Termékek csomagküldési szolgáltatások (404)

KITERJESZTHETŐ SZÁLLÍTÓK GRE - Kiterjeszthető hengeres szállítószalagok fém hengerekkel. Kanyarok akár 180°-ig

KITERJESZTHETŐ SZÁLLÍTÓK GRE - Kiterjeszthető hengeres szállítószalagok fém hengerekkel. Kanyarok akár 180°-ig

IDLE ROLLER CONVEYORS EXTENSIBLE WITH METAL ROLLERS Roller conveyors extensible with metal rollers for handling boxes, cassettes and packages with a flat base. They are normally positioned at the outlet of packaging machines and taping machines for the accumulation of packages and allow to realize different forms of route with curves up to 180 ° (depends on the length of the roller conveyor). The roller conveyors are equipped with supports with wheels with brakes and they are easily extendable and resealable, they can thus be moved and stretched, taking up very little space when not used. The movement of the boxes occurs by gravity and the box stopper terminal (included) avoid the fall. The roller conveyors with width mm. 800 are equipped with central pantograph to make the structure more robust. Standard supports are adjustable in height from mm. 650 to mm. 900 but on request you can have supports with height mm. 450-650 (same cost) or mm. 950-1250 with increase. Extendable roller :Metal rollers with ball bearings Bearing structure :Galvanized steel Supports (STD) :Adjustable in height da mm. 650 a 900 Roller type:2 modules - minimum length 1050 - maximum length 3000 - 3 supports Roller type:3 modules - minimum length 1550 - maximum length 4500 - 4 supports Roller type:4 modules - minimum length 2070 - maximum length 6000 - 5 supports Roller type:5 modules - minimum length 2600 - maximum length 7500 - 6 supports Roller type:6 modules - minimum length 3100 - maximum length 9000 - 7 supports Orderable width (mm) :500 - 650 - 800 Capacity (Kg/mt) :30
Oilpack Lamellás Csomagok (OM Csomagolóegység) - olaj eltávolítására szennyvízből

Oilpack Lamellás Csomagok (OM Csomagolóegység) - olaj eltávolítására szennyvízből

Il flusso di olio e acqua viene introdotto nella vasca e distribuito in modo omogeneo su tutta la sezione trasversale. Sono costituiti da una vasca di contenimento che può essere realizzata in acciaio al carbonio trattato e verniciato o in acciaio inox AISI 304; da un pacco lamellare a canali paralleli in polistirene rigido, stabilizzato contro i raggi UV. Materiali ed esecuzioni speciali sono disponibili su richiesta. Applicazioni tipiche: acque di prima pioggia, impianti petrolchimici, officine meccaniche, raffinerie e depositi di idrocarburi, lavaggio di veicoli, bonifiche, centri di raccolta rifiuti. -Elevata efficienza di separazione solido-liquido. -Semplicità di installazione e funzionamento -Esecuzione compatta -Bassi costi iniziali e di gestione dell'impianto
Csomagolás tervezés nagykereskedelmi forgalomhoz

Csomagolás tervezés nagykereskedelmi forgalomhoz

Mielizia is the historic brand of the beekeepers of CONAPI, the National Beekeepers Consortium, the large cooperative enterprise of Italian honey producers that holds the title of the largest producer of organic honey in Europe. The goal of Mielizia is to protect the well-being of bees and to enhance the products of beekeepers, their productions, and the entire Italian supply chain. Mielizia has contacted HENRY & CO. for the redesign of the packaging for the lines of dietary supplements intended for organized large-scale distribution (GDO).
METTISACCO - Csomagolási Rendszerek

METTISACCO - Csomagolási Rendszerek

La Mettisacco Bocedi MS/L è la soluzione pratica per inserire automaticamente sacchi su misura in contenitori tipo Octabin Goodpack Casse di legno Scatole di grande formato Casse di metallo Riempi ogni spazio Il funzionamento della Metti Sacco MS/L è molto semplice la macchina srotola automaticamente il film tubolare dalla bobina dedicata, quattro pinze aprono il film dandogli una forma quadrata o rettangolare, la barra saldante taglia e sigilla il film alla lunghezza desiderata creando un sacco su misura. Un aspiratore permette al sacco di adagiarsi perfettamente sul fondo del contenitore e le quattro pinze sistemano il sacco sui lati del contenitore. La Mettisacco Bocedi può operare fino a 60 sacchi/ora. Può essere configurata con 3 taglie di film differenti per offrire la massima flessibilità in una sola macchina.
IMPULZUSZÁRÓ ME-AI LÁBPEDÁLLAL - Asztali záró gép elektromos pedállal. 1 impulzuszáró sáv 5 mm szélességgel

