Termékek bulk nyers gyapjú (49)

Hosszú Kókuszrost (Coir)

Hosszú Kókuszrost (Coir)

Renowned for its versatility and natural strength, long coconut fiber, or coir, serves a wide range of purposes due to its remarkable properties. Agriculture and Horticulture: Coir is an excellent growing medium, retaining moisture while allowing good airflow to plant roots. It is also used as mulch to conserve soil moisture, prevent erosion, and control weeds. Gardening: Frequently used in the production of plant pots, liners, and hanging baskets, coir provides excellent moisture retention and drainage, promoting healthier plant growth. Industrial Applications Ropes and Cables: Known for its durability, coir is perfect for manufacturing strong, long-lasting ropes and cables. Bags and Mats: Its resilience makes it a popular material for creating bags, mats, and carpets.


We can supply: COTTON WASTE BALES. POST INDUSTRIAL. Can load in 1x40’HC container approx. 20 MT (± 10%). Ready for shipment. Photos available upon request. If you are interested kindly contact us for more information (price, available quantity etc.). You are welcome to visit our company premises and supervise our materials. Best Regards, Karatsialis G. Athanasios Sales Manager Tel: +30 2310 681103 - Skype: Karatsialis.Athanasios info(at)karatsialis.gr - www.karatsialis.gr Certificate ISO: 9001, ISO: 14001, OHSAS 45001, AQSIQ and CCIC. COTTON WASTE:BALES
Újrahasznosított, multicolor polipropilén szálak

Újrahasznosított, multicolor polipropilén szálak

Proviene de desechos textiles de polipropileno, colores mezclados que dan una uniformidad de color grisáceo.
Nyers fekete bio kender

Nyers fekete bio kender

Mortalhas Raw black organic hemp King Size Mortalhas por Pacote: 32
Psyllium Héjpor 99% Biológiai - Psyllium Héjpor 99% Biológiai

Psyllium Héjpor 99% Biológiai - Psyllium Héjpor 99% Biológiai

"Premium Psyllium Husk Poeder 99% Biologisch Psyllium Husks (psyllii testa) is afkomstig van de zaden van de plantago ovata plant. De plant komt oorspronkelijk uit Noord-Afrika, India, Pakistan en Afghanistan. De voornaamste productie vindt plaats in India en Pakistan. Na het oogsten worden de zaden verwerkt tot vezels. Meer informatie over psyllium husks of psyllium hulzen is te vinden op de informatiepagina. Psyllium Husk Poeder 99% Biologisch van VehGro is een biologisch gecertificeerd product van premium kwaliteit. Je weet dankzij dit certificaat, dat wat je koopt, tot stand is gekomen met oog en zorg voor mens en natuur. VehGro staat voor producten, die gezond zijn en van de hoogste kwaliteit. De door ons geselecteerde (biologische) natuurproducten komen uit diverse regio's in de wereld. Alle producten worden in Europa gecontroleerd en…"


Holzpellets 6 mm sind eine bequeme, wirtschaftliche und effiziente Möglichkeit, Ihr Zuhause oder Ihr Unternehmen mit Haushalts- und Naturbrennstoffen zu heizen. Holzpellets der Güteklasse A1 Durchmesser: 6–8 mm Geringer Staubgehalt < 1 % Hoher Ascheschmelzpunkt > 1200 °C Hergestellt aus den besten Urwäldern Hartholz- und Weichholzpellets 6 mm: Hartholz wie Ahorn, Eiche, Birke und Esche. Und wir alle wissen, dass wir Nadelhölzer wie Kiefern, Tannen und Fichten verwenden. Kaufen Sie Holzpellets 6mm. Verbrauch europäischer Holzpellets: Der größte Teil des Verbrauchs entfällt auf die Wärmeerzeugung – 61,8 %. Der Verbrauch von Pellets zur Wärmeerzeugung lässt sich weiter in drei Märkte unterteilen: Wohnraumheizung (69 %), gewerbliche Heizung (19 %) und Wärme aus Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (12 %). Die restlichen 38,2 % der Holzpellets wurden zur Energieerzeugung genutzt. Es ist zu beachten, dass Technologien zur Energieerzeugung aus Pellets für Wärme, Strom oder beides ausgereift Durchmesser:6–8 mm
VG Titans W65-L Textured Wheat Protein

