Colle universelle de contact à pistoler à base de polychloroprène (Néoprène®) en canister
spécial pour un pistolage immédiat sans la moindre installation de pistolage.
Prête à l'emploi immédiatement et particulièrement écologique, utilisable avec un pistolet, ne nécessite pas d'air comprimé ou d'électricité, séchage et force d'adhérence initiale très rapides, rapide à mettre en oeuvre, pas d'entretien, toujours prêt à pistoler,
très faible consommation, résistante à l'humidité, très haute résistance aux températures (jusqu'à +115°C),
résistante aux acides et bases légers, sans toluène et chlorure de méthylène
BLACK-CAT Ultralight mit Verbund kaschierung ist die zerreiß- und verschleißfeste Antirutschmatte für die Lagerlogistik – für sicheres Ablegen und Weiterverarbeiten in der Produktion.
Liquid product based on lithium silicates, which was created for the protective, consolidating and porosity reducer treatment of concrete, mineral, brick and stone substrates. It guarantees optimal durability and adhesion strength, resistance to UV rays, chemical agents and mechanical stresses. The result of the application allows to obtain a rapid hardening of the surface as well as a revived and homogeneous appearance of the same. The product has a negligible environmental impact thanks to the low VOC content (<50 g / l) and is practically odorless. Protective, reinforcing, water repellent treatments of concrete, mineral and stone supports. Specific product for revitalizing, simultaneously providing a great consolidation and an annulment of the dust produced in concrete supports, interstices, brick, stone or mixed arches, present in taverns, public premises and of historic monuments interest. The application surfaces should be clean, free of incrustations, dust etc. A preliminary wash with distilled water or steam it's recommended. The support should be dry when applying. Apply the product as it is, with low pressure sprayer or brush with long bristles. Keep the substrate wet with Consilex Idrofix for at least 20 minutes during application. If applied on floors, wait 24 hours before passing on the treated support. The reinforcing contribution will be completed after 2-3 weeks of treatment.
From 0,20 to 1,00 kg of Consilex Idrofix per square meter of surface to be treated, based on the porosity of the support.
Micro-elements are essential for plant
development and crop yield, however under
certain circumstances micro nutrients may become
seriously deficient in plant tissue owing to
adverse soil type, soil pH and soil moisture.
Deficiencies of micro-elements will cause a
breakdown of complex metabolic systems involved
in photosynthesis, respiration and amino acid
ACTIV COMBI applications provide the crop with
a balanced range of micro-elements whichcan
be readily absorbed through the leaves or the
Water soluble fluid emulsion containing chelated
micro-elements, zınc and Manganese.
Analysis of ACTIV COMBI
Manganese (EDTA) Mn 2.0%
pH (10% solution)
Specific Gravity
Contain trace of Iron (EDTA) Fe ,Copper (EDTA) Cu, Magnesium MgO and Sulphur S
Powder spot cleaner spray, high quality.
Suitable for cotton, knitted, wool, silk, synthetic, mixed fabrics
It removes spot of: oil, dirt, grease, halos.
Fast drying
It does not leaves any halos, or rings
Not toxic
Eliminate it with a brush or compressed air
It does not indeed the colours
Dış mekanlarda yatay ve dikey uygulamalarda. Çimento esaslı sıva, yapıştırıcılarda ve alçı esaslı harçların altında aderans artırıcı olarak kullanılır.
Brüt beton duvar, tavan, kolon vb. yüzeylerde, alçı plaka, çimento ve ahşap esaslı levhalarda,
EPS ve XPS ısı yalıtım levhalarında.
Tekstürlü olmayan parlak ve emici yüzeyler için özel olarak üretilmiştir
Osmocem SCK Fiber-reinforced monocomponent cement mortar, based on hydraulic binders, superprogoline fillers, selected fine aggregates and crystallizing reagent agents, which favor the penetration of the compound into the support. Ideal for low-thickness protective coatings (4 to 10 mm), with high counterweight adhesion. The specific formulation makes this product ideal for coatings in aggressive environments in contact with chlorides and sulphates (sewage systems).
Packaging: 25 kg bag
UM: €/kg
Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus verankert sich in den obersten Mikrometern des Holzes durch eine molekulare Bindung mit den Zellulosefasern des Holzes (keine Filmbildung, keine Sättigungsmethode).
Durch die molekulare Bindung entsteht ein dauerhafter und beständiger Oberflächenschutz. Wenn alle freien Zellulosefasern molekular gebunden sind, kann kein überschüssiges Öl mehr vom Holz aufgenommen werden. Darum sind keine Überlappungen oder Ansätze möglich.
El humus es el abono resultante de todos los procesos químicos y biológicos sufridos por la materia orgánica en un proceso muy elaborado llamado vermicompostaje o mejor lombricompostaje como nos gusta a nosotros llamarle.
