Shelf Ready Packaging vereinfacht das Auspacken von Kartons und das Befüllen der Regale. Außerdem ersetzen Sie mit Shelf Ready Packaging vollständige Umkartons durch offene Trays. Shelf Ready und Retail Ready Packaging Shelf Ready Packaging oder Retail Ready Packaging bietet zahlreiche Vorteile. Zunächst einmal wären da erhebliche Kosteneinsparungen beim Verpackungsmaterial. Die Bandall-Banderoliermaschine legt nämlich automatisch eine Papier- oder Folienbanderole um Ihr Produkt. Egal, ob gestapelt oder in Kartons verpackt. So ist gleich für eine stabile, versiegelte Verpackung gesorgt. Außerdem vereinfacht diese Verpackungstechnik auch das Auspacken (aus Kartons) und das Befüllen der Regale. Und Sie ersetzen vollständige Umkartons durch offene Trays.
El packaging es crucial en la industria alimentaria, especialmente para alimentos perecederos como la carne y el pescado. En YM Packaging, ofrecemos soluciones de envasado especializadas para mantener la calidad y frescura de estos productos.
Nuestra maquinaria automatizada agiliza el proceso de envasado, asegurando la rápida disponibilidad de productos al consumidor. Equipadas con características avanzadas, nuestras máquinas garantizan la continuidad de la cadena de frío y cumplen con los más estrictos estándares de calidad y seguridad.
Ofrecemos una variedad de sistemas de envasado, incluyendo al vacío, atmósfera modificada, extracción de aire y film retráctil. El envasado al vacío es especialmente efectivo para prolongar la vida útil de la carne y el pescado al eliminar el oxígeno del envase, previniendo la oxidación y la proliferación de bacterias.
Odkryj magię sezonu z naszymi premium woreczkami prezentowymi w tematyce Świętego Mikołaja! Te atrakcyjne torby zostały zaprojektowane, aby sprawić, że Twoje prezenty będą się wyróżniać, zarówno dla rodziny, jak i przyjaciół. Dostępne w dwóch rozmiarach—250mm x 400mm i 320mm x 500mm—są idealne do pakowania wszystkiego, od świątecznych smakołyków po małe upominki. Uchwyć świąteczny nastrój i przynieś radość do swojego obdarowywania dzięki tym oszałamiającym torbom, które podkreślają Twój świąteczny styl!
The intermittent Form Fill and Seal machines flexo 500/700 Push are pusher-machines that wrap difficult products with ease, such as glass bottles in bundles or salt and pepper shakers.
They collect and group the products in order to subsequently push them into the film. In order to ensure that no products tilt over, our machines maintain physical contact with the articles to be packaged until they are safely in the bag.
The transversal sealing unit is designed as an intermittent version and processes a wide range of films and product dimensions. The packaging style features a bottom overlap.
Gift and Promotional Products: We offer aesthetic and customized packaging for gift and promotional products designed to be used on special occasions or business events. The packaging can be personalized with your company logo or special message, helping you to increase your brand awareness.
Fabricamos envases para marcas de cosméticas y laboratorios. Podemos fabricar diseños exclusivos de alta calidad. Fabricación en Barcelona.
No dudes de visitar nuestra página web y ponerte en contacto con nosotros.
FlevoTrade verpakt uien in diverse branded bags, zoals de Crown. Bij voldoende afname kunnen we dit ook voor jouw label realiseren! Neem direct contact met ons op voor meer informatie.
Met jaren ervaring in de sector en mooie langdurige samenwerkingen met bedrijven binnen- en buiten de sector, hebben we bewezen dat uien veruit ons hoofdproduct zijn. En daar zijn wij trots op!
Description: Elegant and resistant packaging in compact cardboard for HUGO BOSS. This custom packaging and with a hinged lid, also has a window that allows viewing the contents even when the package is closed.
Single Wall:
Perfect for outdoor meals. Available in 8 oz, 12 oz, and 16 oz. Customization with logo starting from 30000 units.
Double Wall: Ideal for hot dishes.
Thermal insulation.
Customization starting from 1000 units.
Why choose us?
Environmental respect.
Durability and robustness.
Simplified ordering process.
If you see TM "TERRA" products on the shelf, feel free to take them. Steamed rice is not an exception.
Airy and crumbly rice will be an excellent side dish for meat and fish. It will take half an hour of time and a little of your inspiration to prepare.
