Caserole din plastic cu capac integrat (model Nova – 4196) pentru capsuni, cirese, visine, fructe de padure (afine, mure, fragi, agrise, zmeura, coacaze, catina etc).
Dimensiuni caserole:
– exterior – 123x120x60 (40+20)mm
– interior – 110x100x60mm
– capacitate baza (fund) aprox.170ml
– capacitate capac aprox.330ml
In aceasta caserola se pot introduce aprox.200g fructe.
Acestei casolete i se pot da gauri de aerisire.
Putem realiza si alte dimensiuni pentru caserole din plastic, iar la cerere, putem imprima sigla clientului direct pe material.
Aceste cutii din carton colectoare de tip CO5 sunt usoare, compuse din 3 straturi netede din carton si 2 ondulate si va sunt oferite intr-o gama de dimensiuni foarte variate. Cutiile din carton CO5 pot fi folosite pentru depozitare, ambalare si transport, acestea fiind o metoda foarte rentabila de ambalaj pentru a stoca si expedia produse.
INATECH PACKAGING va pune la dispozitie toata gama de cutii colectoare din carton CO5. De la cutii mari la cele mici, de la cutii din carton folosite in transportul maritim la cele de depozitare, exista cutii din carton pentru fiecare produs si scop. Daca sunteti in cautarea unor cutii simple, duble sau triple, ati ajuns la locul potrivit. Toate cutiile din carton sunt concepute pentru a proteja produsele atunci cand ele sunt depozitate sau in tranzit.
Cutiile noastre sunt produse din carton ondulat de inalta calitate pentru a le oferi o rezistenta superioara impotriva diverselor actiuni externe.
We supply individual solutions via according your requested shelf life. Customized to your market requirments. Ensuring you receive a cost effective, efficient solution that operates profitably. Backed up by the support of our dedicated team and after sale support.
Grease proof -Burger BOX
-Customizable and Resizable-
Europe's guaranteed best price
B:130x130 T:130x130 H:100
Services offered by Urspack-
- offer waterproof boxes made of biodegradable material (cardboard) and with an anti-grease barrier;
- customize with polychrome logo and graphics
- we produce a wide variety of packaging, of various sizes and types.
- we are the only producers from Europe for many of the packaging on the European market.
- we are ready to make new boxes proposed by our customers.
- producer prices, personalized discounts.
- discover the range of products in the attached catalog.
Caserole din plastic (model RIVER 1 – 4068) cu capac integrat pentru minieclere, prajiturele, dar si pentru firmele de catering, fast-food.
Dimensiuni caserole:
– exterior -185x160x52mm
– utila -170x125x52mm (fund+capac)
– capacitate baza (fund) aprox.450ml
– capacitate capac – aprox.450ml
Putem realiza la comanda si alte modele de caserole din plastic, in functie de specificatiile clientului.
Customizable and Resizable PANINI BOX
B:210x71 T:230x89 H:49
Services offered by Urspack-
- offer waterproof boxes made of biodegradable material (cardboard) and with an anti-grease barrier;
- customize with polychrome logo and graphics
- we produce a wide variety of packaging, of various sizes and types.
- we are the only producers from Europe for many of the packaging on the European market.
- we are ready to make new boxes proposed by our customers.
- producer prices, personalized discounts.
- discover the range of products in the attached catalog.
Caserole din plastic cu 4 alveole inclinate pentru biscuiti cu ciocolata, fursecuri etc.
Caserolele pot fi si din plastic transparent, dupa specificatia clientului.
Caserola se poate personaliza cu logo-ul clientului, direct din material, ca un timbru sec.
Il pacchetto Welcome di IronArt Mozaic è una collezione accuratamente selezionata, pensata per conferire calore e fascino a una varietà di progetti musivi. Il pacchetto comprende una selezione di tessere dai colori accoglienti e invitanti, spesso caratterizzate da tonalità morbide e armoniose che creano un'atmosfera amichevole e confortevole.
Le tessere del pacchetto Welcome sono prodotte con attenzione ai dettagli e alla qualità, assicurando che lavorino bene insieme per formare motivi coesi e attraenti. La palette di colori comprende generalmente tonalità tenui che si adattano facilmente a un'ampia gamma di stili di arredamento, rendendola ideale per creare ingressi accoglienti, accessori per la casa o regali personalizzati.
