Zitronen Eistee zum Selbermachen
Die Eisteemischung eignet sich perfekt als zuckerfreies Kaltgetränk für Deinen Sommer 2022.
Vorteile der Teemischungen von Tropical Tea
All unsere Tees sind zu 100 % zuckerfrei, vegan, werden in Deutschland produziert & wir verwenden ausschließlich hochwertige Bio Zutaten.
Geschmack & Geruch der Eisteemischung
99 % aller Tester sind überwältigt von dem unglaublich aromatischen Geruch & der vollendeten Süße der Tees. Das Ergebnis erreichen wir ohne chemische Zusatzstoffe, Geschmacksverstärker oder Industriezucker!
Überzeuge Dich jetzt selbst von dem Zitronen Eistee von Tropical Tea.
Royal Beverages LLC is your trusted partner for a wide selection of high-quality, refreshing beverages, designed to meet the needs of consumers and businesses alike. Our portfolio includes an extensive range of beverages, from soft drinks and energy drinks to juices, flavored waters, and premium craft sodas. With a commitment to excellence, we deliver top-tier products that stand out for their taste, quality, and sustainability.
Key Features:
Diverse Product Range: We offer a comprehensive selection of beverages, including carbonated soft drinks, natural juices, energy drinks, flavored waters, and craft sodas, ensuring there’s something for every preference.
Premium Quality: Our products are sourced from trusted, reputable manufacturers, ensuring exceptional taste, high-quality ingredients, and consistent production standards.
Custom Solutions for Businesses: Whether you're a retailer, distributor, or restaurant, Royal Beverages provides tailored beverage solutions that fit your needs. We offer flexible ordering, efficient delivery, and product recommendations based on your market.
Sustainability Focus: We prioritize eco-friendly practices, from sustainable sourcing to recyclable packaging, ensuring that our products contribute to a healthier planet.
Competitive Pricing: With bulk purchasing options and strategic partnerships, we offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
Wide Appeal for Consumers: Our diverse selection appeals to a broad demographic, ensuring there's a perfect option for all tastes and occasions.
Reliable Distribution Network: We provide fast and efficient delivery to businesses, helping you maintain optimal stock levels and ensuring a smooth supply chain.
Health-Conscious Options: We offer healthier alternatives like low-sugar drinks, natural juices, and functional beverages with added benefits such as vitamins, electrolytes, and energy-boosting properties.
Superior Customer Service: Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist with product selection, ordering, and any logistical needs, offering personalized service at every step.
Brand Recognition: Partnering with Royal Beverages means aligning your business with a reputable brand known for quality and customer satisfaction.
IceTea Pfirsich
- Aus frisch aufgebrühtem Tee
- Energiewert 27 kcal pro 100ml
- Enthält durchschnittlich zwischen 40-60 mg/l Koffein
- Erhältlich in den Gebindearten 2,0l Tetra Rex | 1,5l PET | 0,5l PET | 0,33l Dose
Pfanner IceTea Pfirsich wird aus erlesenen Schwarzteesorten nach höchsten Qualitätsansprüchen direkt aufgebrüht. Hagebutten und Hibiskusblüten runden die feinherbe Schwarzteebasis ausgewogen ab. Fruchtiger Pfirsichsaft verfeinert Pfanner IceTea Pfirsich zu einem erfrischenden Geschmackserlebnis. Die sorgfältig ausgewählten Teesorten werden bei Pfanner aus Tradition direkt aufgebrüht. Durch die schonende Zubereitung kommt der charakteristische, vollmundige Teegeschmack besonders gut zur Geltung.
Balm Leaf, Lemon Peel, New Spring, Ginger, Clove, Lemon Flavor, Beet Sugar, Water
Mix two or three of our cube-shaped tea into 100 ml of boiled water. Your tea is ready to drink.
Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Preservative, thickener, etc. does not contain chemicals.
Grüner Tee wird - anders als schwarzer Tee - nicht fermentiert. Er spiegelt dadurch am allerbesten die Blattform der Ursprungspflanze Camellia sinensis wieder.
Durch die schonende Verarbeitung bleiben zahlreiche Mineralstoffe und Vitamine in den Teeblättern enthalten. Grüner Tee enthält den Bitterstoff Teein, der uns über das Nervensystem stimuliert und anregt.
