The production of the eco-polyethylene we use is associated with the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere – the production of each kilogram of this material means absorbing 3.09 kilograms of CO2 from the air.
In addition, as much as 80% of the energy needed to produce eco friendly squeeze tube comes from renewable energy sources! By using sugar cane tubes, we make a real contribution to reducing the greenhouse effect and protecting nature!
Glucosnova is used diluted in water both by foliar application and by irrigation.
Glucosnova can be used in any crop, especially horticultural crops.
Le mot du chef : “ Un jour au marché de Marie-Galante (Grand Bourg), je goûte un punch très épicé à la muscade et à la cannelle. Un vrai florilège de goûts et de saveurs typiques en bouche. Le planteur était vraiment consistant en bouche”.