Termékek alma friss apple (119)

Pilot reggeli mangó narancs alma banán

Pilot reggeli mangó narancs alma banán

Awaken your senses with the vibrant and zesty flavors of Pilot breakfast mango orange apple banana. This invigorating blend combines the luscious sweetness of mango with the tangy zest of orange, creating a refreshing and energizing breakfast option. The addition of apple and banana adds a natural sweetness and creamy texture, making it a perfect choice for those who seek a burst of tropical flavors in their morning routine. Packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants, this breakfast blend not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides a healthy start to your day. Pilot breakfast mango orange apple banana is crafted with the finest fruits, ensuring a premium quality product that stands out in the market. Its vibrant colors and enticing aroma make it a favorite among those who prioritize both taste and nutrition. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with your favorite breakfast items, this blend is sure to become a staple in your morning routine. Embrace the tropical goodness and let PILOT BREAKFAST be your go-to choice for a delightful start to your day.
Dinnye - Friss Gyümölcsök

Dinnye - Friss Gyümölcsök

Product: Water Melon Color: Dark/Light Green Free from Damage, Cracks and Soft Patches Red Flesh Weight: 2 -10 Kgs. But 3 – 8 Kgs/Fruit Preferred
Fuji almák

Fuji almák

Harvest period: late October. Fruit colour: reddish stripes and slight red blush over yellow and green background colour. Taste: crisp and very juicy with a sugary-sweet flavour, taste quality excellent. Weight: up to 200 gr. Uses: eat fresh. Transportability: very high Storage: in cold storage – till May.
arany smoothie, alma - alma

arany smoothie, alma - alma

fresh apple
Granny Smith - ALMA

Granny Smith - ALMA

Granny Smith - APPLE SPECIES:APPLE Origin:Australia Tree:The tree has a strong and semi-upright growth habit Fruit:The fruit is semi-large, juicy, sour and partly thick-shelled. The flesh is crisp Pollinator:Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Fuji, Gala grubu Harvest time:Late October
Pink Lady Alma

Pink Lady Alma

*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global *Biological Farming *All Sizes *Demanded packaging type can be applied *From Denizli, Türkiye *For further information please get in contact with us
Idared almák

Idared almák

We have been supplying fresh fruits and vegetables to retail networks throughout Europe for many years. We specialize in exports of apples, pears, plums, cherries, strawberries, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and other products. We buy them directly from farmers with whom we sign long-term supply contracts. It enables us to ensure consignment continuity. Our products can be packed in any way according to our client's request as we own a packaging production facility. Varieties:Idared Availability:10 000 tons
Friss almák - Friss almák Törökországból

Friss almák - Friss almák Törökországból

High quality fresh apples, origin: Turkey, varieties: Gala, Granny smith, Golden, Red delicious, Fuji.


Royal Gala and Fuji Apple SPECIFICATIONS Variety Royal Gala Apple and Fuji Apple FlavorSmooth skin with light red color, high sugar with sweet taste, very firm and juicy. Size 32/36/40/44 (for 10kg/carton) 64/72/80/88/100/113/125/138/ 150/163/175/198 (for 18kg/carton and 20kg/carton) Color Red Cold Storage Temperature ±2°C Place of Origin South Africa MOQ2*40RH packing 10kg/carton.Size 32/36/40/44 for Europe market.(2054cartons) 18kg/carton. Size 80/88/100 for Indonesia.(1160cartons or 1186cartons) Size 100/113/125/138 for Dubai Market. (1186cartons) 20kg/carton.Size 138/150/163/175/198 for Middleeast market. (1186cartons) 2) GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLE SPECIFICATIONS kinds golden delicious apples 2. Apple size 88100/113/125/138/150 3. Apple packing 18kg/ctn, 20kg/ctnsProducts Information 1.Golden apple The skin of bagged fruit is yellow–green and the surface of fruit is very clean . It tastes sweet , crunchy, juicy. 2.Specification (size)
Royal Gala almák

