Termékek alma fizetőkártya (52)

Alma-Kivi - Postmix klasszikus 1:6

Alma-Kivi - Postmix klasszikus 1:6

Apfel-Kiwi - Postmix klassik 1:6
Granny Smith - ALMA

Granny Smith - ALMA

Granny Smith - APPLE SPECIES:APPLE Origin:Australia Tree:The tree has a strong and semi-upright growth habit Fruit:The fruit is semi-large, juicy, sour and partly thick-shelled. The flesh is crisp Pollinator:Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Fuji, Gala grubu Harvest time:Late October
Pink Lady, alma, friss - alma

Pink Lady, alma, friss - alma

pink lady apple
Idared almák

Idared almák

Harvest period: late September – mid October. Fruit colour: greenish red Taste: sweet and tart, taste quality excellent. Weight: 130-200 gr. Uses: eat fresh, fruit salad, cooking Transportability: very high Storage: in cold storage – till May.
Bio Opal alma

Bio Opal alma

C'est une pomme de caractère à la chair ferme et sucrée à souhait. Irrésistible, elle se croque à pleines dents et elle nous comble de gourmandise. Sous sa robe de couleur jaune blushé se cache une chair blanche et extrêmement aromatique dévoilant une saveur gourmande et très sucrée. Légèrement acidulée, on l’apprécie surtout à la croque et cuite au four. Poids:4kg Prix:11,00 € TTC
Almapite Csoport

Almapite Csoport

Weißt Du noch früher? Als Du nach dem Toben auf dem Spielplatz mit den anderen Kindern völlig ausgehungert nach Hause gekommen bist und Oma schon mit ihrem weltbesten Apfelkuchen – am liebsten noch mit Streuseln und Pudding – auf Dich gewartet hat? Der Duft frisch gebackenen Kuchens lag schon in weiter Ferne in der Luft, das Wasser ist Dir bereits im Munde zusammengelaufen, weil Du den ersten Bissen gar nicht abwarten konntest: Saftig und lecker! Damit jetzt gar nicht erst der Spruch “Früher war alles besser” kommt, stehen unsere Apple Cluster schon für Dich bereit. Schlag deswegen am besten sofort zu und kaufe leckere Kindheitserinnerungen ein.


Can be provided in plastic or carton boxes
Körték - Konferencia

Körték - Konferencia

Conférence is an excellent pear variety. Its bottle shape has a beautiful green and bronzed skin with a delicious soft juicy flesh. Its long shelf life made this pear a great export product. Available almost all year long.
Körtés szűrő

Körtés szűrő

De 1000 à 4000 kg/h De 6 à 32 sorties programmables 1 ou 2 lignes Pilotée par automate ou ordinateur La plus performante et la plus complète dispositif d’alimentation automatique des fruits coupelles de transfert, autoverrouillées système de mesure diamètre / poids /couleur avec automate ou ordinateur de commande, écran, clavier, souris brosse de sortie des fruits si produit peu roulant (poire) ou très fragile jusque 32 sorties programmables Polyvalence Seranne calibre différents types de fruits pommes, poires, pêches, tomates, kiwis, abricots, ….. Vitesse Poids:12 coupelles / seconde Vitesse Diamètre:7 coupelles / seconde


Pineapple is a new product in our region. It was considered as a luxury product in our markets. Basically, it is demanded in winter when summer fruits season in our region ends. We get high varieties of Latin -American pineapple For 6 to 8 months every year we received pineapple weekly or semi-monthly basic. Because of the nature of this product in our markets pineapple business is only a SPOT business
Hajdina szem

Hajdina szem

Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A. Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.


Wir verarbeiten Ihr Obst zu wertvollen Streuobstsäften gegen einen günstigen Lohnverarbeitungsbeitrag.
Alma facsemete (Jeromine) - Jeromine

Alma facsemete (Jeromine) - Jeromine

Origin: Early Red One and Erovan Hybrid. Tree: Its trees are among the standard varieties. Develops vigorously. It is similar to Red Chief in development. Since it is close to standard varieties, it is more compatible with M9 Rootstock in dense plantings. Fruit: Fruit is medium in size, fruit color is intense red. Fruit Flesh: Fruit flesh is hard, sweet and juicy. Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji Harvest: It is harvested on the same date as Golden Deliciou
Körték - Gyümölcstermelés

Körték - Gyümölcstermelés

Nos encargamos del cultivo y distribución de peras.
Kivi Gyümölcs

Kivi Gyümölcs

İstenilen tüm detaylar sağlanır.
Apple AC adapter MHJE3ZM/A

Apple AC adapter MHJE3ZM/A

Apple AC Adapter MHJE3ZM/A Power Adapter 20W white; original & brand new Brand:Apple OEM:MHJE3ZM/A Color:white EAN:0194252157022
Starking alma - alma

Starking alma - alma

starking apple
Santa Maria - KÖRTE

Santa Maria - KÖRTE

Santa Maria - PEAR SPECIES:PEAR Origin:Italy Tree:The tree has semi-erect growth and is very productive Fruit:The fruit has big size and conic shape. The skin is lightly yellow with red blushing when ripe Pollinator:Williams, Abate Vettel Maturation – Harvest:The fruit is harvested from 1st to 20th of September
Fehér kristálycukor

Fehér kristálycukor

White crystalline sugar, without lumps, spots and foreign impurities. Sugar is sweet, without extraneous smell and taste. Sugar when dissolved is transparent, without insoluble sediment, mechanical and other impurities. NON GMO Mass fraction of moisture:0.08% Color in solution ICUMSA units:43.0 Mass fraction of sucrose, %:not less than 99.82%


Sárgabarack Csemete (Iğdır) - Iğdır

Sárgabarack Csemete (Iğdır) - Iğdır

Tree Characteristics: Apricot, which is native to CENTRAL ASIA, Iran, Caucasus, West China, is an important fruit species that is grown economically both in our country and in the world, especially in Mediterranean countries. Fruit Characteristics: It is an apricot variety with large fruits that are very good to eat, fleshy and can withstand long distances. Tree growth is rapid and it is possible to get 150-200 kg of fruit from an adult tree. It is ideal that the land to be planted is at a high altitude, the area to be planted should be warm. Pollinators: Self-fertile variety. It does not need pollinator.