VG Titans W65-L Textured Wheat Protein

VG Titans W65-L Textured Wheat Protein offers a high-quality plant-based protein solution for food manufacturers looking to create innovative meatless products. This dry, extruded product hydrates to form a texture similar to meat, making it suitable for use in a wide range of applications, including burgers, sausages, and cold cuts. Its high protein content and versatility make it an essential ingredient for enhancing the nutritional profile of both plant-based and traditional meat products. Produced from non-GMO wheat, VG Titans W65-L is crafted with a focus on sustainability and health. This textured wheat protein is ideal for companies aiming to meet the growing consumer demand for vegan and vegetarian foods. Its adaptability and ease of use in various recipes make it a valuable component for expanding product lines and catering to diverse dietary preferences.
Marokkói bio sáfrány - Nagykereskedelmi sáfrány

Marokkói bio sáfrány - Nagykereskedelmi sáfrány

Producteur safran qualité supérieure. Grossiste Safran bio pur. Fournisseur de safran certifié bio.
Vaníliababok - Gazdaságos & Autentikus

Vaníliababok - Gazdaságos & Autentikus

Nos graines de vanille épuisées, issues de gousses après extraction, offrent les caractéristiques taches brunes emblématiques tout en préservant une apparence authentique. Idéales pour les fabricants commerciaux et industriels souhaitant ajouter de l'attrait visuel à des produits laitiers à étiquette propre, de la glace et d'autres aliments sans compromettre la certification biologique. Couleur:Noire Texture:graines fines, rondes, uniformes, bien séchés avec fibrines Arôme:Aucun Taille:300µ Taux d'humidité:Moins de 5%
Prémium marhahús májpúder (Élelmiszer minőség)

Prémium marhahús májpúder (Élelmiszer minőség)

We have been asked over and over again for a pure beef liver powder, ask no more. We have sourced yet again another premium quality product. This 100% pure beef liver powder is a great addition to any bait, great for pretty much any bait application. This highly attractive/Soluble liver powder has a whopping 67% protein level along with great palpability and nutritional properties hence being used in the fishing bait/feed industry for as long as we can remember, definitely not one to be missed, especially during the colder months. Recommended inclusion level is up to 100g per kg base mix, depending on other solubles being used within your mix. Great multi-range product, useful for feed applications/ spod/stick/base/pellet mixes etc. Moisture 5% Protein 67% Ash 6% Fat 20%
Cékla Liszt Nagy Zsák

Cékla Liszt Nagy Zsák

Имаме удоволствието да Ви представим меласирана каша от цвекло с отлично качество. Нашите продукти са внимателно подбрани и предлагани на атрактивни цени. Минимална поръчка от 22 тона, плащане след доставка на стоката. Цена: • 990 PLN/тон - с доставка в провинцията. Podlaskie/Mazowieckie. Основни характеристики на нашата меласирана каша от цвекло: • Диаметър: 10 мм, • Big Bag опаковка (1 тон), • Сухо вещество: минимум 86%, • Захароза: 7-10%, • Протеин: до 9,7%. Доставка: • Лично вземане в Małaszewicze (близо до Бяла Подляска). • Доставка с пълни камиони до посочен адрес в Полша и Европейския съюз. Моля, свържете се с нас. Допълнителна информация: • Офертата идва от полска фирма; • Възможност за издаване на фактура по ДДС. Обадете ни се и ни уведомете мястото за доставка и ние ще изчислим цената. Ние гарантираме кратки срокове за доставка и професионално обслужване. минимална поръчка:23 тона
Szárított Tollak 1000g

Szárított Tollak 1000g

Les prunes séchées sont incluses dans les fruits secs et les noix. Il peut être consommé comme collation ou ingrédient de nombreux plats. Les fruits de prune séchés sont une source précieuse de nutriments, en particulier les fibres et les polyphénols. Ils présentent une riche source de vitamines, de minéraux et de composés phyto. Vitamine A, E, K, C, du groupe B, acide pantothénique, potassium, phosphore, fer, calcium, magnésium, zinc, tout cela est contenu dans les prunes séchées. De plus, les fruits contiennent des composés polyphénoliques qui sont de forts antioxydants. Les clichés séchés sont considérés comme l'une des meilleures mesures naturelles de constipation. Grâce aux fibres, ils améliorent le péristaltisme intestinal. Le sorbitol contenu dans les fruits crée l'environnement pour le développement de la flore bactérienne nécessaire. Une quantité trop importante de prunes consommées à la fois peut provoquer des flatulences et une diarrhée.
Nagykereskedelmi méz