Royal Gala almák

Apples Royal Gala Bright red colour rich in light red on a yellow based veining smooth and clean peel; truncated cone shape; small-medium sized; ideal as a snack; yellow-creamy pulp. The apple is crunchy and juicy with low acidity, sweet aroma. Crossed from the varieties Kidd’s Orange x Golden Delicious.
Golden Delicious - Friss Lengyel Almák

Golden Delicious - Friss Lengyel Almák

Świeże Polskie Jabłka, pochodzenie Grójec, różne odmiany, różny kaliber, różne opakowania, cena do negocjacji, płatność przedpłata lub L/C, zamówienia pełno samochodowe, FCA, DAP, CIF
Friss gyümölcs, almák, körték, cseresznyék, szilvák, mirabellák - REGIONÁLIS a Régi Földről

Friss gyümölcs, almák, körték, cseresznyék, szilvák, mirabellák - REGIONÁLIS a Régi Földről

Frisches Obst - Aus dem Alten Land - Ob Äpfel, Birnen, Kirschen, Zweschgen oder Mirabellen - Für den Handel, Gastro oder Industrie.
Bio Opal alma

Bio Opal alma

C'est une pomme de caractère à la chair ferme et sucrée à souhait. Irrésistible, elle se croque à pleines dents et elle nous comble de gourmandise. Sous sa robe de couleur jaune blushé se cache une chair blanche et extrêmement aromatique dévoilant une saveur gourmande et très sucrée. Légèrement acidulée, on l’apprécie surtout à la croque et cuite au four. Poids:4kg Prix:11,00 € TTC
Alma termékek (Eredet: Olaszország)

Alma termékek (Eredet: Olaszország)

Getrocknete Äpfel sind in einer Vielzahl von Varianten und in verschiedenen Qualitäten verfügbar: Es gibt konventionelle Ware, Bio-Produkte und für Babynahrung geeignete Apfelprodukte. Bei der Herstellung von Babynahrung ist es entscheidend, dass die Zutaten rigorosen Qualitätskontrollen standhalten und die Zubereitung schonend bei relativ niedrigen Temperaturen erfolgt.


Friss alma - Török alma

Friss alma - Török alma

We supply Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Rosy Glow, Gala variety apples.
Almák - Gyümölcsök - Fajta: Fuji mosott

Almák - Gyümölcsök - Fajta: Fuji mosott

Fuji is a red/orange colour very firm and juicy. Its fragrant taste sweet and gentle makes the Fuji apple enjoyable and very refreshing.
alma - friss alma

alma - friss alma

gala, starking, grannysmith, golden, scarlet, red apple, green apple
Friss almák nagykereskedelme

Friss almák nagykereskedelme

Grossiste fruits du verger: tous types de pommes fruits Notre savoir-faire nous permet d’adapter notre service à toutes les cibles du marché : restauration, hôtellerie, vente au détail, industries… Nous mettons à la vente des fruits et des légumes de tous types. Nous travaillons avec un excellent réseau de producteurs et de maraîchers Nous assurons la disponibilité des fruits et des légumes de saison et bio. N’hésitez pas à passer votre commande.
Almák Royal Gala - Almák Gala Schniga Schnico

Almák Royal Gala - Almák Gala Schniga Schnico

We offer apples Royal Gala. All calibres and packaging (wooden boxes, bushels).
Almák - Nagykereskedelmi almák

Almák - Nagykereskedelmi almák

Style: Fresh Type: Pome Fruit Variety: Fuji Apple Cultivation Type: Common Certification: GAP,FDA,CE,HACCP Size: 70cm+ / 80mm+ / 85mm+ Place of Origin: China Supply Ability: 300 Ton/Tons per Month Packaging Details: Carton Box
Friss Almák Gyümölcs Alma, a háziasított Malus fa gyümölcse