Die trockenen Teeblätter enthalten ähnlich viel Teein wie Koffein im Kaffee. Allerdings findet die Freisetzung des Stoffes im Körper langsamer statt, sodass der Eindruck entsteht, länger fit und wach zu sein. Der Teeingehalt ist abhängig von der Teesorte, Jahreszeit, Ernte, Wassertemperatur und der Ziehzeit.
Seit mehreren tausend Jahren wird die Teepflanze in China angebaut und zu grünem Tee verarbeitet. Damit ist China das älteste teeproduzierende Land der Welt und Spitzenreiter der Teekultur. Kein anderes Land baut annähernd so viel Tee an.
Mettre la quantité désirée d’infusion
dans un sachet ou une boule à thé.
Ajouter un corps gras
(type huile de chanvre, lait végétal ou animal)
Laisser infuser 5 minutes.
Solo agrega agua y disfruta de los beneficios de la Maca y el Café:
Aumenta la productividad Laboral
Evita la fatiga y el estrés
Mejora la concentración
Eleva el estado de ánimo
Aumenta la resistencia física
Mejora la memoria y el aprendizaje
la farina ottenuta dalla macinazione dei semi d'uva è ricca
di fibre. Per secoli si è creduto che l'uva, come il miele, avesse
proprietà curative. Alcune persone credono che i suoi principi attivi
penetrino facilmente nel sangue e vengano rapidamente assorbiti
dall'organismo, migliorando la circolazione sanguigna periferica e
ripristinando l'attività perduta dei capillarUsi: la farina di semi d'uva può essere utilizzata come aggiunta a
frullati, yogurt, vari tipi di latte, muesli, zuppe e dessert. Può essere
utilizzato e aggiunto a pane, pizza o dolci. Conferisce un leggero
sapore di nocciola al cibo. È sufficiente sostituire uno o due cucchiai
di farina di frumento. Si trova spesso nella composizione di prodotti
cosmetici come creme e maschere. Puoi usarlo per preparare
maschere viso fatte in casa per nutrire, lenire e rinfrescare la pelle.
Confezione:500g, 1000g e sfuso
Rosehip fruit, Hibuscus (Pomegranate Flower), Hibuscus extract, Beet sugar, Water
Mix two or three of our cube-shaped tea into 100 ml of boiled water. Your tea is ready to drink.
Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Preservative, thickener, etc. does not contain chemicals.
Linden flower, Linden Leaf, Turmeric, Clove, Cinnamon, Galangal, New Spring, Hibuscus extract, Beet sugar, Water
Mix two or three of our cube-shaped tea into 100 ml of boiled water. Your tea is ready to drink.
Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Preservative, thickener, etc. does not contain chemicals.
Rosehip fruit, Hibuscus (Pomegranate Flower), Hibuscus extract, Beet sugar, Water
Mix two or three of our cube-shaped tea into 100 ml of boiled water. Your tea is ready to drink.
Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Preservative, thickener, etc. does not contain chemicals.
Ginger, Propolis, Turmeric, Lemon Peel, Beet Sugar, Water Preparation Suggestion
Mix two or three of our cube-shaped tea into 100 ml of boiled water. Your tea is ready to drink.
Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Preservative, thickener, etc. does not contain chemicals.
Linden flower, Linden Leaf, Turmeric, Clove, Cinnamon, Galangal, New Spring, Hibuscus extract, Beet sugar, Water
Mix two or three of our cube-shaped tea into 100 ml of boiled water. Your tea is ready to drink.
Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Preservative, thickener etc. does not contain chemicals.
Cinnamon, Propolis, Ginger, New Spring, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Clove, Galangal, Beet sugar, Water
Mix two or three of our cube-shaped tea into 100 ml of boiled water. Your tea is ready to drink.
Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Preservative, thickener, etc. does not contain chemicals.
Rosehip fruit, Hibuscus (Pomegranate Flower), Hibuscus extract, Beet sugar, Water
Mix two or three of our cube-shaped tea into 100 ml of boiled water. Your tea is ready to drink.
Keep closed in a cool and dry place. Preservative, thickener etc. does not contain chemicals.