Termékek csomagküldési szolgáltatások (334)

Blister m4229

Blister m4229

We create and manufacture thermoformed blister packaging, different models, dimensions and thickness, according to customer’s specific design and requirements blister trays, blister inserts, blister covers and clamshells. The thermoformed blister packaging can be used in a variety of industries and applications including automotive, electronics, office supplies, toys, consumers goods. The blister in the image is model 4229 and has the next dimensions outside:60x81x80mm inside:40x62mm / 44x65mm
Kutyapiszok zacskók

Kutyapiszok zacskók

O alternativă responsabilă la pungile clasice din polietilenă, pungile bio pentru câini sunt biodegradabile și compostabile, pot fi personalizate atât din punct de vedere al culorii și imprimării, cât și a caracteristicilor tipo-dimensionale. Culori personalizabile Dimensiuni personalizabile Compacte și rezistente Biodegradabile și compostabile conform EN 13432 Certificate OK Compost Produse în România cu echipamente de înaltă performanță
Nagy Buborékfólia Környezetbarát

Nagy Buborékfólia Környezetbarát

Folie cu bule de aer mari Eco Friendly pentru protectia produselor fragile mai grele si cu forme neregulate. Folia cu bule de aer mari este un material de ambalare usor si flexibil, produs din folie de polietilena de joasa densitate, ideala pentru protejarea produselor fragile. Acest tip de ambalaje protejeaza foarte bine suprafata produsului si ofera o protectie anti-soc si anti-vibratii. Folia cu bule de aer mari poate fi folosita si pentru a umple spatiile goale din interiorul cutiilor. Folia cu bule de aer mari este recomandata pentru ambalarea obiectelor de sticla si ceramica, instrumentelor muzicale, aparaturii de birotica, a pieselor de mobilier, a obiectelor fragile, pentru separarea obiectelor cu forme similare datorita aderentei la suport ridicate, foarte buna protectie a echipamentelor electronice.
Biológiailag lebomló Block Notes táskák

Biológiailag lebomló Block Notes táskák

Pungile biodegradabile și compostabile block-notes răspund optim spiritului practic necesar la raioanele de băcănie, fructe și legume sau produse vrac, deoarece sunt ușor de manevrat și de utilizat de către clienții supermarket-urilor. Culori personalizabile Dimensiuni personalizabile Însoțite de aviz alimentar Biodegradabile și compostabile conform EN 13432 Certificate OK Compost Produse în România cu echipamente de înaltă performanță
Kartondobozok CO5 - Kartondobozok CO5

Kartondobozok CO5 - Kartondobozok CO5

Aceste cutii din carton colectoare de tip CO5 sunt usoare, compuse din 3 straturi netede din carton si 2 ondulate si va sunt oferite intr-o gama de dimensiuni foarte variate. Cutiile din carton CO5 pot fi folosite pentru depozitare, ambalare si transport, acestea fiind o metoda foarte rentabila de ambalaj pentru a stoca si expedia produse. INATECH PACKAGING va pune la dispozitie toata gama de cutii colectoare din carton CO5. De la cutii mari la cele mici, de la cutii din carton folosite in transportul maritim la cele de depozitare, exista cutii din carton pentru fiecare produs si scop. Daca sunteti in cautarea unor cutii simple, duble sau triple, ati ajuns la locul potrivit. Toate cutiile din carton sunt concepute pentru a proteja produsele atunci cand ele sunt depozitate sau in tranzit. Cutiile noastre sunt produse din carton ondulat de inalta calitate pentru a le oferi o rezistenta superioara impotriva diverselor actiuni externe.
Barrier Flow Pack Fóliák