Nagykereskedelmi méz

Sachet de 100g de rooibos miel en vrac


It is a young goat fine mohair Fine Mohair is a wool obtained from the fleece of the Angora goat, one of the most luxurious natural fibres. Also, like sheep's wool, having the property of regulation of body heat (in cold weather and in hot weather), mohair is a silky fibre of exceptional softness with a remarkable natural sheen and very high strength. It is an ideal fibre for spinning for wearing next to the skin. In this connection it is also often mixed with silk. Our fine young goat Mohair has a thickness of 30 - 31 microns and an approximate length of 100 mm. It comes from South Africa, the place of production best known for its great expertise. Washing in Verviers (Belgium) Washed Mohair in 1 kg packs : 19
Kastíliai juhgyapjú - piszkos gyapjú, gyapjú, nyers gyapjú, zsíros gyapjú

Kastíliai juhgyapjú - piszkos gyapjú, gyapjú, nyers gyapjú, zsíros gyapjú

En Ovintegral Iberia estamos especializados en el trabajo de mejora y selección de lana procedente de ganaderías de oveja Castellana. Disponemos de lana sucia tanto en blanco (24-28 micras) como en marrón (26-28 micras). Sólo trabajamos con ganaderías socias de la Asociación Nacional de Ovino de Raza Castellana
Török fehér gyapjú mosva és tisztítva 100% No.104 30-32 mikron

Török fehér gyapjú mosva és tisztítva 100% No.104 30-32 mikron

Turkish white wool washed and cleaned 100% No.104 30-32 micron for carpets with - Turkish white wool washed and cleaned 100% No.104 30-32 micron for carpets with a length of 4-5 inches.
Kézzel fonott gyapjú az alpaka szálából

Kézzel fonott gyapjú az alpaka szálából

Sie haben Alpakas und möchten Ihre eigene Wolle produzieren lassen? Ich betreibe eine Handspinnerei, wo das Vlies gewaschen, kardiert und versponnen wird. Auf Wunsch biete ich auch Strickservice an. Die Wolle kann 2-6 fädig bestellt werden. Verschiedene Stärken und Arten ( Sockenwolle, die etwas fester ist oder ganz weiche Wolle für Hauben und Schals, die allerdings nicht so strapazfähig ist )
Merinó gyapjú - Mosott merinó gyapjú

Merinó gyapjú - Mosott merinó gyapjú

100% pamut fésült nyers fehér fonal kötéshez

100% pamut fésült nyers fehér fonal kötéshez

Numerations: Nm 50/1, Nm 60/1 and Nm 70/1
Chenille Fonál

Chenille Fonál

The chenille yarn is used mainly for decorative fabrics, blankets, home textile, embroidery, tassels, and rugs. Knitters love the velvety, soft texture of chenille yarn. These heavy weight yarns will knit up fast, helping you create beautiful garments, accessories, blankets, and home decor items quickly. We produce both classic and novelty chenille, which can be used for apparel, knits and weaving. The chenille yarn is used mainly for decorative fabrics, embroidery, tassels, and rugs.
Textilipari Nyersanyagok

Textilipari Nyersanyagok

Laza Gyapjú 'Izolux Premium' - Az 'Izolux Premium' laza gyapjú egy környezetbarát szigetelőanyag.

Laza Gyapjú 'Izolux Premium' - Az 'Izolux Premium' laza gyapjú egy környezetbarát szigetelőanyag.

"Izolux Premium" lose Wolle ist eine ökologische freundliches Isolationsmaterial, das aus reinem besteht Basaltstein, ohne Beimengungen von Koks und Schlacke, und Enthält kein phenolisches Bindemittel. Das Produkt hat auch wasserabweisende Eigenschaften, ist langlebig und nicht brennbar, Daher wird es in einem weiten Temperaturbereich (von -180 ° C bis + 800 ° C) eingesetzt. Anwendung: Das Material wird zur allgemeinen Isolierung, zur Isolierung verschiedener Arten verwendet Ausrüstungen, Bauwerke und Rohrleitungen im Industriebau und Schiffbau
Poliészter szálgömbök - PES és rPET szálgömbök párnázáshoz és bútorok kárpitozásához

Poliészter szálgömbök - PES és rPET szálgömbök párnázáshoz és bútorok kárpitozásához

Neaustima produces fibre balls for cushions, upholstery furniture, toys.
Nem vas fémgyapot | Rézgyapot, Sárgarézgyapot, Alumíniumgyapot

