Produced in high resistance polymer with food grade, this material is known for its resistance of impact and fireproof; high cristallinity, being the ideal option for protection against acts of vandalism. Similar to glass, resistant to washing machine, increased ability to retain hot and cold. This product has a high degree of cristalinity, and is usable in the microwave.
Colírio, solução
Cloridrato de oxibuprocaína
O Anestocil é um colírio, solução, que veicula o cloridrato de oxibuprocaína, na concentração de 4 mg/ml, em veículo isosmótico, estéril e de pH apropriado.
O Anestocil é apresentado sob a forma farmacêutica de colírio em frascos com conta-gotas estéril, de LD-polietileno, com capacidade de 10 ml.
O Anestocil tem como única substância activa o Cloridrato de Oxibuprocaína, fármaco com acção anestésica superficial da córnea.
Responsável pela Introdução no Mercado:
Laboratório Edol – Produtos Farmacêuticos, S.A.
Av. 25 de Abril, 6-6A
2795-225 Linda-a-Velha
Indicações terapêuticas:
O Anestocil está indicado na anestesia de superfície, quando necessário, em determinados actos médicos, tais como: tonometria, exames para lentes de contacto e extracção de corpos estranhos, da córnea e da conjuntiva.
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Produced in high resistance polymer with food grade, this material is known for its resistance of impact and fireproof; high cristallinity, being the ideal option for protection against acts of vandalism. Similar to glass, resistant to washing machine, increased ability to retain hot and cold. This product has a high degree of cristalinity, and is usable in the microwave.
Produced in high resistance polymer with food grade, this material is known for its resistance of impact and fireproof; high cristallinity, being the ideal option for protection against acts of vandalism. Similar to glass, resistant to washing machine, increased ability to retain hot and cold. This product has a high degree of cristalinity, and is usable in the microwave.