IMPULZUSZÁRÓ ME-AI LÁBPEDÁLLAL - Asztali záró gép elektromos pedállal. 1 impulzuszáró sáv 5 mm szélességgel

Semiautomatic table top sealer with electric pedal and impulse sealing bar (resistance is heated for a few seconds), suitable for closing bags of plastic material heat-sealable. The closing of the sealing bars by pressing the pedal electric with solenoid allows the operator to have both hands free and for increased production, just select the automatic cycle with timed closure. The timers for adjusting the welding and cooling ensure maximum reliability of each type of material. Simple to use, requires no preheating. Maximum thickness. weldable 0.20 mm. (0.40 mm. Overall) Example model:ME 355 AI Sealing bar lenght:mm. 350 Sealing width:mm. 5 Weldable materials:PE-PP Max thickness weldable:0,20 mm (tot 0,40 mm)
044. Tükörpapír és Táskák - FOOD

044. Tükörpapír és Táskák - FOOD

La carta Specchio è un incarto di alta qualità capace di mantenere la freschezza del prodotto più a lungo grazie allo strato di polipropilene metallizzato che protegge dai raggi UV e dall’umidità. Ideali per alimenti freschi come salumi, formaggi, prodotti gastronomici. Sia la carta che i sacchetti, accoppiati, possono essere facilmente disgiunti e separare quindi carta da plastica, favorendo la raccolta differenziata e l’ambiente. La superficie,” a specchio ” esalta la visibilità del prodotto oltre ad allungarne la shelf-life. Inoltre i sacchetti possono essere anche termosaldati garantendo quindi una chiusura ed un trasporto del contenuto adeguato e sicuro. Idoneità totale al contatto alimentare.


Le incappucciatrici Bocedi sono costruite con un’esperienza pluriennale e costantemente aggiornate negli anni per soddisfare i nuovi standard di marcato. Sono macchine progettate per automatizzare la fase di incappucciamento di fine linea e sono disponibili in due versioni differenti. Le incappucciatrici lavorano con film termoretraibile tubolare, che viene srotolato automaticamente e tagliato su misura del pallet da incappucciare grazie ad un sistema di riconoscimento automatico del carico. Il cappuccio viene poi messo a copertura del carico senza entrarne in contatto, per garantire stabilità anche ai carichi più fragili e delicati. Vari formati di pallet Le incappucciatrici posso essere configurate da 1 a 6 bobine diverse di film, in taglia o spessore, offrendo la possibilità di incappucciare vari formati di pallet in un’unica macchina. Cappuccio elastico tagliato su misura La dimensione dei pallet viene identificata automaticamente Capacità:fino a 240 pallet/ora Dimensioni minime pallet:400×400 mm Dimensioni massimepallet:1350×1250 mm
KÜZDELEM ÉLELMISZER RÁTA - A ráta tartalma a felhasználó specifikus igényei szerint változik:

KÜZDELEM ÉLELMISZER RÁTA - A ráta tartalma a felhasználó specifikus igényei szerint változik:

It is possible to foresee within the same type of ration compositions with products different foods, in order to offer a variability suitable for use for several days. Normally the food ration consists of food products that can be stored at room temperature for a more or less long time according to its composition. Parnisari Arms is able to provide food rations conform to the eating habits of different countries, including those with Islamic religion foreseeing Halal certified food products. Certification: - ISO 9001 CASE:SEALABLE STORAGE:FROM 1 TO 3 YEARS CONTENTS OF THE BAG:3 CASES WITH MEALS
Soffiaggio csomagolás

