Vår SYP riskake maskin (Bakeri maskin, Godterier maskin) er utformet slik at den kan produsere spratt korn snack / Chip / Cracker / Kake med 100% naturlige korn.
For tiden mekaniske anordninger blir gjort, men det er ikke i stand til å håndtere høye trykk kontinuerlig, og produserer ikke-enhetlige produkter. Delene som kjeder og motorer er utslitt lett og fører til hyppige sammenbrudd.
Vår "SYP 'riskake maskin rettet disse feilene og bruker hydraulikk for å produsere enhetlige produkter og betydelig økt holdbarhet.
I tillegg rekke former er tilgjengelig i forskjellige størrelser og former for å tilfredsstille kundenes behov.
Små maskiner kan fremstilles for lokale butikker og og større maskiner kan fremstilles så vel for fabrikker.
For mer informasjon, ta kontakt med oss !!
Takk skal du ha
Dimensions (LxPxH) : 680 x 1000 x 1600 mm Capacité : 60 litres Voltage : 400V / 5060Hz / Triphasé Puissance : 1,1 / 1,5 / 1,7 kW Soulèvement manuel de la cuve Blocage automatique de la cuve pour une sécurité accrue Tableau de commande à 3 vitesses pour une flexibilité maximale Minuteur intégré pour une précision de traitement Poids : 280 kg
It is used for breaking and crushing wheat in flour factories. The most important machine of the flour mill, the roller mill consists of two pairs of roller balls operating in parallel. Unlike the pneumatic roller, the incoming product amount is measured with the help of a sensor or load cell. Feeding rollers change speed according to the incoming product amount and provide homogeneous flow. At the same time, the gap between the rolls is closed by pneumatic pistons and allows the product to be grinded by passing through the rolls.
The bearings of the rolls are ductile iron and the arms of the rolls are conical. It is produced with gear drive and belt drive. It can also be produced with an optional touch control screen. Especially thanks to the side covers that can be opened one by one based on the opening system, it provides fast and easy access and the possibility of rapid ball removal with the cover opened on the ball.
Capacité du réservoir 30 litres
Avec variateur de vitesse électronique avec inverseur
Panneau de commande électromécanique
Levage manuel du bol
Grille de sécurité fixe / tournante en plastique "F"
Dirmak Machinery ISM Series appeal many sectors to cater with a wide range of products from 10 litre up to 350 litre. Our machines provide to knead very short time thanks to excellent bowl and spiral apparatus design. Spiral mixer yields very quick preparation without warming and tiring products such as dough, mincemeat, cigkofte etc. ISM Series give power to your business with quite and smooth operation, durable and long-lasting.
Der einwellige WBH-Chargenmischer ist das ideale Gerät, um Mischungen höchster Qualität, in kürzester Zeit, bei perfekt reproduzierbaren Chargen zu erhalten.
Product is manufactured by international machinery industry standards and regulations.Innovative technology by high level engineering design has completed on this product.
This is the laboratory type mixer and calling as table top mixer.For further information and pricing please feel free yourself to contact us
.Spiral Hamur Karıştırıcı Genel Özellikler 0.5 kg ile 10 kg arası. Ayarlanabilir hızı ile her türlü hamur için idealdir. Spiral kazan kolu paslanmaz çelik. Potansiyometre tek fazlı motor ve hız regülasyonu için bir seri invertör mevcuttur. Elektrostatik epoksi boya. LED ışıklar. Kayış buluşmaları. Sessiz şalma. 12 litre Minimum %50 içerik. Otomatik ve manuel seçim. Temizlemesi kolay. Modlar taşınabilirdir. CE standardına uygun olarak erütimekedir. 1 yıl garanti. Aksesuarlar: Zamanlayıcı 15 saniye. 10 kilo Un kapasite Dilleksi renk taferlerinde
2 yıl garanti. GENİŞLETİLMİŞ BİR SERVİS AĞI MEVCUTTUR. MARKA HİÇ BU KADAR UYUMLU OLMADI Mütüşler sözteği aklımızın ön seralarında yer alımın. Ürünlerimiz tamamen orijinal ve yerli üretimdir. En iyi fiyat ve kaliteli hizmet önceliğimizdir. Tüm ürünlerde ücretsiz ve hızlı kargo imkanı sunuyoruz.
