The gas removed from biogas digestion or fermentation units can be heavily contaminated with foam particles, various particulate matter and water vapour. A pre-filtration of the gas (often adequate enough) can be achieved with the use of an ennox gravel filter.
The gas flows through the ennox gravel filter layer where large particulate matter and water vapour is left behind. The water collects at the bottom of the filter where it can be drained with a siphon assembly.
Following heavy contamination of the gravel filter the spraying unit can be used for rinsing, avoiding the need for opening the digester unit. As an option a gravel removal opening can be installed.
Maxant® PWR is a silicone antifoam emulsion
which offers excellent knockdown and durability.
It is highly effective even at low level of usage.
Maxant® PWR is stable in high acidic and
alkaline formulations. It can be used in clear
Recommended usage level for Maxant® PWR is
0,01- 0,5 %.
A very good conditioning agent especially when
formulated into;
Clear liquid laundry detergent
Liquid dishwashing detergent
Glass cleaners
Fabric softeners
General purpose cleaners
Permanent foam cut off
Rapid foam knock-down
Foam inhibition in extreme temperatures (up to
95 °C)
Long term foam inhibition
Compatibility with wetting agents
Ease in forming dispersions in all foaming
Ease in forming dispersions in hard
Long durability in acidic and alkaline
Can be used in clear formulations
Appearance:White viscous liquid
Viscosity at 25°C:3000 - 7500 cP
pH at 25°C:6,00 – 7,50
Ionic Character:Non-ionic
Riguarda la fornitura, il montaggio e la manutenzione o ristrutturazione d’impianti traspor- tatori, ascensori, scale mobili, di sollevamento e di trasporto completi di ogni connessa opera muraria, complementare o accessoria, da realizzarsi in opere generali che siano state già realizzate o siano in corso di costruzione.
Codice:OS 4
Areas of Usage: These multiple wire bare copper or tinned copper cables, produced with flame retardant durable PVC are used in the installation of motor vehicles.
CROSS SECTION (Cu):2,50 mm²
(Cu):50x0,24 mm
Biological based concrete stain and
cement remover for resistant paving
and flooring of natural and concrete
Fast and reliable removal of
concrete-, cement-, lime- and
efflorescence stains.
Omron products we supply;
Na5-12W101B-V1 Omron Touch Screen Hmı
Nx102-9020 Omron Sysmac Nx1 Modular Cpu
Nx102-1200 Omronsysmac Nx1 Modular Cpu
Nx102-1100 Omron Sysmac Nx1 Modular Cpu
Cj2H-Cpu65-Eip Omron Cpu With Built-In Ethernet/Ip Port
Nj301-1100 Omron Sysmac Nj3 Cpu
Nx1021000 Omron Sysmac Nx1 Modular Cpu
Install Dynaco M2/M3 ALL WEATHER high-speed roll-up doors if your building is often exposed to strong winds. Thanks to a superior and tight seal this medium sized high-speed door is wind resistant up to class 5 (M2) or class 4 (M3) of the European standard EN 12424.
The fast door cycle combined with push-pull drive technology ensures uninterrupted continuation of your production, transport or logistic activities, even in bad weather conditions.
Maximum height:H 5.500 mm
Maximum width:W 5.500 mm (M2) - 8.000 mm (M3)
Opening speed:up to 2,4 m/s (M2) - 1,4 m/s (M3)
Closing speed:1,2 m/s (M2) - 0,6 m/s (M3)
Garanti Edilen İçerik (%W/W)
Organik Madde 15
Alginik Asit 0,5
Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)3
pH 8-10
Ürün Özellikleri
Karaca, toz formunda elden edilen deniz yosunu kaynaklı özel enzim, organik ve doğal içerikli mükemmel bir üründür. Giberellik, alginik asit ve sitokiler gibi doğal bitki enzimleri içerir. Toprağa verilen alginik asitler, besin elementlerinin alım etkinliğinin artırılması yanında, bitki bünyesine alınan besin elementlerinin meyve ve tane oluşumuna-dönüşümüne hizmet eder.
L’entreprise ACIMEX conçoit et fabrique divers projets de machine spéciale afin d’améliorer la productivité de ses clients. Zoom sur cet équipement essentiel de la chaîne de production qui permet d’assurer la manutention des charges lourdes en toute sécurité.
À quoi sert la machine spéciale ?
La machine spéciale est un équipement automatisé inclus sur la chaîne de production (ligne de manutention, ligne d’évacuation…) elle est conçue pour déplacer différents types de charges lourdes d’un point A à un point B (zone de stockage). La marque ACIMEX s’est spécialisée dans la fabrication d’installations équipées de ventouses qui détectent le poids, le diamètre et la taille des charges lourdes afin d’assurer leur préhension en toute sécurité et de faciliter ainsi le processus de production.
Une fabrication sur-mesure pour une solution clé en main
Abdeckprofil, zum Schutz der Profilnuten gegen Verschmutzungen. Ermöglicht eine farbliche Gestaltung der Profilkonstruktion.