Soffiaggio csomagolás

In Silcep, il nostro reparto di soffiaggio packaging è specializzato nella produzione di flaconi e contenitori in plastica, realizzati su misura per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche dei clienti. Utilizziamo tecnologie all'avanguardia per garantire la creazione di packaging di alta qualità, resistenti e funzionali, adatti a vari tipi di prodotti cosmetici. Il nostro processo produttivo è flessibile e ci permette di gestire diverse forme e dimensioni, assicurando precisione e uniformità. Ogni contenitore può essere ulteriormente personalizzato per il brand del cliente, offrendo soluzioni complete e pronte per il confezionamento.
Kompakt Üzem Biocombi© - Csomagolt egységek BC 4 - szennyvízkezelés kis közösségek számára

Kompakt Üzem Biocombi© - Csomagolt egységek BC 4 - szennyvízkezelés kis közösségek számára

The advantages of cloth filters and biorulli in a compact system for small community water treatment. Compact system for the biological purification treatment with biodiscs combined with cloth filter for the separation of excess sludge. The biocombi compact system features two treatment phases (biological treatment and separation of excess sludge) gathered in a single tank. The standard model provides the complete provision of a carbon steel tank treated and painted with a fiberglass modular cover easily removable, and an electrical switchboard on the machine with IP 55 protection. The moving parts (disc roller and drum filter) are actuated by a single geared motor with power included between 1,10 and 1,50 kW. -Minimum energy consumption -Reduced maintenance -Easy accessibility -Increased floor space (compact construction)
Kompakt Üzem Biocombi© - Csomag Egységek BC 2 - Szennyvízkezelés Kis Közösségek Számára

Kompakt Üzem Biocombi© - Csomag Egységek BC 2 - Szennyvízkezelés Kis Közösségek Számára

The advantages of cloth filters and biorulli in a compact system for small community water treatment. Compact system for the biological purification treatment with biodiscs combined with cloth filter for the separation of excess sludge. The biocombi compact system features two treatment phases (biological treatment and separation of excess sludge) gathered in a single tank. The standard model provides the complete provision of a carbon steel tank treated and painted with a fiberglass modular cover easily removable, and an electrical switchboard on the machine with IP 55 protection. The moving parts (disc roller and drum filter) are actuated by a single geared motor with power included between 0,75 and 1,10 kW. -Minimum energy consumption -Reduced maintenance -Easy accessibility -Increased floor space (compact construction)
Monoblokkok műanyag dugókhoz RT-PK sorozat

Monoblokkok műanyag dugókhoz RT-PK sorozat

I monoblocchi 'RT-PK' sono concepiti per il confezionamento di prodotti liquidi e densi, come yogurt, probiotici, latte, panna liquida, salse, sciroppi e creme spalmabili, in bottiglie e vasi con capsule in plastica prefilettate a vite o a pressione. Le macchine comprendono: Stazione di riempimento, singola o multitesta. Il riempimento avviene con sistema volumetrico, a mezzo di pompe rotative in acciaio inox aisi 316, pilotate da PLC e inverter. Disponibili valvole per riempimento dal fondo. I tappi vengono prelevati dalla testina di sgancio da un braccetto con azionamento pneumatico e posizionati direttamente sulla bottiglia, dove vengono avvitati o pressati. In aggiunta o in alternativa alla stazione di tappatura, le macchine possono essere implementate con una testa saldante ad una o due fustelle, per sigillare mediante saldatura da film in bobina. Produzione oraria: da 900 a 2.000 bott./ora (in base alla versione e al prodotto).
Zsákok és hengerek talajhoz, műtrágyákhoz, héjakhoz, pellethez - NINCS ÉTEL

Zsákok és hengerek talajhoz, műtrágyákhoz, héjakhoz, pellethez - NINCS ÉTEL

Buste ad alta resistenza per trasporto terriccio, concimi, nocciolino, pellet
Lattughino rosso

Lattughino rosso

Il Lattughino Rosso è la variante del lattughino verde. Dal sapore dolce e delicato, si può mescolare ad altri tipi di insalata per dare un tocco di colore. Grazie inoltre a vitamine e sali minerali, favorisce la digestione. Disponibile in vaschetta, busta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.