Barrier Flow Pack Fóliák

Thanks to state-of-the-art equipment, flow pack films meet the highest European and international quality standards. We produce films for Flowpack machines, paying special attention to the sealing and barrier properties of the film, thus ensuring their compatibility with high-speed horizontal and vertical machines. The FLOW IN films represent a complete solution for the packaging requirements of the product, the packaging equipment, and the market trends. They guarantee the required storage time and an excellent presentation of the product. The FLOW IN films can be transparent, colored or printed. Thickness:35 – 95 μm Wide applicability:locking seal, easy peel, anti-fog
Kartonk sarkok - Kartonk sarkok

Kartonk sarkok - Kartonk sarkok

Coltare din carton sunt profile multistrat obtinute din hartie reciclata, prin lipire si presare. Conform evaluarii organizatiei germane RESY coltarele din carton sunt 100% reciclabile. Folosim coltare din carton pentru protejarea muchiilor produselor impaletate, pe perioada transportului sau pentru depozitare. Coltarele din carton intaresc ambalajul si protejeaza produsul, protejeaza muchiile produselor impaletate pe perioada transportului sau in timpul depozitarii. Protejeaza paletii impotriva loviturilor si zgarieturilor de orice fel ce pot aparea in timpul transportului. Coltarele din carton sunt solutii eficiente si economice de protectie.
Psi Karm

Psi Karm

Giftwrapping for nonfood products (cosmetics, office products, candles, decorative products, bracelets, necklaces), giftwrapping for weedings, giftwrapping for corporate events (commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the company, for example), Easter giftwrapping, Christmas giftwrapping, giftwrapping for womes’s day, giftwrapping for Valentine’s Day. Giftwrapping for employees, giftwrapping for business partners. Gift boxes, for miscellaneous products decorations, ornaments, accessory, scarves… Also, we can do other models of boxes, according to our client specifications. You can check our dimensions table, which contains all needed details. Jewelry boxes, accessory, wedding favors or other small products. The boxes can be accessorized with ribbon or cord. Also, we can personalize the boxes by request, with client’s logo. Plastic packaging manufacturer, cake boxes, cupcake boxes, giftwrapping , trays for cakes and personalized boxes.
Műanyag casserole integrált fedéllel (Nova – 4196 modell)

Műanyag casserole integrált fedéllel (Nova – 4196 modell)

Caserole din plastic cu capac integrat (model Nova – 4196) pentru capsuni, cirese, visine, fructe de padure (afine, mure, fragi, agrise, zmeura, coacaze, catina etc). Dimensiuni caserole: – exterior – 123x120x60 (40+20)mm – interior – 110x100x60mm – capacitate baza (fund) aprox.170ml – capacitate capac aprox.330ml In aceasta caserola se pot introduce aprox.200g fructe. Acestei casolete i se pot da gauri de aerisire. Putem realiza si alte dimensiuni pentru caserole din plastic, iar la cerere, putem imprima sigla clientului direct pe material.
Eurótartók függő dobozokhoz a polcon m347, m402, m591

Eurótartók függő dobozokhoz a polcon m347, m402, m591

Euroholder dimensions M347 – 45x50mm M402 – 50x60mm M591 – 40x29mm
Burger Doboz 110x110 T:113x110 H:85 - BIOLEBONHATÓ Burger doboz kartonból - Testreszabható és Átméretezhető

Burger Doboz 110x110 T:113x110 H:85 - BIOLEBONHATÓ Burger doboz kartonból - Testreszabható és Átméretezhető

Grease proof -Burger BOX -Customizable and Resizable- Europe's guaranteed best price B:110x110 T:113x110 H:85 - we are ready to make new boxes proposed by our customers. - producer prices, personalized discounts. - discover the range of products in the URSPACK catalog SUSTAINABLE Like almost all our products, our Burger Box with hinged lid is compostable and recyclable I The cardboard packaging is free of plastic and ideal for snacks or food trucks. MEAL BOX:SBB02
Papír menü doboz 53,3 Oz - Menü doboz - 1000cc/53,3 Oz - MOQ - 6400 db