Gewicht:0,018 kg
CRYO CLEAN s’engage pour la planète avec le nettoyage cryogénique écologique, sans produits chimiques et sans eau, réduisant ainsi les déchets et la pollution.
Nos services s’étendent des machines industrielles aux moteurs de véhicules, dégraissage de tous types d'équipements, offrant une solution propre, sûre et rapide pour une variété d’applications tout en respectant vos salariés.
Le nettoyage cryogénique utilise de la glace carbonique qui ne laisse aucun résidu secondaire. Cela permet un nettoyage rapide sans temps de séchage, rendant les équipements disponibles immédiatement après le nettoyage.
Le nettoyage cryogénique est non abrasif et préserve l'intégrité des machines. Il peut être utilisé sur des composants sensibles sans risque de dommage, prolongeant ainsi la durée de vie de l'équipement.
Nous intervenons dans différents domaines comme : agro alimentaire, plasturgie, pharmaceutique, aéronautique, engins du BTP.
13Cr/4Ni type stainless steel wire
Has high strength combined with excellent toughness and cracking resistance
Resistant to corrosion, erosion, pitting and impact
The operating is smooth
Radiographic weld quality
Flexible single-component mortar that protects and waterproofs all types of construction surfaces, concrete or mortar in the presence of water or humidity. Its flexibility allows it to cover microcracks that form in concrete subjected to deformation. Strong adhesion, impermeability, no shrinkage and excellent workability.
Maximum thickness per layer:1mm
Minimum total thickness:2mm
Consumption:1.25 kg/m2 and mm thickness
FLUXOREV é uma solução de suporte às operações de revista de tecidos em ambiente industrial, desenvolvida pela Infos em parceria com a Fluxodata – Grupo Somelos.
Criada a pensar na diminuição do desperdício e na qualidade da produção têxtil, FLUXOREV é uma solução suporte às operações de revista de tecidos em ambiente industrial.
Desenvolvido de forma a garantir uma completa adaptação aos diferentes requisitos dos cadernos de encargos da sua empresa.
A mesa de revista, enquanto posto de recolha de informação, encontra-se dotada de um ecrã táctil,
- com um interface intuitivo e potente, dinamicamente ajustado aos diferentes cenários de operação,
- garantindo ao operador um elevado rendimento e um dispêndio mínimo de tempo numa tarefa acessória da sua atividade principal.
Ein Hingucker - durch die glasklaren Fahrrohre und Fahrrohrbogen
gleiten die Büchsen für jedermann sichtbar. Gerade im Messebau
bietet der Werkstoff Polymethylmethacrylat viele Möglichkeiten für
ein edles Design. Nicht nur formschön sondern auch halogenfrei,
bietet PMMA neben den optischen Vorteilen auch höchste Ansprüche
in Brandschutzfragen.
Abmessung::90 mm, 110 mm, 160 mm, 200 mm
Radius::300, 550, 650, 750, 800, 1000
Material::Polymethylmethacrylat PMMA (XT)
Rauchgasmenge::sehr gering
Weitere Abmessungen::auf Anfrage
%6 Su da Çözünür bakır içermektedir. organik şelatlıdır. bitkide leke yapmaz. bitkiyi durdurmaz. saha da yapılan çalışmalarda Aliette veya muadili ilaçlar ile karıştırılarak dikimden 10 gün sonra uygulama yapıldığı zaman kök hastalıklarında etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir. üstten 100 lt suya 100-150 gr arasında uygulama yapılır. meyveler de 200-250 gr a kadar çıkılabilir. damlamadan 1 lt uygulama yapabilirsiniz.
CO2 Compact systems are designed for small retail shops and can be manufactured for medium temperature cooling. Based on Carel HECU system for complete management of condensing units fitted with BLDC compressors, these products can be adjusted remotely. The serial connection between the condensing unit and the evaporators controlled by MPXPRO represents one of the main features of this solution, contributing to the energy efficiency and reliability of the entire system. The built-in plug and play interface provides the ability to install and set up the unit extremely quickly and easily.
GREEN SOLUTIONS | This unit is a part of Refra‘s environmentally friendly product group, as it is made using CO2 refrigerant. Such low GWP solutions are designed to have better efficiencies and capacities, as well as less environmental damage.
Innovative Produkte für den Einzelhandel für die offene Auslage.
Jedes Alpha-Produkt hilft dem Einzelhändler, den Diebstahl gezielt einzudämmen und damit seine Rendite zu steigern.
Ob für Textil, Baumarkt, Media, Drogerie oder Lebensmittel – für jede Applikation die richtige Lösung.
Ob Ein-Alarm, Zwei-Alarm oder Drei-Alarm – mit zunehmender Wertigkeit immer das richtige Sicherungselement.
Alpha-Spezialprodukte sind die ideale und unumgängliche Ergänzung zur Warensicherung.