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Aroma Click Balls

Aroma Click Balls

Aroma click balls with more than 30+ flavors sold in 100 pcs package or bulk size with 1000 pcs. Aroma drops with our liquid flavors. Aroma cards infused with, for at start, strong menthol.
CFD elemzés - CFD eszközeinkkel áramlási utakat, nyomásesést, konvekciót stb. szimulálunk.

CFD elemzés - CFD eszközeinkkel áramlási utakat, nyomásesést, konvekciót stb. szimulálunk.

CFD is a powerful tool that among other things is used for computer simulation of the flow of gases and liquids. CFD works by designing the flow-domain in 3D. Then all of the properties of the surfaces is applied, for example surfaces where the flows access the system, and surfaces where the flows leave the system. It also specifies volume / mass / temperature / viscosity / compressibility of the flowing medium. The calculation can display 3D curves of flow of the medium through the system and enables you to change the geometry of the flow domain and thus "design" the air stream as desired.