Nel complesso, il Welcome Pack è perfetto per chi desidera aggiungere un tocco di ospitalità e comfort ai propri progetti a mosaico.
Materiali: mosaico, ferro battuto.:Tecnica: fatto a mano
They are used for vacuuming devices with external suction (only the end of the bag is inserted into the appliance at the time of vacuuming, the rest of the package remaining outside the appliance).
Giftwrapping for nonfood products (cosmetics, office products, candles, decorative products, bracelets, necklaces), giftwrapping for weedings, giftwrapping for corporate events (commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the company, for example), Easter giftwrapping, Christmas giftwrapping, giftwrapping for womes’s day, giftwrapping for Valentine’s Day.
Giftwrapping for employees, giftwrapping for business partners.
Gift boxes, for miscellaneous products decorations, ornaments, accessory, scarves… Also, we can do other models of boxes, according to our client specifications. You can check our dimensions table, which contains all needed details.
Jewelry boxes, accessory, wedding favors or other small products. The boxes can be accessorized with ribbon or cord. Also, we can personalize the boxes by request, with client’s logo.
Packaging used for protection, storage and the transport of accessories, such as: first aid kit, car jack, warning triangle, etc.These products can be created according to customer demands from different textile materials.Clients: Dacia Renault Nissan, Hyundai, KIA, MITSUBISHI, AT AUGSBURG.
Das IronArt Mozaic Sofisticado Pack ist eine raffinierte und elegante Kollektion von Mosaikfliesen, die jedem Projekt einen Hauch von Raffinesse verleihen sollen. Dieses Paket enthält typischerweise eine Auswahl an Fliesen in einer anspruchsvollen Farbpalette, die eine Mischung aus neutralen Tönen wie dezenten Grau-, Beige- und Silbertönen sowie gelegentlichen Akzenten in kräftigeren Tönen für zusätzliche Tiefe und Kontrast aufweisen kann.
Die Fliesen im Sofisticado-Paket werden mit viel Liebe zum Detail hergestellt und sorgen für ein luxuriöses Finish und eine nahtlose Mischung aus Farben und Texturen. Das Design soll ein Gefühl von zurückhaltender Eleganz hervorrufen und eignet sich daher ideal für die Herstellung polierter, eleganter Mosaike, die sowohl in moderne als auch in traditionelle Innenräume passen.
Materialien: Mosaik, Schmiedeeisen:Technik: handgemacht
Otwarty z dwóch stron, do pakowania kanapek, hamburgerów, pączków. - Zastosowanie: Torby papierowe płaskie i saszetkowe, stosowane głównie w restauracjach typu fast food.
Produkcja: są produkowane w 100% automatycznie z kontrolowaną aplikacją ekologicznych klejów przemysłowych na bazie wody.
Personalizacja: mogą być drukowane na najwyższym poziomie jakości w maksymalnie 10 kolorach liniowych i / lub polichromiach, w tym specjalnych: złotym, metalicznym srebrnym z ekologiczną farbą na bazie wody do kontaktu z żywnością. Rozdzielczość druku może z łatwością osiągnąć 300 dpi.
Materiał: biały papier pierwotny lub naturalny kraft, lub z pewnym procentem włókien z recyklingu, różne grubości (25-50 GSM), certyfikowany FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001.
Rozmiary: Zazwyczaj produkujemy dziesięć rozmiarów, które są "bestsellerami" zarówno na rynku UE, jak i USA. Najczęściej zamawianym rozmiarem jest 160 x 160 mm.
Zdolność produkcyjna: ponad 200 milionów sztuk rocznie.
Chcesz otrzymać próbki i wycenę? Czekamy na Twoje zapytanie!
Eveniment semnificativ in zona Balcanilor care reuneste tehnologii, materii prime si consumabile pentru productia de ambalaje, solutii de ambalare, etichetare si codificare, manipulare si depozitare pentru industria alimentara si de bauturi, industria farmaceutica si cosmetic, cat si pentru alte industrii.
•Materii prime: hartie si carton, plastic, metal, sticla, ceramic, textile, materiale composite.
•Echipamente pentru productia de ambalaje.