Nem vas fémgyapot | Rézgyapot, Sárgarézgyapot, Alumíniumgyapot

Staalwol is algemeen bekend, maar het is ook mogelijk om vezels te produceren uit non-ferro metalen zoals koper, messing en aluminium. Naast diverse materialen bieden wij u verschillende vezeldiktes en -lengtes aan, afhankelijk van uw wensen.
Rayon Szőnyeg Fonál

Rayon Szőnyeg Fonál

Rayon yarn is produced through a process using cellulose from wood or cotton. Because it uses raw materials that are natural resources, it is considered semi-synthetic. It is the oldest manufactured fiber in the world, dating back to the late 1800's. It can be used to make a huge range of consumer products – in rugs you see it called – Spun Viscose. Rayon is breathable, cool and takes color easily.
Fapellet 15kg Zsák

Fapellet 15kg Zsák

Holzpellets aus Holzresten Pellets eignen sich besonders für die Verfeuerung in automatischen Zentralheizungen oder Pellet-Kaminöfen
Juta fonal

Juta fonal

THRONE TEXTILE IMPORTS CRM-CRT-CRX-CRP QUALITY JUTE YARNS USED IN THE CARPET PRODUCTION. DOMESTIC SHIPMENT OF JUTE OCCURS WITH JUMBO BOBBINS. WE CONSTANTLY HOLD IN THE STOCK PRODUCTS TO SUPPLY CUSTOMERS' REQUESTS.THESE PRODUCTS ARE AS 10 LBS / 1 PLY (2850 MKG / 1 PLY) Jute Yarn 11 LBS / 2 PLY (2600 MKG / 2 PLY) Jute Yarn 12 LBS / 1 PLY (2400 MKG / 1 PLY) Jute Yarn 12 LBS / 2 PLY (2400 MKG / 2 PLY) Jute Yarn 13 LBS / 1 PLY (2200 MKG / 1 PLY) Jute Yarn 13 LBS / 2 PLY (2200 MKG / 2 PLY) Jute Yarn 16 LBS / 1 PLY(1800 MKG / 1 PLY) Jute Yarn 16 LBS / 2 PLY (1800 MKG / 2 PLY) Jute Yarn 18 LBS / 1 PLY ( 1600 MKG / 1 PLY) Jute Yarn 20 LBS / 1 PLY (1440 MKG / 1 PLY) Jute Yarn 20 LBS / 2 PLY ( 1440 MKG / 2 PLY ) Jute Yarn 24 LBS / 1 PLY ( 1200 MKG / 1 PLY ) Jute Yarn 24 LBS / 2 PLY (1200 MKG / 2 PLY) Jute Yarn 26 LBS / 1 PLY (1107 MKG / 1 PLY) Jute Yarn
Panko - Japán Panko

Panko - Japán Panko

Découvrez notre gamme de Panko, idéale pour ajouter une touche croustillante à vos plats favoris. Confectionné à partir d'ingrédients locaux et durables, notre Panko est plus aéré que la chapelure conventionnelle, absorbant moins de graisse, tout en apportant encore plus de croustillant à vos recettes. Disponible en conditionnements de 2 kg et 12,5 kg.
Búzaliszt, magas minőség, csomagolt

Búzaliszt, magas minőség, csomagolt

We offer wheat flour from the best Ukrainian farmers. The products are ready for export and meet all technical conditions, which is confirmed by certificates of quality and conformity. Packaging: 1 kg, 2 kg and 5 kg Country of manufacture: Ukraine Label: From manufacturer or Private label Composition (per 100 g) Calories, kcal: 342 Proteins, g: 9.2 Fats, g: 1.2 Carbohydrates, g: 74.9 Wheat flour of the highest grade is characterized by the smallest particle size – no more than 40 microns – and the almost complete absence of fiber and particles of the shell of each grain. This makes the flour very soft and airy, but from a dietary point of view, this variety is the least useful. It contains a lot of calories, which are in no way compensated by fiber, but are neighbors with gluten. For all their culinary appeal, products made from high-grade wheat flour are delicacies with very little benefit. Packaging – from 1 kg, any packaging design is possible.
Vegyes fából készült fa pellet

Vegyes fából készült fa pellet

Moisture ≤ 5% Calorific Content 4600 - 5100 Kcal/Kg Density 600-800Kgs/CBM Diameter 6mm - 8mm Packing 15kg Plastic Bag / 1000kg Big Bags Usage Cooking Fuel - Heating System BRAND Per Customer Request