La salvia è un'erba aromatica con un fusto legnoso e foglie spesse di un verde argenteo che generano un aroma molto intenso. Viene utilizzata per la fisioterapia, nel campo cosmetico come dentifricio e nel campo culinario per insaporire arrosti e selvaggina. Disponibile in vaschetta o polistirolo di vari pesi.
Pneumatikus feszítő blokk nagyméretű és nehéz terhekhez FP LASH - Szövethevederrel való hevederezés

Pneumatikus feszítő blokk nagyméretű és nehéz terhekhez FP LASH - Szövethevederrel való hevederezés

Pneumatic tensioner model FP LASH very powerful and easy to handle, suitable for all working conditions, guarantees a high tensile strength and it is suitable for securing bulky and heavy loads on trucks, containers, ships, etc. The high tension force (7500 N) allows the use of textile strap with width up to 50 mm. It is also possible to adjust the tension acting on the supply pressure. The holding capacity of strap depends on material type and on strap of choice. Strap width:Max 50 mm Tension:Max 7500N Weight:4,5 Kg
E-BLOCK crate

E-BLOCK crate

CRATE WITH reusable STEEL LOCKING SYSTEM OF TABS AND SLOTS. -Easy locking system with quenched and galvanised locking system of tabs and slots -Reusable crate and locking system of tabs and slots -Inspectable from any side -Ideal for use at trade fairs -Partial replacement in the event of breakage -Compliance with ISPM-15 FAO phytosanitary regulations -Customisation with logos, graphics, handles, locking system of tabs and slots, dividers.
Félautomata öblítőgép SC-10

Félautomata öblítőgép SC-10

La sciacquatrice SC10, composta da una tavola rotante con movimento intermittente a 10 posizioni, consente di evitare rischi contaminazioni biologiche di bottiglie e vasetti, dovute alla presenza di polveri, foglie, piccoli insetti e rischi di gravi incidenti causati da possibili frammenti di vetro all'interno dei contenitori Possibilità di inserire e rimuovere le bottiglie da posizione frontale. Lo spruzzo dell'acqua di risciacquo o della soluzione sanificante avviene solo in presenza della bottiglia, grazie ad un microinterruttore a contatto. Per utilizzo di una soluzione in ricircolo, è disponibile un kit con vaschetta di recupero, pompa e tubazioni di collegamento. La macchina è completa di un filtro per la soluzione di risciacquo con cartuccia di microfiltrazione 0,45 micron. Disponibile anche a 20 posizioni e modalità solo soffiatrice. Produzione: 700 pezzi/ora.
Pneumatikus kötözőeszköz ST POLI HT25-32 - Pneumatikus kötözőeszközök

Pneumatikus kötözőeszköz ST POLI HT25-32 - Pneumatikus kötözőeszközök

Pneumatic strapping tool with vibration welding (heating by friction) for straps in polyester PET width 25-32 mm and max. thickness mm. 1,27. Compact, handy, easy to use, is suitable for closing all kinds of flat packaging. Thanks to a very short base and the command of reverse rotation of the roller it may also strap round packing with a minimum diameter of mm. 700. The operator simply inserts the two overlapped strips into the strapping tool, press a button to make the tension, a second button to get the vibration welding, and at the end a third button to pull out the tensioning device effortlessly. Strap width:25-32 mm Strap thickness:0,8-1,27 mm Air pressure:6/7 bar Air consumpt:12 Lt. / sec Weight:5,7 Kg
BS 5540 ÖSSZEHÚZÓ TUNNEL - Hőzsugorító alagút, amely minden szögletes záróberendezéshez alkalmas. Teljesítmény Kw 23

BS 5540 ÖSSZEHÚZÓ TUNNEL - Hőzsugorító alagút, amely minden szögletes záróberendezéshez alkalmas. Teljesítmény Kw 23

BS-5540M-ECO SHRINK TUNNEL - complete with wire mesh carpet for small products Shrink tunnel with high thermal insulation and ample power for all types of shrink film including the film in PE. Maximum thickness film thermoretracting 100 my. In conjunction with the angular sealer BS 8060 L is a complete system for packaging bags, bottles, cans and many other products with high weight. Of course it can be used separately or in combination with other machines. MAIN FEATURES - Finned heaters; - Dual fan for air circulation; - High thermal; - Conveyor belt with metallic mesh; - Conveyor with adjustable speed; - Fan for cooling packages; - Structure with wheels and adjustable feet. Voltage (V-Hz):380-50 (triphase) Power (kW):23 Loading (kg):40 Conveying Speed (m/min):0~8 Tunnel Size (L×W×H) (mm):1450×480×380 External Dimensions (L×W×H) (mm):2550×850×1500 NET WEIGHT (kg):400
Spenót eltávolító