•Masini pentru dozare, umplere si ambalare.
•Echipamente pentru ambalare igienica, pentru etichetare si marcare, pentru paletizare.
•Linii complete pentru ambalare.
•Benzi transportoare.
•Logistica si depozitare.
•Etichete, ambalaje, design de ambalaj, reciclarea ambalajelor.
•Solutii software pentru productia si procesarea de ambalaje si pentru ambalare.
•Cercetare si proiectare.
•Asociatii de profil si reviste de specialitate din industria romaneasca.
Antistatic bags are intended for the packaging and transport of electronic components, with the specific purpose of protecting them from mechanical shock or electrostatic discharge.
Our delivery boxes are made of quality materials, printed with non-toxic inks, which do not affect the quality of the food.
We offer various range of food packaging starting with fries boxes, burger boxes, noodle boxes, salad boxes, pancake boxes, sandwich box, etc.
Personalizate sau nu, pungile bio rolate sunt potrivite pentru raioanele de legume-fructe, carne și alimente vrac din supermarketuri, dar pot fi realizate și pentru uz industrial, fiind adaptabile din punct de vedere culori și grosimi. Totodată, în funcție de nevoile clientului, pot fi realizate cu sudură în linie sau stea.
Culori personalizabile
Dimensiuni personalizabile
Însoțite de aviz alimentar
Biodegradabile și compostabile conform EN 13432
Certificate OK Compost
Produse în România cu echipamente de înaltă performanță
Corrugated grease proof -Burger BOX
-Customizable and Resizable-
Europe's guaranteed best price
B:221x110 T:213x102 H:85
Services offered by Urspack-
- offer waterproof boxes made of biodegradable material (cardboard) and with an anti-grease barrier;
- customize with polychrome logo and graphics
- we produce a wide variety of packaging, of various sizes and types.
- we are the only producers from Europe for many of the packaging on the European market.
- we are ready to make new boxes proposed by our customers.
- producer prices, personalized discounts.
- discover the range of products in the attached catalog.
We create and manufacture thermoformed containers, plates, trays and molds, different models and dimensions, according to customer’s specific design and requirements. The thermoformed containers can be used in a variety of industries and applications. The pictures shown are our models, but we can fully customize, according to the customers’ requirement.
Customizable and Resizable-B: 65X50 H:160
Quality is one of the key aspects we focus on. We manufacture durable and resistant packaging for restaurants, fast-food chains, catering services, pastry shops, and bakeries. We personalize them with logos and full-color graphics, and we produce a wide variety of packaging in different sizes and types. We are the sole manufacturers in Romania for many of the packaging products on our domestic market. We utilize the latest technologies and high-quality materials, ensuring that every delivered product meets the highest standards of quality.
Services offered by Urspack-
- offer waterproof boxes made of biodegradable material (cardboard) and with an anti-grease barrier;
- customize with polychrome logo and graphics
- we produce a wide variety of packaging, of various sizes and types.
- we are the only producers from Europe for many of the packaging on the Europe
Grease proof - Take Away Box
Capacity- 1300cc/45 Oz-Customizable
Biodegradable Hot and Cold Take Out Food Container
Providing competitive producer prices and personalized discounts.
80% (± 5%) of the batch is halves. The remaining 20% (± 5) consists of a three-and-a-half-quarter core or the so-called "invalid half-core". The color is bright and clear. The lot is well dried, clean and untouched by insects. It is possible to pack the product according to the customer's preferences.
The price is without VAT
The package contains: 10 kg
Natural , processed without chemicals
Fresh , freshly processed
Packed in vacuum bags for long freshness
100% satisfaction guaranteed!
The package contains:10 kg
Grease proof -Burger BOX
-Customizable and Resizable
B:155x152 T:155x155 H:109
Services offered by Urspack-
- offer waterproof boxes made of biodegradable material (cardboard) and with an anti-grease barrier;
- customize with polychrome logo and graphics
- we produce a wide variety of packaging, of various sizes and types.
- we are the only producers from Europe for many of the packaging on the European market.
- we are ready to make new boxes proposed by our customers.
- producer prices, personalized discounts.
- discover the range of products in the attached catalog.