BİLGİ 0090541 8017150 WATSAPP VE WİBER
Ön ve arka çalışma alanında 4 adet acil stop butonunun yanında, yine makine ön ve arkasında ayak pedalı şeklinde diğer acil stop sistemleri de makine çalışma güvenliğini oldukça artırmaktadır. El ile müdahele edebilmenin haricinde ayak ile de acil durdurma opsiyonu özellikle Avrupa ülkelerinde istenmektedir. Bu acil stop’’ güvenlik sistemlerinden herhangi birisine basıldığında, makine silindirleri, hidrolik motor freni yardımıyla anında durup, aynı anda geri dönmeye başlar. İstendiğinde yine aynı anda silindir aralığı hızlıca geri açılmaya başlar, bu opsiyon otomatik hidrolik silindir açma sistemi olan makinelerimizde mevcuttur.
Hamur makinelerimizin silindir soğutma sistemi ‘’DRILLED’’ denilen yöntem ile, silindir yüzeyine yakın noktalara basınçlı su döngüsü ile sağlanmaktadır, ve bu bütün hamur makinesi modellerimiz için standart bir opsiyondur.
Daha detaylı teknik bilgi almak için lütfen şirketimiz ile irtibata geçiniz.
Visit: https://youtu.be/oaPR3BU1pNc
Habverő-dagasztó-keverő gép, asztali kivitel, 7,5 literes rozsdamentes acél üsttel és habverőkarral, alumínium krémkeverő és spirál dagasztókarral. Digitális programórával, három sebességfokozattal, vészkapcsolóval, festett acél gépházzal. Biztonsági védőtető az üst fölött elhelyezve. Dupla biztonsági kapcsoló az üst üzem közbeni mozgatása és vagy a védőtető eltávolítása esetére. Sebességfokozatok fordulatszámai 132/234/431 RPM. Mérete ellenére robosztus, nagy igénybevételre alkalmas kialakítás, biztonságos és megbízható hosszú élettartam. Versenytársaival összehasonlítva kiemelkedő minőség. Cukrászati, sütőipari, gyógyszertári felhasználásra alkalmas.
De Maxima Spiraalkneder / Deegkneder / Spiraalmixer 20 Liter is een professionele spiraalkneder. Deze spiraalkneder is een deegmenger met een zeer sterke motor. Dat is fijn, want zo wordt uw deeg op een gemakkelijke manier gemengd zodat u op een makkelijkere manier een overheerlijk brood kunt bakken.Met deze Maxima Spiraalkneder / Deegkneder / Spiraalmixer 20 Liter kunt u maximaal 8 kilogram meel en 13 kilogram brooddeeg verwerken. Gelukkig is deze spiraalkneder voorzien van een veiligheidsschakelaar die u een handje helpt bij het gebruik van dit keukenapparaat.
Snelheden spiraal: 110 & 240 RPM
Snelheden kuip: 10 & 20 RPM
Max. hoeveelheid meel: 8 kg
Max. hoeveelheid deeg: 13 kg (brooddeeg)
Min. hoeveelheid deeg: 6 kg
Using VOMM Turbo Kneader it is possible to prepare, automatically, any kind of dough for bakery and confectionary industries.
The dough is produced in few minutes in a continuous way, ready for the next processing step, allowing a constant production overtime, avoiding the lossing period of the traditional batch system.
Continuous VOMM Turbo Kneader is suitable for any dough with different rheological properties, according to the customer’s requirements.
The particular design of the plant permits a simple and efficient cleaning procedure at the end of the production cycle, achieving the highest hygienic standard using hot or cold washing with water and water detergent (CIP system). The high speed and the mechanical action of the turbine, optimizes the cleaning action of detergents and anti-bacteria products.
Pilot plant is available in VOMM R&D department in Rozzano.
Compact professional mixer from 1 to 35 kilos, 2 speeds, 2 automatic timers.
Ideal for pizza doughs.
Machine on wheels Contact us for more details: info@avbaking.it
Heavy duty single-pocket dough divider.
Funnel Capacity, 60 Kg
Dough cutting capacities 250 gr to 1000 gr
Piston Diameter 130 mm,60 kg dough capacity hopper
Dough cutting is done with vacuum system (cutting drum and suction piston)
Cutting capacity is from 1500 to 2000 pcs per hour
Easy speed and dough weight adjustment via handwheels
Closed circuit oiling system
(Vegetable oil puts inside the oil tank ( 2/3), this oil has to be changed once every 3 week)
Electric Power: 1.5 Kw., 380 V, 50 Hz.
Dimensions : 720*1350*1500 mm, Weight : 450 kg.
L'utilizzo della macchina professionale per la produzione della pasta fresca è a portata di tutti, fa tutto da sola; basta introdurre gli ingredienti ed in pochi minuti la pasta è pronta nei tipi e formati desiderati.
Dopo aver versato uova , farina e acqua nella vasca la macchina impasta automaticamente per 5 min.
circa, poi inizia la trafilazione.
La fattorina e ormai presente in molti ristoranti ,trattorie ,gastronomie ,agriturismi e abitazioni private .