El humus de lombriz es el resultado de la transformación digestiva que ejerce este pequeño animal, la lombriz, sobre la materia orgánica.
Es decir, que la lombriz tiene la facultad de biodegradar la materia orgánica en cuestión de horas, lo que en forma natural se demora meses, gracias a la poderosa acción de su aparato digestivo, generando un producto de textura granular uniforme, forma cilíndrica, coloración café o negro oscuro y con un agradable aroma a tierra fresca.
El humus de lombriz está compuesto por el carbono, el oxigeno, nitrógeno y todos los macro y microelementos que se utilizan para darle origen.
ECOFIX PLUS the best adhesive spray for printing boards
ECOFIX PLUS is an high tack adhesive specially indicated for the textile silk-screen printing industry.
It is suitable to keep the fabrics steady to their support while being printed.
BASE: Synthetic rubbers and solid resins
SOLVENTS: hydrocarbure group, benzen and omologous are absent
PROPELLENT: Denaturate odourless hydrocarbure
COLOUR: Yellow clear
It does not transfer on the fabric or cloths printed.
It does not dirty the fabrics.
It is suitable for cotton, silk, wool, synthetic fabrics, cotton, mixed.
It resists to many applications.
It has a good resistance to heat.
It is also suitable in embroidery industry to keep the cloth steady during embroidery.
In the cut rooms it gets the adhesion of the model to the cloth during the cut.
Shake well the can before use.
Spray the product from a distance of 25-30 cm.
Remove it with wash solvent perchloroethylene.
Walzgrund für Holz auf Basis UV-vernetzbarer Polyacrylatharze; verleiht UV-AC-Walzlackaufbauten eine ausgezeichnete Haftung zum Untergrund bei starker mechanischer Belastung. Innolux Primer Auftragsart
Decorative and protection purpose, can be applied on plaster, concrete and any surface. Excellent adhesion ability works any surfaces. It does not crack, blister or spill. It is odorless, human and environment friendly. First class decorative paint which has a great coverage capability and applied easily.
Fully synthetic, multi-purpose oils for the long-term lubrication of gears, hydraulics, bearings and chains in a wide temperature range with generally good elastomer and plastic compatibility.
Wide temperature range:Elastomer and plastic compatibility
Fully synthetic:Multi purpose oil
Synthetic, multiple-alloy gear oils on ester oil base with high thermal stability as well as good wear and corrosion protection. They are suitable for the lubrication of high temperature gears, slide ways and chains.
Fully synthetic:High thermal stability
Corrosion protection:Chains, gears, slide ways
Das neue CitruSyn® ist 100 % reines und pures L-Citrullin- der hochwirksamen
Aminosäure mit so unglaublich breiter Wirkungsweise. Sie führt zu spürbarer
Leistungssteigerung, verlangsamt die Muskelermüdung, verbessert die Sauerstoffaufnahme der Blutgefäße und verstärkt den Muskelaufbau. CitruSyn® ist in seiner reinen Form so hochwirksam, weil es das einzige L-Citrullin ohne Beimengungen von Malat oder anderen synthetischen Stoffen auf dem Markt ist.
Der effiziente Alleskönner unter den Leistungssteigerern!
La poudre de diamant Diprotex est traitée à partir de matières premières de tous les types de diamants synthétique polycristallin, monocristallin et diamant naturel précisément en grade diamant tailles. Les granulométries standard varient de 050 nanomètres jusqu’à 6080 microns. Cette gamme serrées de tailles de diamants a été conçue pour affiner votre processus nécessaires à la finition de surface et le taux d’enlèvement maximum. Les caractéristiques exceptionnelles des poudres de diamant micron de Diprotex font une différence remarquable dans le contexte actuel des applications critiques.
Traitement brut des abrasifs diamant fini en diamant de taille micron.Il est le résultat de l’optimisation de nos procédés de fabrication, associé aux techniques de production, systèmes de mesure très sensible et efficace, certifiée ISO 9001 de gestion du système qualité.
Our yarns are used in weaving, knitting and knitwear as well as women's / men's clothing, military, safety and outdoor clothing, as well as lace, socks, seamless clothing, sportswear and technical textiles.
Polyamide (nylon) yarns are also used in fabric production together with natural or other synthetic yarns.
Denier : 90- 100
Filament :48
Yarn Type :FDY
Yarn Type :Textured
Yarn cross-section :round
Color :half mat
Color:Full mat
Color:Dope Dyed
Entöltes Soja-Lecithin
LECIFINE 100 ist ein entöltes Soja-Lecithin, hergestellt aus gentechnikfreien Sojabohnen (NON-GMO).