Spenót eltávolító

Lo Spinacino è un ortaggio a foglia verde, che può essere consumato crudo o cotto. Dal basso contenuto di ferro, può essere utlizzato come contorno da abbinare alla carne o al pesce. Disponibile in vaschetta, busta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
PÁR HIDRAULIKUS EMELŐ BÚTOROKHOZ FM - Ideális bútorok, széfek, konténerek és gépi szerszámok szállítására

PÁR HIDRAULIKUS EMELŐ BÚTOROKHOZ FM - Ideális bútorok, széfek, konténerek és gépi szerszámok szállítására

MECHANICAL/HYDRAULIC FM LIFTERS FOR FURNITURE Ideal for transporting furniture, safes, containers and machine tools. The FM series mechanical/hydraulic lifter kit for furniture is suitable for moving furniture components in furniture stores, during removals or simply when you need to move furniture safely and without any effort. The maximum load capacity of the pair is 600kg (FM60 mechanical model) and 1800kg (FM180/A - FM 180/B hydraulic models). The kit consists of 2 lifts with lifting plates with non-slip coating and a strap for fixing. Lifting is by means of a screw with crank for the FM 60 model and a practical lever with a hydraulic pump for FM 180. The lifts are equipped with non-marking pivoting rubber wheels with steering lever. RAL 1028 yellow paint for the FM 180 models and blue for the FM 60 model Operation: Position the lifting plates below the part to be lifted, adjust the upper support and tension the safety belt. Example model:FM 180 A Load (Kg):1800 Lift height (mm):100 Lifting plate (mm):600x60 Wheels (diameter):150
Pneumatikus szemlyukasztó gép egy fejjel

Pneumatikus szemlyukasztó gép egy fejjel

Pneumatic eyeletting machine with single head for eyelets 9 mm, 7 mm, type 051 a - PNEUMATIC EYELETTING MACHINE, WITH SINGLE HEAD, automatic feeder, cast-iron frame and stand. Suitable for high volume applications and where one eyelet are required. Ideal for automatic application of warranty seals in cardboard industry, bank office, post office and in many others field. It is especially used in food industry for to seal and at the same time for to apply a printed card on plastic bags. Steel painted base plate:mm 360 x 500 Usable eyelets:type 7-9-050-051
FPFRBM 810 II VERTIKÁLIS FOLYAMATOS HEGESZTŐ - Folyamatos vertikális szalaghegesztő szilárd tintás jelölővel 3 kg-ig terjedő zsákokhoz.

FPFRBM 810 II VERTIKÁLIS FOLYAMATOS HEGESZTŐ - Folyamatos vertikális szalaghegesztő szilárd tintás jelölővel 3 kg-ig terjedő zsákokhoz.

Machine suitable for the closing of bags with height, mm. to 150 mm. 270 and max weight. 3 kg. The welding system with belts PTFE allows for closing of bags made of polyethylene, polypropylene, cellophane, coated paper, laminated aluminum, etc. The temperature is adjustable from 0-250° C. and the feed speed is adjustable from 0 -12 mt. / min.The welding head is adjustable in height and the distance between the welding and the edge of the bag is 10 mm. The machine is equipped with rotary solid ink marker and interchangeable characters (up to 20 characters with a height of 5 mm.), The system works with inked rollers for easy management and is complete with a photocell to do the marking in the desired location. This model is constructed in the standard version, that is, the advancement of the product occurs from right to left. Sealing width:mm. 10 Temperature set:0° - 250° Sealable materials:PP –PE – COUPLED Max product weight:Kg. 3
RISTO SMART vákuumgépek - Legújabb generációs vákuumgépek illatérzékelő rendszerrel a termékek azonosításához

RISTO SMART vákuumgépek - Legújabb generációs vákuumgépek illatérzékelő rendszerrel a termékek azonosításához