Produce 8 Kg/h ed impasta 3 kg per volta. In dotazione: n° 4 trafile. (NO PASTA SFOGLIA)
La macchina per pasta garantisce la massima igiene poiché le parti a contatto con l'impasto, facilmente estraibili per la pulizia, sono costruite in acciaio inox.
Costruzione metallica, con movimenti su cuscinetti a sfere e lubrificazione a vita, praticamente esente da manutenzione.
Capacità vasca 3 kg
Produzione oraria Massimo 8 kg
Potenza assorbita 0,6 KW Monofase
Peso macchina 38 kg
Dimensioni 26x60x35 cm
Kleinmischer aus eigener Herstellung, optimal geeignet zur Herstellung von Kleinstmengen an Mischgut (z.B. in Laboren). Zwangsmischer für Betone aller gängigen Korngrößen, Mörtel etc.
Aufgrund seiner hohen Motorleistung ist der Mischer sehr gut geeignet für Selbstverdichtenden und Hochleistungsbeton in erdfeuchter Konsistenz.
Durch die Verwendung eines Rührwerkadapters bzw. weiterer Mischwerkzeuge bleibt der Eimermischer hinsichtlich seiner Einsatzgebiete sehr flexibel.
Aufgrund seiner leichten kompakten und transportablen Bauweise ideal geeignet für den Einsatz in Schule und Labor.
Main features
• Short mixing time
• Extremely high mixing quality
• Batches with repeatable and scalable results
• Mixing ratio 1/100.000
• Coefficient of variation (CV): ≤ 3 %
• Low maintenance
• Functional design for installation in R&D area
Techanical features
• Batch size: 1,4 / 3 / 7 / 20 liters (net)
• Cylindrical mixing chamber
• MIxing tools: ploughshare / ploughshare with toothed design / Mix Paddle / Mix Paddle with toothed design
• Material of costruction: AISI 304 / AISI 316 / AISI 316Ti
• Discharge door with round profile, building the bottom side of the mixing chamber
• Front side inspection door complete with safety electric lock
• Electric control panel with inverter for speed variation of the main rotor shaft
• Internal finishing with roughness Ra 0.5-0.8 µm
It is designed for easy and fast installation, economical shipping and high capacity operation. We have never designed anything we produce just to look good. It would be to misjudge an opportunity that has come our way. Instead, we reconsidered the concept of “Optimum Power Plant” and while designing a more efficient and more economical power plant, we did not forget the needs of our customers.
Capacity:1.0 m³
Motor power:1 x 37 kW
Automatic Lubrication System:LINCOLN (Germany)
Mixer and Scraper Arms:ST-52
Mixer and Scraper Arm Paddles:hardox
Side Wall Wears:10mm Hardox
Base Wear:15mm Hardox
Mit dem patentierten Bichsel-System kann Ihr Produkt gleichmäßig mit Dampf erhitzt werden.
Seine Gefäßgeometrie und der Dampfaufnahmeprozess ermöglichen es, das Gefäß mit mehr Material zu beladen, ohne seine Qualität zu beeinträchtigen. Dadurch können drei CEREX-Herde eine höhere Produktivität erzielen als vier oder mehr Herden herkömmlicher Bauart.
Volumen: 2700 Liter
Druck: bis zu 4,5 bar
Durchsatz: bis zu 500 kg / h
Druckgesteuert oder druck- / temperaturgesteuert
Prozessoptimierte Gefäßgeometrie
Deckel mit optimierter Innengeometrie zur Vermeidung von Totzonen
Verschiedene Misch- und Kochphasen können programmiert werden
Einfach zu säubern
Mit oder ohne Isolierung
Gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln wir das Ihren Vorstellungen entsprechende Nahrungsergänzungsmittel oder Süssstoff-Produkt.
Wir können zum Beispiel auch nur in einen Teil des Prozesses eingreifen:
Sie stellen uns die fertige Mischung zur Verfügung;
Sie beliefern uns bereits mit Ihren Tabletten oder Bonbons;
Wir liefern Ihnen die Tabletten oder das Pulver und Sie verpacken sie.
Wir setzen unsere Kompetenzen, Know-how und grosse Erfahrung ein, um eine breite Auswahl an Produkten herzustellen:
Tabletten in verschiedenen Formen, mit oder ohne Beschichtung
Verschiedene Arten von Pulvern
Dann wird die Verpackung nach Ihren Wünschen in Form von :
Für die Sekundärverpackung schließlich bieten wir Ihnen entweder Blisterkarten, Faltschachteln oder Pappkartons, alles zusammen gebündelt, bereit für die Befüllung der Ladenregale.