... fejlesztését. A Terra 3E SAS egy nem kimerítő listát azonosított a kutatás-fejlesztési témákról, amelyek célja a meglévő módszerek javítása, és ezek különböző témákba csoportosíthatók: . A geológiai megkötéshez szükséges helyben lévő térfogatbecslések; . A geológiai struktúrák leírása és jellemzése, különösen a sós vízbázisok; . A porózus közegben történő transzferek előrejelzése, beleértve a kőzet...
The gas removed from biogas digestion or fermentation units can be heavily contaminated with foam particles, various particulate matter and water vapour. A pre-filtration of the gas (often adequate enough) can be achieved with the use of an ennox gravel filter.
The gas flows through the ennox gravel filter layer where large particulate matter and water vapour is left behind. The water collects at the bottom of the filter where it can be drained with a siphon assembly.
Following heavy contamination of the gravel filter the spraying unit can be used for rinsing, avoiding the need for opening the digester unit. As an option a gravel removal opening can be installed.
Acciaio, acciaio giapponese, acciaio cobalto. Le forbici Pinin nascono dalla forgiatura e dalla temperatura dell’acciaio con lo scopo di realizzare uno strumento che possa durare nel tempo.
Il nostro Alca 2 è fortemente alcalino e sgrassante, con un minore dosaggio è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti.
Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora.
Il nostro Alca 2 usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie facilmente lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi per una rimozione totale dello sporco, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi con l’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio.
Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
Glucosnova is used diluted in water both by foliar application and by irrigation.
Glucosnova can be used in any crop, especially horticultural crops.
POWER OZ è un sistema di sanificazione automatico che utilizza il forte potere disinfettante e deodorante dell'ozono. Garantisce inattivazione di batteri, muffe e lievitie disinfetta anche i punti dove è più complesso arrivare senza lasciare residui o odori. RASSICURA TE E I TUOI CLIENTI ! Igenizza quotidianamente i tuoi locali Descrizione di PowerOZ- sanificatore ad ozono per gli ambienti Il sistema PowerOz, rappresenta un´innovazione nel campo della generazione di ozono. Fin ora, questi sistemi sono stati utilizzati principalmente a livello industriale, negli ospedali e in ambito terapeutico a causa del loro costo e delle loro dimensioni. Con PowerOz tutto questo è superato. Infatti PowerOz è un prodotto di dimensioni contenute, economico e facile da utilizzare, ma soprattutto sicuro ed efficace per
CO2 Select is a customizable transcritical rack, designed for commercial and industrial applications. It is built on a rigid frame, designed for easy maintenance and durability. A special “reach-in” container option for outdoor installation provides convenient installation and efficient unit service. The cooling capacity of this product ranges from 50 kW to 330 kW, meaning that it can be designed for various applications.
GREEN SOLUTIONS | This unit is a part of Refra‘s environmentally friendly product group, as it is made using CO2 refrigerant. Such low GWP solutions are designed to have better efficiencies and capacities, as well as less environmental damage.
Mineral CO₂ is extracted from the natural sources owned by Geo Gas, which is processed and filtered to a quality of 99.98%, evaluated according to the highest European and world criteria.
CARBOPAL, Pulverkohle zur Behandlung von Flüssigkeiten, ist in den folgenden Qualitäten erhältlich:
• Carbopal MB 4
• Carbopal MB 4N
• Carbopal MB 4S
• Carbopal AP
• Carbopal Gn-A II
• Carbopal Gn-P
Thermische Spritzverfahren
Atmosphärisches Plasmaspritzen
Hochgeschwindigkeits-Flammspritzen (HVOF)
Nachbehandlung von Spritzschichten
Qualitätssicherung von Spritzschichten
Prüfen und Messen der Bauteile
Prüfen auf Rissfreiheit
Messen der Oberflächenhärte
Messen der Oberflächenrauheit
Erstellen eines metallographischen Schliffes
Wird eine Körpergewichtsabnahme mittels Sport und Diät angestrebt, wird Carnitin als Ergänzung empfohlen, um einen besseren Umsatz der Fettsäuren zu erreichen.
Wird eine Körpergewichtsabnahme mittels Sport und Diät angestrebt, wird Carnitin als Ergänzung empfohlen, um einen besseren Umsatz der Fettsäuren zu erreichen, da der Stoffwechsel bei Übergewichtigen in der Regel nicht an die körperliche Leistung angepasst ist.