We provide 4 diffrent types of Packaging Tape Hotmelt Packaging Tapes(HM), Water Based Acrylic Packaging Tapes(WBAP), Natural Rubber Packaging Tapes(NRP) and Solvent Acrylic Packaging Tapes. In order to meet your quality standarts we use high quality machines and provide the best material we ever can.
adhesive:Hotmelt, Acrylic, Acrylic, Natural Rubber (HM,WBAP,SA,NRP)
Carrier:Bopp Film (All of them)
Color:Transperent, White and Brown (Avaliable for all of them)
Thickness:25 µm (All of Them)
Adhesion Strenght(N/25mm):11,10,12,13(HM,WBAP,SA,NRP)
heat resistance:0°C / 50°C [HM] -20°C / 80°C [WBAP] -20°C / 80°C [SA] -20°C / 80°C [NRP]
◾ Tam PLC denetimli.
◾ Paslanmaz çelik yük hücreleri ile hassas tartım ve uzun ömür.
◾ 5/10kg.-10/ 25/50kg. tartım aralıkları.
◾ Ağzı açık torbalara otomatik dolum.
◾ Ayrı ayrı programlanabilen alt ve üst tolerans değerleri.
◾ Otomatik çuval sallama mekaniği.
◾ Torbalanacak ürünün cinsine göre ayrı tartım kefesi besleme sistemi.
◾ Ayrı motor ile sürülen çift helezonlu besleme.
◾ İki hızlı motor ile sürülen tek helezonlu besleme.
◾ İki hızlı motorla sürülen bantlı besleme.
◾ Torbalanacak ürüne ve istenen toleransa göre 13-22 ton/saat (50 kg. torbalarda) arasında kapasite.
◾ IP54 koruma sınıfından özel sistem panosu
◾ Regülasyon bunkeri tartım ünitesi ve boşaltma bunkerlerinde özel vibrasyon üniteleri.
◾ Tuş takımı ile kolay kalibrasyon.
◾ Yüksekliği ayarlanabilen dikiş makinası sütunu.
Production de boîtes industrielles imprimées de taille spéciale.
Possibilité d'imprimer jusqu'à 4 couleurs.
Impression de dorure à la feuille.
Ondulé E Wave
boîtes industrielles
vente en gros boîtes
fournisseur de boîtes
boîtes d'emballage en gros
In the PACKED version of the ST91 sliding case, the wings can be hidden inside the wall and offer an uninterrupted view to the user.
It is a system developed as an alternative to situations where the area where the wings are collected in traditional sliding systems is visible and cannot be used as an area to go out. Sliding all the wings into the wall provides the user with a 100% open area. The striped texture on the case profile and the skirt profiles of the wings can be offered to the user as different options. With its EPDM wick structure, air and water impermeability, wind load resistance and thermal performance values are provided at the highest level. With its Eurogrove channel structure, it is compatible with different brands and types of opening accessories. It allows multi-point locking.
System Depth (Case):121.2 mm
System Depth (Sash):36 mm
System Height (Case):43.8 mm
System Height (Sash):92 mm
System Height (Case + Wing):126.8 mm
System Visible width (Stamp):25.2 mm
Applicable Glass Thickness:4 mm – up to 24 mm
Aplicabilitate: Destinat pentru ambalarea cartofilor, cepei, fructelor care necesita aerisire.
Producție: Fabricat 100% automat din materii prime durabile.
Personalizare: cel mai inalt nivel de calitate in pana la 10 culori si/sau policromi, inclusiv cele speciale: auriu, argintiu metalic cu cerneală ecologică pe bază de apă. Rezoluția de imprimare poate ajunge cu ușurință la 300 dpi.
Opțiuni: fereastră de vizualizare a produsului cu o formă personalizată, poate fi sigilată cu folie PLA Biodegradabilă pentru a permite ambalarea produselor care necesită o atmosferă controlată, de exemplu biscuiți. Pot avea și mânere pentru un transport ușor.
Material: hârtie specială impermeabilă cu fante de ventilație. Hârtie kraft albă sau natur, diferite grosimi (80-120 GSM), certificata FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001.
Cele mai frecvente dimensiuni: 230 x 100 x 300 mm, 230 x 100 x 440 și 260 x 160 x 550 mm.
Capacitate de producție: peste 75 de milioane de bucăți anual.
Wykonujemy: opakowania papierowe, opakowania kartonowe, opakowania farmaceutyczne, projekty opakowań.
Realizujemy zamówienia od małych nakładów, nawet kilkuset sztuk.
Posiadamy wiele gotowych wykrojników z różnymi wymiarami opakowań,
z których mogą Państwo skorzystać przy realizacji swojego zamówienia bez ponoszenia dodatkowych kosztów.