Friss Almák Gyümölcs Alma, a háziasított Malus fa gyümölcse

Apple, fruit of the domesticated tree Malus domestica (family Rosaceae), one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. The apple is a pome (fleshy) fruit, in which the ripened ovary and surrounding tissue both become fleshy and edible. When harvested, apples are usually roundish, 5–10 cm (2–4 inches) in diameter, and some shade of red, green, or yellow in colour; they vary in size, shape, and acidity depending on the variety. There are several varieties of apples. The main varieties are: Golden, Granny Smith, Red Chief, Gala and Fuji. Availability In The Market: •January (In Storage) •February (In Storage) •March (In Storage) •April (In Storage) •May (In Storage) •August •September •October •November (In Storage) •December (In Storage) Cargo Type: •Ship •Truck •Airplane
Almák és Édes Cseresznye

Almák és Édes Cseresznye

AniTa and Fruitball are the trademarks of Sadi Donbassa LTD, the largest producer of apples and cherries in eastern Ukraine. We sell our products to supermarket chains and on the export market.
Friss Alma Red Delicious - GLN 8684172952118

Friss Alma Red Delicious - GLN 8684172952118

Celebi Fruit Co
Almapite Csoport

Almapite Csoport

Weißt Du noch früher? Als Du nach dem Toben auf dem Spielplatz mit den anderen Kindern völlig ausgehungert nach Hause gekommen bist und Oma schon mit ihrem weltbesten Apfelkuchen – am liebsten noch mit Streuseln und Pudding – auf Dich gewartet hat? Der Duft frisch gebackenen Kuchens lag schon in weiter Ferne in der Luft, das Wasser ist Dir bereits im Munde zusammengelaufen, weil Du den ersten Bissen gar nicht abwarten konntest: Saftig und lecker! Damit jetzt gar nicht erst der Spruch “Früher war alles besser” kommt, stehen unsere Apple Cluster schon für Dich bereit. Schlag deswegen am besten sofort zu und kaufe leckere Kindheitserinnerungen ein.
Nestlé Cerelac – Búza Alma

Nestlé Cerelac – Búza Alma

Wir stellen vor: Nestle Cerelac Weizenapfel (Stufe 1) – ein köstlicher Start in die Reise Ihres Babys! Nestle Cerelac Weizenapfel (Stufe 1) 2×300 g Multipack ist die perfekte Wahl für liebevolle Eltern, die für ihre Kleinen nur das Beste wollen. Vollgepackt mit gesunden Köstlichkeiten und sorgfältig zubereitet, sorgt dieses köstliche Multipack für ein köstliches kulinarisches Abenteuer für die Geschmacksknospen Ihres Babys.
VAGY ALMALEVES - Friss alma juice automatája

VAGY ALMALEVES - Friss alma juice automatája

OR Apple Juice è un distributore automatico rivoluzionario e unico nel suo genere, in grado di erogare succo di mela appena centrifugato da mele fresche direttamente al bicchiere, in pochi secondi. È isolato ermeticamente e con un grande stock per 55 kg di mele, per la fornitura di circa 110 bicchieri di succo di mela fresco (2-3 mele per bicchiere). Vanta un processo di pulizia interna automatico e programmabile con getti d'acqua ad alta pressione, un pannello di controllo facilmente accessibile ed è compatibile con i più moderni sistemi di pagamento (contanti e senza contanti). Gradevole, rinfrescante e ricco di vitamine, il succo fresco di mela è una bevanda da sorseggiare in ogni momento della giornata. Espandi il tuo business dando ai tuoi clienti un’alternativa, o in combinazione con i noti distributori automatici di spremuta fresca Oranfresh®.
Sunpride Alma Juice 1000 Ml - 100% Természetes Alma Juice

Sunpride Alma Juice 1000 Ml - 100% Természetes Alma Juice

A unique taste, picked from Turkey's apple orchards, squeezed and taken its place on the tables.


FRUIT ROLL (rouleaux de fruits) ÊTES-VOUS PRÊT POUR UNE RÉVOLUTION FRUITÉE ? Nos Fruit Roll sont une alternative saine. 100% de fruits et rien d’autre. Ni sucres ajoutés, ni colorants, ni conservateurs, ni additifs : quoi dire de plus ? Le snack plaisir parfait n’importe quand et n’importe où ! DDM:12 mois Poids Net:30g (3 x rouleaux de 10g) Conditionnement:x24