Papír menü doboz 53,3 Oz - Menü doboz - 1000cc/53,3 Oz - MOQ - 6400 db

Grease proof PAPER Meniu Box. Dimensions- B:190x130 T:215x155 H:56 Capacity- 1000cc/53,3 Oz-(Customizable MOQ- 6400 pcs) Europe best price guaranteed,Superior Quality Materials: The Meal Boxes manufactured by Urspack are made of high-quality, safe, and durable cardboard. Unique Customization: We offer full-color customization options for Meal Boxes, allowing you to highlight your brand and create a visually captivating experience for customers. Flexibility in Sizes: We adapt to our customers' requirements and can resize the Meal Boxes to fit your needs and preferences. MEAL BOX:M1000
Elvitelre Szánt Papírdoboz 22,7 Oz - Zsíroldó - Elvitelre Szánt Doboz 672cc/ 22,7 Oz - Testreszabható

Elvitelre Szánt Papírdoboz 22,7 Oz - Zsíroldó - Elvitelre Szánt Doboz 672cc/ 22,7 Oz - Testreszabható

Grease proof - Take Away Box B:100x83 T:118x108 H:65 Capacity- 672cc/22.7 Oz-Customizable Personalized Consultation: Our team can provide consultation to help you choose the right size, shape, and design for your customized Asia Boxes based on your restaurant's needs! Customer Support +40 742 107 091 MEAL BOX:A750
Triplex Laminált

Triplex Laminált

Barrier films are used for MAP packaging of perishable or long-shelf-life food products.
Sous-vide zacskók

Sous-vide zacskók

Vacuum bags are the perfect choice for Sous-Vide cooking and for use with vacuuming devices with external suction. They can be used for heat treatment, Sous-Vide cooking. Thickness:90 microns Size tolerance:+/- 3%
Papír salátás tál - Salátás tál 700cc / 24,4 Oz - Testreszabható - Legjobb ár Európában garantált

Papír salátás tál - Salátás tál 700cc / 24,4 Oz - Testreszabható - Legjobb ár Európában garantált

Grease proof -Paper Salad bowl + Lids ØB:130 ØT:142 H:58 Capacity- 722cc/24.4 Oz- Customizable MOQ 9600 pcs.(2 pallets) Packaging for soups, salads, pastas, and bucket meals-Preserve Freshness and Flavor with Our Bowl Boxes Our Bowl Boxes are designed to maintain the freshness and quality of food during transportation.With the help of the cardboard support invented by Urspack, the food reaches your customers safely. High-Quality Materials: We use eco-friendly and durable materials to manufacture our Bowl Boxes, protecting the environment and providing safe food packaging. Versatility: Our Bowl Boxes are suitable for various types of meals, such as soups, salads, pastas, or fast food buckets . They are easy to use and transport. Customization Options: Our Bowl Boxes can be personalized with your logo and design, allowing you to promote and differentiate your brand. MEAL BOX:B750


These are multi-layer bags (with 5-11 layers) with controlled barrier, intended for packing the products on vacuuming machines, with modified atmosphere or vacuum packing. There are over 25 possible dimensions, they can also be made in atypical sizes, in three types: corrugated, thin smooth and thick smooth vacuum bags.
CO3 Kartondobozok - CO3 Kartondobozok

CO3 Kartondobozok - CO3 Kartondobozok

Cutiile din carton CO3 colectoare sunt usoare, compuse din 2 straturi din carton neted si un strat ondulat, acestea sunt oferite intr-o gama de dimensiuni foarte variata, pot fi folosite pentru depozitare, ambalare si transport. Cutiile din carton colectoare sunt o metoda rentabila de ambalaj, pot fi folosite pentru a stoca sau expedia produse. INATECH PACKAGING va pune la dispozitie toata gama de cutii din carton colectoare. De la cutii mari la cele mici, de la cutii din carton folosite in transportul maritim la cele pentru depozitare. Producem cutii din carton pentru fiecare produs si scop. Daca sunteti in cautarea unor cutii simple, duble sau triple, ati ajuns la locul potrivit. Toate cutiile din carton sunt concepute pentru a proteja produsele atunci cand ele sunt depozitate sau in tranzit. Cutiile noastre sunt produse din carton ondulat de inalta calitate pentru a le oferi o rezistenta superioara impotriva diverselor actiuni externe.
Autós tálca 3