Der sterile Probenbeutel SteriBag Blue ist speziell für den Einsatz in der Lebensmittel-, Futtermittel- und Pharmaindustrie geeignet. Um der Gefahr von Fremdkörpern in der Produktion vorzubeugen, sind der Probenbeutel sowie der Aufreiß-Verschluss in einem blauen Farbton. Dieser kommt in natürlicher Form in Lebensmitteln nicht vor. Daher bietet er eine gute Sichtbarkeit und ist bei der visuellen Kontrolle zuverlässig zu entdecken, sollte ein Beutel oder Teile davon in die Produktion geraten.
Der Einweg-Probenbeutel ist für den Kontakt mit Lebensmitteln zugelassen. Er eignet sich zum Aufbewahren und Transportieren von festen, halbfesten sowie flüssigen Medien.
Dank großer Beutelöffnung lässt sich der SteriBag Blue leicht befüllen. Der Probenbeutel mit Beschriftungsfeld ist platzsparend, leicht zu transportieren und auslaufsicher.
Plastic Courier bags are :The most secure way of handling products by courier.You can choose the color that matches the style of your business and print your logo.It has a double-sided, security or re-sealable tape for quick and easy sealing.Indicatively, businesses that can take advantage of the possibilities and benefits offered by courier envelopes are: E-shop, courier, crafts, industrial companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc.
Halbschlauchfolie entsteht durch seitliche – auf Wunsch auch mittige - Schlitzung einer Schlauchfolie.
Die Halbschlauchfolie eignet sich, um daraus eine Vielzahl an Verpackungslösungen zu realisieren. Ein gutes Beispiel dafür sind Möbelhüllen oder Flachhauben welche wir perforiert auf Rolle fertigen können. Auf automatisierten Anlagen lassen sich unsere Halbschlauchfolien bestens verarbeiten. Bei der Wahl des verwendeten Materials und der Folienstärke gibt es eine Vielfalt an Kombinationen. Für jedes Produkt bzw. jede Verwendung gibt es bei Dürrbeck die entsprechende Halbschlauchfolie.
Halbschlauch-Schrumpffolie – der sichere Rundumschutz für Ihre Produkte.
Halbschlauch-Schrumpffolien sind eine der gängigsten Folienarten in zahlreichen Verpackungsautomaten. Sie ist transparent oder auf Wunsch eingefärbt, je nach Folienstärke äußerst robust und reißfest und schützt somit ihr Produkt vor negativen Umwelteinflüssen wie Feuchtigkeit oder Staub.
Recycled packaging is an environmentally-friendly solution for businesses and consumers who want to reduce their carbon footprint. It is made from materials that have been previously used and then processed to create new packaging products. Recycled packaging can be made from a variety of materials including cardboard, paper. By using recycled packaging, businesses can not only reduce their environmental impact but also have the same look of the product. Additionally, consumers can feel good about choosing products that are packaged in a sustainable way, knowing that they are making a positive impact on the environment. Overall, recycled packaging is a great option for those who want to be more eco-conscious in their packaging choices.
Il flusso di olio e acqua viene introdotto nella vasca e distribuito in modo omogeneo su tutta la sezione trasversale.
Sono costituiti da una vasca di contenimento che può essere realizzata in acciaio al carbonio trattato e verniciato o in acciaio inox AISI 304; da un pacco lamellare a canali paralleli in polistirene rigido, stabilizzato contro i raggi UV. Materiali ed esecuzioni speciali sono disponibili su richiesta. Applicazioni tipiche: acque di prima pioggia, impianti petrolchimici, officine meccaniche, raffinerie e depositi di idrocarburi, lavaggio di veicoli, bonifiche, centri di raccolta rifiuti.
-Elevata efficienza di separazione solido-liquido.
-Semplicità di installazione e funzionamento
-Esecuzione compatta
-Bassi costi iniziali e di gestione dell'impianto
En fonction de vos machines et produits, différentes lames existent avec des dentures et des formes adaptées. Un revêtement TIN peut être fait à la demande et
plusieurs nuances d’acier sont possibles
Custom printed folding cartons offer a superior level of protection while packaging your products in style. They complement a wide range of industries such as manufacturing, food & beverage, retail, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and technology and as they are available in multiple shapes, colours, sizes, and designs they are suitable for almost every product.
To prevent counterfeiting of pharmaceuticals, we carry out pasting on the packaging of holograms, and in accordance with the requirements for the packaging of medicines, we provide Braille.
Our packaging materials meet quality standards and protect medicines against the effects of sunlight, excessive moisture and damage. We make packaging of any design and level of complexity, which serve as an additional means of attracting the attention of consumers.