LECIFINE 100 wird für feine Backwaren, Kekse, Waffeln, Instantprodukte, Kakaopulver und Hefeteig-Fertigmehle verwendet. LECIFINE 100 verbessert die Fettverteilung und ermöglicht eine gleichmäßige Bräunung. Außerdem sorgt es für eine feinere Krume, verlängert die Frischhaltung und vergrößert das Volumen der Backwaren.
LECIFINE 100 hat einen hohen Gehalt an Phospholipiden und ist ein natürlicher Emulgator, der den Backteig leichter verarbeitbar und weicher macht.
Akrilik reçine esaslı, su bazlı, tek kompenantlı, kullanıma hazır, pozitif su basıncına dayanıklı, kaplama altı Kısmi Elastik su yalıtım malzemesidir. Yarı elastik
► Akrilik Reçine Esaslı, Fırça ve rulo uygulanır.
► Su Bazlı, Düşük sıcaklıklarda bile elastikiyetini korur.
► Tek Bileşenli, Yüksek aderans sağlar.
► Kullanıma Hazır, Kullanıma hazırdır.
► Yarı Elastik
► Düşük Sarfiyatlıdır
> Beyaz
COMPLEXFLUIDE ha sido especialmente diseñado para inducir y estimular el desarrollo óptimo de las plantas para obtener resultados más rápidos y efectivos en el metabolismo. Actúa rápido y es altamente compatible con mezclas para aplicaciones foliares.
La sinergia formada entre el PHC y los macroelementos NPK favorece la asimilación de estos nutrientes, mejorando el proceso fotosintético, lo que contribuye a un mayor crecimiento vegetativo y una fructificación de mayor calidad.
Packs de:
• 1000 L
• 20 L
• 10 L
• 5 L
Nitrógeno (N) total :6% p/p
Nitrógeno (N) uréico:4% p/p
Nitrógeno (N) amoniacal :2% p/p
Pentóxido de Fósforo (P2O5) soluble en agua:6% p/p
Óxido de Potasio (K2O) soluble en agua:6% p/p
Cloruro (Cl):<0,3
Densidad (gr/cc):1,19
Idropittura minerale antialga a base di silicati di potassio stabilizzato ed idrofobizzato, per la decorazione e protezione interna ed esterna di superfici sia nuove che vecchie, come intonaci base calce e cemento, intonaci base calce, intonaci deumidificanti, intonaci idrorepellenti, finiture minerali, intonaci a cappotto premiscelati, calcestruzzo. Elevatissima copertura, sicura inalterabilità agli agenti atmosferici ed ai raggi ultravioletti. Possiede caratteristiche di alta traspirabilità (infatti compatibile con sistema deumidificante) e allo stesso tempo caratteristiche di idrorepellenza.
COLORE: Bianco e colori cartella
CONFEZIONE: Fusto 4 - 14 lt
UTILIZZO: Interno/Esterno
DILUIZIONE: Pronto all'uso
RESA: 7/8 mq/lt per mano
COEFF. DI ASSORB. D'ACQUA CAPILLARE “W24”: < 0,10 kg/(mq*24 h½)
TEORIA DI KUENZLE “W*Sd”: < 0,01 kg/(mq*24 h½)
This is a multipurpose potting and germination mix for home use.
The mix suits the needs of most loved homeplants in small pots and trays, it can be used for repotting in bigger pots and containers as well. The substrate is also suitable for soil improvement in the garden and as a growbag for vegetables outside or in the greenhouse.
For flowers, including: chrysanthemums, pelargoniums, viola, primula, antirrhinum, surfinia, petunia, begonia, red hydrangea, calanchoe. Green plants. Herbs: basil, oregano, thyme etc. Vegetables: cucumber, tomato, capsicum, etc.
This substrate should not be used for acidophilic plants.
The substrate includes neutralised natural peat, wetting agent and starter fertiliser with trace elements. After 3-4 weeks from the start of use additional fertilisation should begin.Completed with regular irrigation and enough sunlight your plants will thrive in the Potting Mix.
Mikskaar Potting mix makes your plants grow better!
Castrol Radicool SF is a silicate-free long-life
coolant concentrate (OAT technology). Castrol
Radicool SF offers excellent corrosion protection. It can be used
in gasoline and diesel engines (also aluminum and gray cast iron) .