Autós tálca 3

We manufacture thermoformed automotive parts trays, made of plastic (PET). The pictures shown are our models, but we can fully customize, according to the customers’ requirement various specifications, different thickness and sizes. We design and manufacture the thermoforming mold inhouse. Our custom thermoformed trays can be used for multiple applications from disposable trays for packing and shipping to reusable trays and inhouse handling processes. outside:122x155x40mm bottom:107x140mm


Small SoupBox
Banán stílusú biológiailag lebomló táskák

Banán stílusú biológiailag lebomló táskák

Sacoșele tip banană sunt un instrument ideal de promovare responsabilă a propriului brand sau pentru acțiuni de marketing specifice. Paleta de opțiuni privind personalizarea și caracteristicile tipo-dimensionale în care pot fi fabricate le fac potrivite utilizării de către retaileri, dar și de către farmacii și drogherii. Culori personalizabile Dimensiuni personalizabile Imprimare în funcție de cerințele clientului Biodegradabile și compostabile conform EN 13432 Certificate OK Compost Produse în România cu echipamente de înaltă performanță
Műanyag 2 rekeszes lábas (4072-es modell)

Műanyag 2 rekeszes lábas (4072-es modell)

Caserola 2 compartimente (model 4072) din plastic transparent pentru caise deshidratate Dimensiuni caserole: exterior- 230x150x40mm un compartiment 212x62x40mm capacitate aprox.750ml In cele 2 compartimente se pot pune doua tipuri de fructe, separate de un perete, sau un singur tip. Caserola se poate folosi pentru a ambala caise, smochine, curmale, nuci, alune, migdale, merisoare, prune uscate etc. La acest ambalaj mai avem si modelul cu un singur compartiment. Se pot realiza si alte dimensiuni de caserole din plastic, de asemenea se mai pot personaliza cu sigla clientului.
Papír Bordák és Csíkok Doboz - Papír Bordák és Csíkok Elvitelre Doboz 1300cc/43.2 Oz

Papír Bordák és Csíkok Doboz - Papír Bordák és Csíkok Elvitelre Doboz 1300cc/43.2 Oz

Grease proof - Paper Ribs & Stribs BOX ØB:120 T:118x117 H:110 Capacity- 1300cc/43.2 Oz- (Customizable MOQ 8640 pcs) Customization Options: Our Meal Boxes can be personalized with full-color printing, allowing you to add your logo, design, and company message. Strong Brand Promotion: Customized Meal Boxes enable you to promote your brand and differentiate yourself from the competition. Urspack can create the perfect packaging for your business according to your specifications! Personalized Consultation: The Urspack team offers consultation to help you choose the appropriate size, shape, and design for your custom Meal Boxes, based on your restaurant's needs. Paper Ribs & Stribs Box:G1300 Pallet Weight 100 kg(+- 10) : Pallet=16Bax / 48Set / 4320pcs
Pólótáskák hengeren

Pólótáskák hengeren

Practice și compacte, sacoșele tip maieu rolate sunt biodegradabile și compostabile, fabricate cu tehnologie de ultimă generație. Sunt alegerea ideală pentru cumpărături, fiind adaptabile în ce privește caracteristicile tipo-dimensionale. Culori personalizabile Dimensiuni personalizabile Imprimare în funcție de cerințele clientului Biodegradabile și compostabile conform EN 13432 Certificate OK Compost Produse în România cu echipamente de înaltă performanță
Félautomata cserélhető szerszámtálca záróberendezés