Anwendbarkeit: Flach- und Umhängetaschen aus Papier, die hauptsächlich in Apotheken und von Pharmaunternehmen verwendet werden, die für ihre Produkte werben wollen.
Produktion: 100% automatisierte Herstellung mit kontrollierter Anwendung von ökologischen Industrieklebstoffen auf Wasserbasis.
Personalisierung: Sie können auf höchstem Qualitätsniveau in bis zu 10 linearen und/oder mehrfarbigen Farben bedruckt werden, einschließlich der Sonderfarben Gold und Silbermetallic mit ökologischer Tinte auf Wasserbasis. Die Druckauflösung kann problemlos 300 dpi erreichen.
Material: weißes Frischfaserpapier oder natürliches Kraftpapier oder mit einem bestimmten Anteil an recycelten Fasern, verschiedene Stärken (80-120 GSM), zertifiziert nach FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001.
Formate: Die am häufigsten nachgefragten Formate sind 120 x 190 mm, 160 x 250 mm und 175 x 65 x 285 mm.
Produktionskapazität: mehr als 500 Millionen Stück jährlich.
Wir warten auf Ihre Anfrage.
Coltare din carton sunt profile multistrat obtinute din hartie reciclata, prin lipire si presare.
Conform evaluarii organizatiei germane RESY coltarele din carton sunt 100% reciclabile.
Folosim coltare din carton pentru protejarea muchiilor produselor impaletate, pe perioada transportului sau pentru depozitare.
Coltarele din carton intaresc ambalajul si protejeaza produsul, protejeaza muchiile produselor impaletate pe perioada transportului sau in timpul depozitarii. Protejeaza paletii impotriva loviturilor si zgarieturilor de orice fel ce pot aparea in timpul transportului.
Coltarele din carton sunt solutii eficiente si economice de protectie.
Plicurile pentru curierat sunt ambalaje utile pentru expedierea documentelor prin curier. Pungile pentru curierat sunt folosite de companiile de curierat, dar si de cei care folosesc serviciile de curierat.
Plicuri curierat pentru expeditii realizate din folie coextrudata neagra pe interior (documentele trimise nu sunt vizibile) si folie alba pe exterior.
Grosimea de 55 de microni si aditivii de elongatie contribuie la o rezistenta sportita a ambalajului la rupere, astfel incat documentele sa ajunga mereu in stare perfecta la destinatar.
Sunt prevazute cu o clapeta adeziva permanenta care sigileaza plicul. Odata sigilat plicul, NU mai poate fi desigilat fara a fi deteriorat astfel incat trimiterile postale ajung INTOTDEUNA in siguranta la destinatar.
За опаковане на готови продукти за бързо хранене или хранителни и сладкарски про - Приложимост: използва се главно в ресторанти за бързо хранене и магазини за хранителни стоки или в сладкарници и магазини за захарни изделия.
Производство: произвеждат се 100% автоматизирано при строги условия за безопасност на храните.
Персонализация: могат да бъдат отпечатани с най-високо ниво на качество в до 10 линейни цвята и/или полихроми, включително специалните: злато, сребро металик с екологично мастило на водна основа за контакт с храни. Разделителната способност на печата може лесно да достигне 300 dpi.
Материал: бяла необработена хартия или естествен крафт, или с определен процент рециклирани влакна, различни дебелини (25-100 GSM), сертифицирана по FSC, ISO9001, ISO14001. Също така хартията може да бъде устойчива на мазнини, водоустойчива с парафин или с полиетиленов слой.
Размери: Произвеждаме размера, които са "най-продаваните" на пазарите в ЕС и САЩ, но те могат да бъдат нарязани до всеки размер, от който се нуждаете.
Cet ensemble composé d'un miroir orné de carreaux de mosaïque et d'une console à la base métallique raffinée ajoute une touche de sophistication et de glamour. Il convient donc aux intérieurs haut de gamme ou contemporains.
Technique : fait main
Matériaux : mosaïque, fer forgé
Dimensions du meuble : Miroir : longueur - 80 cm, largeur - 70 cm Console : longueur - 95 cm, largeur - 42 cm, hauteur - 79 cm
Matériaux : mosaïque, fer forgé:Technique : fait à la main
Materials:mosaic tiles, wrought iron