Castrol Radicool SF has the optimal effect
in a mixing ratio of 1:1 with
water. This results in frost protection down to -37°C and the
best corrosion protection. Do not use Castrol Radicool SF
Frost protection/ Proportion of Castrol Radicool SF
dissolved in water:
-20°C/ 35%
-25°C/ 40%
-30°C/ 45%
-37°C/ 50%
The special OAT Technology ensures long
coolant change intervals. Castrol Radicool SF
protects against corrosion, deposits in the cooling system and
overheating. Castrol Radicool SF offers:
-Protection against hard water
-Effective cooling effect
-Excellent corrosion protection
-Very good elastomer compatibility
-Protection against cavitation
-Contains Bitrex - to protect against ingestion
Product number:1652610
Container size:1
Product group:Radiator antifreeze
Enduit décoratif à projeter en pâte prête à l’emploi pour un usage en murs et plafonds intérieurs.
Permet de rattraper dans une certaine mesure les défauts du support tels que bullages et balèvres.
Peut être appliqué en tant qu’enduit de lissage ou en relief structuré type « gouttelette ».
Différentes teintes et qualité lavable sur demande.
DTU 59.1.
PV CSTB N°R.A.97.179 : classement au feu MO.
Résine acrylique en émulsion, charge minérale, dérivés cellulosique, agent de conservation et divers adjuvants.
La pâte est de couleur blanche et de consistance adaptée à la projection mécanique.
• Extrait sac : 72%
• Densité : 1,6
Béton plus ou moins bullé, béton brut de décoffrage, béton cellulaire, carreaux de terre cuite, première couche lissée de SOLIDECOR, agglos, enduits plâtre, anciennes peintures, enduit ciment, carreaux de plâtre, plaques de...
Amendement Calcique-magnesique granulé fabriqué avec une technologie innovatrice qui groupe des fines particules de calcium avec un complexe d’élevé valeur agronomique.
Richesses garanties:
44,8% Oxyde de Calcium (CaO)
7,2% Oxyde de Magnésium
85: Valeur neutralisant
Complexé avec la technologie (C Bio Innovator)
Apporte des substances humiques et fulviques.
Aide à rétablir le niveau organique adéquat du sol.
Induit une supérieur activité microbienne du sol.
A cause de cette technologie , il a un élevé pouvoir neutralisant.
Formulation en granulé
Dose: 800 Kg / Ha dans les nouvelles zones.
Dose de maintenance : 400 – 600 Kg / Ha
Il est autorisé en Agriculture Biologique et certifié par CAAE
Gübreler, toprakta eksik olan elementlerin tamamlanması ve toprağın daha verimli hale gelmesi için kullanılan maddelerdir. Tarımın bir endüstri haline gelmesiyle kimyasal gübrelerin kullanımı daha yaygın hale gelmiştir. Bu gübreler kimyasal içermeleri nedeni ile hem toprağın genetik yapısını bozmakta hem de yetiştirilen ürünlerin zararlı kimyasallarla temas etmesini sağlamaktadır. Bu sorun ile karşılaşmamak ve toprak kalitesini korumak için organik gübreler tercih edilmelidir. Solucan gübresi organik gübreler söz konusu olduğunda akla gelen ilk isimdir.
Toplam Organik Madde % 10
Toplam Azot % 0,5
Organik Azot % 0,3
Suda Çözünür K 2 O % 1
PH 6-8
Maksimum EC 2
Anchorsana Fix
Premixed based on hydraulic lime, special sulfur aluminate binders, water retainers, shrinkage compensators and reducers of the water/binder ratio, used for fixing and anchoring, in masonry, connectors, inserts, bars, brackets, grouting of the joints, tacking of lesions. It is a product with accelerated setting and hardening, with setting start at 30 ', end setting at 60' and development of mechanical strength already after 90 'of curing. Particularly recommended in the restoration of period and monumental buildings.
The particularly fine constituent materials allow adequate anchoring even in the presence of a small space between hole and connectors. By mixing Anchorsana Fix with different water contents, the product passes from thixotropic consistencies (23% water) to fluid gel consistencies (30% water), allowing any type of anchoring, from overhead to inclinations towards the bass. The product does not contain resins and solvents and can also be used indoors, subject to the usual precautions necessary when handling materials based on alkaline and irritating powders such as lime (use suitable personal protective equipment, such as gloves and protective goggles).
Fixing and anchoring, in masonry bodies, of rigid connectors, jib connectors, inserts, bars with improved adherence, anchors. It develops great adhesion on materials of different nature: metal, fiberglass, basalt.
Blow with compressed air and forced suction of the housing holes. The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, moving, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, etc., suitably saturated with water until reaching the condition of "saturated with dry surface".
Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer; gradually add Anchorsana Fix and the water still required, continuing to mix, until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture of the desired consistency is obtained. Apply with a trowel or by casting. The mixing water indicatively required is equal to 23% by weight for thixotropic doughs, and to 30% by weight for doughs with a plastic-fluid consistency.
Approximately 1.6 kg of Anchorsana Fix for each cubic decimeter of volume to be filled.
Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)