Félautomata cserélhető szerszámtálca záróberendezés

TableTOP20 series machines are semiautomatic type tray sealer which has compact design, build with stainless steel to meet the market that wants healthy, tasteful and convenient packaged in a hygienic, high-quality way. The machine have skillful craftsmanship at a great value for money, which are suitable for testing market demands, low level production, fast packaging requirements, supermarkets, small kitchens and shops. This kind of machines are the very first step through fully automation.
Autós tálca 6

Autós tálca 6

We manufacture thermoformed automotive parts trays, made of plastic (PET). The pictures shown are our models, but we can fully customize, according to the customers’ requirement various specifications, different thickness and sizes. We design and manufacture the thermoforming mold inhouse. Our custom thermoformed trays can be used for multiple applications from disposable trays for packing and shipping to reusable trays and inhouse handling processes.
Elektromos kábelezés - Panelek / elektromos szekrények összeszerelése

Elektromos kábelezés - Panelek / elektromos szekrények összeszerelése

Se acordă o importanță deosebită realizării panourilor electrice, componentelor acestora, pentru a garanta succesul unui sistem electric. Proiectarea, dezvoltarea și cablarea sunt realizate pentru a asigura fiabilitate și calitate ridicată, în conformitate cu reglementările internaționale. Fazele de asamblare și cablare sunt supuse unei optimizări și automatizări continue.
Papír szószos csésze / tál 135cc / 4,5 Oz - Szószos csésze + fedők - Zsírfaló - Papír szószos tál + fedők ØB:50 ØT:65 H:60 Kapacitás-

Papír szószos csésze / tál 135cc / 4,5 Oz - Szószos csésze + fedők - Zsírfaló - Papír szószos tál + fedők ØB:50 ØT:65 H:60 Kapacitás-

Sauce cup+ Lids -Grease proof -Paper Sauce Bowl+ Lids ØB:50 ØT:65 H:60 Capacity- 135cc/4.5 Oz Packaging for soups, salads, pastas, and bucket meals-Preserve Freshness and Flavor with Our Bowl Boxes Our Bowl Boxes are designed to maintain the freshness and quality of food during transportation.With the help of the cardboard support invented by Urspack, the food reaches your customers safely. High-Quality Materials: We use eco-friendly and durable materials to manufacture our Bowl Boxes, protecting the environment and providing safe food packaging. Versatility: Our Bowl Boxes are suitable for various types of meals, such as soups, salads, pastas, or bucket meals. They are easy to use and transport. Customization Options: Our Bowl Boxes can be personalized with your logo and design, allowing you to promote and differentiate your brand. Minimum Order Quantity-12800 pcs MEAL BOX:B100
Mintatálca t334

Mintatálca t334

We create and manufacture thermoformed containers, plates, trays and molds, different models and dimensions, according to customer’s specific design and requirements blister trays, blister inserts, blister covers and clamshells. The thermoformed containers can be used in a variety of industries and applications. The pictures shown are our models, but we can fully customize, according to the customers’ requirement.
Menü doboz integrált elválasztóval 53,5 Oz - Menü doboz integrált elválasztóval - 1000cc/53,5 Oz MOQ - 5120 db

Menü doboz integrált elválasztóval 53,5 Oz - Menü doboz integrált elválasztóval - 1000cc/53,5 Oz MOQ - 5120 db

Grease proof PAPER Meniu Box. B:208x130 T:230x150 H:56,5 Capacity- 1000cc/53,5 Oz-(Customizable MOQ-5120pcs) Customization Options: Our Meal Boxes can be personalized with full-color printing, allowing you to add your logo, design, and company message. Strong Brand Promotion: Customized Meal Boxes enable you to promote your brand and differentiate yourself from the competition. Urspack can create the perfect packaging for your business according to your specifications! Personalized Consultation: The Urspack team offers consultation to help you choose the appropriate size, shape, and design for your custom Meal Boxes, based on your restaurant's needs. MEAL BOX:M1100