Insbesondere Ausdauersportler nehmen L-Carnitin häufig als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zu sich, da durch die Einnahme von L-Carnitin Leistungssteigerungen erzielt werden können. Diese Leistungssteigerung bezieht sich auf die Regeneration nach einer großen sportlichen Anstrengung. Carnitin wird im Sport daher als einer der am stärksten wirkenden Leistungsförderer und Fatburner gehandelt.
👉 País de origen: Chile 🇨🇱
✅ Permisos Gubernamentales y Titulo Minero al día ✅
👉 Capacidad de producción: 200.000 t/m mensuales
🤝🏻 Negociación directa con la mina 🤝🏻
👉 Información detallada en la oferta adjunta
¿Interesado❓ Hablemos ❗
Presentación:50 comprimidos
Composición:Citrato de potasio 108,18 mg (equivalentes a 300 mg de Citrato de Potasio), agentes de carga
Modo de empleo:Tomar 3 comprimidos al día, uno antes de cada comida
Dosis diaria recomendada:3 comprimidos
Copper (from the latin word “cuprum”) is a soft, malleable, ductile and highly conductive metal. Its name is given to the fact the metal was principally mined in Cyprus (aes cyprium) in the Roman era. With its symbol Cu and its characteristic red-orange colour, Copper was the first metal to be used by men (over 10000 years ago) and the first to be alloyed with another metal to create Bronze (more than 5000 years ago). It is today used as a conductor of heat and electricity, as a building material and as a constituent of various metal alloys.
CARBO RC 3 Blau ist eine rutilzellulose, mitteldick umhüllte Stabelektrode für die Zwangslagenschweißung.
Carboweld Carbo RC 3 blau
CARBO RC 3 Blau ist eine rutilzellulose, mitteldick umhüllte Stabelektrode für die Zwangslagenschweißung. Sie findet universale Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Stahl-, Maschinen-, Schiff- und Fahrzeugbau. Besonders geeignet für Montageschweißungen an verzinkten und geprimerten Blechen. Die Elektrode lässt sich in allen Positionen gut verschweißen. Sie hat einen stabilen Lichtbogen und zündet gut wieder. Das zähfließende Schweißgut bedingt eine gute Spaltüberbrückung.
Acriflavine is a topical antiseptic.
It is used in veterinary for a treatment of fungal infections in aquarium fish.
Acriflavine is also used in biochemistry for labeling fluorescently high molecular RNA.
BHM Chemicals is a supplier of 2 types of Acriflavine products: Acriflavinium Chloride Ph. Eur. and Acriflavine Hydrochloride in conformity with BPC1963 specifications. Both grades are suitable for use in veterinary preparations.
Minimum order quantity: 10kg
Il nostro alcalino sgrassante è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti.
Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, questo prodotto è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora.
Il nostro alcalino sgrassante, usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi all’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio.
Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
The CO2 vertical rack is constructed as a single unit on a powder coated steel frame. Vertically build to reduce the footprint, this product has a sufficiently high power potential. This is the unit with the highest power capacity per square meter. Therefore it is ideal for the demands of small food retail stores. Vertical rack system is designed with a well-known refrigeration technologies that have been reliably tested. This frame can be assembled with maximum of 4 compressors and manufactured for medium and low temperature cooling, providing up to 75 kW of refrigeration capacity.
GREEN SOLUTIONS | This unit is a part of Refra‘s environmentally friendly product group, as it is made using CO2 refrigerant. Such low GWP solutions are designed to have better efficiencies and capacities, as well as less environmental damage.
CO2 Industrial is a customizable transcritical rack, designed mainly for industrial application. Special “reach-in” container option for outdoor installation provides convenient and efficient unit service. This type can be assembled with maximum of 6 reciprocating compressors per stage (MT/LT) and provide cooling capacity ranging from 50 kW to 500 kW. This model is assembled with 6-cylinder compressors, resulting in bigger dimensions and larger power supply.
GREEN SOLUTIONS | This unit is a part of Refra‘s environmentally friendly product group, as it is made using CO2 refrigerant. Such low GWP solutions are designed to have better efficiencies and capacities, as well as less environmental damage.
CO2 Ecopack is a customizable transcritical rack, designed mainly for commercial application. Built on a low and narrow frame, it is designed for small spaces and easy maintenance. This model can be assembled with maximum 4 MT and 3 LT reciprocating compressors and provide cooling capacity up to 135 kW. Due to its simple, small frame design, this unit is the optimal choice for installing a medium size refrigeration system.
GREEN SOLUTIONS | This unit is a part of Refra‘s environmentally friendly product group, as it is made using CO2 refrigerant. Such low GWP solutions are designed to have better efficiencies and capacities, as well as less environmental damage.