Latest generation machine suitable for RESTAURANTS, BUTCHERS, FOOD INDUSTRIES, TRACTORIES and wherever there is the need to vacuum pack both solid and liquid products The AUTOMATIC product recognition system allows you to switch from one production to another without having to change settings. Cooks who work in the kitchen know very well how problematic it is when multiple colleagues have to use the same machine and package different products The color keypad is extremely functional and allows you to change program and vacuum percentage in just a few seconds. Extremely easy to clean vacuum chamber and raised suction. Example model:FP41 RISTO SMART Bar type:1 front mm 410 Machine type:bench Chamber dimensions:mm 417x450x220H (100+120) Vacuum pump: 25 m3/h Num nozzles (gas option):2 Max. bags size:mm 400x500
Műanyag raklap

Műanyag raklap

L’azienda Commercializza pallets in plastica ottenuti dall'impiego di materiali da riciclo e conformi ai requisiti specificati nel Regolamento di certificazione "Plastica Seconda Vita".


The proposed semi-automatic line includes a GEM 52 taping machine for boxes with side drive belts. Before the taping machine, a PACK POINT 08 box former was positioned, which makes it faster and easier to form and fill the boxes. Once the boxes have been filled, it is possible to advance them towards the taping line by pressing the appropriate button on the former. Dimensions min. (LxWxH):150 x 100 x 100 mm Dimensions max. (LxWxH):unlimited x 500 x 500 mm lenght:1080 mm (1880 with rollers) height:mm. 980 working height:650 mm Weight:125 kg Belt Drive:left and right
Automatikus kartonformázó F2000 - Dobozformázók

Automatikus kartonformázó F2000 - Dobozformázók

Combining the erector to a line (taping base, filling floor and taping machine) it is possible to create the boxes as they need, without engaging spaces for accumulation. The trainer will automatically form boxes, taking them from the side stock and by bending the four bottom flaps. The settings relating to boxes, speed size etc .. are all adjustable by a convenient front panel. The operation can be set automatically or manually. Furthermore, by installing the automatic Start/Stop system equipped with a photocell, placed on the taping base, the F2000 trainer waits for the operator to free the taping base from the box, before proceeding with the formation of another box. Productivity max:840 pieces/hour Charger capacity:110/120 boxes Compressed air supply:6 Bar, 13 Nl per cycle Working plan height:mm. 650 + 30
Bio napraforgómag 3 Kg

Bio napraforgómag 3 Kg

I semi di girasole biologici sono i frutti secchi della pianta un prodotto che può essere utilizzato in numerose ricette in cucina sia semplici che elaborate. I semi di girasole sono ottimi da sgranocchiare al naturale per uno spuntino veloce ed energetico privo di grassi salutare e genuino. I semi di girasole possono essere di diversi colori propone la varietà bianca dall’aroma intenso e dal gusto pieno e deciso. Ai semi di girasole non è stato aggiunto sale additivi o conservati per mantenere inalterato il sapore e le proprietà organolettiche di questa deliziosa frutta secca. I semi sono ricchi di sostanze nutritive utili per il benessere dell'organismo come le vitamine del gruppo B, l’acido linoleico, i sali minerali, ferro, cobalto, manganese zinco, rame e l'acido folico. I semi di girasole bio sono molto utilizzati per arricchire gli impasti di pane biscotti e pizza e possono essere aggiunti alle insalate o tostati con l'aggiunta di un pizzico di sale.
Sealer GEM B 52/B670/B820 - Alap karton záróberendezés a dobozok alsó oldalának lezárásához.

Sealer GEM B 52/B670/B820 - Alap karton záróberendezés a dobozok alsó oldalának lezárásához.

BASE CARTON SEALER B52/B670/B820 Base for the closure of only the funds of boxes by means self-adhesive tape. Structure of the machine body made of sheet steel bent, bolted and painted, the movement of the cartons is done by two side drive belts driven by a single motor, adjustments for the different formats are made through flywheels. The machine is equipped with 4 wheels with brakes. The taping bases can be used both in semi-automatic lines with operator and in automatic lines or with box formers. The GEM B52 model is available in the version without guards for semi-automatic use or with side guards for insertion in the line. On the other hand, the B670F and B820F versions are only available with side protections for use in automatic lines or in combination with an automatic box former. The GEM B52 models can also be made of stainless steel. Example model:GEM B52 Boxes width min.:100 mm with 50 mm head/150 mm with 75 mm head Boxes width miax.:500 mm Boxes length:Min. 150 mm - max. unlimited Boxes height:Min. 100 mm - max. 500 mm Tape width:50 mm (75 optional)