reinforced concrete, brick-concrete or corrugated sheeting or wood, by constructing a thin extradoxal structural screed along with beams, pillars, structural crosspoints and walls, by means of suitable liners.
The rheological and physical-mechanical characteristics of the Rinfor Grout Col product render it extraordinarily effective in reinforcing structural elements in reinforced concrete and masonry. Adhered to the inside of caissons, confined within cavities or spread out over the extrados of foundations and lofts, Rinfor Grout Col allows for low thickness structural reinforcing, substantially devoid of additional metallic reinforcement. Rinfor Grout Col belongs to the HPFRC (High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete) family, permitting the structural designer to make use of the following characteristics: - Exceptional resistance and traction as well as exceptional values of shear stress adhesion on various supports which have been suitably roughened; - advantages in structural calculations prescribed for fracture mechanics, resistance to traction and of the ultimate material deformation; - minimum thicknesses applied with reinforcing effects which have been distinctly improved as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete; - highly notable reduction of mass and minimizing of additional loads applied for structural reinforcing as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete (practically nil additional loads in the case of the thickness of the coating corresponding with the depth of sacrificed surface); - anti-carbonatation barrier (practically zero penetration of CO2) and anti-oxidant barrier; - auto-healing of any micro-fissures exposed to contact with fluids, thanks to the particular crystallising additives; - increment of durability of the structures repaired with Rinfor Grout Col, thanks to the migration effect of the crystallising additives; - very high resistance to fire; - eco-sustainability - made up of 100% mineral and metallic materials, totally recyclable at end of life. From the environmental point of view, the Rinfor Grout Col product is characterised by the following advantages: - Ecological packaging (card-cardboard) - product based on hydraulic binders, selected aggregates and mineral additives with content of organic raw materials < 1% - practically nil VOC emissions during installation; once hardened, nil VOC emissions. - containing a fraction > 5% of sub-products from the production industry 100% recyclable at end of life.
For seismic adaptation with absorption and transfer of pressure or traction during events with elevated dynamic forces (seismic, impacts, deflagration); - for structural reinforcing and seismic upgrading through coating of beams, pillars structural ties, walls; - for reinforcing and seismic upgrading with external, low thickness, structural screed for lofts in reinforced concrete, concrete masonry, corrugated sheeting, wood; - for fabrication of light, thin section, structural elements ; - for the repair of flooring with need for resistance against elevated static and dynamic stresses, together with exceptional values of resilience and resistance to impacts; - for reinforcing and precision anchoring of heavy and highly stressed machinery: E.g. wind turbines, turbines, precision machinery, etc.
The support must be in good condition, clean, sufficiently coarse, without crumbling parts or dust, pressure washed and saturated with water before application. With concrete, the abrasiveness of the support must be > 3mm; to obtain this level of coarseness, techniques of hydro-scarifying, bush-hammering, mechanical chiselling, sand blasting with large grain may be considered. With the case of surfaces in strongly absorbent brick-work (lofts in brick cement with surfacing of parts in brick) or in the case in which it is impossible to saturate the support with water, contact our technical services to evaluate suitable adhesion primers, such as Syntech Pavisheer or Syntech RGS. Above all, when used as a surface covering of lofts in concrete, or as a repair to industrial flooring, providing anchoring roots by drilling the support is particularly useful for increasing resistance to cuts and adhesion to the support (diameter 18-20 mm, depth 20 mm), and accurately cleaning the surfaces of the holes before spreading the Rinfor Grout Col.
Readymesh MX-500
Readymesh MX-500 is a special carbon steel fibre, obtained by the extrusion and cutting of high-strength steel wire. Its special double-hooked form gives it a remarkable shear strength, thus conferring the concrete with excellent post-cracking structural strength even at low doses. Readymesh MX-500 significantly increases the mechanical performance of the structure in terms of toughness, ductility, fatigue, dynamic stress, shock, wear, tensile and shear strength and even post-cracking and damage behaviour.
General preparation of fibre-reinforced concrete with high pre and post-cracking performance. Ideal for industrial flooring and prefabrications.
"Readymesh MX-500 fibres must be added to the concrete during mixing. It is recommended to pour the fibres directly onto the loading belt of the concrete mixer during the loading of the aggregates. Alternatively, it is possible to add them directly into the mixer after loading the concrete. In this case, add the fibres a little at a time so that they are well-distributed in the cement mix and extend the mixing time by at least one minute for every 20 kg of fibres added in order to achieve optimal distribution.
Conglomerates with Readymesh MX-500 can be easily transported and used with pumps, joiners, vibratory finishing machines, roadway extruders (e.g. slipform paver), etc."
Variable according to the type of work to be carried out and/or performance to be achieved.
Packaging: 20 kg bag
Unit: €/kg